The Republican Party really is a cult


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.
Whether it's a "cult" or not is debatable. I'd much rather vote for them than I would a terrorist organization like the Democrat Party.
I suggest the O. P. purchase some Butt-Hurt Cream---large jar, as there is much Butt-Hurt to come.

If you want to eventually wean yourself from Butt-Hutt, stop letting yourself get Bullshitted by the Obama/Clinton New York Media.
I suggest the O. P. purchase some Butt-Hurt Cream---large jar, as there is much Butt-Hurt to come.

If you want to eventually wean yourself from Butt-Hutt, stop letting yourself get Bullshitted by the Obama/Clinton New York Media.

It comes in four sizes: The regular 4 ounce, 10 ounce, the 50 ounce, and for those like the OP, five gallon buckets...


Coming from a zealot of the moonbat messiah who probably believes there is a single positive result of having an incompetent meat puppet faggot in the WH for 8 years of economic stagnation, global chaos and civil strife?

Sure, whatever bed wetter.

it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Yep and your watching triple down economics working right now before your very eyes. :)
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

A cult is the best way to describe the Republican Party. They will in fact follow ANYONE that is annointed the leader of the cult, no matter how immoral or mentally ill. Good lord the Republican base wanted an accused pedophile as a Senator. Luckily a very narrow margin of voters in Alabama said no to that insanity, but this nutjob was supported by Lying Trump.

The OP is spot on.
Only hypocrite left wing cultists who can't shake off their anger and ignorance would refer to the President of the United States as a "complete moron" while the DOW is up 3,000 points, unemployment is at a 20 year low and illegal immigration is down about 80%.
Never mind that a non politician won with all of the others whom they did not want.
Yeah cult for sure man. :)
The Republican Party really is a cult
It's really only half cult , the other half is organized crime, the rank and file lemmings act like cult members and the organized criminals in the party establishment run it like a mafia family, exactly like the Democrat Party.

"One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others" -- Moliere
I don't really care what Trump does--lie/fool around/steal/etc--just as long as he MAGA
it balances out for the good of America
I suggest the O. P. purchase some Butt-Hurt Cream---large jar, as there is much Butt-Hurt to come.

If you want to eventually wean yourself from Butt-Hutt, stop letting yourself get Bullshitted by the Obama/Clinton New York Media.

It comes in three sizes: The regular 10 ounce, the 50 ounce, and for those like the OP, five gallon buckets...

Only hypocrite left wing cultists who can't shake off their anger and ignorance would refer to the President of the United States as a "complete moron" while the DOW is up 3,000 points, unemployment is at a 20 year low and illegal immigration is down about 80%.
Oh so because any moron can make lofty promises to investors that somehow means he’s smart?
I suggest the O. P. purchase some Butt-Hurt Cream---large jar, as there is much Butt-Hurt to come.

If you want to eventually wean yourself from Butt-Hutt, stop letting yourself get Bullshitted by the Obama/Clinton New York Media.

It comes in three sizes: The regular 10 ounce, the 50 ounce, and for those like the OP, five gallon buckets...

Only hypocrite left wing cultists who can't shake off their anger and ignorance would refer to the President of the United States as a "complete moron" while the DOW is up 3,000 points, unemployment is at a 20 year low and illegal immigration is down about 80%.
Oh so because any moron can make lofty promises to investors that somehow means he’s smart?
sure--why not??
Trump himslef said he could killl someone and still his fans would vote for him. Sounds cultish to me .

He lies and lies and they still eat up everything he says .
I suggest the O. P. purchase some Butt-Hurt Cream---large jar, as there is much Butt-Hurt to come.

If you want to eventually wean yourself from Butt-Hutt, stop letting yourself get Bullshitted by the Obama/Clinton New York Media.

It comes in three sizes: The regular 10 ounce, the 50 ounce, and for those like the OP, five gallon buckets...

Only hypocrite left wing cultists who can't shake off their anger and ignorance would refer to the President of the United States as a "complete moron" while the DOW is up 3,000 points, unemployment is at a 20 year low and illegal immigration is down about 80%.
Oh so because any moron can make lofty promises to investors that somehow means he’s smart?
sure--why not??
He’s definitely a moron.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Glad to see the asshole lying left dirt bags are still alive and well spewing their bs.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Glad to see the asshole lying left dirt bags are still alive and well spewing their bs.
The truth is what it is.
Glad to see the asshole lying left dirt bags are still alive and well spewing their bs.

I'm not glad to see it.

In fact I will be delighted when it stops.

Either because they committed mass suicide, fled the country and emigrated to Venezuela or are wiped out in a civil war they seem to desire.

Matters not to me, but the day I can actually listen to news on the radio and not hear a story about how some bed wetting parasite is offended about something or trying to pass a law that keeps people from doing something libturds don't like will be a great day.

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