The Residue of the Obama Presidency

SassyIrishLass, post: 16938906
Why don't YOU have an argument instead of calling everyone a racist that dares to say Obama was a failure?

My argument explains issue by issue why PC is a racist. You have no argument to refute me.

Take their identities away, Obama beats Trump on saving the auto industry and having a major positive historical impact on millions of people,

Trump can't come close to Obama's achievement there. He never can. The auto bailout was huge. Said to avert a depression.

So what makes you and PC attest that Trump is a winner on the auto industry and Obama is a failure?

If not race, what?

Answer that Sassy. Stop ducking.
sassy is not happy if she's not bashing or lying about someone

For many of us on the Right, there is a certain warm fuzzy feeling can can only be derived from smashing a verbal custard pie in the kisser of morons who refuse to see reality....that would be you.

Soooo.....startin' to like custard pie?
SassyIrishLass, post: 16938906
Why don't YOU have an argument instead of calling everyone a racist that dares to say Obama was a failure?

My argument explains issue by issue why PC is a racist. You have no argument to refute me.

Take their identities away, Obama beats Trump on saving the auto industry and having a major positive historical impact on millions of people,

Trump can't come close to Obama's achievement there. He never can. The auto bailout was huge. Said to avert a depression.

So what makes you and PC attest that Trump is a winner on the auto industry and Obama is a failure?

If not race, what?

Answer that Sassy. Stop ducking.
sassy is not happy if she's not bashing or lying about someone

For many of us on the Right, there is a certain warm fuzzy feeling can can only be derived from smashing a verbal custard pie in the kisser of morons who refuse to see reality....that would be you.

Soooo.....startin' to like custard pie?
Did you have a problem answering the question of which pos repub president lowered the debt?? Maybe I missed your answer ?? lol
SassyIrishLass, post: 16938906
Why don't YOU have an argument instead of calling everyone a racist that dares to say Obama was a failure?

My argument explains issue by issue why PC is a racist. You have no argument to refute me.

Take their identities away, Obama beats Trump on saving the auto industry and having a major positive historical impact on millions of people,

Trump can't come close to Obama's achievement there. He never can. The auto bailout was huge. Said to avert a depression.

So what makes you and PC attest that Trump is a winner on the auto industry and Obama is a failure?

If not race, what?

Answer that Sassy. Stop ducking.
sassy is not happy if she's not bashing or lying about someone

For many of us on the Right, there is a certain warm fuzzy feeling can can only be derived from smashing a verbal custard pie in the kisser of morons who refuse to see reality....that would be you.

Soooo.....startin' to like custard pie?
Did you have a problem answering the question of which pos repub president lowered the debt?? Maybe I missed your answer ?? lol

1. I asked you this:
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????
No answer?

2. I asked you this:
What is a 'racist'?
If you don't know what it is, refrain from using terms you can't explain.
'Else, you're eligible for the mental express line -- five thoughts or

3. I'm waiting for an intelligent response....but that may be like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.
This is Bush 43 'slump at the start, average growth in the middle and a precipitous drop at the end'

PoliticalChic, post: 16939040
BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015 CNNMoney

Why are you calling Obama a failure on GDP. Trump has not accomplished anything on GDP.
Bush was horrible on GDP and everything else.

Here's an explanation.

President George W. Bush has the worst economic record of any president since Hoover. He holds the worst performance for GDP growth, stock market performance and job creation of any president of at least the most recent 11 presidents, and is near the bottom of the lists for all of the other measures below. Every President since Hoover, except Nixon, has left office with the stock market above where it started. Some presidents have seen the value of the stock market double or triple. President Bush, however, left office with the S&P 500 being worth 1/3 less than it was when he entered office. All of the measures below show roughly the same pattern: a slump at the start, average growth in the middle and a precipitous drop at the end.

Economic Record: President Bush Jr.

Bush started with a budget surplus and finished with every American economic indicator in the toilet. There is no way Obama will be judged as s bigger failure than Bush.

