The reason Trump did what he did at the press conference with Putin

Trump's trip to Helsinki was a disaster.

Total. Disaster.

He confirmed what everyone has known since the beginning. He is Putin's bitch and way, way, WAY over his head.


Considering you could have wrote this post the day before the trip and believed it at that time, your objectivity on this matter is of course less than zero.
Trump's trip to Helsinki was a disaster.

Total. Disaster.

He confirmed what everyone has known since the beginning. He is Putin's bitch and way, way, WAY over his head.


The criticism is all the media's fault - Bet you'd never have guessed :)

Verified account 4 hours ago
While I had a great meeting with NATO, raising vast amounts of money, I had an even better meeting with Vladimir Putin of Russia. Sadly, it is not being reported that way - the Fake News is going Crazy!
That's it, keep living in your little agitprop bubble
That also does not make any sense. You are regurgitating the views of a tiny contingent of the planet. Clearly it is you who is fashioning a bubble for yourself.

I disagree with you considering your view to be majority... but even if....

Still not on point.

Generalizing and ignoring the fact that the intels chiefs are all Trumps own appointees who were confirmed by Republicans is also quite stupid.

The issue has never been about the chiefs, it's about the top level civil servants who are more often than not progressives at most, big government advocates at least, and through and through TDS sufferers.

Still not on point.

There is no evidence of impropriety by the FBI or the Mueller team. Your assertions that there are only highlight your own bias.

Rosenstein was appointed by Trump.
He read the indictment in it's entirety on national television. Trump threw him and the integrity of our entire govt and nation under the bus in full view of the world.

Two FBI agents fucking each other on the side passed tidbits about "la resistance" as if it was a joke.

Rosenstein thinks FBI first, country second, Trump 150th.

a communist, a KGB thug and Trump kissing their ass IS A JOKE.


Putin is what Putin is. The whole Trump being his puppet thing is the invention of your sides anger at losing the election, nothing more.

That's exactly right.

This latest outburst by the libs is just the final death throes in an investigation that found no collusion .
I’ve heard the lame assed defense…”We have tried to influence others elections…”

So if Russia nukes Dallas, does the right wing then go to, “Well, we dropped the A-bomb first” defense of Putin?
Had Obama done the same thing, the GOP would be demanding that we bomb Kenya.

O did and we cut a "deal" with Iran. He also went along with the CIA covertly overthrowing govts near Russia. Bush didn't even question false CIA intel, you know, that same CIA that can't start enough war. So now, we're just supposed to shut up and bow to a rogue state doj, CIA, and FBI?
With Putin standing to you, smiling? Yes.

No, you keep your enemies closer.
By tossing your own government under the bus?

A little too close for my tastes.
The FBI is not corrupt. Trump was wrong. He got taken to the cleaners by Putin.

Not all of the FBI is corrupt. The leadership at the top is.

How do you know this? Give the readers some details.

Mccabe, lying under oath, strzok lying about what he said in texts in order to cover up his bias, FBI's refusal to look at clinton emails after lynch stopped nypd from investigating, and on and on and on and on and on.

I understand, you are making claims on issues you've been told are true, but cannot offer probative evidence to support them. Hearsay is not admissible here, you have to do better.

Those are all fact. They did happen. I hate to ask but are you really that deep into fantasy land? I ask that in all honesty.

In all honesty, that was what framed my point. You have no idea, nor do I, what is the truth on Russia, the Election, Trump and the Mueller Investigation.

We will find out when Mr. Mueller concludes his work - if he is allowed to do so. The fact that the R's, Trump&Co. and their fellow travelers want to obstruct his investigation, does not play well. All it does is to create more wonder on who, what, when and how such a conspiracy evolved.
Had Obama done the same thing, the GOP would be demanding that we bomb Kenya.

O did and we cut a "deal" with Iran. He also went along with the CIA covertly overthrowing govts near Russia. Bush didn't even question false CIA intel, you know, that same CIA that can't start enough war. So now, we're just supposed to shut up and bow to a rogue state doj, CIA, and FBI?
With Putin standing to you, smiling? Yes.

No, you keep your enemies closer.
By tossing your own government under the bus?

A little too close for my tastes.

