The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

o THAT's why the deep state is tring to get rid of the most Israel friendly president we have ever had.

The "Never Trump" folks were all Zionist Jews.

For some reason, even after all the ass kissing Trump has given the Star of David, they still don't trust him... especially with Barr as AG.

The latest treasonous Zionist loudmouth, Admiral McRaven, has a lot to explain about .....

why there are NO PHOTOS of "Osama" in Saudi...

why anyone would be fooled by dumping a PLASTIC HEAD in the ocean....

why the ENTIRE SEAL TEAM that "got Osama" is now ALL DEAD....

Any answers, Col Osman????

I oppose right wing trickle down economics


"Dog" loved the "Clinton economy."

What policies shaped that?

TAX AND SPENDING CUTS aka "trickle down..."

Big government has wrecked the US and the lower class, and some never learn or get a clue...
Whose sock puppet are you?

It helps to know who I am dealing with.
He's not a sock.... he changed his name to LaDairis after humiliating his previous name.
I oppose right wing trickle down economics


"Dog" loved the "Clinton economy."

What policies shaped that?

TAX AND SPENDING CUTS aka "trickle down..."

Big government has wrecked the US and the lower class, and some never learn or get a clue...
Whose sock puppet are you?

It helps to know who I am dealing with.
He's not a sock.... he changed his name to LaDairis after humiliating his previous name.
Part of that process will be deciding if Barr is giving the American people the full story.

But yes, that will be up to the individual.
Oh? and Barr is going to "lie" to the American people to protect a man he barely knows? Nah, you're not a leftist just play one on USMB.
You're certainly free to obediently swallow what you're instructed to swallow.

Me, I don't believe anything that wingers on either end claim, until it is corroborated and verified to my satisfaction.

But if being a sheep is the best you can do, it's the best you can do.
so curious, do you believe the dossier was verified?
Not that I'm aware of.
so if it isn't verified, how was it used to get a FISA Warrant? See, that is the issue that needs investigating. It isn't a right or left thing, it is an american thing, the government should not be allowed to spy on citizens without proper documentation. That's all Barr's doing. right? Why would any american be opposed to that?
so if it isn't verified, how was it used to get a FISA Warrant? See, that is the issue that needs investigating. It isn't a right or left thing, it is an american thing, the government should not be allowed to spy on citizens without proper documentation. That's all Barr's doing. right? Why would any american be opposed to that?

Obviously the judge felt there was proper documentation as it was approved. Four times.

Are you suggesting the judge was incompetent or just corrupt?
I oppose right wing trickle down economics


"Dog" loved the "Clinton economy."

What policies shaped that?

TAX AND SPENDING CUTS aka "trickle down..."

Big government has wrecked the US and the lower class, and some never learn or get a clue...
Whose sock puppet are you?

It helps to know who I am dealing with.
He's not a sock.... he changed his name to LaDairis after humiliating his previous name.
That would be the utterly humiliated former name.
That would be the utterly humiliated former name.


The ol' .,... this guy is someone else ..... trick.... combined with

1. no debate
2. no attempt to refute
3. no value added to thread

Apparently, you are A-OK that there are NO PHOTOS of "Osama" in Saudi, but there are photos of Col Osman.....
He hold leftist's feet to the fire all the time. They call him a right winger. Heck, there is even one particularly nasty piece of leftist filth that refers to him in his siggy.

Maybe when you have been around a little longer, you will start to figure out who is who around here.
Lots of binary thinkers here.

If you're not this, then you can only be that.

We're in trouble.
naw, the folks follow the writings. And you favor the left quite a lot in here, you also tie the right into the left's abuses like the right does what they do. No, they don't. they do some things because they are allowed to, but they shouldn't, but the left does coups and the left are ok with it, but Nixon did spying and it was illegal. I get confused by the left's spinning, sort of like slick willie. Whatever is good for that day is how to legislate and govern. sad shit I say. Now on that, the right and left are comparably even. But Barr is doing what an actual AG should do when a coup has occurred.
I lean Left, for sure. I get specific on the issues in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

But the Left and the Right share many counter-productive behaviors.
But the Left and the Right share many counter-productive behaviors.

I don't disagree. but the left is definitely evil and the GOP stupid cause they don't know how to combat the evil left. That's just a fact. It seems Trump does though and the left are fighting mad and willing to go nuclear at him. funny shit.
"...the left is definitely evil and the GOP stupid cause they don't know how to combat the evil left..."

Well, the Left says just the opposite about the Right.

That's because they are spying on us, and listening to what we say behind their backs.

True story, bro.

The GOP is too stupid to know how to spy on their political enemies and get away with it.

Hell, We don't even know how to get Putin to produce a Dirty Russian Dossier on Clinton to cheat in a campaign, or steal debate questions from CNN.

Just a bunch of big dumb rednecks, Y'all.
Valerie Jarrett....

Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)

I thought she was an ape...

Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
Another hypocritical way of the left (yet another.) They insist that we are all apes. We indeed are primates. We are indeed OMNIVOROUS primates.

Yet, if any of us acknowledge that and include THE BLACKS, all of a sudden we RAAACISTS.

Apparently you are "mentally ill" if you want to know why there are NO PHOTOS of "Osama" in Saudi.... and then you wonder why McRaven is now for impeaching Trump....

Gosh, couldn't have been that PLASTIC HEAD dumped in the ocean....
That would be the utterly humiliated former name.


The ol' .,... this guy is someone else ..... trick.... combined with

1. no debate
2. no attempt to refute
3. no value added to thread

Apparently, you are A-OK that there are NO PHOTOS of "Osama" in Saudi, but there are photos of Col Osman.....
If I were Obama, I'd have done a selfie with the pallets of cash he sent to Iran, with a big grin and two thumbs up.