Just won't happen.
This is Bush 43 'slump at the start, average growth in the middle and a precipitous drop at the end'

PoliticalChic, post: 16939040
BEA: 2016 GDP growth worst since 2011, dives a full point from 2015 CNNMoney

Why are you calling Obama a failure on GDP. Trump has not accomplished anything on GDP.
Bush was horrible on GDP and everything else.

Here's an explanation.

President George W. Bush has the worst economic record of any president since Hoover. He holds the worst performance for GDP growth, stock market performance and job creation of any president of at least the most recent 11 presidents, and is near the bottom of the lists for all of the other measures below. Every President since Hoover, except Nixon, has left office with the stock market above where it started. Some presidents have seen the value of the stock market double or triple. President Bush, however, left office with the S&P 500 being worth 1/3 less than it was when he entered office. All of the measures below show roughly the same pattern: a slump at the start, average growth in the middle and a precipitous drop at the end.

Economic Record: President Bush Jr.

Bush started with a budget surplus and finished with every American economic indicator in the toilet. There is no way Obama will be judged as s bigger failure than Bush.

Just won't happen.

"There is no way Obama will be judged as s bigger failure than Bush."

Well...not by you.
But you won't allow facts to color your judgement.
Obama will always have the 'fool'

All I'm saying is one of us is right and the other one is you.
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????

Here is an answer, dunce:

The most recent United States federal government annual budget surplus was in 2001. The receipts for the year amounted to $1,991 billion while expenditures for the year were $1,863 billion. This gave us a budget surplus of $128 billion.

In the last four decades, the US government has run budget surplus only in four years from 1998 to 2001.

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Those would be Clinton years.
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????

Here is an answer, dunce:

The most recent United States federal government annual budget surplus was in 2001. The receipts for the year amounted to $1,991 billion while expenditures for the year were $1,863 billion. This gave us a budget surplus of $128 billion.

In the last four decades, the US government has run budget surplus only in four years from 1998 to 2001.

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Those would be Clinton years.

Exactly the sort of propaganda to support Democrats that you, believe.

Let's explode it together:

Clinton ran deficits throughout all 8 years of his term, and one can go to the US Treasury Department and looking through the history of the total outstanding debt through Clintons term.

Every year Clinton was in office, the total national debt continued to climb.

How Clinton managed to claim a surplus was that while the general operating budgets ran deficits but Clinton borrowed from numerous off budget funds to make the on budget fund a surplus.

For example, in 2000, Clinton claimed a $230B surplus, but Clinton borrowed
$152.3B from Social Security
$30.9B from Civil Service Retirement Fund
$18.5B from Federal Supplementary Medical insurance Trust Fund
$15.0B from Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund
$9.0B from the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund
$8.2B from Military Retirement Fund
$3.8B from Transportation Trust Funds
$1.8B from Employee Life Insurance & Retirement fund
$7.0B from others

Total borrowed from off budget funds $246.5B, meaning that his $230B surplus is actually a $16.5B deficit.
($246.5B borrowed - $230B claimed surplus = $16.5B actual deficit).

If there is ever a true surplus, then the national debt will go down.

the national debt did not go down one year during the Clinton administration.
How much surplus did the US have when Clinton left office

Too tough for you to understand?

1. Would you like to see the actual national debt figures?
















end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. (table 7.1)

The table 7.1 will also show that he inherited a $4 trillion debt.
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

That means the debt increased 41% under Clinton.
And no wars or military build up to blame it on!

Still too tough for a fool????

No prob.....

Analogy that explains the bogus "Clinton Surplus"

1. You go to the bank and borrow $5,000 to take a trip to the Bahamas

2. You cancel the daily paper while you're away

3.When you return, you look at the household budget, and note that you saved $10 by not getting the paper delivered....never considering the Bahamas loan you're going to have to pay back $5,000 for the trip.... begin hooping and hollering 'I have a surplus! Yippee!'

4. You function this way because you're an idiot.
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????

Here is an answer, dunce:

The most recent United States federal government annual budget surplus was in 2001. The receipts for the year amounted to $1,991 billion while expenditures for the year were $1,863 billion. This gave us a budget surplus of $128 billion.

In the last four decades, the US government has run budget surplus only in four years from 1998 to 2001.

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Those would be Clinton years.

