The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

A liberal free space would be better.
Saudi Arabia awaits you.
You first.
Strange how you support them while you criticize them. That a bit schizoid, isn't it?
I support allowing people to practice the religion of their choice. Just like the constitution. I don't support allowing religion to legislate. Just like the constitution. I wouldn't live in Saudi Arabia for any amount of money.

You on the other hand are now on record as supporting Muslim's, therefore according to the OP's logic you support terrorism.

In what alternative dimension is my anti-Sharia Law position a form of support, Bizarro World?
In this thread, yes.
But not in reality.
Yup. You support terrorists, so you get the blame.

I support terrorists?

Where did that come from?
Anyone who repeats liberal talking-points obviously supports Democrats, which in turn supports Hamas either directly or indirectly. Liberals are simply useful-idiots to terrorists.

You are making no sense whatsoever.

You know as little about liberalism as the leftists here. It's just a bogeyman word to you.

Have you read so much as a single fucking thing I have said in this thread?
Yes, which is obvious from my response.
Liberalism in this day and age isn't freedom-minded like it used to be. Now it's dogmatic, authoritarian, abusive, divisive, and generally a major pain in the ass.
ZZzzzz wake me up when the rwnj echo chamber comes up with an example of legislation tolerated differently.
Except in Europe the "colonialism" goes back BOTH ways.

An inconvenient fact that the so called "left" refuses to acknowledge.
Europe has pretty much 'had it'... it is, by now, so pervasively undermined that it may be too far gone to recover its culture and identity.

Oh, well... at least our dumb-ass Euro-cousins can emigrate to New Europe (Canada, the US and Australia), when the pressure from Islam grows too great, as it will.

They're at grave risk of losing their cohesion and identity; having bled themselves white, twice, in the previous century, losing their empires, and exhausting themselves.
If they fail they will likely flee to East Asia.

America and Canada are too far gone to do anything but follow them there.
Disagree. America and Canada have a couple of skin-lesions, but the Cancer has not yet mestastisized. We need only look to Europe to see a Terminal Case.

Have to agree, but the American Left is forcing us down the Western Europe path. If unchecked, the Left will destroy our Immigration System as well. It's already happening.
It has already happened.

All Trump can do is delay the inevitable by a couple of years.

I hear ya, but i'm trying to stay optimistic. I still believe we can secure our border and enforce our laws again. We just need leaders who have the will.
Yes, which is obvious from my response.
Liberalism in this day and age isn't freedom-minded like it used to be. Now it's dogmatic, authoritarian, abusive, divisive, and generally a major pain in the ass.

Liberalism is liberalism.

All those tendencies you described have been exhibited in spades here, certainly, but it isn't liberalism in action. It is closer to leftist totalitarianism than anything remotely liberal.

These mindless idiots wouldn't know liberal principles if their life depended on it. Heck, they even ridicule the very notion of even learning what they are, so hostile are they to the very notion and so proud they are of their ignorance.
An Unholy Alliance. That's the Left's relationship with Islam. They had enough in common to form a strong alliance. The main thing in common, is that they both despise Christianity and Israel. That's solidified the close relationship with the Left in Western Europe especially. Antisemitism has always been rampant in Europe. Most in Europe, especially the Left, truly wanna see Israel go.

And then came the rise of the Left's bitter hatred of Christians. They've now just about destroyed the Church in Europe. This alliance has ultimately led to the Left's destruction of Immigration Systems all across Western Europe. It's no coincidence Muslims now have such a foothold there. However, the Left may be regretting this alliance. Islam is by far the least tolerant of the major religions. In comparison, Christianity and Judaism are very tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behaviors. That's the sad and strange irony of this alliance. They're not seeing the outcome they envisioned with it.

Don't forget the academic alliance between the Israel haters and various Arab/Muslim causes. It's fashionable to be down with Hamas and Hesbollah and the Mullahs in Iran..

