The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

Part of that process will be deciding if Barr is giving the American people the full story.

But yes, that will be up to the individual.
Oh? and Barr is going to "lie" to the American people to protect a man he barely knows? Nah, you're not a leftist just play one on USMB.
You're certainly free to obediently swallow what you're instructed to swallow.

Me, I don't believe anything that wingers on either end claim, until it is corroborated and verified to my satisfaction.

But if being a sheep is the best you can do, it's the best you can do.
so curious, do you believe the dossier was verified?
Not that I'm aware of.
so if it isn't verified, how was it used to get a FISA Warrant? See, that is the issue that needs investigating. It isn't a right or left thing, it is an american thing, the government should not be allowed to spy on citizens without proper documentation. That's all Barr's doing. right? Why would any american be opposed to that?
There's nothing wrong with that at all. Most of what I'm seeing on this, 99%, has come from the Right. I'm not seeing much from the Left besides some light scoffing and "sure, bullshit, whatever, go ahead and try".

My point throughout this thread has been consistent: Neither end of the spectrum has any credibility to me, but once something is proven, corroborated and verified independently, I'm in, whatever it is, whichever tribe is to blame. Wrong is wrong.

If they did this, it's huge. Historic. And horrible. I'm just reserving judgement until I have the whole story. I don't think that's asking for too much.
You're certainly free to obediently swallow what you're instructed to swallow.

Me, I don't believe anything that wingers on either end claim, until it is corroborated and verified to my satisfaction.

But if being a sheep is the best you can do, it's the best you can do.

Right......a combo plate of projection and virtue-signalling from a leftist dork pretending to be "middle of the road".....hilarious! :lol:

He hold leftist's feet to the fire all the time. They call him a right winger. Heck, there is even one particularly nasty piece of leftist filth that refers to him in his siggy.

Maybe when you have been around a little longer, you will start to figure out who is who around here.
Lots of binary thinkers here.

If you're not this, then you can only be that.

We're in trouble.
naw, the folks follow the writings. And you favor the left quite a lot in here, you also tie the right into the left's abuses like the right does what they do. No, they don't. they do some things because they are allowed to, but they shouldn't, but the left does coups and the left are ok with it, but Nixon did spying and it was illegal. I get confused by the left's spinning, sort of like slick willie. Whatever is good for that day is how to legislate and govern. sad shit I say. Now on that, the right and left are comparably even. But Barr is doing what an actual AG should do when a coup has occurred.
To eavesdrop on folks who were not in the trump campaign.

Great, name someone being wiretapped in the trump campaign....


Thanks for demonstrating you can't name any.

Anyone with the last name of


and everyone associated with The Campaign.

Even the FBI admits they were spying on the campaign.

Thanks for proving you are still a Russian Pawn, and still a Dummy who's "With Her"
Great, then let's see your evidence trump was wiretapped.....
Great, name someone being wiretapped in the trump campaign....


Thanks for demonstrating you can't name any.

Anyone with the last name of


and everyone associated with The Campaign.

Even the FBI admits they were spying on the campaign.

Thanks for proving you are still a Russian Pawn, and still a Dummy who's "With Her"
Great, then let's see your evidence trump was wiretapped.....

Let's see your Tax Returns.

The Evidence is in The Mueller Report, the soon to be released IG Report, and the soon to be released DOJ Report, about The "Insurance Policy" COUP.

Were you born stupid or are you Trans-Stupid?

Mueller, McCabe, Clapper and Brennan were releasing transcripts of PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS between The President and The Leaders of Australia, Thailand, Mexico to Newspapers!

WTF? That is classified information and PROOF President Trump was being wiretapped.

Do you walk to work or just carry your lunch?
Oh? and Barr is going to "lie" to the American people to protect a man he barely knows? Nah, you're not a leftist just play one on USMB.
You're certainly free to obediently swallow what you're instructed to swallow.

Me, I don't believe anything that wingers on either end claim, until it is corroborated and verified to my satisfaction.

