Zone1 The Richest Black Girl in America


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
This story was hard to get through since it contains the usual gut wrenching and elevated blood pressure headaches as all recountings of Jim Crow era events induce. Still worth the read though since it reiterates many of things that we (the Black members here) often post about but of course is minimized by a certain segment of white America.

When an 11-year-old Black girl in Jim Crow America discovers a seemingly worthless plot of land she has inherited is worth millions, everything in her life changes — and the walls begin to close in.

Yep, things were definitely tough for Black 1913. XXXXXXXX
Mod Edit -- Dont call out members by name if you're not REPLYING to their posts in Zone1. Civil discussion is not personal or gossip.

the calendar says 2022. So your story is only 109 years old.
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Racial discrimination against African Americans in USA 2022 still exists.

I have learned about Jim Crow Laws in elementary school -- as an example of injustice in America. That discrimination was similar but worse then discrimination experienced by Jews in USSR.
Yep, things were definitely tough for Black 1913. But as I constantly remind our friend IM2, the calendar says 2022. So your story is only 109 years old.
And in 2022 people like you exist with the same attitude they had during Jim Crow.

The constitution was ratified in 1787. You still talk about that. It's 2022 Mike, apply that to everything, not just your smart aleck attempts to dismiss what people like you do now.
The only people who use that "I was in the past" line are white racists and Uncle Toms. And they only use it to deny the history of white racism in America and how it impacts us now. Meanwhile, the same people understand the impact today of a document signed 246 years ago and ratified 235 years ago. That's not too far in the past for them to recognize. So in short what we see is disingenuous garbage coming from people who use that tactic.
Racial discrimination against African Americans in USA 2022 still exists.

I have learned about Jim Crow Laws in elementary school -- as an example of injustice in America. That discrimination was similar but worse then discrimination experienced by Jews in USSR.
Anti-discrimination laws are ubiquitous in the U.S. today. We have stacks of legislation prohibiting it and even a 'Black Caucus' in the congress. We have affirmative action as well. I would say that your notion that it still exists is an inaccurate, broad-brush statement. Jim Crow is 'ancient' history. Black on black homicide rates are seven to eight times higher as those of whites. Of course, racists will claim it's the fault of whites.
Many thanks to the OP.

I read the whole article.

Very interesting. Very touching.

But this is 2022.

So, darn it, why is an unusually large percentage of those folks still so ornery or even downright violent?

Asians have also been discriminated against in America's past. (As recently as World War II, all the Japanese in California were rounded up and shipped to relocation camps.)

But you do not see large numbers of them with such a chip on their shoulder or downright violent as the folks that are the subject of this thread.

Dr. Booker T. Washington would no doubt be shocked by the behavior today of so many of his people. He expected that the newly freed people would study hard and work hard and become productive citizens.
Anti-discrimination laws are ubiquitous in the U.S. today. We have stacks of legislation prohibiting it and even a 'Black Caucus' in the congress. We have affirmative action as well. I would say that your notion that it still exists is an inaccurate, broad-brush statement. Jim Crow is 'ancient' history. Black on black homicide rates are seven to eight times higher as those of whites. Of course, racists will claim it's the fault of whites.
Both present discrimination against African Americans and the continued effects of past discrimination are still prevalent in 2022.
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That's incorrect. There are some people OF ALL COLORS who are Racists in America. Most people are not Racists. The "continued effects" of past discrimination petered out decades ago.
There are no people of color in this nation that created a system based of racial preference then codified it in law. Only whites have done that in America. Your comment is disingenuous.
No, your comment is the usual disingenuous gibberish repeated a a subculture in the white community. You talk stupid. I face racism, so I must take it into account. You don't face it, you practice it, so you run your mouth. The definition of racist is a belief in the superiority or inferiority of people based on race, not whether a person must take into account that racism exists and how to deal with it. Learn that, then understand that you don't get to make up a definition.
You don't face racism, you create it. As soon as any misguided person who supports you dares to disagree with you about anything, you viciously turn on them with your false accusations of racism. You are a racist, and in my opinion, paranoid, so you see racism everywhere. You see racism where none exists and alienate everyone around you. In my opinion, you are a poor excuse for a human being, and not only don’t help eliminate racism, you create it and enhance it where it already exists.
This story is a perfect example of why CRT and the 1619 project should never be in our schools. The only purpose is to keep hate alive and promote the very profitable and divisive Black victim hood narrative. Newsvine and IM2 are both successful people who have reaped the rewards of this country. Yet they spend their time digging up stories from America's racist PAST. They hate me because I just call out what they are doing. Who cares? I just call it like it is. :hhello:
Hate you? No, you're irrelevant, it's more akin to examining an insect under a microscope.