Yeah, i think much of the alliance's origins came from the Israel/Palestinian conflict. Europe has a long history of Antisemitism. And the Left especially, latched onto the Palestinian cause. It later morphed into an alliance against Christians as well. The Left has just about destroyed the Church in Europe. The Churches now sit empty, while the Mosques are filled to capacity.

But i think the Left's beginning to regret their alliance. Islam isn't tolerant of most of their values and behaviors. And Islam isn't like Christianity and Judaism. It will enforce it's moral laws with brute force. It won't compromise. It won't go away quietly like Christianity and Judaism have in Europe. Its teachings won't allow that. I see much darker days ahead for Western Europe. I just hope & pray we stop the American Left from forcing the U.S. down that same destructive path.
I support allowing people to practice the religion of their choice. Just like the constitution. I don't support allowing religion to legislate. Just like the constitution.

face it, it's just too much to expect our resident hacks to comprehend simple concepts.
I support allowing people to practice the religion of their choice. Just like the constitution. I don't support allowing religion to legislate. Just like the constitution.

face it, it's just too much to expect our resident hacks to comprehend simple concepts.
Oh we understand the fact that often times Democrats simply back policies designed to score political points even though they know they are unworkable.
It's more of a tactical strategy. As in the enemy of my enemy. Except that I fear the Left has no sense of self-preservation. I see it over and over again. True Liberals for instance, have an innate distrust of government powers and authorities (see Thoreau).. But all that instinct to survive has been bred right out of the modern day leftist.

I'm sure the mentally challenged that believed Jade Helm was a military take over of the US and they were using Walmarts to do it thought they had rational thoughts as well. Most modern conservatives are so brainwashed by con-radio and Faux News they have no original thoughts anymore, it is all a muddy swirl of memes and lies in their head that they've heard enough times so they think them truths.

It's like watching one of these prepper shows where the preppers think themselves the special informed group and they say "when the worst comes you won't be prepared". Which is true, but there have been preppers for over a hundred years and the worst hasn't arrived and will not. Research how much money was spent on backyard bunkers during the cold war.

If that period of time didn't produce 'the great calamity that will turn society into the zombie apocalypse' then nothing will. But cons need to feel safe because the big bad world is sooo scarwy.

The Cold War was not an event anyone expected to survive long term. Threats have changed. And this has NOTHING to do with the particular causes the Left chooses to align with.

You are so certain that "the worst will never come". . But just a glance at the state of politics in this country when so many SERIOUS issues are being ignored ---- I don't blame the preppers.

Another validation of my theory that self-preservation has been bred completely out of our current leftists. They mock the preppers to deflect from their own "peculiarities".. They mock people of faith, folks who value liberty, and people who plan for the worst case scenarios. The latter is just good engineering practice Dude. The faith is an insurance policy on the design, and liberty is guarantee that you CAN protect yourself..

Make America Jade Helm again.

Jesus delusion has it's political party and it's name is Republican.

Have no idea what you're after. BUT -- I do have a question.

Are you finished PURGING the church-going, God worshipping, Jesus praising folks from the Dem party yet? It would help your brand.

Y'all make it sound like those rocking soulful AME churches are full of idiots. Maybe time to shut them down eh?

That you use terms like 'your brand' and you have this unending need to put other people into a singular box so your head can wrap itself around disliking everyone in the box, you know rather than living in reality where people are all different and their views on almost everything run across a huge spectrum, lends itself to the conclusion that you live in your own self-made box and you want there to be only two boxes. Again so the whole 'thinking' thing can be dispensed with.

Honestly, you need to detoxify yourself of all the lies, innuendos, and memes that keep YOU in shackles.

But you didn't answer my question. And I bolded it and everything. When is the purge of people of faith scheduled to be complete in your party? Or are you just gonna go on insulting your consitituency?
there are millions of "people of faith" on the political left.

they're the ones smart enough to understand where to draw that constitutional line with religion.
Difference is -- the skinheads and Jew haters I've engaged have to struggle with shady 3rd removed kind of situations to FIND a Jew to blame. Like because there is ONE Jew on the Board of Directors it explains EVERYTHING about the behavior of that corporation.


....not to mention that they are at least honest and forthright in their hatred of Jews.

Coyote is always right there to support those who want to kill Jews but she follows it by denials she is doing so.

Speaking of stupid a link showing I support killing some Jews or something? Go electrocuted some more poor innocent dogs, I'm sure you have the mental skill set to exceed expectations.
Difference is -- the skinheads and Jew haters I've engaged have to struggle with shady 3rd removed kind of situations to FIND a Jew to blame. Like because there is ONE Jew on the Board of Directors it explains EVERYTHING about the behavior of that corporation.


....not to mention that they are at least honest and forthright in their hatred of Jews.

Coyote is always right there to support those who want to kill Jews but she follows it by denials she is doing so.

Speaking of stupid a link showing I support killing some Jews or something? Go electrocuted some more poor innocent dogs, I'm sure you have the mental skill set to exceed expectations.

Indulging in direct accusations of criminal behavior, now, are we?
Was Hitler wrong to simply condemn Jewry as a whole?

Jews were blowing up people all over the world in order to satisfy a concept in the Talmud that ordered them to spread Judaism until there was nothing else?

Goodness, I never knew!!

So you don't dispute your Islamophobia being analogous to anti-Semitism?

I often have times accepting that people are really as stupid as they appear, but there is nothing remotely similar between antisemitism and rejection of Islam.

A person would have to be nearly retarded to think there was any similarity. I mentioned the most glaring difference, but there are many more.

You seem somewhat confused. Your behavior is not a "rejection of Islam" - it's a rejection of "Muslims" using the same rhetoric and canards that the anti-semites use.


Anti-Semitic propaganda maintained that:

—all Jews were responsible for the act of any Jew
— Judaism was not a religion
— there was an International Jewish conspiracy to influence and then control governments, media, the economy, etc. **
— the Jews hated all non-Jews and they wanted to destroy the Gentiles and dominate the world
— due to inbreeding, Jews had more negative characteristics and passed on these negative characteristics to the next generation. **
— a war against Judaism was a war against the devil **
— by distortions of the Torah and Talmud they claimed that Judaism teaches hatred **
— “The goal of the Jew is to make himself the ruler of humanity. Wherever he comes, he destroys works of culture. He is not a creative spirit, rather a destructive spirit
— “Nearly all major inventions were made by Aryans.” The Jews had no real creativity
— a good Jew could not be a good German
— “Jewish law enjoins or permits Jews to murder non-Jews whenever feasible” **
— “Jews are permitted to lie without moral or religious compunction” **
— “Judaism condones the sexual molestation of young girls
— there was no way to tell the true nature of Jews as they presented a false face. **
— Jews were uniquely violent and untrustworthy compared to all the other peoples of the world. **
— Jews could not serve loyally in the military of Germany, and they were removed. **
— anti-Semitism was a reasonable response to a clear and present danger. ** If Jews raised the issue of anti-Semitism they were doing it for devious reasons.
— there was a “Jewish problem” and that any measures taken against the Jews were reasonable and defensive. **
— Jews are a “disease” infecting any nation they inhabit.

Sound familiar? They should. They've been recycled.

false equivalence
And that is exactly how people justify their hateful rhetoric. It's mooooslims, it's OK to do it, it's all true after all, they deserve it.
An Unholy Alliance. That's the Left's relationship with Islam. They had enough in common to form a strong alliance. The main thing in common, is that they both despise Christianity and Israel. That's solidified the close relationship with the Left in Western Europe especially. Antisemitism has always been rampant in Europe. Most in Europe, especially the Left, truly wanna see Israel go.

And then came the rise of the Left's bitter hatred of Christians. They've now just about destroyed the Church in Europe. This alliance has ultimately led to the Left's destruction of Immigration Systems all across Western Europe. It's no coincidence Muslims now have such a foothold there. However, the Left may be regretting this alliance. Islam is by far the least tolerant of the major religions. In comparison, Christianity and Judaism are very tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behaviors. That's the sad and strange irony of this alliance. They're not seeing the outcome they envisioned with it.

