The reason Trump did what he did at the press conference with Putin

It was a pretty loaded question, but that is not at all what the question said. It was a clear and unequivocal challenge to Trump to say the right thing, for once. Trump did not deliver.

He said what he said. You really think he would say anything that would make people who hate him happy?

And jeebus with the hyperbole. Being pissed at bureaucrats isn't shooting Uncle Sam in the head. Unless of course you are a progressive and think the government is your GOD.

And of course the FBI back under Hoover doesn't count, those guys were evul.

That was the real apology tour yesterday.

The more you post the less sense you make.

Especially when you don't want to hear it.
Is that your best?

It's what's required to respond to your blather. come up with something more tangible and you will get a more serious response.

It was tangible. You were just afraid to touch it.

Trump deferred to Putin over his own govt on global television.

The actual apology tour.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

We are (in real trouble). Yesterday Trump surrendered to Russia and Putin. Not only an embarrassment, but what many believe was treasonous. Coupled with tossing our intelligent services under the bus, as well as the PM of GB and NATO in the days before, yesterday was the day of infamy.

What will be the next shoe to drop? Each time he puts his foot in his mouth, he creates a distraction. What will it be this time?

He didn't surrender anything.

It's only treason in addled little minds like yours.

Wow, a pearl harbor comparison. Shame on you.

The only outrage is from idiots like you, the media, and some feckless republicans.

It changes nothing in reality.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

Trump was right. Our FBI is corrupt. He was more responsible yesterday than O was in 8 years .

Nothing better than a hack quoting a hack.

Peter Daou is a Democratic strategist [1] who has advised major political figures, including Hillary Clinton, Arlen Specter, and John Kerry

That certainly doesn't change the point, dope.[/QUOTE]

No, it just shows the best you can do is praise preaching to the choir.

Haaaaaaaccccckkkkk dooooooouuuuuccccchhhheeee.
Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

Trump was right. Our FBI is corrupt. He was more responsible yesterday than O was in 8 years .

View attachment 205486

Yeah, I'm going after the FBI agent who is biased and whoever is screwing with elections. O was meddling in Israel elections. I'm assuming you'd be going after O also?

Show us the official findings of bias, loser.

Lol, the texts, his testimony. You're clearly struggling.
Considering he has documented proof two agents at least joked about screwing with the election if it looked like he was going to win, why should he be nice to them?
That justifies what he did yesterday? With Putin standing there? Really?

So he was supposed to call another world leader a fucking liar while standing next to him?

What then? give him some noogies?
Do you really think that was his only choice, either throwing the American intelligence community under the bus or calling Putin a "fucking liar"? Just those two things?

He did what he did.

What bus?

He did something that isn't what you and the more deranged leftists think.

Or his own appointees and staff for that matter.

Yeah, all those leaks about the admin, anonymous leaks....
There has to be some explanation for why Trump tossed Putin's salad yesterday.
He's just playing to the base, at any cost. Unless a better explanation comes along, that's my bet.
It's a stunning and chilling thought that the American president is selling out America on a global stage for nothing more than to bolster the support and adoration of 30% of voters. The worst part is those 30% are absolutely fine with it. It's time for congress to act. There is no way the majority of America will tolerate this much further.

Yup, stunning, he should have sold them 20% of our uranium....dumbass.

No one did that, loser.

You mean, no one did that in the current administration.....dumbass.
No, I mean you're dumb as shit for believing anyone did that.
He's not the one who convinced them. That's talk radio. He's just following the playbook.

Yep, Rush turned us all into Putin loving nationalists....yep yep....sure did, uh huh you betcha! You two should hook up and become the Strzok/Paige couple of the month at USMB.
"President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."
And this equates to "Trump threw the intelligence community under the bus in favor of Putin". That is crazy indeed...
Once the intelligence community does its job and provides actual evidence, maybe someone will take you seriously.
Had Obama said the same thing, you'd be calling for his impeachment. At least.

I have never called for Obama's impeachment. And until there is some evidence, won't be doing so.

Trump only gave his description of the events, and this according to you is supposedly treason. Giving an expression of the facts is now treason...

That is crazy, which is why you left out the quote. Better pack it like "he did something so horrible that I can't even write it". Why not just stop the lying and be direct and honest.

Here is what Trump is guilty of:

Giving an honest assessment of the facts.
Won't be calling for Obama's impeachment? Well then....aren't YOU magnanimous.........:71:
He said what he said. You really think he would say anything that would make people who hate him happy?

And jeebus with the hyperbole. Being pissed at bureaucrats isn't shooting Uncle Sam in the head. Unless of course you are a progressive and think the government is your GOD.

And of course the FBI back under Hoover doesn't count, those guys were evul.

That was the real apology tour yesterday.

The more you post the less sense you make.

Especially when you don't want to hear it.
Is that your best?

It's what's required to respond to your blather. come up with something more tangible and you will get a more serious response.

It was tangible. You were just afraid to touch it.

Trump deferred to Putin over his own govt on global television.

The actual apology tour.

So Johnson should have just believed Hoover when he kept calling MLK a communist and a formentor of sedition?
There has to be some explanation for why Trump tossed Putin's salad yesterday.
He's just playing to the base, at any cost. Unless a better explanation comes along, that's my bet.
But the "base" would never have taken this ridiculous stance if he hadn't convinced them of the conspiracies, etc. and vilified the intelligence agencies and DOJ already. Trump's base had no love for Putin until Trump came along.

You know the hits keep coming. The DOJ and the FBI head honchos have been revealed to not just be anti Trump but actively working against the Trump campaign and then his administration.

They aren't conspiracy "theories".

They are reality.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

We are (in real trouble). Yesterday Trump surrendered to Russia and Putin. Not only an embarrassment, but what many believe was treasonous. Coupled with tossing our intelligent services under the bus, as well as the PM of GB and NATO in the days before, yesterday was the day of infamy.

What will be the next shoe to drop? Each time he puts his foot in his mouth, he creates a distraction. What will it be this time?

He didn't surrender anything.

It's only treason in addled little minds like yours.

Wow, a pearl harbor comparison. Shame on you.

The only outrage is from idiots like you, the media, and some feckless republicans.

It changes nothing in reality.


The Daily News went off the rails in November 2016. Equating government bureaucrats with "all americans" just shows what hack dipshit government stooges like you think of your own self importance.

You were a civil SERVANT, not some new nobility with more rights and privileges than the rest of us.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Ridiculous. To think that the President and his aides cannot understand the head FBI's investigator's meaning in his texts 'WE'LL STOP HIM" and more but are only relying on radio talk show hosts is a prime example of fucking triggered Mac1958.

Blaming all of this on Haniity/Levin/Limbaugh and listeners is insane.

What do you believe "we'll stop him" means? What I think it meant, is rational, thinking and educated people will not vote for him. And, that seems to be what happened.
He's just playing to the base, at any cost. Unless a better explanation comes along, that's my bet.
It's a stunning and chilling thought that the American president is selling out America on a global stage for nothing more than to bolster the support and adoration of 30% of voters. The worst part is those 30% are absolutely fine with it. It's time for congress to act. There is no way the majority of America will tolerate this much further.

Yup, stunning, he should have sold them 20% of our uranium....dumbass.

No one did that, loser.

You mean, no one did that in the current administration.....dumbass.
No, I mean you're dumb as shit for believing anyone did that.

No kidding, you may want to check out the link in post #140.
There has to be some explanation for why Trump tossed Putin's salad yesterday.
He's just playing to the base, at any cost. Unless a better explanation comes along, that's my bet.
It's a stunning and chilling thought that the American president is selling out America on a global stage for nothing more than to bolster the support and adoration of 30% of voters. The worst part is those 30% are absolutely fine with it. It's time for congress to act. There is no way the majority of America will tolerate this much further.

Yup, stunning, he should have sold them 20% of our uranium....dumbass.

No one did that, loser.
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Sure, loser.

Meanwhile back on the topic.........
Explain to us how he is "playing to his base" through Limbaugh or Hannity.
He is fucking attacked every day and the government (deep state) has proven to be utterly fucking corrupt.
Um, your post.

That's precisely what talk radio says, every single day. I do listen.
I did not ask you what the fuck the radio says. I asked if it is true!

I will be waiting for that loooong list of racist actions and rhetoric from you. The had to call it dog whistles. Meaning, making America great again means bringing back slavery. Of course that is what it meant.

He is compared to hitler every fucking day.

I also cannot tell if you peaceniks are calling for WWIII with Russia.

You all still pissed saddam is dead? What was that about you all being against murderous dictators?


Why would I have this distinct impression you peacenik hypocrites would be crying WARMONGER if he was not making peace?

Back to the loooong list of racist stuff. Thanks.

Btw, give us your thoughts on identity politics. Thanks.
Holy crap. He was playing to his base yesterday. Foolishly, dangerously, feebly.

The rest of your long deflection has nothing to do with that.
I did not deflect shit you arrogant asshole. I asked if it was true you fuck.

You denying he is attacked every fucking day?!


Fuck you. Is that a fucking deflection? Now answer my fucking questions.

Oh thats right. You cannot.
I can understand your shrill desperation. Things are looking really bad for the fake president right now. On the one side he's being called a traitor....on the other side, the pee-pee tape might be released.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

We are (in real trouble). Yesterday Trump surrendered to Russia and Putin. Not only an embarrassment, but what many believe was treasonous. Coupled with tossing our intelligent services under the bus, as well as the PM of GB and NATO in the days before, yesterday was the day of infamy.

What will be the next shoe to drop? Each time he puts his foot in his mouth, he creates a distraction. What will it be this time?

He didn't surrender anything.

It's only treason in addled little minds like yours.

Wow, a pearl harbor comparison. Shame on you.

The only outrage is from idiots like you, the media, and some feckless republicans.

It changes nothing in reality.


Lol. Going to the Daily News about Trump is like going to Pravda about anything non-communist.

They went off the rails 2 years ago and haven't gone back.

I replied to this crap in your other post of it, you cheap dime store hack.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

We are (in real trouble). Yesterday Trump surrendered to Russia and Putin. Not only an embarrassment, but what many believe was treasonous. Coupled with tossing our intelligent services under the bus, as well as the PM of GB and NATO in the days before, yesterday was the day of infamy.

What will be the next shoe to drop? Each time he puts his foot in his mouth, he creates a distraction. What will it be this time?

No, we were in real trouble when O was placating our enemies. You'll never understand that because you are a partisan hack.


A liberal op ed rag hack piece. This is how confused libs are, thinking Trump supports enemies. Here's one for you:. "Hey tell Vlad I'll have flexibility after I win......

Of course you dismissed Os desperate love for our enemies and the hate he had for this country through his inept policies.
The funniest thing about is that no one is paying attention to what ACTUALLY took place.

Because of Trump the intelligence got FULL access to interview the supposed meddlers.

It's like all they care about is words rather than results.
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

Trump was right. Our FBI is corrupt. He was more responsible yesterday than O was in 8 years .

Nothing better than a hack quoting a hack.

Peter Daou is a Democratic strategist [1] who has advised major political figures, including Hillary Clinton, Arlen Specter, and John Kerry

That certainly doesn't change the point, dope.

No, it just shows the best you can do is praise preaching to the choir.

Haaaaaaaccccckkkkk dooooooouuuuuccccchhhheeee.[/QUOTE]

It shows your betrayal of America in stark contrast.
Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

We are (in real trouble). Yesterday Trump surrendered to Russia and Putin. Not only an embarrassment, but what many believe was treasonous. Coupled with tossing our intelligent services under the bus, as well as the PM of GB and NATO in the days before, yesterday was the day of infamy.

What will be the next shoe to drop? Each time he puts his foot in his mouth, he creates a distraction. What will it be this time?

He didn't surrender anything.

It's only treason in addled little minds like yours.

Wow, a pearl harbor comparison. Shame on you.

The only outrage is from idiots like you, the media, and some feckless republicans.

It changes nothing in reality.


Lol. Going to the Daily News about Trump is like going to Pravda about anything non-communist.

They went off the rails 2 years ago and haven't gone back.

I replied to this crap in your other post of it, you cheap dime store hack.

This is the best that they have. You have to almost pity them.

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