The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

there are millions of "people of faith" on the political left.

they're the ones smart enough to understand where to draw that constitutional line with religion.

Exactly .... At one time I counted about 38 Pro-Life Dems in Congress. So why is it that you folks feel so free to constantly MOCK and abuse people of faith? Are those "smart ones" so partisan as to ignore the slights? OR are the social issues of abortion and other things you frame as "religious issues" more secular that you just want to admit? Do you realize how central religion is to "YOUR" minorities of blacks and hispanics? You know --- the ones you think you OWN...
ZZzzzz wake me up when the rwnj echo chamber comes up with an example of legislation tolerated differently.

Not really a matter of legislation.. It's a matter of persecution vs accommodation that goes on DAILY in America. Christian kids have to file lawsuits against school districts to get their right back to read Bible in schools, while Muslims are given special accommodations to meet their prayer reqs. THAT sort of thing.

OR -- IGNORING the plight of MEast Christian REFUGEES who are experiencing a general GENOCIDE in the war areas -- while pleading with the citizens to "trust them" on full flood of Muslim refugees from the "hot zones"..

Then don't mock atheists.
there are millions of "people of faith" on the political left.

they're the ones smart enough to understand where to draw that constitutional line with religion.

Exactly .... At one time I counted about 38 Pro-Life Dems in Congress. So why is it that you folks feel so free to constantly MOCK and abuse people of faith? Are those "smart ones" so partisan as to ignore the slights? OR are the social issues of abortion and other things you frame as "religious issues" more secular that you just want to admit? Do you realize how central religion is to "YOUR" minorities of blacks and hispanics? You know --- the ones you think you OWN...
You get more partisan by the minute. Bunch of rwnj talking point nonsense.
ZZzzzz wake me up when the rwnj echo chamber comes up with an example of legislation tolerated differently.

Not really a matter of legislation.. It's a matter of persecution vs accommodation that goes on DAILY in America. Christian kids have to file lawsuits against school districts to get their right back to read Bible in schools, while Muslims are given special accommodations to meet their prayer reqs. THAT sort of thing.

OR -- IGNORING the plight of MEast Christian REFUGEES who are experiencing a general GENOCIDE in the war areas -- while pleading with the citizens to "trust them" on full flood of Muslim refugees from the "hot zones"..

Then don't mock atheists.

Got a universal policy here NYC -- I only mock aggressive mockers. I'm 100% consistent on that.
An Unholy Alliance. That's the Left's relationship with Islam. They had enough in common to form a strong alliance. The main thing in common, is that they both despise Christianity and Israel. That's solidified the close relationship with the Left in Western Europe especially. Antisemitism has always been rampant in Europe. Most in Europe, especially the Left, truly wanna see Israel go.

And then came the rise of the Left's bitter hatred of Christians. They've now just about destroyed the Church in Europe. This alliance has ultimately led to the Left's destruction of Immigration Systems all across Western Europe. It's no coincidence Muslims now have such a foothold there. However, the Left may be regretting this alliance. Islam is by far the least tolerant of the major religions. In comparison, Christianity and Judaism are very tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behaviors. That's the sad and strange irony of this alliance. They're not seeing the outcome they envisioned with it.

Don't forget the academic alliance between the Israel haters and various Arab/Muslim causes. It's fashionable to be down with Hamas and Hesbollah and the Mullahs in Iran..

Yeah, i think much of the alliance's origins came from the Israel/Palestinian conflict. Europe has a long history of Antisemitism. And the Left especially, latched onto the Palestinian cause. It later morphed into an alliance against Christians as well. The Left has just about destroyed the Church in Europe. The Churches now sit empty, while the Mosques are filled to capacity.

But i think the Left's beginning to regret their alliance. Islam isn't tolerant of most of their values and behaviors. And Islam isn't like Christianity and Judaism. It will enforce it's moral laws with brute force. It won't compromise. It won't go away quietly like Christianity and Judaism have in Europe. Its teachings won't allow that. I see much darker days ahead for Western Europe. I just hope & pray we stop the American Left from forcing the U.S. down that same destructive path.

I agree with just about everything you wrote except the part of regretting the alliance.

If this thread is any indication, it appears they are digging in their heels and doubling down.

Yeah, it's sad. Some are digging in. They won't accept responsibility for destroying the Immigration Systems in Western Europe. They're still pathetically boasting about 'Multiculturalism' and so on. But i do think some are regretting the alliance. Islam will not go away quietly like Christianity and Judaism have. Muslims will fight to the death to enforce their laws.

And let's face it, most Western Europeans have become very soft. Most don't have the will or backbone to stand up. That's why i say there are much darker days ahead for Western Europe. So let's not allow our Left to take us down that same destructive path.
there are millions of "people of faith" on the political left.

they're the ones smart enough to understand where to draw that constitutional line with religion.

Exactly .... At one time I counted about 38 Pro-Life Dems in Congress. So why is it that you folks feel so free to constantly MOCK and abuse people of faith? Are those "smart ones" so partisan as to ignore the slights? OR are the social issues of abortion and other things you frame as "religious issues" more secular that you just want to admit? Do you realize how central religion is to "YOUR" minorities of blacks and hispanics? You know --- the ones you think you OWN...
You get more partisan by the minute. Bunch of rwnj talking point nonsense.

'Cept -- I'm certainly not right-wing. Will out-Liberal you on MANY issues. I haven't been a partisan since I left Grad School. Worked for 3rd party ballot and process all my life. Even conferred personally with many Commie Green Party members to get this done.

It's just REMARKABLE how clear the air is from my perspective. You should try it..
there are millions of "people of faith" on the political left.

they're the ones smart enough to understand where to draw that constitutional line with religion.

Exactly .... At one time I counted about 38 Pro-Life Dems in Congress. So why is it that you folks feel so free to constantly MOCK and abuse people of faith? Are those "smart ones" so partisan as to ignore the slights? OR are the social issues of abortion and other things you frame as "religious issues" more secular that you just want to admit? Do you realize how central religion is to "YOUR" minorities of blacks and hispanics? You know --- the ones you think you OWN...
You get more partisan by the minute. Bunch of rwnj talking point nonsense.

'Cept -- I'm certainly not right-wing. Will out-Liberal you on MANY issues. I haven't been a partisan since I left Grad School. Worked for 3rd party ballot and process all my life. Even conferred personally with many Commie Green Party members to get this done.

It's just REMARKABLE how clear the air is from my perspective. You should try it..
I don't care if you used to be Bernie Sanders. All you do is regurgitate RWNJ talking points.
I don't see the left as making "special" accommodations for Islam. In my opinion, and I'm a leftist, it's about equal treatment of all religions. This thread is not set to have any sort real discussion on this, it's set up to bash.

Christianity is the dominant religion here and the dominant religious influence on our culture. That's a given with 70% of Americans identifying with that faith. Islam comprises 0.8%. Given that, we are much more likely to encounter efforts by Christians to assert their religious values on us. We have a raft of "religious freedom" bills attempting to legalize discrimmination based on religious values - Christian religious values. We had a similar raft of legislation banning Sharia in our courts (a perfect example of a solution in search of a problem).

When you say leftists are less tolerant of Christianity than other religions, a big part of that is it effects more than other faiths. Where I DO see issues with the left is when they they attack every thing Christian under the guise of separation of church and state. Who CARES if there is a public manger scene at CHRISTMAS? It's stuff like this that shows up the intolerance of the left.

There is a legal term called "REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION" in regards to religion. This means that an entity should strive to make reasonable attempts to accommodate the religious needs of its people. If a school child wants to quietly pray he should be able to, if he needs time off for a particular holiday, there should be a way of accommodating it. ACLU has supported numerous cases on behalf of religion, and Christianity in particular, supporting these rights.

Where does that leave Islam in the United States? Unlike Christianity, the favored target of the "Regressive Left", we have the "Regressive Right" going after every attempt at REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE as if ANY accommodation is a step too far. If a Muslim woman seeks accommodation to wear a hijab at work, it is labeled Creeping Sharia, if it's a Christian wanting to bring a bible to school, it is religious freedom.

We need to be able to accommodate all of our religions with the same level of respect but regressive on either side oppose that.
I don't see the left as making "special" accommodations for Islam. In my opinion, and I'm a leftist, it's about equal treatment of all religions. This thread is not set to have any sort real discussion on this, it's set up to bash.