But if being a sheep is the best you can do, it's the best you can do.
so curious, do you believe the dossier was verified?
Not that I'm aware of.
so if it isn't verified, how was it used to get a FISA Warrant? See, that is the issue that needs investigating. It isn't a right or left thing, it is an american thing, the government should not be allowed to spy on citizens without proper documentation. That's all Barr's doing. right? Why would any american be opposed to that?
There's nothing wrong with that at all. Most of what I'm seeing on this, 99%, has come from the Right. I'm not seeing much from the Left besides some light scoffing and "sure, bullshit, whatever, go ahead and try".

My point throughout this thread has been consistent: Neither end of the spectrum has any credibility to me, but once something is proven, corroborated and verified independently, I'm in, whatever it is, whichever tribe is to blame. Wrong is wrong.

If they did this, it's huge. Historic. And horrible. I'm just reserving judgement until I have the whole story. I don't think that's asking for too much.
well again, if you believe the dossier isn't verified, and we already know it was used to issue four FISA warrants, then we already know there was abuse of power and spying occurred. That's just a given if you believe the dossier wasn't verified. That's merely illegal in our country of law.
You're certainly free to obediently swallow what you're instructed to swallow.

Me, I don't believe anything that wingers on either end claim, until it is corroborated and verified to my satisfaction.

But if being a sheep is the best you can do, it's the best you can do.

Right......a combo plate of projection and virtue-signalling from a leftist dork pretending to be "middle of the road".....hilarious! :lol:

He hold leftist's feet to the fire all the time. They call him a right winger. Heck, there is even one particularly nasty piece of leftist filth that refers to him in his siggy.

Maybe when you have been around a little longer, you will start to figure out who is who around here.
Lots of binary thinkers here.

If you're not this, then you can only be that.

We're in trouble.
naw, the folks follow the writings. And you favor the left quite a lot in here, you also tie the right into the left's abuses like the right does what they do. No, they don't. they do some things because they are allowed to, but they shouldn't, but the left does coups and the left are ok with it, but Nixon did spying and it was illegal. I get confused by the left's spinning, sort of like slick willie. Whatever is good for that day is how to legislate and govern. sad shit I say. Now on that, the right and left are comparably even. But Barr is doing what an actual AG should do when a coup has occurred.
I lean Left, for sure. I get specific on the issues in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

But the Left and the Right share many counter-productive behaviors.
You're certainly free to obediently swallow what you're instructed to swallow.

Me, I don't believe anything that wingers on either end claim, until it is corroborated and verified to my satisfaction.

But if being a sheep is the best you can do, it's the best you can do.

Right......a combo plate of projection and virtue-signalling from a leftist dork pretending to be "middle of the road".....hilarious! :lol:

He hold leftist's feet to the fire all the time. They call him a right winger. Heck, there is even one particularly nasty piece of leftist filth that refers to him in his siggy.

Maybe when you have been around a little longer, you will start to figure out who is who around here.
Lots of binary thinkers here.

If you're not this, then you can only be that.

We're in trouble.
naw, the folks follow the writings. And you favor the left quite a lot in here, you also tie the right into the left's abuses like the right does what they do. No, they don't. they do some things because they are allowed to, but they shouldn't, but the left does coups and the left are ok with it, but Nixon did spying and it was illegal. I get confused by the left's spinning, sort of like slick willie. Whatever is good for that day is how to legislate and govern. sad shit I say. Now on that, the right and left are comparably even. But Barr is doing what an actual AG should do when a coup has occurred.
I lean Left, for sure. I get specific on the issues in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

But the Left and the Right share many counter-productive behaviors.
But the Left and the Right share many counter-productive behaviors.

I don't disagree. but the left is definitely evil and the GOP stupid cause they don't know how to combat the evil left. That's just a fact. It seems Trump does though and the left are fighting mad and willing to go nuclear at him. funny shit.
You're certainly free to obediently swallow what you're instructed to swallow.

Me, I don't believe anything that wingers on either end claim, until it is corroborated and verified to my satisfaction.