I saw him toss a rogue state within a lawful govt under the bus .
That's it, keep living in your little agitprop bubble
That also does not make any sense. You are regurgitating the views of a tiny contingent of the planet. Clearly it is you who is fashioning a bubble for yourself.

I disagree with you considering your view to be majority... but even if....

A nonsensical response, as it was you who first impied I was in a bubble. As I was not arguing that my view is true because it is held by more people, you are pulling your own taffy with your nonsensical response.

Did you look up those non Germans who run the private lending for deutsche bank, specifically in Moscow? You know, those non Germans that, until I corrected you, you were certain did not exist. You should look them up.
No, you keep your enemies closer
Yep, you invite them into the Oval Office and give them classified info. And gee, look at the amazing results.....

Clinton gave classified info through her private server. Next .

To whom did she provide classified information and what classified information did she provide? If you don't know this and do not answer I and other readers must conclude you are a liar.
Not all of the FBI is corrupt. The leadership at the top is.

How do you know this? Give the readers some details.

Mccabe, lying under oath, strzok lying about what he said in texts in order to cover up his bias, FBI's refusal to look at clinton emails after lynch stopped nypd from investigating, and on and on and on and on and on.

I understand, you are making claims on issues you've been told are true, but cannot offer probative evidence to support them. Hearsay is not admissible here, you have to do better.

Those are all fact. They did happen. I hate to ask but are you really that deep into fantasy land? I ask that in all honesty.

In all honesty, that was what framed my point. You have no idea, nor do I, what is the truth on Russia, the Election, Trump and the Mueller Investigation.

We will find out when Mr. Mueller concludes his work - if he is allowed to do so. The fact that the R's, Trump&Co. and their fellow travelers want to obstruct his investigation, does not play well. All it does is to create more wonder on who, what, when and how such a conspiracy evolved.

I'm good with this. Let the truth come out. I'm not seeing any obstruction though.
Try addressing my point rather than deflecting, loser.

Try seeing how stupid you are holding the FBI and CIA as infallible currently when decades ago (less for the CIA) they were held in contempt by the left.

the FBI for messing with the civil rights movement and the vietnam protests, and the CIA for meddling in the left's cherished commie governments in South and Central America.

Still not on point.

Generalizing and ignoring the fact that the intels chiefs are all Trumps own appointees who were confirmed by Republicans is also quite stupid.

The issue has never been about the chiefs, it's about the top level civil servants who are more often than not progressives at most, big government advocates at least, and through and through TDS sufferers.

Still not on point.

There is no evidence of impropriety by the FBI or the Mueller team. Your assertions that there are only highlight your own bias.

Rosenstein was appointed by Trump.
He read the indictment in it's entirety on national television. Trump threw him and the integrity of our entire govt and nation under the bus in full view of the world.

Two FBI agents fucking each other on the side passed tidbits about "la resistance" as if it was a joke.

Rosenstein thinks FBI first, country second, Trump 150th.

Personal opinions do not equate to professional bias.

Bias is an action. Not a thought.

There is no finding of professional bias.

Your bias is clear.
Trump's trip to Helsinki was a disaster.

Total. Disaster.

He confirmed what everyone has known since the beginning. He is Putin's bitch and way, way, WAY over his head.


He certainly succeeded in creating temper tantrums in far leftists.

Yet a other Trump win.
It takes a special kind of retard to declare Trump's traitorous behavior a win.

A very special kind of retard.
That's it, keep living in your little agitprop bubble
That also does not make any sense. You are regurgitating the views of a tiny contingent of the planet. Clearly it is you who is fashioning a bubble for yourself.

I disagree with you considering your view to be majority... but even if....

A nonsensical response, as it was you who first impied I was in a bubble. As I was not arguing that my view is true because it is held by more people, you are pulling your own taffy with your nonsensical response.

Did you look up those non Germans who run the private lending for deutsche bank, specifically in Moscow? You know, those non Germans that, until I corrected you, you were certain did not exist. You should look them up.

Blah blah blah, more of the same. Trump is in cahoots with X, the world is going to end. blah blah blah.
I’ve heard the lame assed defense…”We have tried to influence others elections…”

So if Russia nukes Dallas, does the right wing then go to, “Well, we dropped the A-bomb first” defense of Putin?
It's the Blame America First sickness from which pseudocons suffer. Last seen displayed by liberals in the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

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