That would have went viral. He'd have gotten millions of likes from Dem Tards.
The former Cocksucker in Chief is now reportedly worth over $400 million....

Pretty darn good.

Any idea where he got that wealth???

Coudn't have been from his former job according to HuffPo....

Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost

More to the point.....where he got his original push from:

Let’s suppose that Obama was an undercover Muslim….who might want to help him to…..advance?

“…Obama’s ties to a radical Muslim activist who reportedly was raising money for Obama’s Harvard studies during the years 1988 to 1991.

The allegations first surfaced in late March, when former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton told a New York cable channel that a former business partner who was “raising money” for Obama had approached him in 1988 to help Obama get into Harvard Law School.

In the interview, Sutton says he first heard of Obama about twenty years ago from Khalid Al-Mansour, a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist who was a “mentor” to the founders of the Black Panther party at the time the party was founded in the early 1960s.

Sutton described al-Mansour as advisor to “one of the world’s richest men,” Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal.” Daily Thought Pad: Obama's Harvard Years: Questions Swirl

“But when you’re watching this in the campaign, and you’re onto this story, you’re saying, “Why isn’t anyone in the major media asking how it is that this radical anti-Semite, Khalid al Mansour, was pushing Obama into Harvard twenty years before the election?” Isn’t this worth investigating, this connection? No it wasn’t—it was worth burying…But they just buried that whole story, and when I saw that—I mean, you know this, and you and Accuracy Media have been confronting this for years, how they bury stories that they simply don’t want to share with the rest of the world.”
Obama Deconstructed: An Interview with Jack Cashill

Or…put it this way: why would a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist, and the Saudis….want to see Obama as President?

Jump to 2009….Obama as President…time to re-pay for all the help: President Barack Obama
delivers a speech at American University in Cairo, Egypt, that “promised a new beginning with Muslim and Arab countries.”

“Obama gave front-row seats to Muslim Brotherhood in 2009 Cairo Speech”
Obama gave front-row seats to Muslim Brotherhood in 2009 Cairo Speech

I don't know. If Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch issued a report that exonerated Obama on something, would you believe it out of hand?

I doubt it.

My point is that, if it's political, it can simply not be believed right now. This is evidently what we want.
yeah, no report on fast and furious and no report on hitlery. how convenient eh?

But we have one for trump and it says nothing. So the AG wants to know, since there was nothing, why the investigation got started if there wasn't anything connecting dots. And the left have gone fking bonkers. I love the bias left, they always disrespect justice.
The report gave us alot of value, unconvered crimes. 448 pages arent required to just say "no collusion. no obstruction". Now we know:
* Trump can be guilty of obstruction even if there was no underlying crime
* Trump pressured witnesses not to cooperate with the investigation
* Trump asked senior officials to lie or mislead the public
* Trump tried to fire the special counsel
* Trump’s attempts to thwart the investigation were unsuccessful — because his aides didn’t follow through

How much more could we know from the redacted portions, or if Mueller were to testify.
Would you ask him why he included the following in his report:

"...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute any American who has not committed a crime. Agreed?
Because Mueller was following the OLC opinion. Mueller leaves it to congress and other jurisdictions with currently on-going investigations.
So to you Mueller's statement seems confusing or just not something you can accept?
You had asked why Mueller didnt conclude that the president committed a crime. The explanation i gave was that Mueller is following the OLC opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted, so he left that decision to the DOJ. In addition, the issue of obstruction is left to congress to act upon.

If you want to know the details of OLC decision, and why they follow it, then read here.

"The President now carries a heavier burden than he did when the Constitution was adopted, they argue, and therefore the President has become too busy to deal with an indictment."

which means the constitution supports indicting a sitting president, but they choose not to do so.
Sure they did they just use the word “investigated”. You’re one naive motherfucker.
Great, let's see your evidence that they wiretapped trump's campaign...

The Obama DOJ applied for FISA warrants 4 times using the "Steele Dossier", and were granted.
A FISA warrant is used for what purpose?

Nevermind the fact that Trump’s phone conversations were being leaked to the press.

No, nobody spied on Trump.
To eavesdrop on folks who were not in the trump campaign.

Great, name someone being wiretapped in the trump campaign....
It would be difficult to name someone who wasn't.
They used the FISA warrent to make their spying appear legitimate. To justify spying on him and everyone around him.

"On July 28th, 2016, Hillary Clinton accepts the democrat presidential nomination. The DOJ and FBI now get down to business conducting surveillance on the Trump campaign and defending Hillary’s interests.

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Simultaneously, Glenn Simpson, Nellie Ohr and Mary Jacoby of Fusion-GPS have contracted with former British Intelligence Officer Christopher Steele to receive information from their research, verify it, enhance it, and compile it into a set of memos that can be used to align with the Russian conspiracy narrative constructed by Brennan.

There is now an official investigation, Crossfire Hurricane via the FBI, and an unofficial investigation, dossier assembly via Steele and Fusion, underway. Watch carefully, later it will become part of a collaborative effort to merge these two elements.

Throughout the summer things are going swimmingly. Hillary is on track, albeit taking too much time off the campaign trail, and her campaign is being briefed by Fusion on the overall Russia collusion narrative effort. Emissaries networked between the FBI/DOJ, the intelligence community and the Clinton campaign are aligned through mutual channels.

On August 5th, former interim CIA Director Mike Morell publishes an Op-ed in the New York Times saying: “In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.”

[Not coincidentally Mr. Morell was Hillary’s CIA safety net following Benghazi when CIA Director General David Petraeus had to be removed by DNI James Clapper. {Go Deep}]

On the same day as the Morell Op-Ed… Hillary Clinton releases the following video. Knowing what you know now about the CIA/DOJ/FBI Trump-operation, watching this in hindsight might just blow your mind. "


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