But if being a sheep is the best you can do, it's the best you can do.
so curious, do you believe the dossier was verified?
Not that I'm aware of.
so if it isn't verified, how was it used to get a FISA Warrant? See, that is the issue that needs investigating. It isn't a right or left thing, it is an american thing, the government should not be allowed to spy on citizens without proper documentation. That's all Barr's doing. right? Why would any american be opposed to that?
There's nothing wrong with that at all. Most of what I'm seeing on this, 99%, has come from the Right. I'm not seeing much from the Left besides some light scoffing and "sure, bullshit, whatever, go ahead and try".

My point throughout this thread has been consistent: Neither end of the spectrum has any credibility to me, but once something is proven, corroborated and verified independently, I'm in, whatever it is, whichever tribe is to blame. Wrong is wrong.

If they did this, it's huge. Historic. And horrible. I'm just reserving judgement until I have the whole story. I don't think that's asking for too much.
well again, if you believe the dossier isn't verified, and we already know it was used to issue four FISA warrants, then we already know there was abuse of power and spying occurred. That's just a given if you believe the dossier wasn't verified. That's merely illegal in our country of law.
Since almost everything I've heard on this case has come from the Right, what I have heard sounds very damning. I'm happy to stipulate to that.

But I don't make final judgements until I think I have the whole story. That's just a responsible way to live, it seems to me.
Right......a combo plate of projection and virtue-signalling from a leftist dork pretending to be "middle of the road".....hilarious! :lol:

He hold leftist's feet to the fire all the time. They call him a right winger. Heck, there is even one particularly nasty piece of leftist filth that refers to him in his siggy.

Maybe when you have been around a little longer, you will start to figure out who is who around here.
Lots of binary thinkers here.

If you're not this, then you can only be that.

We're in trouble.
naw, the folks follow the writings. And you favor the left quite a lot in here, you also tie the right into the left's abuses like the right does what they do. No, they don't. they do some things because they are allowed to, but they shouldn't, but the left does coups and the left are ok with it, but Nixon did spying and it was illegal. I get confused by the left's spinning, sort of like slick willie. Whatever is good for that day is how to legislate and govern. sad shit I say. Now on that, the right and left are comparably even. But Barr is doing what an actual AG should do when a coup has occurred.
I lean Left, for sure. I get specific on the issues in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

But the Left and the Right share many counter-productive behaviors.
But the Left and the Right share many counter-productive behaviors.

I don't disagree. but the left is definitely evil and the GOP stupid cause they don't know how to combat the evil left. That's just a fact. It seems Trump does though and the left are fighting mad and willing to go nuclear at him. funny shit.
"...the left is definitely evil and the GOP stupid cause they don't know how to combat the evil left..."

Well, the Left says just the opposite about the Right.
so curious, do you believe the dossier was verified?
Not that I'm aware of.
so if it isn't verified, how was it used to get a FISA Warrant? See, that is the issue that needs investigating. It isn't a right or left thing, it is an american thing, the government should not be allowed to spy on citizens without proper documentation. That's all Barr's doing. right? Why would any american be opposed to that?
There's nothing wrong with that at all. Most of what I'm seeing on this, 99%, has come from the Right. I'm not seeing much from the Left besides some light scoffing and "sure, bullshit, whatever, go ahead and try".

My point throughout this thread has been consistent: Neither end of the spectrum has any credibility to me, but once something is proven, corroborated and verified independently, I'm in, whatever it is, whichever tribe is to blame. Wrong is wrong.

If they did this, it's huge. Historic. And horrible. I'm just reserving judgement until I have the whole story. I don't think that's asking for too much.
well again, if you believe the dossier isn't verified, and we already know it was used to issue four FISA warrants, then we already know there was abuse of power and spying occurred. That's just a given if you believe the dossier wasn't verified. That's merely illegal in our country of law.
Since almost everything I've heard on this case has come from the Right, what I have heard sounds very damning. I'm happy to stipulate to that.