Clinton never had a budget surplus, that's been debunked more times than I can count.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

No, Bill Clinton Didn’t Balance the Budget

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget

Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????

Here is an answer, dunce:

The most recent United States federal government annual budget surplus was in 2001. The receipts for the year amounted to $1,991 billion while expenditures for the year were $1,863 billion. This gave us a budget surplus of $128 billion.

In the last four decades, the US government has run budget surplus only in four years from 1998 to 2001.

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Those would be Clinton years.

Clinton never had a budget surplus, that's been debunked more times than I can count.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

No, Bill Clinton Didn’t Balance the Budget

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget

Soooo.....what do you think the chances are that the fool will admit it???

No, huh?

Government school does that to 'em.
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????

Here is an answer, dunce:

The most recent United States federal government annual budget surplus was in 2001. The receipts for the year amounted to $1,991 billion while expenditures for the year were $1,863 billion. This gave us a budget surplus of $128 billion.

In the last four decades, the US government has run budget surplus only in four years from 1998 to 2001.

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Those would be Clinton years.

Clinton never had a budget surplus, that's been debunked more times than I can count.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

No, Bill Clinton Didn’t Balance the Budget

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget

Soooo.....what do you think the chances are that the fool will admit it???

No, huh?

Government school does that to 'em.

The myth of Clinton's surplus was taught very early in my college economics classes. Like the first couple of weeks
SassyIrishLass, post: 16938906
Why don't YOU have an argument instead of calling everyone a racist that dares to say Obama was a failure?

My argument explains issue by issue why PC is a racist. You have no argument to refute me.

Take their identities away, Obama beats Trump on saving the auto industry and having a major positive historical impact on millions of people,

Trump can't come close to Obama's achievement there. He never can. The auto bailout was huge. Said to avert a depression.

So what makes you and PC attest that Trump is a winner on the auto industry and Obama is a failure?

If not race, what?

Answer that Sassy. Stop ducking.
sassy is not happy if she's not bashing or lying about someone

For many of us on the Right, there is a certain warm fuzzy feeling can can only be derived from smashing a verbal custard pie in the kisser of morons who refuse to see reality....that would be you.

Soooo.....startin' to like custard pie?
Did you have a problem answering the question of which pos repub president lowered the debt?? Maybe I missed your answer ?? lol

1. I asked you this:
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????
No answer?

2. I asked you this:
What is a 'racist'?
If you don't know what it is, refrain from using terms you can't explain.
'Else, you're eligible for the mental express line -- five thoughts or

3. I'm waiting for an intelligent response....but that may be like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.
I asked you first What repub president lowered our debt?
SassyIrishLass, post: 16938906
Why don't YOU have an argument instead of calling everyone a racist that dares to say Obama was a failure?

My argument explains issue by issue why PC is a racist. You have no argument to refute me.

Take their identities away, Obama beats Trump on saving the auto industry and having a major positive historical impact on millions of people,

Trump can't come close to Obama's achievement there. He never can. The auto bailout was huge. Said to avert a depression.

So what makes you and PC attest that Trump is a winner on the auto industry and Obama is a failure?

If not race, what?

Answer that Sassy. Stop ducking.
sassy is not happy if she's not bashing or lying about someone

For many of us on the Right, there is a certain warm fuzzy feeling can can only be derived from smashing a verbal custard pie in the kisser of morons who refuse to see reality....that would be you.

Soooo.....startin' to like custard pie?
Did you have a problem answering the question of which pos repub president lowered the debt?? Maybe I missed your answer ?? lol

1. I asked you this:
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????
No answer?

2. I asked you this:
What is a 'racist'?
If you don't know what it is, refrain from using terms you can't explain.
'Else, you're eligible for the mental express line -- five thoughts or

3. I'm waiting for an intelligent response....but that may be like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????

Here is an answer, dunce:

The most recent United States federal government annual budget surplus was in 2001. The receipts for the year amounted to $1,991 billion while expenditures for the year were $1,863 billion. This gave us a budget surplus of $128 billion.

In the last four decades, the US government has run budget surplus only in four years from 1998 to 2001.