Don't forget the academic alliance between the Israel haters and various Arab/Muslim causes. It's fashionable to be down with Hamas and Hesbollah and the Mullahs in Iran..

Yeah, i think much of the alliance's origins came from the Israel/Palestinian conflict. Europe has a long history of Antisemitism. And the Left especially, latched onto the Palestinian cause. It later morphed into an alliance against Christians as well. The Left has just about destroyed the Church in Europe. The Churches now sit empty, while the Mosques are filled to capacity.

But i think the Left's beginning to regret their alliance. Islam isn't tolerant of most of their values and behaviors. And Islam isn't like Christianity and Judaism. It will enforce it's moral laws with brute force. It won't compromise. It won't go away quietly like Christianity and Judaism have in Europe. Its teachings won't allow that. I see much darker days ahead for Western Europe. I just hope & pray we stop the American Left from forcing the U.S. down that same destructive path.

I agree with just about everything you wrote except the part of regretting the alliance.

If this thread is any indication, it appears they are digging in their heels and doubling down.
Hard to support the Palestinian cause for example -- without "supporting" someone somewhere that advocates "killing jews". .

When the Palestinian "cause" is so inexorably tied to the desire to kill Jews as it has always been, then those who support the cause do so knowing the objective -- as some have proven in countless thousands of posts.

Those who suggest there is nothing to prevent a mass murderer of Jews from being nominated for a peace prize do so knowingly. This man was working actively to create bridges between Fatah and Hamas so to help rack up the body count of dead Jews.

People need to decide at some point whether they believe in the sanctity of life or they don't. Killing innocent people is killing innocent people, and those who support or defend these actions do so without any regard for this sanctity.

If an individual gets so immersed in pro-Islamic zealotry that they cross the line into such barbarity, they have sacrificed their humanity for their politics.

It is sad, and it is disgusting.

Probably the discussion of "this Nobel nominated guy" is off-topic here. Largely because it seems to be a personal vendetta between you and another. But Islam should not push you so far to extremes to not be able to assess "alternative possibilities"..

In essence "this guy" who advocated uniting Hamas and Fatah might just have had in mind ending that Hatfield/McCoy shootout could allow the Palis to RECONSTRUCT a representative govt.. A NECESSARY condition for a peace process to succeed there. That's been the Pali chronic weakness all along. The inability to choose representation that is appropriate for their "nationalistic" goals.

Somebody's got to do that job -- or that problem will never be solved. I'm not discussing this further in this thread.
And that is exactly how people justify their hateful rhetoric. It's mooooslims, it's OK to do it, it's all true after all, they deserve it.

You mean, like when posters indicate the mass murder of Jews while conspiring to kill more should not prevent the awarding of a Peace prize?

That sort of nasty hatred?
One basic question: Why is the Regressive Left more tolerant of Islam than of Christianity? - and they go completely nuts.

Do they really think this stuff is not obvious? Do they really think this is the first time the question has come up?

This has been amazing.
They arent.
I support allowing people to practice the religion of their choice. Just like the constitution. I don't support allowing religion to legislate. Just like the constitution.

face it, it's just too much to expect our resident hacks to comprehend simple concepts.

It's the SECURITY issues of keeping RADICAL Muslims from getting footholds in this country mostly. NOT a "religious practice" problem.. That is -- as long as the Left doesn't make ACCOMMODATIONS for one religion while being obstinate and abusive to others..
ZZzzzz wake me up when the rwnj echo chamber comes up with an example of legislation tolerated differently.

Not really a matter of legislation.. It's a matter of persecution vs accommodation that goes on DAILY in America. Christian kids have to file lawsuits against school districts to get their right back to read Bible in schools, while Muslims are given special accommodations to meet their prayer reqs. THAT sort of thing.

OR -- IGNORING the plight of MEast Christian REFUGEES who are experiencing a general GENOCIDE in the war areas -- while pleading with the citizens to "trust them" on full flood of Muslim refugees from the "hot zones"..

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