But I don't make final judgements until I think I have the whole story. That's just a responsible way to live, it seems to me.
well, you heard from the left, the Mueller report, we now know we wasted 30 million dollars, caused many individual citizens harm on a witch hunt that the dude knew was a witch hunt from day one. that's the left's information. You really think the left will investigate themselves? hahahahahahahaha, of course it will all be from the right now.
I don't know. If Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch issued a report that exonerated Obama on something, would you believe it out of hand?

I doubt it.

My point is that, if it's political, it can simply not be believed right now. This is evidently what we want.
yeah, no report on fast and furious and no report on hitlery. how convenient eh?

But we have one for trump and it says nothing. So the AG wants to know, since there was nothing, why the investigation got started if there wasn't anything connecting dots. And the left have gone fking bonkers. I love the bias left, they always disrespect justice.
The report gave us alot of value, unconvered crimes. 448 pages arent required to just say "no collusion. no obstruction". Now we know:
* Trump can be guilty of obstruction even if there was no underlying crime
* Trump pressured witnesses not to cooperate with the investigation
* Trump asked senior officials to lie or mislead the public
* Trump tried to fire the special counsel
* Trump’s attempts to thwart the investigation were unsuccessful — because his aides didn’t follow through

How much more could we know from the redacted portions, or if Mueller were to testify.
Would you ask him why he included the following in his report:

"...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute any American who has not committed a crime. Agreed?
Because Mueller was following the OLC opinion. Mueller leaves it to congress and other jurisdictions with currently on-going investigations.
So to you Mueller's statement seems confusing or just not something you can accept?
dudmuck is right, Mueller neither confirmed any crimes nor exonerated trump of any crimes; as he laid out several potential crimes. He also cited an OLC opinion that a sitting president can't be charged with a crime and that was why he was leaving that decision up to the Department of Justice.
Not that I'm aware of.
so if it isn't verified, how was it used to get a FISA Warrant? See, that is the issue that needs investigating. It isn't a right or left thing, it is an american thing, the government should not be allowed to spy on citizens without proper documentation. That's all Barr's doing. right? Why would any american be opposed to that?
There's nothing wrong with that at all. Most of what I'm seeing on this, 99%, has come from the Right. I'm not seeing much from the Left besides some light scoffing and "sure, bullshit, whatever, go ahead and try".

My point throughout this thread has been consistent: Neither end of the spectrum has any credibility to me, but once something is proven, corroborated and verified independently, I'm in, whatever it is, whichever tribe is to blame. Wrong is wrong.

If they did this, it's huge. Historic. And horrible. I'm just reserving judgement until I have the whole story. I don't think that's asking for too much.
well again, if you believe the dossier isn't verified, and we already know it was used to issue four FISA warrants, then we already know there was abuse of power and spying occurred. That's just a given if you believe the dossier wasn't verified. That's merely illegal in our country of law.
Since almost everything I've heard on this case has come from the Right, what I have heard sounds very damning. I'm happy to stipulate to that.

But I don't make final judgements until I think I have the whole story. That's just a responsible way to live, it seems to me.
well, you heard from the left, the Mueller report, we now know we wasted 30 million dollars, caused many individual citizens harm on a witch hunt that the dude knew was a witch hunt from day one. that's the left's information. You really think the left will investigate themselves? hahahahahahahaha, of course it will all be from the right now.
No, I don't expect much honest self-examination by the parties, that's for sure.
He hold leftist's feet to the fire all the time. They call him a right winger. Heck, there is even one particularly nasty piece of leftist filth that refers to him in his siggy.

Maybe when you have been around a little longer, you will start to figure out who is who around here.
Lots of binary thinkers here.

If you're not this, then you can only be that.