Christianity is the dominant religion here and the dominant religious influence on our culture. That's a given with 70% of Americans identifying with that faith. Islam comprises 0.8%. Given that, we are much more likely to encounter efforts by Christians to assert their religious values on us. We have a raft of "religious freedom" bills attempting to legalize discrimmination based on religious values - Christian religious values. We had a similar raft of legislation banning Sharia in our courts (a perfect example of a solution in search of a problem).

When you say leftists are less tolerant of Christianity than other religions, a big part of that is it effects more than other faiths. Where I DO see issues with the left is when they they attack every thing Christian under the guise of separation of church and state. Who CARES if there is a public manger scene at CHRISTMAS? It's stuff like this that shows up the intolerance of the left.

There is a legal term called "REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION" in regards to religion. This means that an entity should strive to make reasonable attempts to accommodate the religious needs of its people. If a school child wants to quietly pray he should be able to, if he needs time off for a particular holiday, there should be a way of accommodating it. ACLU has supported numerous cases on behalf of religion, and Christianity in particular, supporting these rights.

Where does that leave Islam in the United States? Unlike Christianity, the favored target of the "Regressive Left", we have the "Regressive Right" going after every attempt at REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE as if ANY accommodation is a step too far. If a Muslim woman seeks accommodation to wear a hijab at work, it is labeled Creeping Sharia, if it's a Christian wanting to bring a bible to school, it is religious freedom.

We need to be able to accommodate all of our religions with the same level of respect but regressive on either side oppose that.

You need to spread that message broadly. .ESPECIALLY to your fellow partisans. Lay the fuck off prayers on the playing field after school hours and chasing kids with Bibles while MY KID has a "Live Like a Muslim" day at school.

I'd be PROUD of my kid participating in something like WITHOUT the obvious hypocrisy that pisses me off. But it's transparently INDOCTRINATION when it is applied selectively "for fairness" in order to hobble MAJORITY beliefs.
there are millions of "people of faith" on the political left.

they're the ones smart enough to understand where to draw that constitutional line with religion.

Exactly .... At one time I counted about 38 Pro-Life Dems in Congress. So why is it that you folks feel so free to constantly MOCK and abuse people of faith? Are those "smart ones" so partisan as to ignore the slights? OR are the social issues of abortion and other things you frame as "religious issues" more secular that you just want to admit? Do you realize how central religion is to "YOUR" minorities of blacks and hispanics? You know --- the ones you think you OWN...
You get more partisan by the minute. Bunch of rwnj talking point nonsense.

'Cept -- I'm certainly not right-wing. Will out-Liberal you on MANY issues. I haven't been a partisan since I left Grad School. Worked for 3rd party ballot and process all my life. Even conferred personally with many Commie Green Party members to get this done.

It's just REMARKABLE how clear the air is from my perspective. You should try it..

Don't tell fancy yourself to be a real liberal on some issues.....right? are the kind of liberal who will approve of a ban on Muslims. Right?

I have never been a member of any political party. I support efforts to change our shitty debate rules. I find it funny when others accuse me of being some kind of blind partisan. What I do is vote for the person who I think will do the best job. Its very simple.
Exactly .... At one time I counted about 38 Pro-Life Dems in Congress. So why is it that you folks feel so free to constantly MOCK and abuse people of faith? Are those "smart ones" so partisan as to ignore the slights? OR are the social issues of abortion and other things you frame as "religious issues" more secular that you just want to admit? Do you realize how central religion is to "YOUR" minorities of blacks and hispanics? You know --- the ones you think you OWN...

where have i ever mocked anyone over their faith? i am a person of faith, liar.

the rest of your post is nonsense...a fabricated conflation of issues to suit your bias, just like the op.
I don't see the left as making "special" accommodations for Islam. In my opinion, and I'm a leftist, it's about equal treatment of all religions. This thread is not set to have any sort real discussion on this, it's set up to bash.

Christianity is the dominant religion here and the dominant religious influence on our culture. That's a given with 70% of Americans identifying with that faith. Islam comprises 0.8%. Given that, we are much more likely to encounter efforts by Christians to assert their religious values on us. We have a raft of "religious freedom" bills attempting to legalize discrimmination based on religious values - Christian religious values. We had a similar raft of legislation banning Sharia in our courts (a perfect example of a solution in search of a problem).

