The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

Great, then let's see your evidence trump was wiretapped.....
Okie Dokie.

"Crossfire Hurricane is actually a surveillance operation and counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign based on the originating “EC” from Brennan. Crossfire Hurricane is also part of the background Russian conspiracy narrative being pushed by the Clinton campaign. However, Crossfire Hurricane is also mostly invisible except for leaks. Leaks can be risky; and they don’t want to tip-off the Trump campaign.

Meanwhile, despite their earnest efforts Fusion-GPS and Christopher Steele are not getting much media traction on their dossier. The media whispers are louder, most of them know about it, but no real traction on pushing specific stories.

On August 25th Hillary Clinton gives a speech in Reno Nevada where she outlines how the “Alt Right” and Russian agents/bots are behind an effort to destroy her campaign. To many people the speech just seemed goofy and paranoid. She was mocked for it.

Mysteriously Clinton disappeared for almost two weeks after that “Alt Right” speech, and resurfaced on September 11th in New York for a 9/11 event. This is when she had that mysterious collapsing episode, and was thrown in the van like a sack of potatoes. With each cough and stumble the possibility and risk of a Trump victory increases.

On September 29th, 2016, the FBI received word from New York that new Clinton emails were uncovered in the Weiner/Abedin laptop. Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok buried the issue, assuming (hoping) that Clinton would win the election. The laptop would be avoided by the FBI until October 27th. [backstory] Undoubtedly the Clinton campaign team was notified.

On October 19th Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump square off in their final debate. During the debate Clinton calls Trump “a puppet of Putin”. Clinton suggested that Trump would be a “puppet” for Putin, who has a “very clear favorite in this race.” “No, you’re the puppet!” Trump responded.

Clinton said 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that recent cyber attacks targeting the U.S. election came from Russia. “She has no idea” where the hacking originated, Trump argued. Clinton accused Trump of taking Putin’s word over the conclusions of the U.S. military and intelligence professionals, calling it “frightening.” LINK

Two days after this debate, October 21st, the FBI rushed an application to the FISA court for a Title-1 surveillance warrant against U.S. person Carter Page."

Good job, you proved that Carter Page was wiretapped. At that time he already left the Trump campaign.

Now how about proving that Trump was wiretapped.
They were already spying on him when they applied for FISA warrants.
Obama was spying on members of Congress and journalists, so the assumption he wasn't spying on political opposition is extremely naive.

ooooh I see, so your "proof" is an assumption about what Obama was doing.

Do you seriously not notice how fucking stupid what you are saying is?

You don't have proof, so get smart and aknowledge that instead of making yourself look like an idiot.
You look like any idiot trying to deny it.

Lol. You seriously still do not understand why it is idiotic to think that assumptions constitute proof?
Lol. You seriously still do not understand why it is idiotic to think that assumptions constitute proof?
Prior to 4-18-2019, that was more than good enough for the Democrats and their mouthpieces on the media.
What's changed?
Could be, although I've seen this more in the media already than I expected.

This would be historic, if true. I don't know how easily it could be avoided.

Here is a clue - it's not true and the only thing historic going on is how our piece of shit POTUS is using these lies to whip up his gullible base and divert attention from his own well documented moral failures and law breaking.
That's not a clue. That is your BIASED assumption.

NONE OF US know the actual details, hence the investigation. You could be right but so could the biggest far right wacko on this board.

Smart people will wait on the investigation to conclude. Then theres people like YOU

No dummy, there is only one reason for investigation - Trump's need to spread politico bullshit. He has been at it for a while now, but now he finally got himself a shameles Roy Cohn for Attorney General.

Anyone with half a brain and some knowledge of the facts involved here can see that clearly.
Strange, Barr has an impeccable reputation.

Barr's reputation now is that he is a Trump stooge. Many people that thought he will do a good job as Attorney General have been sorely disapointed with his gross unprofessionalism and political bend.

Attorney General Bill Barr Has Made A Huge Miscalculation

The guy has no credebility at this point.
Again, that is a biased opinion not a fact.

Learn the difference
Like most GOP dupes, absolutely out of your tiny brainwashed little mind. Try journalists and law enforcement someday, not garbage propaganda from greedy assholes...
Garbage propaganda from greedy - and butt hurt - assholes gave us the Mueller investigation.
You brainwashed functional morons will accept any reason except the obvious... The Russians were screwing with our election, the Trump campaign was meeting with them and it needed to be investigated- for Christ's sake you're goddamn idiots....
Here is a clue - it's not true and the only thing historic going on is how our piece of shit POTUS is using these lies to whip up his gullible base and divert attention from his own well documented moral failures and law breaking.
That's not a clue. That is your BIASED assumption.

NONE OF US know the actual details, hence the investigation. You could be right but so could the biggest far right wacko on this board.

Smart people will wait on the investigation to conclude. Then theres people like YOU

No dummy, there is only one reason for investigation - Trump's need to spread politico bullshit. He has been at it for a while now, but now he finally got himself a shameles Roy Cohn for Attorney General.

Anyone with half a brain and some knowledge of the facts involved here can see that clearly.
Strange, Barr has an impeccable reputation.

Barr's reputation now is that he is a Trump stooge. Many people that thought he will do a good job as Attorney General have been sorely disapointed with his gross unprofessionalism and political bend.

Attorney General Bill Barr Has Made A Huge Miscalculation

The guy has no credebility at this point.
Again, that is a biased opinion not a fact.

Learn the difference

lol ok, what is a FACT about how Barr is percieved?

FBI Director has implicitly repudiated Barr for using charged "spying" politico language.
Last edited:
Could be, although I've seen this more in the media already than I expected.

This would be historic, if true. I don't know how easily it could be avoided.

Here is a clue - it's not true and the only thing historic going on is how our piece of shit POTUS is using these lies to whip up his gullible base and divert attention from his own well documented moral failures and law breaking.
That's not a clue. That is your BIASED assumption.

NONE OF US know the actual details, hence the investigation. You could be right but so could the biggest far right wacko on this board.

Smart people will wait on the investigation to conclude. Then theres people like YOU

No dummy, there is only one reason for investigation - Trump's need to spread politico bullshit. He has been at it for a while now, but now he finally got himself a shameles Roy Cohn for Attorney General.

Anyone with half a brain and some knowledge of the facts involved here can see that clearly.
Strange, Barr has an impeccable reputation.

Barr's reputation now is that he is a Trump stooge. Many people that thought he will do a good job as Attorney General have been sorely disapointed with his gross unprofessionalism and political bend.

Attorney General Bill Barr Has Made A Huge Miscalculation

The guy has no credebility at this point.
OH, so because he won't go along with Democrats who refuse to admit they lost, he's a stooge.
You brainwashed functional morons will accept any reason except the obvious... The Russians were screwing with our election, the Trump campaign was meeting with them and it needed to be investigated- for Christ's sake you're goddamn idiots....
So, you -do- understand the need for an investigation into the Obama administration fraudulently using the apparatus of state as a means to further the election of one Hillary Clinton.
Here is a clue - it's not true and the only thing historic going on is how our piece of shit POTUS is using these lies to whip up his gullible base and divert attention from his own well documented moral failures and law breaking.
That's not a clue. That is your BIASED assumption.

NONE OF US know the actual details, hence the investigation. You could be right but so could the biggest far right wacko on this board.

Smart people will wait on the investigation to conclude. Then theres people like YOU

No dummy, there is only one reason for investigation - Trump's need to spread politico bullshit. He has been at it for a while now, but now he finally got himself a shameles Roy Cohn for Attorney General.

Anyone with half a brain and some knowledge of the facts involved here can see that clearly.
Strange, Barr has an impeccable reputation.

Barr's reputation now is that he is a Trump stooge. Many people that thought he will do a good job as Attorney General have been sorely disapointed with his gross unprofessionalism and political bend.

Attorney General Bill Barr Has Made A Huge Miscalculation

The guy has no credebility at this point.
OH, so because he won't go along with Democrats who refuse to admit they lost, he's a stooge.

What the fuck is swirling in your little head?

Which Democrat refuses to admit that Trump won the election? And it's not as if Democrats are the only ones accusing Barr of acting like a damn personal lawyer for Trump.
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That's not a clue. That is your BIASED assumption.

NONE OF US know the actual details, hence the investigation. You could be right but so could the biggest far right wacko on this board.

Smart people will wait on the investigation to conclude. Then theres people like YOU

No dummy, there is only one reason for investigation - Trump's need to spread politico bullshit. He has been at it for a while now, but now he finally got himself a shameles Roy Cohn for Attorney General.

Anyone with half a brain and some knowledge of the facts involved here can see that clearly.
Strange, Barr has an impeccable reputation.

Barr's reputation now is that he is a Trump stooge. Many people that thought he will do a good job as Attorney General have been sorely disapointed with his gross unprofessionalism and political bend.

Attorney General Bill Barr Has Made A Huge Miscalculation

The guy has no credebility at this point.
Again, that is a biased opinion not a fact.

Learn the difference

lol ok, what is a FACT about how Barr is percieved?

FBI Director has implicitly repudiated Barr for using charged "spying" politico language.
Ahh so the FBI is now the Grammar Nazi?

Give me a fucking break ya stooge
That's not a clue. That is your BIASED assumption.

NONE OF US know the actual details, hence the investigation. You could be right but so could the biggest far right wacko on this board.

Smart people will wait on the investigation to conclude. Then theres people like YOU

No dummy, there is only one reason for investigation - Trump's need to spread politico bullshit. He has been at it for a while now, but now he finally got himself a shameles Roy Cohn for Attorney General.

Anyone with half a brain and some knowledge of the facts involved here can see that clearly.
Strange, Barr has an impeccable reputation.

Barr's reputation now is that he is a Trump stooge. Many people that thought he will do a good job as Attorney General have been sorely disapointed with his gross unprofessionalism and political bend.

Attorney General Bill Barr Has Made A Huge Miscalculation

The guy has no credebility at this point.
OH, so because he won't go along with Democrats who refuse to admit they lost, he's a stooge.

What the fuck is swirling in your little head?

Which Democrat refuses to admit that Trump won the election? And what the hell does it have to do with Barr's constant politico dog whistle talk?
They hoped for something in the Mueller Report and got nothing. They refuse to drop the issue for political reasons, essentially impeachment is the only thing they got.
No dummy, there is only one reason for investigation - Trump's need to spread politico bullshit. He has been at it for a while now, but now he finally got himself a shameles Roy Cohn for Attorney General.

Anyone with half a brain and some knowledge of the facts involved here can see that clearly.
Strange, Barr has an impeccable reputation.

Barr's reputation now is that he is a Trump stooge. Many people that thought he will do a good job as Attorney General have been sorely disapointed with his gross unprofessionalism and political bend.

Attorney General Bill Barr Has Made A Huge Miscalculation

The guy has no credebility at this point.
OH, so because he won't go along with Democrats who refuse to admit they lost, he's a stooge.

What the fuck is swirling in your little head?

Which Democrat refuses to admit that Trump won the election? And what the hell does it have to do with Barr's constant politico dog whistle talk?
They hoped for something in the Mueller Report and got nothing. They refuse to drop the issue for political reasons, essentially impeachment is the only thing they got.

Nothing? Then what do you call 10 documented episodes of Trump possibly Obstructing Justice contained in the report along with the urging of Congress to hold POTUS accountable?

It's FAR from nothing as the Trump administration clearly tells you by refusing to let McGahn and Mueller to testify before Congress.
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They hoped for something in the Mueller Report and got nothing. They refuse to drop the issue for political reasons, essentially impeachment is the only thing they got.
And they don't have that.
If I were Trump, I'd quote whichever Dem bleated on about impeachment the day before and dare them to impeach me, every day.
Nothing? Then what do you call 10 well documents episodes of Trump possibly Obstructing Justice...
Allegations of actions that do not meet the definition of a crime, because the required intent cannot be proven.
"It turns out there really is a “deep state” out to thwart Trump after all, but its operatives are not alleged liberal Trump haters in the FBI but Trump appointees in his administration—and when they secretly manage to thwart him, they shield him from prison."

"“They thought we colluded, but we couldn’t even collude with our local offices.” It’s a pitiful yet accurate exculpation: not guilty by reason of ineptitude."

"Mueller’s chronicle of prevarication, moral turpitude, and incompetence is dispiriting, but his presentation of rigorous legal reasoning and strict adherence to statutes, case law, and procedural rules is inspiring. The text serves as an x-ray, revealing a venal politician and a corrupt political system. At the same time, it embodies many of the values that make the United States great: integrity, meticulousness, professionalism, public service, and the rule of law."

American Hustle
Because Obama didn't bug Republicans in trump tower.
You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled.

You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled

The fact is court ordered surveillance was conducted on a subject that was no longer a member of the campaign, dope.
spying on a citizen. terrible and not what you should want from your government. just saying, the dossier was never verified, therefore, any warrant was illegally gotten.
No dummy, there is only one reason for investigation - Trump's need to spread politico bullshit. He has been at it for a while now, but now he finally got himself a shameles Roy Cohn for Attorney General.

Anyone with half a brain and some knowledge of the facts involved here can see that clearly.
Strange, Barr has an impeccable reputation.

Barr's reputation now is that he is a Trump stooge. Many people that thought he will do a good job as Attorney General have been sorely disapointed with his gross unprofessionalism and political bend.

Attorney General Bill Barr Has Made A Huge Miscalculation

The guy has no credebility at this point.
Again, that is a biased opinion not a fact.

Learn the difference

lol ok, what is a FACT about how Barr is percieved?

FBI Director has implicitly repudiated Barr for using charged "spying" politico language.
Ahh so the FBI is now the Grammar Nazi?

Give me a fucking break ya stooge

This is not a "grammar" issue. This is an issue of Barr using very specific Trumpian dog-whistle words to assist Trump in spreading his conspiratorial bullshit.

Bar is not stupid, he is not ignorant and he knows exactly what he is doing when he is playing these political games.

History will not be kind to him.
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
The right does even know what the deep state is but they got the state part right and they are good a spinning conspiracies with no solid proof but there seem to be suspicious activity and that is good enough

Parallel and Perpendicular lines look alike and by rotating it to the left or right you will gets you the same thing

a straight line but obviously going in different directions

if you ask them to define it, then it is almost like looking in the mirror

is the deep state when repub control the government or is it when demos control the government

If you don't have a state run news organization and you do have an election process that does not keep one political organization in power consistently at the national level then there is no deep state

if you have oversight and tools available to get rid of bed bugs then the system may not be perfect but it can correct itself

Now you have state employees who administer the state business but the state is a democracy and most employees take that seriously

and some just want to be boot licker but hey they got mouths to feed

Its just people really do have active imaginations and even if the Truth is out there, not to many really want the truth.

A warm lie will let you sleep well and the bed bugs won't bite

but they do

To be a simple person or not

Thanks for demonstrating you can't name any.

Anyone with the last name of


and everyone associated with The Campaign.

Even the FBI admits they were spying on the campaign.

Thanks for proving you are still a Russian Pawn, and still a Dummy who's "With Her"
Great, then let's see your evidence trump was wiretapped.....
Okie Dokie.

"Crossfire Hurricane is actually a surveillance operation and counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign based on the originating “EC” from Brennan. Crossfire Hurricane is also part of the background Russian conspiracy narrative being pushed by the Clinton campaign. However, Crossfire Hurricane is also mostly invisible except for leaks. Leaks can be risky; and they don’t want to tip-off the Trump campaign.

Meanwhile, despite their earnest efforts Fusion-GPS and Christopher Steele are not getting much media traction on their dossier. The media whispers are louder, most of them know about it, but no real traction on pushing specific stories.

On August 25th Hillary Clinton gives a speech in Reno Nevada where she outlines how the “Alt Right” and Russian agents/bots are behind an effort to destroy her campaign. To many people the speech just seemed goofy and paranoid. She was mocked for it.

Mysteriously Clinton disappeared for almost two weeks after that “Alt Right” speech, and resurfaced on September 11th in New York for a 9/11 event. This is when she had that mysterious collapsing episode, and was thrown in the van like a sack of potatoes. With each cough and stumble the possibility and risk of a Trump victory increases.

On September 29th, 2016, the FBI received word from New York that new Clinton emails were uncovered in the Weiner/Abedin laptop. Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok buried the issue, assuming (hoping) that Clinton would win the election. The laptop would be avoided by the FBI until October 27th. [backstory] Undoubtedly the Clinton campaign team was notified.

On October 19th Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump square off in their final debate. During the debate Clinton calls Trump “a puppet of Putin”. Clinton suggested that Trump would be a “puppet” for Putin, who has a “very clear favorite in this race.” “No, you’re the puppet!” Trump responded.

Clinton said 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that recent cyber attacks targeting the U.S. election came from Russia. “She has no idea” where the hacking originated, Trump argued. Clinton accused Trump of taking Putin’s word over the conclusions of the U.S. military and intelligence professionals, calling it “frightening.” LINK

Two days after this debate, October 21st, the FBI rushed an application to the FISA court for a Title-1 surveillance warrant against U.S. person Carter Page."

Good job, you proved that Carter Page was wiretapped. At that time he already left the Trump campaign.

Now how about proving that Trump was wiretapped.
why was he wiretapped then? what gave the left the right to fk up his life?
Thanks for demonstrating you can't name any.

Anyone with the last name of


and everyone associated with The Campaign.

Even the FBI admits they were spying on the campaign.

Thanks for proving you are still a Russian Pawn, and still a Dummy who's "With Her"
Great, then let's see your evidence trump was wiretapped.....
Okie Dokie.

"Crossfire Hurricane is actually a surveillance operation and counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign based on the originating “EC” from Brennan. Crossfire Hurricane is also part of the background Russian conspiracy narrative being pushed by the Clinton campaign. However, Crossfire Hurricane is also mostly invisible except for leaks. Leaks can be risky; and they don’t want to tip-off the Trump campaign.

Meanwhile, despite their earnest efforts Fusion-GPS and Christopher Steele are not getting much media traction on their dossier. The media whispers are louder, most of them know about it, but no real traction on pushing specific stories.

On August 25th Hillary Clinton gives a speech in Reno Nevada where she outlines how the “Alt Right” and Russian agents/bots are behind an effort to destroy her campaign. To many people the speech just seemed goofy and paranoid. She was mocked for it.

Mysteriously Clinton disappeared for almost two weeks after that “Alt Right” speech, and resurfaced on September 11th in New York for a 9/11 event. This is when she had that mysterious collapsing episode, and was thrown in the van like a sack of potatoes. With each cough and stumble the possibility and risk of a Trump victory increases.

On September 29th, 2016, the FBI received word from New York that new Clinton emails were uncovered in the Weiner/Abedin laptop. Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok buried the issue, assuming (hoping) that Clinton would win the election. The laptop would be avoided by the FBI until October 27th. [backstory] