The results of women voting

Pelosi's actions demonstrate and justify why i hate women. and so should all y'all, folks!

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

Let's not get carried away. Much of those expenditures involve funding for scientific research, which has proven a causal link between gender inequality and the underlying frustration by women. By way of example, see the following breaking study and the fascinating conclusions of the female researchers:

Study Confirms Women's Pockets are Too Small for Smartphones

Women finally have statistical proof that their front pants pockets are made smaller, thanks to two fed-up female researchers

. . .

On average, pockets in women's jeans are 48 percent shorter and 6.5 percent narrower than the average man's pocket. Their research and methodology for the study can be found on Github.

"Only 40 percent of women’s front pockets can completely fit one of the three leading smartphone brands," the team wrote. ... But what about just walking with your hand in your pocket? Only 10 percent of women's pockets could even fit the wearer's hands. Men could comfortably fit their hands in 100 percent of the jeans studied.

. . .

As Diehm and Thomas pointed out, the entire issue of women's pants pockets boils down to equality.

"For women, it was (and still is) about equality. Pockets, unlike purses, are hidden, private spaces," the pair wrote. "By restricting the space in which women can keep things safe and retain mobility of both hands, we are also restricting their ability to “navigate public spaces, to carry seditious (or merely amorous) writing, or to travel unaccompanied.”

Study Confirms Women's Pockets are Too Small for Smartphones (note: this is not from The Onion or a satire website)

So are saying you don't support vital expenditures for research grants so that important issues like this, which are fundamental to gender equality, can be conducted?
Couldn’t they buy men’s clothes like seawitch?

It wasn't a lesbian that spurned you...Obviously all women have spurned you.
Here we are 78 post in and you all still miss the reason spending went up....spending went up because revenue went up. That is what governments do, they spend all the money you give them and then some.

Women spend all the money you give them and then some. Its what women do.

It all makes sense’re an incel.

The founders loved their women by not letting them to vote. Same as we do for children ... That is not HATE !!

I don’t think they treated them like children. I think they couldn’t imagine why a husband and wife would vote different anyhow. The same household would likely have the same goals, values, social status, same fears or dangers, same kids to raise and protect.
Now you see liberal politicians pandering to women in the most destructive ways. They say “vote for women “ rather than “vote to make your family’s life better”. They have been trying to break these basic bonds of humanity for decades.

The sat test scores tells the difference in logic especially at the higher level and that’s without as much emotions. With their emotions their decisions are even more less logical and harms the nation each time they make bad decisions

The nations productivity suffers and harms everyone

The Bible seems to cover this harm of women having equal decision rights

Only a high logic ability test should be used for voting

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

Let's not get carried away. Much of those expenditures involve funding for scientific research, which has proven a causal link between gender inequality and the underlying frustration by women. By way of example, see the following breaking study and the fascinating conclusions of the female researchers:

Study Confirms Women's Pockets are Too Small for Smartphones

Women finally have statistical proof that their front pants pockets are made smaller, thanks to two fed-up female researchers

. . .

On average, pockets in women's jeans are 48 percent shorter and 6.5 percent narrower than the average man's pocket. Their research and methodology for the study can be found on Github.

"Only 40 percent of women’s front pockets can completely fit one of the three leading smartphone brands," the team wrote. ... But what about just walking with your hand in your pocket? Only 10 percent of women's pockets could even fit the wearer's hands. Men could comfortably fit their hands in 100 percent of the jeans studied.

. . .

As Diehm and Thomas pointed out, the entire issue of women's pants pockets boils down to equality.

"For women, it was (and still is) about equality. Pockets, unlike purses, are hidden, private spaces," the pair wrote. "By restricting the space in which women can keep things safe and retain mobility of both hands, we are also restricting their ability to “navigate public spaces, to carry seditious (or merely amorous) writing, or to travel unaccompanied.”

Study Confirms Women's Pockets are Too Small for Smartphones (note: this is not from The Onion or a satire website)

So are saying you don't support vital expenditures for research grants so that important issues like this, which are fundamental to gender equality, can be conducted?
Couldn’t they buy men’s clothes like seawitch?

It wasn't a lesbian that spurned you...Obviously all women have spurned you.