When you say leftists are less tolerant of Christianity than other religions, a big part of that is it effects more than other faiths. Where I DO see issues with the left is when they they attack every thing Christian under the guise of separation of church and state. Who CARES if there is a public manger scene at CHRISTMAS? It's stuff like this that shows up the intolerance of the left.

There is a legal term called "REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION" in regards to religion. This means that an entity should strive to make reasonable attempts to accommodate the religious needs of its people. If a school child wants to quietly pray he should be able to, if he needs time off for a particular holiday, there should be a way of accommodating it. ACLU has supported numerous cases on behalf of religion, and Christianity in particular, supporting these rights.

Where does that leave Islam in the United States? Unlike Christianity, the favored target of the "Regressive Left", we have the "Regressive Right" going after every attempt at REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE as if ANY accommodation is a step too far. If a Muslim woman seeks accommodation to wear a hijab at work, it is labeled Creeping Sharia, if it's a Christian wanting to bring a bible to school, it is religious freedom.

We need to be able to accommodate all of our religions with the same level of respect but regressive on either side oppose that.

You need to spread that message broadly. .ESPECIALLY to your fellow partisans. Lay the fuck off prayers on the playing field after school hours and chasing kids with Bibles while MY KID has a "Live Like a Muslim" day at school.

I'd be PROUD of my kid participating in something like WITHOUT the obvious hypocrisy that pisses me off. But it's transparently INDOCTRINATION when it is applied selectively "for fairness" in order to hobble MAJORITY beliefs.

My son and daughter both joined the Christian prayer circles after games in HS. Why? Because they didn't want to stick out and get unwanted attention. The coaches led the fucking things.....and I think that's bullshit. me a coach leading a Muslim prayer and essentially forcing kids to join....and I'll show you a fucking riot in then stands.
Exactly .... At one time I counted about 38 Pro-Life Dems in Congress. So why is it that you folks feel so free to constantly MOCK and abuse people of faith? Are those "smart ones" so partisan as to ignore the slights? OR are the social issues of abortion and other things you frame as "religious issues" more secular that you just want to admit? Do you realize how central religion is to "YOUR" minorities of blacks and hispanics? You know --- the ones you think you OWN...

where have i ever mocked anyone over their faith? i am a person of faith, liar.

the rest of your post is nonsense...a fabricated conflation of issues to suit your bias, just like the op.

I mock people of faith. All of them. Especially when they try to mess with people. Some of the brightest people I know are people of faith. That doesn't mean that the dumb ones can't be mocked.

Edit for clarity: "All of them" above refers to all faiths....not all people of faith.
Last edited:
there are millions of "people of faith" on the political left.

they're the ones smart enough to understand where to draw that constitutional line with religion.

Exactly .... At one time I counted about 38 Pro-Life Dems in Congress. So why is it that you folks feel so free to constantly MOCK and abuse people of faith? Are those "smart ones" so partisan as to ignore the slights? OR are the social issues of abortion and other things you frame as "religious issues" more secular that you just want to admit? Do you realize how central religion is to "YOUR" minorities of blacks and hispanics? You know --- the ones you think you OWN...
You get more partisan by the minute. Bunch of rwnj talking point nonsense.

'Cept -- I'm certainly not right-wing. Will out-Liberal you on MANY issues. I haven't been a partisan since I left Grad School. Worked for 3rd party ballot and process all my life. Even conferred personally with many Commie Green Party members to get this done.

It's just REMARKABLE how clear the air is from my perspective. You should try it..
I don't care if you used to be Bernie Sanders. All you do is regurgitate RWNJ talking points.

Bernie is ABSOLUTELY right on half of his agenda. Now if he only knew a damn thing about economics or Capitalism or the Constitution -- we'd DRAFT him for the Libertarian slot on the ballot.

Believe me -- I read and listen to it ALL. On Islamophobia in particularly -- I'm pretty much immune except for the SECURITY aspects that are being ignored. It's Arab culture I despise. Not Islam.. Which is fresh view of the problem that raving partisans on BOTH sides of this discussion (this thread in particular) --- just never got THEIR talking for..

When you're not a fan-boi of either dysfunctional political tribe -- you scratch your head constantly wondering when the rationalization and the finger-pointing will EVER stop. Because folks can't THINK for THEMSELVES with all those "talking points" they are main-lining..
there are millions of "people of faith" on the political left.

they're the ones smart enough to understand where to draw that constitutional line with religion.