What you and your brethren completely overlook while expecting us to do the same (not gonna happen) is to look only at one aspect of racism in America, that's how it appears to you currently when there are a multitude of factors that define what constitutes racism, including the history of racism in the United States.

Think about it. When you go to the doctor with symptoms, the doctor doesn't just focus on your current ailment. They also do a comprehensive inventory of your medical history, oftentimes also that of family members because some diseases are hereditary, and make no mistake racism is a disease, one of the heart, soul and mind.

What is apparent and almost funny is that IM2 and I are not examples of "black victim hood" which is a term made-up by a certain segment of the white population to denigrate black people. What we are instead are African Americans who have obtained a measure of success in spite of the barriers put in place to impede that success, which should not be possible let alone allowable but nonetheless is.

You are a victim of "group think". You have bought into what those individuals who have animus against Black people say it true and simply parrot it, or regurgitate and parrot it.

Lastly, "reaped the rewards of this country". Why shouldn't we reap the rewards of the benefits our country has to offer? We've worked for them just like others have but that doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement especially when others have not been as fortunate and as long as racism has not been completely irradiated in this country, scientifically, logically and legally, you can not say with 100% certainly that racism has not influenced the outcomes of the lives of many Black Americans.
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Many thanks to the OP.

I read the whole article.

Very interesting. Very touching.

But this is 2022.

So, darn it, why is an unusually large percentage of those folks still so ornery or even downright violent?

Asians have also been discriminated against in America's past. (As recently as World War II, all the Japanese in California were rounded up and shipped to relocation camps.)

But you do not see large numbers of them with such a chip on their shoulder or downright violent as the folks that are the subject of this thread.

Dr. Booker T. Washington would no doubt be shocked by the behavior today of so many of his people. He expected that the newly freed people would study hard and work hard and become productive citizens.
Most have in spite of what the core group of dissenters would have you believe :)
My comment is 100% accurate. You are a perfect example of a person of color who is a racist. Your entire life from dawn to dusk revolves around racism. I feel sorry for you.
LOL, oh that's rich, you feel sorry for IM2?

And what are you doing calling people "racist" in Zone 1, when we're not allowed to call actual racists what they are?
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LOL, oh that's rich, you feel sorry for IM2?

And what are you doing calling people "racist" in Zone 1, when we're not allowed to call actual racists what they are?
I do and I feel sorry for you too. It's sad that an intelligent woman like yourself gets headaches and high blood pressure (your words) from reading 100 year old stories. That's a part of history and it was terrible. It has nothing to do with your life now.
Keep replies in this thread VERY tight to the topic. Not gonna be a redux of dozens of other threads in this forum.
I do and I feel sorry for you too. It's sad that an intelligent woman like yourself gets headaches and high blood pressure (your words) from reading 100 year old stories. That's a part of history and it was terrible. It has nothing to do with your life now.
You really need to drop that silly stale line. Do you still consider the ideas of the founding fathers?

Do you still recognize the original intent of the constitution?

Do you celebrate July 4th?
This story was hard to get through since it contains the usual gut wrenching and elevated blood pressure headaches as all recountings of Jim Crow era events induce. Still worth the read though since it reiterates many of things that we (the Black members here) often post about but of course is minimized by a certain segment of white America.

Sarah had to WORK harder and smarter than most people who "fall into wealth". And it was ugly and rough. But even today, lottery winners and the occasional "instant star" get shyster'd and robbed and cheated. She made all the right decisions and won. MANY today of all colors dont.

It STILL gets ugly. The whole Spears family and custodial creeps managing #freebrittany's money for instance.
Racial discrimination against African Americans in USA 2022 still exists.
Racial discrimination against all races in every country exists. Why are you only pointing out discrimination against blacks? Thats weird bro.

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