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Those would be Clinton years.
Who to believe CBO or sassy or chick?

  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers. Clinton’s fiscal 1994 budget also contained some spending restraints. An equally if not more powerful influence was the booming economy and huge gains in the stock markets, the so-called dot-com bubble, which brought in hundreds of millions in unanticipated tax revenue from taxes on capital gains and rising salaries.

Clinton’s large budget surpluses also owe much to the Social Security tax on payrolls. Social Security taxes now bring in more than the cost of current benefits, and the "Social Security surplus" makes the total deficit or surplus figures look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted. But even if we remove Social Security from the equation, there was a surplus of $1.9 billion in fiscal 1999 and $86.4 billion in fiscal 2000. So any way you count it, the federal budget was balanced and the deficit was erased, if only for a while.

Update, Feb. 11: Some readers wrote to us saying we should have made clear the difference between the federal deficit and the federal debt. A deficit occurs when the government takes in less money than it spends in a given year. The debt is the total amount the government owes at any given time. So the debt goes up in any given year by the amount of the deficit, or it decreases by the amount of any surplus. The debt the government owes to the public decreased for a while under Clinton, but the debt was by no means erased.

Other readers have noted a USA Today story stating that, under an alternative type of accounting, the final four years of the Clinton administration taken together would have shown a deficit. This is based on an annual document called the "Financial Report of the U.S. Government," which reports what the governments books would look like if kept on an accrual basis like those of most corporations, rather than the cash basis that the government has always used. The principal difference is that under accrual accounting the government would book immediately the costs of promises made to pay future benefits to government workers and Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries. But even under accrual accounting, the annual reports showed surpluses of $69.2 billion in fiscal 1998, $76.9 billion in fiscal 1999, and $46 billion for fiscal year 2000. So even if the government had been using that form of accounting the deficit would have been erased for those three years.

Brooks Jackson

Congressional Budget Office, "Historical Bu
SassyIrishLass, post: 16938906 My argument explains issue by issue why PC is a racist. You have no argument to refute me.

Take their identities away, Obama beats Trump on saving the auto industry and having a major positive historical impact on millions of people,

Trump can't come close to Obama's achievement there. He never can. The auto bailout was huge. Said to avert a depression.

So what makes you and PC attest that Trump is a winner on the auto industry and Obama is a failure?

If not race, what?

Answer that Sassy. Stop ducking.
sassy is not happy if she's not bashing or lying about someone

For many of us on the Right, there is a certain warm fuzzy feeling can can only be derived from smashing a verbal custard pie in the kisser of morons who refuse to see reality....that would be you.

Soooo.....startin' to like custard pie?
Did you have a problem answering the question of which pos repub president lowered the debt?? Maybe I missed your answer ?? lol

1. I asked you this:
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????
No answer?

2. I asked you this:
What is a 'racist'?
If you don't know what it is, refrain from using terms you can't explain.
'Else, you're eligible for the mental express line -- five thoughts or

3. I'm waiting for an intelligent response....but that may be like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.
I asked you first What repub president lowered our debt?
SassyIrishLass, post: 16938906 My argument explains issue by issue why PC is a racist. You have no argument to refute me.

Take their identities away, Obama beats Trump on saving the auto industry and having a major positive historical impact on millions of people,

Trump can't come close to Obama's achievement there. He never can. The auto bailout was huge. Said to avert a depression.

So what makes you and PC attest that Trump is a winner on the auto industry and Obama is a failure?

If not race, what?

Answer that Sassy. Stop ducking.
sassy is not happy if she's not bashing or lying about someone

For many of us on the Right, there is a certain warm fuzzy feeling can can only be derived from smashing a verbal custard pie in the kisser of morons who refuse to see reality....that would be you.

Soooo.....startin' to like custard pie?
Did you have a problem answering the question of which pos repub president lowered the debt?? Maybe I missed your answer ?? lol

1. I asked you this:
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????
No answer?

2. I asked you this:
What is a 'racist'?
If you don't know what it is, refrain from using terms you can't explain.
'Else, you're eligible for the mental express line -- five thoughts or

3. I'm waiting for an intelligent response....but that may be like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????

Here is an answer, dunce:

The most recent United States federal government annual budget surplus was in 2001. The receipts for the year amounted to $1,991 billion while expenditures for the year were $1,863 billion. This gave us a budget surplus of $128 billion.

In the last four decades, the US government has run budget surplus only in four years from 1998 to 2001.

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Those would be Clinton years.
Who to believe CBO or sassy or chick?

  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers. Clinton’s fiscal 1994 budget also contained some spending restraints. An equally if not more powerful influence was the booming economy and huge gains in the stock markets, the so-called dot-com bubble, which brought in hundreds of millions in unanticipated tax revenue from taxes on capital gains and rising salaries.

Clinton’s large budget surpluses also owe much to the Social Security tax on payrolls. Social Security taxes now bring in more than the cost of current benefits, and the "Social Security surplus" makes the total deficit or surplus figures look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted. But even if we remove Social Security from the equation, there was a surplus of $1.9 billion in fiscal 1999 and $86.4 billion in fiscal 2000. So any way you count it, the federal budget was balanced and the deficit was erased, if only for a while.

Update, Feb. 11: Some readers wrote to us saying we should have made clear the difference between the federal deficit and the federal debt. A deficit occurs when the government takes in less money than it spends in a given year. The debt is the total amount the government owes at any given time. So the debt goes up in any given year by the amount of the deficit, or it decreases by the amount of any surplus. The debt the government owes to the public decreased for a while under Clinton, but the debt was by no means erased.

Other readers have noted a USA Today story stating that, under an alternative type of accounting, the final four years of the Clinton administration taken together would have shown a deficit. This is based on an annual document called the "Financial Report of the U.S. Government," which reports what the governments books would look like if kept on an accrual basis like those of most corporations, rather than the cash basis that the government has always used. The principal difference is that under accrual accounting the government would book immediately the costs of promises made to pay future benefits to government workers and Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries. But even under accrual accounting, the annual reports showed surpluses of $69.2 billion in fiscal 1998, $76.9 billion in fiscal 1999, and $46 billion for fiscal year 2000. So even if the government had been using that form of accounting the deficit would have been erased for those three years.

Brooks Jackson

Congressional Budget Office, "Historical Bu

There are serious issues and questions about the CBOs credibility, in fact one of you loon's favorite rags, WAPO had a very good article on it a few years ago.

The CBO certainly didn't do themselves any favors on the BS they tried to sell on Obamacare
sassy is not happy if she's not bashing or lying about someone

For many of us on the Right, there is a certain warm fuzzy feeling can can only be derived from smashing a verbal custard pie in the kisser of morons who refuse to see reality....that would be you.

Soooo.....startin' to like custard pie?
Did you have a problem answering the question of which pos repub president lowered the debt?? Maybe I missed your answer ?? lol

1. I asked you this:
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????
No answer?

2. I asked you this:
What is a 'racist'?
If you don't know what it is, refrain from using terms you can't explain.
'Else, you're eligible for the mental express line -- five thoughts or

3. I'm waiting for an intelligent response....but that may be like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.
I asked you first What repub president lowered our debt?
sassy is not happy if she's not bashing or lying about someone

For many of us on the Right, there is a certain warm fuzzy feeling can can only be derived from smashing a verbal custard pie in the kisser of morons who refuse to see reality....that would be you.

Soooo.....startin' to like custard pie?
Did you have a problem answering the question of which pos repub president lowered the debt?? Maybe I missed your answer ?? lol

1. I asked you this:
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????
No answer?

2. I asked you this:
What is a 'racist'?
If you don't know what it is, refrain from using terms you can't explain.
'Else, you're eligible for the mental express line -- five thoughts or

3. I'm waiting for an intelligent response....but that may be like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????

Here is an answer, dunce:

The most recent United States federal government annual budget surplus was in 2001. The receipts for the year amounted to $1,991 billion while expenditures for the year were $1,863 billion. This gave us a budget surplus of $128 billion.

In the last four decades, the US government has run budget surplus only in four years from 1998 to 2001.

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Those would be Clinton years.
Who to believe CBO or sassy or chick?