Exactly .... At one time I counted about 38 Pro-Life Dems in Congress. So why is it that you folks feel so free to constantly MOCK and abuse people of faith? Are those "smart ones" so partisan as to ignore the slights? OR are the social issues of abortion and other things you frame as "religious issues" more secular that you just want to admit? Do you realize how central religion is to "YOUR" minorities of blacks and hispanics? You know --- the ones you think you OWN...
You get more partisan by the minute. Bunch of rwnj talking point nonsense.

'Cept -- I'm certainly not right-wing. Will out-Liberal you on MANY issues. I haven't been a partisan since I left Grad School. Worked for 3rd party ballot and process all my life. Even conferred personally with many Commie Green Party members to get this done.

It's just REMARKABLE how clear the air is from my perspective. You should try it..
I don't care if you used to be Bernie Sanders. All you do is regurgitate RWNJ talking points.

Bernie is ABSOLUTELY right on half of his agenda. Now if he only knew a damn thing about economics or Capitalism or the Constitution -- we'd DRAFT him for the Libertarian slot on the ballot.

Believe me -- I read and listen to it ALL. On Islamophobia in particularly -- I'm pretty much immune except for the SECURITY aspects that are being ignored. It's Arab culture I despise. Not Islam.. Which is fresh view of the problem that raving partisans on BOTH sides of this discussion (this thread in particular) --- just never got THEIR talking for..

When you're not a fan-boi of either dysfunctional political tribe -- you scratch your head constantly wondering when the rationalization and the finger-pointing will EVER stop. Because folks can't THINK for THEMSELVES with all those "talking points" they are main-lining..
With the logic of the OP, you support terrorism. Pity.
ZZzzzz wake me up when the rwnj echo chamber comes up with an example of legislation tolerated differently.

Not really a matter of legislation.. It's a matter of persecution vs accommodation that goes on DAILY in America. Christian kids have to file lawsuits against school districts to get their right back to read Bible in schools, while Muslims are given special accommodations to meet their prayer reqs. THAT sort of thing.

OR -- IGNORING the plight of MEast Christian REFUGEES who are experiencing a general GENOCIDE in the war areas -- while pleading with the citizens to "trust them" on full flood of Muslim refugees from the "hot zones"..

Part of the problem is this..Muslims who are given "special accommodations" also have to file lawsuits to get them.

I don't think people are ignoring the plight of Christian refugees so much as as saying we shouldn't use a religious test for admitting refugees. ISIS is killing EVERYONE, that should not be ignored because some don't like muslims or Christians.

We need to find ways to help them all while maintaining our own security.
I don't see the left as making "special" accommodations for Islam. In my opinion, and I'm a leftist, it's about equal treatment of all religions. This thread is not set to have any sort real discussion on this, it's set up to bash.

Christianity is the dominant religion here and the dominant religious influence on our culture. That's a given with 70% of Americans identifying with that faith. Islam comprises 0.8%. Given that, we are much more likely to encounter efforts by Christians to assert their religious values on us. We have a raft of "religious freedom" bills attempting to legalize discrimmination based on religious values - Christian religious values. We had a similar raft of legislation banning Sharia in our courts (a perfect example of a solution in search of a problem).

When you say leftists are less tolerant of Christianity than other religions, a big part of that is it effects more than other faiths. Where I DO see issues with the left is when they they attack every thing Christian under the guise of separation of church and state. Who CARES if there is a public manger scene at CHRISTMAS? It's stuff like this that shows up the intolerance of the left.

There is a legal term called "REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION" in regards to religion. This means that an entity should strive to make reasonable attempts to accommodate the religious needs of its people. If a school child wants to quietly pray he should be able to, if he needs time off for a particular holiday, there should be a way of accommodating it. ACLU has supported numerous cases on behalf of religion, and Christianity in particular, supporting these rights.

Where does that leave Islam in the United States? Unlike Christianity, the favored target of the "Regressive Left", we have the "Regressive Right" going after every attempt at REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE as if ANY accommodation is a step too far. If a Muslim woman seeks accommodation to wear a hijab at work, it is labeled Creeping Sharia, if it's a Christian wanting to bring a bible to school, it is religious freedom.

We need to be able to accommodate all of our religions with the same level of respect but regressive on either side oppose that.

You need to spread that message broadly. .ESPECIALLY to your fellow partisans. Lay the fuck off prayers on the playing field after school hours and chasing kids with Bibles while MY KID has a "Live Like a Muslim" day at school.

I'd be PROUD of my kid participating in something like WITHOUT the obvious hypocrisy that pisses me off. But it's transparently INDOCTRINATION when it is applied selectively "for fairness" in order to hobble MAJORITY beliefs.

My son and daughter both joined the Christian prayer circles after games in HS. Why? Because they didn't want to stick out and get unwanted attention. The coaches led the fucking things.....and I think that's bullshit. me a coach leading a Muslim prayer and essentially forcing kids to join....and I'll show you a fucking riot in then stands.

I was only JEWISH kid in 99.9% Catholic public school. I sat in an EMPTY CLASS on Fridays when this public school system released everyone ELSE to Catachism Class for the entire Freaking day. Did I feel slighted? Hell no... Reason why I whizzed thru 3 decades in academia. Teachers would go out of their way to make me the "expert witness" on Judaism. Which is a very dangerous practice to promote an 8 yr old to religious expert for the "education" of the Goyim..

There is no room for TOLERANCE anymore.. And TOLERANCE is the very basis for liberty. .
Coaches present for after game prayer is an EXCUSE to ban the practice. Because no one wants the obvious hot head lawsuits. Why don't first go fire the "CHAPLAIN Office" of the House/Senate and leave the kids alone..
I don't see the left as making "special" accommodations for Islam. In my opinion, and I'm a leftist, it's about equal treatment of all religions. This thread is not set to have any sort real discussion on this, it's set up to bash.

Christianity is the dominant religion here and the dominant religious influence on our culture. That's a given with 70% of Americans identifying with that faith. Islam comprises 0.8%. Given that, we are much more likely to encounter efforts by Christians to assert their religious values on us. We have a raft of "religious freedom" bills attempting to legalize discrimmination based on religious values - Christian religious values. We had a similar raft of legislation banning Sharia in our courts (a perfect example of a solution in search of a problem).

When you say leftists are less tolerant of Christianity than other religions, a big part of that is it effects more than other faiths. Where I DO see issues with the left is when they they attack every thing Christian under the guise of separation of church and state. Who CARES if there is a public manger scene at CHRISTMAS? It's stuff like this that shows up the intolerance of the left.

There is a legal term called "REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION" in regards to religion. This means that an entity should strive to make reasonable attempts to accommodate the religious needs of its people. If a school child wants to quietly pray he should be able to, if he needs time off for a particular holiday, there should be a way of accommodating it. ACLU has supported numerous cases on behalf of religion, and Christianity in particular, supporting these rights.

Where does that leave Islam in the United States? Unlike Christianity, the favored target of the "Regressive Left", we have the "Regressive Right" going after every attempt at REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE as if ANY accommodation is a step too far. If a Muslim woman seeks accommodation to wear a hijab at work, it is labeled Creeping Sharia, if it's a Christian wanting to bring a bible to school, it is religious freedom.

We need to be able to accommodate all of our religions with the same level of respect but regressive on either side oppose that.

You need to spread that message broadly. .ESPECIALLY to your fellow partisans. Lay the fuck off prayers on the playing field after school hours and chasing kids with Bibles while MY KID has a "Live Like a Muslim" day at school.

I'd be PROUD of my kid participating in something like WITHOUT the obvious hypocrisy that pisses me off. But it's transparently INDOCTRINATION when it is applied selectively "for fairness" in order to hobble MAJORITY beliefs.

My son and daughter both joined the Christian prayer circles after games in HS. Why? Because they didn't want to stick out and get unwanted attention. The coaches led the fucking things.....and I think that's bullshit. me a coach leading a Muslim prayer and essentially forcing kids to join....and I'll show you a fucking riot in then stands.

I was only JEWISH kid in 99.9% Catholic public school. I sat in an EMPTY CLASS on Fridays when this public school system released everyone ELSE to Catachism Class for the entire Freaking day. Did I feel slighted? Hell no... Reason why I whizzed thru 3 decades in academia. Teachers would go out of their way to make me the "expert witness" on Judaism. Which is a very dangerous practice to promote an 8 yr old to religious expert for the "education" of the Goyim..