You must be a real
Fool to think men with their higher logic ability dont know how to get a woman’s interest

Look at them voting for democrats who are rushing into the nation women’s worst nightmare. The Muslims.

The women are voting for the ones that’s cutting their throats and voting against the Christian males trying to save them from theirselves

Men who
Knows women are PLAYERS who reverts to their logic ability to get women’s interest at the highest level

Really fooolish people and real losers who can’t see how the giant gender gap in voting will destroy the nation
I don't mean to disagree with you, but I must point out that patriarchy is a form of dictatorship. Norm's ideas would result in a substantial group of people having no political voice and being forced to obey others.
If there are elections, it's a democracy. If you care about your country, you don't want stupid people to vote.

Then why are you allowed to vote? A democracy requires the consent of the governed, or it isn't a democracy. The two whores/incompetence currently in the White House were voted in (with a large bit of help by the electoral college) because stupid people were allowed to vote and take a good guess as to who these stupid people were. And what a price we are all paying for their stupidity.

I think people like you got Trump elected, more than people like Lenny.

Most of the people I know who voted for Trump, only did so because they saw what incompetent lying trash, you put forward as the alternative.

The incompetent, criminal, lying trash was elected. The honest, qualified woman was not. That’s how stupid men are. Rather a lying conman, than a competent woman.
Here we are 78 post in and you all still miss the reason spending went up....spending went up because revenue went up. That is what governments do, they spend all the money you give them and then some.

Women spend all the money you give them and then some. Its what women do.

It all makes sense’re an incel.

The founders loved their women by not letting them to vote. Same as we do for children ... That is not HATE !!

I don’t think they treated them like children. I think they couldn’t imagine why a husband and wife would vote different anyhow. The same household would likely have the same goals, values, social status, same fears or dangers, same kids to raise and protect.
Now you see liberal politicians pandering to women in the most destructive ways. They say “vote for women “ rather than “vote to make your family’s life better”. They have been trying to break these basic bonds of humanity for decades.

The sat test scores tells the difference in logic especially at the higher level and that’s without as much emotions. With their emotions their decisions are even more less logical and harms the nation each time they make bad decisions

The nations productivity suffers and harms everyone

The Bible seems to cover this harm of women having equal decision rights

Only a high logic ability test should be used for voting

Well that would disqualify you and all those who think like you.
Most of the people I know who voted for Trump, only did so because they saw what incompetent lying trash, you put forward as the alternative.

These people never put forward any reason or source for their conclusions that someone is incompetent or lying or both. They just make wild accusations. For sources, they just repeat the same accusations made by someone else before them, as if this explains it. These people could not possibly have been anywhere close to the story at issue and have inside knowledge. What they seem to be relying upon for their views are theories concocted in the back of Benny's Garage in Anytown, U.S.A.

My civics teacher in junior high school, an ex-Marine officer, demanded footnotes citing source materials when we handed in papers. Of course, this continued to be a requirement throughout my education and throughout my career in law and legal journalism, two areas in which one is required to back up what one says. The main news outlets require that the stories they run be competently sourced, and they are willing to retract a story if it is found not to be adequately sourced.

Go to any of the news websites, CNN, NBC, ABC, the New York Times, even the BBC, and list what stories you think are "lies" or the result of incompetency, together with why you have come to this conclusion.
I don't mean to disagree with you, but I must point out that patriarchy is a form of dictatorship. Norm's ideas would result in a substantial group of people having no political voice and being forced to obey others.
If there are elections, it's a democracy. If you care about your country, you don't want stupid people to vote.

Then why are you allowed to vote? A democracy requires the consent of the governed, or it isn't a democracy. The two whores/incompetence currently in the White House were voted in (with a large bit of help by the electoral college) because stupid people were allowed to vote and take a good guess as to who these stupid people were. And what a price we are all paying for their stupidity.

I think people like you got Trump elected, more than people like Lenny.

Most of the people I know who voted for Trump, only did so because they saw what incompetent lying trash, you put forward as the alternative.

The incompetent, criminal, lying trash was elected. The honest, qualified woman was not. That’s how stupid men are. Rather a lying conman, than a competent woman.

She even is a faithful Christian churchgoer who was a regular attendee at Foundry United Methodist Church when she lived in DC., a church that I have attended a few times to hear a guest lecturer.

I do not intend to imply in anyway that a non-Christian person is unqualified or incompetent to serve in any official capacity in the United States. I remember that Sen. Joe Lieberman used to walk from his home in Georgetown to the Capitol on the Jewish Sabbath to attend to his public duties. It's just that the most current babbling about religion has come from those self-identifying as Christians.
The result of women voting was this....
View attachment 296963

Which is why you hate it so much, you view women as inferior and not equals.
Except equality hasn’t been achieved. Not by a long shot. They don’t pay into the system nearly as much as men, and they use the public funds much more.

You are right, women are still not treated as equals, but with any luck all the people like you will soon die off.
The result of women voting was this....
View attachment 296963

Which is why you hate it so much, you view women as inferior and not equals.
Except equality hasn’t been achieved. Not by a long shot. They don’t pay into the system nearly as much as men, and they use the public funds much more.

And women still don't make as much as men do owing to pay discrimination and the fact that the men dump all the child-rearing responsibilities on women, which results in women taking time out from the workforce, while the fathers of their children, who are equally responsible for having them, don't.

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

I don't know about this. All of the libturds we had rule over us since then have all been dudes.

When Broads were first given the vote, the common wisdom was that it meant prohibition was permanent. It would never be repealed as the gals were so solidly in favor of it. Back in the day, when it was pay day at the steel mills, a lot of the wives went to pick up their husbands pay before they could waste it on booze.

That turned out to be a fallacy, I don't think this is necessarily true either. We have so many wimpy men nowadays like Pajama Boy and B. Hussein O.
The result of women voting was this....
View attachment 296963

Which is why you hate it so much, you view women as inferior and not equals.
Except equality hasn’t been achieved. Not by a long shot. They don’t pay into the system nearly as much as men, and they use the public funds much more.

You are right, women are still not treated as equals, but with any luck all the people like you will soon die off.
Be patient... Everyone Dies.
The result of women voting was this....
View attachment 296963

Which is why you hate it so much, you view women as inferior and not equals.
Except equality hasn’t been achieved. Not by a long shot. They don’t pay into the system nearly as much as men, and they use the public funds much more.

And women still don't make as much as men do owing to pay discrimination and the fact that the men dump all the child-rearing responsibilities on women, which results in women taking time out from the workforce, while the fathers of their children, who are equally responsible for having them, don't.

So what's your solution, Lyst? Should homosexual couples and trouples be forced to engage in child rearing, so its more equally split between broads and men?
The result of women voting was this....
View attachment 296963

Which is why you hate it so much, you view women as inferior and not equals.
Except equality hasn’t been achieved. Not by a long shot. They don’t pay into the system nearly as much as men, and they use the public funds much more.

And women still don't make as much as men do owing to pay discrimination and the fact that the men dump all the child-rearing responsibilities on women, which results in women taking time out from the workforce, while the fathers of their children, who are equally responsible for having them, don't.
There is no wage gap.
Women on average take out more than they pay in, and do so for a good bit longer. Yet have and “equal” voice in allocating expenditures. That isn’t equality. No matter what kind of tantrum one throws...
The result of women voting was this....
View attachment 296963

Which is why you hate it so much, you view women as inferior and not equals.
Except equality hasn’t been achieved. Not by a long shot. They don’t pay into the system nearly as much as men, and they use the public funds much more.

You are right, women are still not treated as equals, but with any luck all the people like you will soon die off.
Be patient... Everyone Dies.

Yep, and as you misogynist die off, women will be all the better for it.
The result of women voting was this....
View attachment 296963

Which is why you hate it so much, you view women as inferior and not equals.
Except equality hasn’t been achieved. Not by a long shot. They don’t pay into the system nearly as much as men, and they use the public funds much more.

You are right, women are still not treated as equals, but with any luck all the people like you will soon die off.
Be patient... Everyone Dies.

Yep, and as you misogynist die off, women will be all the better for it.
People will still be doing math, and accounting long after all of us are gone. Too bad for you...

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