  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers. Clinton’s fiscal 1994 budget also contained some spending restraints. An equally if not more powerful influence was the booming economy and huge gains in the stock markets, the so-called dot-com bubble, which brought in hundreds of millions in unanticipated tax revenue from taxes on capital gains and rising salaries.

Clinton’s large budget surpluses also owe much to the Social Security tax on payrolls. Social Security taxes now bring in more than the cost of current benefits, and the "Social Security surplus" makes the total deficit or surplus figures look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted. But even if we remove Social Security from the equation, there was a surplus of $1.9 billion in fiscal 1999 and $86.4 billion in fiscal 2000. So any way you count it, the federal budget was balanced and the deficit was erased, if only for a while.

Update, Feb. 11: Some readers wrote to us saying we should have made clear the difference between the federal deficit and the federal debt. A deficit occurs when the government takes in less money than it spends in a given year. The debt is the total amount the government owes at any given time. So the debt goes up in any given year by the amount of the deficit, or it decreases by the amount of any surplus. The debt the government owes to the public decreased for a while under Clinton, but the debt was by no means erased.

Other readers have noted a USA Today story stating that, under an alternative type of accounting, the final four years of the Clinton administration taken together would have shown a deficit. This is based on an annual document called the "Financial Report of the U.S. Government," which reports what the governments books would look like if kept on an accrual basis like those of most corporations, rather than the cash basis that the government has always used. The principal difference is that under accrual accounting the government would book immediately the costs of promises made to pay future benefits to government workers and Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries. But even under accrual accounting, the annual reports showed surpluses of $69.2 billion in fiscal 1998, $76.9 billion in fiscal 1999, and $46 billion for fiscal year 2000. So even if the government had been using that form of accounting the deficit would have been erased for those three years.

Brooks Jackson

Congressional Budget Office, "Historical Bu

There are serious issues and questions about the CBOs credibility, in fact one of you loon's favorite rags, WAPO had a very good article on it a few years ago.

The CBO certainly didn't do themselves any favors on the BS they tried to sell on Obamacare
it gets rather tiresome hearing republicans yelling wolf everytime
sassy is not happy if she's not bashing or lying about someone

For many of us on the Right, there is a certain warm fuzzy feeling can can only be derived from smashing a verbal custard pie in the kisser of morons who refuse to see reality....that would be you.

Soooo.....startin' to like custard pie?
Did you have a problem answering the question of which pos repub president lowered the debt?? Maybe I missed your answer ?? lol

1. I asked you this:
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????
No answer?

2. I asked you this:
What is a 'racist'?
If you don't know what it is, refrain from using terms you can't explain.
'Else, you're eligible for the mental express line -- five thoughts or

3. I'm waiting for an intelligent response....but that may be like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.
I asked you first What repub president lowered our debt?
sassy is not happy if she's not bashing or lying about someone

For many of us on the Right, there is a certain warm fuzzy feeling can can only be derived from smashing a verbal custard pie in the kisser of morons who refuse to see reality....that would be you.

Soooo.....startin' to like custard pie?
Did you have a problem answering the question of which pos repub president lowered the debt?? Maybe I missed your answer ?? lol

1. I asked you this:
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????
No answer?

2. I asked you this:
What is a 'racist'?
If you don't know what it is, refrain from using terms you can't explain.
'Else, you're eligible for the mental express line -- five thoughts or

3. I'm waiting for an intelligent response....but that may be like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.
Are you one of the dunces who believe that Clinton had a surplus?????

Here is an answer, dunce:

The most recent United States federal government annual budget surplus was in 2001. The receipts for the year amounted to $1,991 billion while expenditures for the year were $1,863 billion. This gave us a budget surplus of $128 billion.

In the last four decades, the US government has run budget surplus only in four years from 1998 to 2001.

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Those would be Clinton years.
Who to believe CBO or sassy or chick?

  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers. Clinton’s fiscal 1994 budget also contained some spending restraints. An equally if not more powerful influence was the booming economy and huge gains in the stock markets, the so-called dot-com bubble, which brought in hundreds of millions in unanticipated tax revenue from taxes on capital gains and rising salaries.