There is no room for TOLERANCE anymore.. And TOLERANCE is the very basis for liberty. .
Coaches present for after game prayer is an EXCUSE to ban the practice. Because no one wants the obvious hot head lawsuits. Why don't first go fire the "CHAPLAIN Office" of the House/Senate and leave the kids alone..

Gotta agree with the tolerance stuff, there is a tendency to treat religious tolerance as some sort of battle OMG there is a manger scene on public property - MUST SUE or the war will be lost.

That is a big difference from when I was growing up ... we sang Christmas carols in school, and had a tree.

I have to agree there has been an erosion of tolerance in the name of "securing" religious free zones" and that is not a good thing imo.
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there are millions of "people of faith" on the political left.

they're the ones smart enough to understand where to draw that constitutional line with religion.

Exactly .... At one time I counted about 38 Pro-Life Dems in Congress. So why is it that you folks feel so free to constantly MOCK and abuse people of faith? Are those "smart ones" so partisan as to ignore the slights? OR are the social issues of abortion and other things you frame as "religious issues" more secular that you just want to admit? Do you realize how central religion is to "YOUR" minorities of blacks and hispanics? You know --- the ones you think you OWN...
You get more partisan by the minute. Bunch of rwnj talking point nonsense.

'Cept -- I'm certainly not right-wing. Will out-Liberal you on MANY issues. I haven't been a partisan since I left Grad School. Worked for 3rd party ballot and process all my life. Even conferred personally with many Commie Green Party members to get this done.

It's just REMARKABLE how clear the air is from my perspective. You should try it..

Don't tell fancy yourself to be a real liberal on some issues.....right? are the kind of liberal who will approve of a ban on Muslims. Right?

I have never been a member of any political party. I support efforts to change our shitty debate rules. I find it funny when others accuse me of being some kind of blind partisan. What I do is vote for the person who I think will do the best job. Its very simple.

If you've read what I wrote -- you wouldn't be pulling "you support a ban on Muslims" card or the Ravi -- "you support terrorism" card.. It's sad really..

The OP was extremely well phrased for a vigorous discussion. I don't agree with the broad brush on Islam. But the OP was smart enough to PREDICT that folks would talk past each other and fart out deflections like the ones just pointed in my direction. No basis for those wild accusations based on what I've said in this thread.
there are millions of "people of faith" on the political left.

they're the ones smart enough to understand where to draw that constitutional line with religion.

Exactly .... At one time I counted about 38 Pro-Life Dems in Congress. So why is it that you folks feel so free to constantly MOCK and abuse people of faith? Are those "smart ones" so partisan as to ignore the slights? OR are the social issues of abortion and other things you frame as "religious issues" more secular that you just want to admit? Do you realize how central religion is to "YOUR" minorities of blacks and hispanics? You know --- the ones you think you OWN...
You get more partisan by the minute. Bunch of rwnj talking point nonsense.

'Cept -- I'm certainly not right-wing. Will out-Liberal you on MANY issues. I haven't been a partisan since I left Grad School. Worked for 3rd party ballot and process all my life. Even conferred personally with many Commie Green Party members to get this done.

It's just REMARKABLE how clear the air is from my perspective. You should try it..

Don't tell fancy yourself to be a real liberal on some issues.....right? are the kind of liberal who will approve of a ban on Muslims. Right?

I have never been a member of any political party. I support efforts to change our shitty debate rules. I find it funny when others accuse me of being some kind of blind partisan. What I do is vote for the person who I think will do the best job. Its very simple.

If you've read what I wrote -- you wouldn't be pulling "you support a ban on Muslims" card or the Ravi -- "you support terrorism" card.. It's sad really..

The OP was extremely well phrased for a vigorous discussion. I don't agree with the broad brush on Islam. But the OP was smart enough to PREDICT that folks would talk past each other and fart out deflections like the ones just pointed in my direction. No basis for those wild accusations based on what I've said in this thread.

Bullshit. The OP was nothing of the sort. The OP is trolling plain and simple. You should be able to recognize that. The OP has not demonstated that anyone tolerates Islam more than Christianity. Especially not those of us who have been here trying to knock some info into his blockhead. He predicted that people would disagree with him. Brilliant!!

If you don't support Trump's ban.....then you have my apology.

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