We're in trouble.
naw, the folks follow the writings. And you favor the left quite a lot in here, you also tie the right into the left's abuses like the right does what they do. No, they don't. they do some things because they are allowed to, but they shouldn't, but the left does coups and the left are ok with it, but Nixon did spying and it was illegal. I get confused by the left's spinning, sort of like slick willie. Whatever is good for that day is how to legislate and govern. sad shit I say. Now on that, the right and left are comparably even. But Barr is doing what an actual AG should do when a coup has occurred.
I lean Left, for sure. I get specific on the issues in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

But the Left and the Right share many counter-productive behaviors.
But the Left and the Right share many counter-productive behaviors.

I don't disagree. but the left is definitely evil and the GOP stupid cause they don't know how to combat the evil left. That's just a fact. It seems Trump does though and the left are fighting mad and willing to go nuclear at him. funny shit.
"...the left is definitely evil and the GOP stupid cause they don't know how to combat the evil left..."

Well, the Left says just the opposite about the Right.
well sure they do. that's why they are projectionists!! they project who they really are. we now understand it.
Deep State = Zionism = a commitment to subvert truth and acts of treason to manipulate the US to use the US military for the benefit of Israel, and engaging in massive kleptocracy leaving the US in a bottomless pit of debt....

Yup, that pretty much sums up what happened under LBJ, and what has happened since W took office....
You're certainly free to obediently swallow what you're instructed to swallow.

Me, I don't believe anything that wingers on either end claim, until it is corroborated and verified to my satisfaction.

But if being a sheep is the best you can do, it's the best you can do.

Right......a combo plate of projection and virtue-signalling from a leftist dork pretending to be "middle of the road".....hilarious! :lol:

He hold leftist's feet to the fire all the time. They call him a right winger. Heck, there is even one particularly nasty piece of leftist filth that refers to him in his siggy.

Maybe when you have been around a little longer, you will start to figure out who is who around here.
Lots of binary thinkers here.

If you're not this, then you can only be that.

We're in trouble.
Yep -- it happens to me, too.

When I criticize both sides of the aisle, it's usually the stupid fundy leftists who accuse me of being a right winger, but I do get the occasional right winger accusing me of being a leftist.

Which way do you lean mostly? Just curious

I find the greatest threat to this country as a arising from the left due to identity politics, anti- sovereignty attitudes, and sympathy for Islamism.

I oppose right wing trickle down economics, the infuence of evangelicals and lack of concern for the environment.

At the end of the day, when I look around usmessageboatd, I would far rather sit down and have a beer with the conservatives instead of the leftists. Too many radical freakazoids on the left, here.
Great, name someone being wiretapped in the trump campaign....


Thanks for demonstrating you can't name any.

Anyone with the last name of


and everyone associated with The Campaign.

Even the FBI admits they were spying on the campaign.

Thanks for proving you are still a Russian Pawn, and still a Dummy who's "With Her"
Great, then let's see your evidence trump was wiretapped.....

Let's see your Tax Returns.

The Evidence is in The Mueller Report, the soon to be released IG Report, and the soon to be released DOJ Report, about The "Insurance Policy" COUP.

Were you born stupid or are you Trans-Stupid?

Mueller, McCabe, Clapper and Brennan were releasing transcripts of PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS between The President and The Leaders of Australia, Thailand, Mexico to Newspapers!

WTF? That is classified information and PROOF President Trump was being wiretapped.

Do you walk to work or just carry your lunch?
Nothing in the Mueller report says trump was wiretapped.

Try harder next time.
I oppose right wing trickle down economics


"Dog" loved the "Clinton economy."

What policies shaped that?

TAX AND SPENDING CUTS aka "trickle down..."

Big government has wrecked the US and the lower class, and some never learn or get a clue...
Deep State = Zionism = a commitment to subvert truth and acts of treason to manipulate the US to use the US military for the benefit of Israel, and engaging in massive kleptocracy leaving the US in a bottomless pit of debt....

Yup, that pretty much sums up what happened under LBJ, and what has happened since W took office....
So THAT's why the deep state is tring to get rid of the most Israel friendly president we have ever had.

It's because of the Jews.
Because Obama didn't bug Republicans in trump tower.
You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled.

You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled

The fact is court ordered surveillance was conducted on a subject that was no longer a member of the campaign, dope.

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