The Republican Embrace of Louis Farrakhan

I would not want to work with such people. But if she thinks she can, I think it will fail and/or blow up in her face.

BUT, it does undermine the false narrative of the Left of hte GOP being wacist.

The GOP will happily ally with any POC who parrots GOP talking points. Like the two fat bitches diamond and silk. They are the exact type who MAGA hates - unless they are on the plantation, singing from the same hymn book.

The GOP will happily ally with any POC who parrots GOP talking points. Like the two fat bitches diamond and silk. They are the exact type who MAGA hates - unless they are on the plantation, singing from the same hymn book.

So, we supposedly "hate" "poc" but are happy to ally with any of them who agree with us politically?

Errr, why would we ally with people that do NOT agree with us? Why would people who don't agree with us,, want to ally with us?

Do you guys ally with "poc" who DON'T agree with you politically? How does that work? YOu just support what they want based on color?

Oh, and since they don't agree with you, I guess you are allying with black republicans and supporting them based on race, in their attempts to advance the republican agenda then?

Or, are you just talking shit?
Tokens. Do you understand?

I understand what you are claiming. THere is just nothing to support it. They agree with us, and we are happy to ally with them.

Though, really, that is YOUR spin on it. If htey are black republcians, then they are part of us.

Your... need to imagine that we are wacist, is just shit happening in your head. It has nothing to do with us.
Aryan racist Hitler allied with the Japanese.

Sure. Politics CAN make strange bedfellows.

But, you people have so little to back up your shit. And there are soooo many examples of white republicans/conservatives happily working with black republicans/conservatives, or supporting civil rights, or what have you.

I just can't imagine how much work you people must put into ignoring all the reality of the world.
Sure. Politics CAN make strange bedfellows.

But, you people have so little to back up your shit. And there are soooo many examples of white republicans/conservatives happily working with black republicans/conservatives, or supporting civil rights, or what have you.

I just can't imagine how much work you people must put into ignoring all the reality of the world.
I don't know who you mean by "you people". I'm a former lifelong Republican conservative, unlike Trump. Now I am a registered Independent. This forum has made it blazingly obvious that Trumptards don't know a conservative principle from their assholes.

Exactly how many black Republicans are there in the House and Senate?
I don't know who you mean by "you people". I'm a former lifelong Republican conservative, unlike Trump. Now I am a registered Independent. This forum has made it blazingly obvious that Trumptards don't know a conservative principle from their assholes.

Exactly how many black Republicans are there in the House and Senate?

I don't know and don't care. Why should I even consider that as relevant? When blacks do run as republicans they do fine. White REpublican voters have shown that they are happy to vote for black (and other non-whites) repeatedly.

How many times do we have to show it, before it counts?
I don't know and don't care. Why should I even consider that as relevant? When blacks do run as republicans they do fine. White REpublican voters have shown that they are happy to vote for black (and other non-whites) repeatedly.

How many times do we have to show it, before it counts?
There's a reason why there aren't that many black Republicans.

You're full of s*** they don't think anything alike and they don't have similar world views in any way shape or form. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.... They agree on the vaccine mandate but probably for different reasons. MJT certainly could pick better bed fellows though. I expect she will learn that lesson the hard way eventually.

I don't know and don't care. Why should I even consider that as relevant? When blacks do run as republicans they do fine. White REpublican voters have shown that they are happy to vote for black (and other non-whites) repeatedly.

How many times do we have to show it, before it counts?
It will never count so don't waste your energy. Read reread and read a third time Saul alinsky's rules for radicals.

Then you will understand why it is impossible to reach a common ground with the left because they purposely withhold it.
There's a reason why there aren't that many black Republicans.

Yes, there is. Dems are the party of higher social spending, and blacks as a group, benefit from that disproportionately.

That you pretend it is god wacism, is just you being a race baiting asshole.
It will never count so don't waste your energy. Read reread and read a third time Saul alinsky's rules for radicals.

Then you will understand why it is impossible to reach a common ground with the left because they purposely withhold it.

I know. They are just such fucking assholes. Such vile fucking assholes.
I've been pointing it out here for years. Every time I do, wingnuts laugh. Now they are silent.

'One of the Congressional GOP’s most extreme members'

And you consider this - 1 radical extremist 'GOP member' - the GOP embracing Farrakan?!


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