Clinton’s large budget surpluses also owe much to the Social Security tax on payrolls. Social Security taxes now bring in more than the cost of current benefits, and the "Social Security surplus" makes the total deficit or surplus figures look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted. But even if we remove Social Security from the equation, there was a surplus of $1.9 billion in fiscal 1999 and $86.4 billion in fiscal 2000. So any way you count it, the federal budget was balanced and the deficit was erased, if only for a while.

Update, Feb. 11: Some readers wrote to us saying we should have made clear the difference between the federal deficit and the federal debt. A deficit occurs when the government takes in less money than it spends in a given year. The debt is the total amount the government owes at any given time. So the debt goes up in any given year by the amount of the deficit, or it decreases by the amount of any surplus. The debt the government owes to the public decreased for a while under Clinton, but the debt was by no means erased.

Other readers have noted a USA Today story stating that, under an alternative type of accounting, the final four years of the Clinton administration taken together would have shown a deficit. This is based on an annual document called the "Financial Report of the U.S. Government," which reports what the governments books would look like if kept on an accrual basis like those of most corporations, rather than the cash basis that the government has always used. The principal difference is that under accrual accounting the government would book immediately the costs of promises made to pay future benefits to government workers and Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries. But even under accrual accounting, the annual reports showed surpluses of $69.2 billion in fiscal 1998, $76.9 billion in fiscal 1999, and $46 billion for fiscal year 2000. So even if the government had been using that form of accounting the deficit would have been erased for those three years.

Brooks Jackson

Congressional Budget Office, "Historical Bu

There are serious issues and questions about the CBOs credibility, in fact one of you loon's favorite rags, WAPO had a very good article on it a few years ago.

The CBO certainly didn't do themselves any favors on the BS they tried to sell on Obamacare
gets rather tiresome hearing repubs yelling wolf every time they hear something they don't like
PoliticalChic, post: 1694020
But you won't allow facts to color your judgement.
Obama will always have the 'fool'

What facts. You mine statistics to find something deranged about Obama and pay no attention to the broader picture.

You cited the auto industry as a measure of performance for Trump versus Obama.

Fact: Trump will never come close to Obama's action on saving the auto industry.

You won't discuss specifics on this because you can't. There is no basis to calling Obama a failure on the auto industry and Trump some kind of winner.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16940488
The CBO certainly didn't do themselves any favors on the BS they tried to sell on Obamacare

The CBO scored the ACA accurately. Much of what they missed was based on the right wing SCOTUS decision to allow states to opt out of the Medicaid plan.

You don't know what you are talking about again.
PoliticalChic, post: 16939069
.".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms.

That means nothing. You have to calculate how much Obama policy and actions affected the debt.

Loss of revenue due to the Great Bush Recession is not on Obama.

Obama was opposed to the austerity budgets that Republicans forced on him. Without austerity such as spending on infrastructure, the economy would have improved faster and GDP would have increased.

After all that is part of Trump's plan to jumpstart the economy. A Trillion dollar Federal infrastructure bill is supposed to be coming.

You must be pinning all Federal spending including entitlements that were set into law decades ago and all interest in all preceding debt and all loss of revenue on Obama b cause he is black. I can see no other reason that you would do that.
No it's not. YOU are the one trying (and failing miserably) to make it about race. Sit down

White presidents doubled and even tripled the national debt. but PC doesn't complain about them. Obama inherited the biggest structural deficits in history, $1.4 trillion annual deficits, and the debt went up by a smaller percentage than Bush. But who does PC complain about? I'll give you a hit.

"White presidents doubled and even tripled the national debt. but PC doesn't complain about them."

I sure will if you find one to compare with this:
".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

"But who does PC complain about? I'll give you a hit (sic)."
No 'hit' the worst, most incompetent of Presidents....

"SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth
Barack Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth.
According to Louis Woodhill, if the economy continues to perform below 2.67% GDP growth rate this year, President Barack Obama will leave office with the fourth worst economic record in US history.
Assuming 2.67% RGDP growth for 2016, Obama will leave office having produced an average of 1.55% growth. This would place his presidency fourth from the bottom of the list of 39*, above only those of Herbert Hoover (-5.65%), Andrew Johnson (-0.70%) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41%)"

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

Also has the record as most disreputable, back-stabbing liar.
Working with republican scum does make it hard on a dem president

Deplorable may be the word you're looking for, scum applies to democrats, you know the ones that are now obstructionists.
remember Garland

Wow, aren't you the same clown that said Obama lies are in the past. Give me a fricken break.
Last edited:
SassyIrishLass, post: 16940488
The CBO certainly didn't do themselves any favors on the BS they tried to sell on Obamacare

The CBO scored the ACA accurately. Much of what they missed was based on the right wing SCOTUS decision to allow states to opt out of the Medicaid plan.

You don't know what you are talking about again.

Actually the CBO scored Obamacare accurately BASED ON THE NUMBERS PROVIDED BY DEMOCRATS, unfortunately the numbers were flawed by design, get a clue.
Use quotes when you're quoting.

A drop in amount of arrests is not correlative to the security of the city. Quite the opposite, the American police could use a renovation on strategies against high crime levels. The current ones are incompatible and it is not because the amount of arrests was too low.
Use quotes when you're quoting.

A drop in amount of arrests is not correlative to the security of the city. Quite the opposite, the American police could use a renovation on strategies against high crime levels. The current ones are incompatible and it is not because the amount of arrests was too low.

Here's the pertinent quote from the OP, RecessiveGene:

.... the drop in arrests comes amid a persistent increase in crime,....

"drop in amount of arrests is not correlative to the security of the city. Quite the opposite,"
You're quite the dunce, aren't you.

There are intelligent folks, and they there's you: 'quite the opposite.'

Amazing how you could get so many errors in such a short post.
Oh please, "a drop in arrests comes amid a persistent increase in crime.


I believe you've been identified and put in your place, the last seat in the dumb row....

As a representative of Karma, let's make certain you reside in an area with fewer and fewer arrests, and an inverse relationship with crime.

On the bright side, folks will be doing that Edith Piaf face, speaking of you in hushed tones...'he lit up the room...' ...'no one had a bad word to say about him....(sigh)..'

Do you mind if we put the word 'DUNCE' on your stone?
You ought to take more lessons in comprehending texts. The word amid means something happens at the same time but it does not point to any automatic correlation in those two things that happen at the same time. So you quoting the article and me selectively as you did was irrelevant to the subject matter.

And using common sense, they're not not arresting murderers and those who commit violent crimes. If they don't arrest them, they know it is no threat to anyone's security. An arrest is not a punishment. It is a legal procedure that does not take place each time law is broken because it is unnecessary and takes time from the police and the person who broke the law.
White presidents doubled and even tripled the national debt. but PC doesn't complain about them. Obama inherited the biggest structural deficits in history, $1.4 trillion annual deficits, and the debt went up by a smaller percentage than Bush. But who does PC complain about? I'll give you a hit.

"White presidents doubled and even tripled the national debt. but PC doesn't complain about them."

I sure will if you find one to compare with this:
".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

"But who does PC complain about? I'll give you a hit (sic)."
No 'hit' the worst, most incompetent of Presidents....

"SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth
Barack Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth.
According to Louis Woodhill, if the economy continues to perform below 2.67% GDP growth rate this year, President Barack Obama will leave office with the fourth worst economic record in US history.
Assuming 2.67% RGDP growth for 2016, Obama will leave office having produced an average of 1.55% growth. This would place his presidency fourth from the bottom of the list of 39*, above only those of Herbert Hoover (-5.65%), Andrew Johnson (-0.70%) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41%)"

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

Also has the record as most disreputable, back-stabbing liar.
Working with republican scum does make it hard on a dem president

Deplorable may be the word you're looking for, scum applies to democrats, you know the ones that are now obstructionists.
remember Garland

Wow, aren't you the same clown that said Obama lies are in the past. Give me a fricken break.
think again thinker there are lies and errors of judgement Trump looks you in the face and boldly lies Obama just couldn't achieve some of the policies he wanted to Mostly because of repub scum who believe in party before country

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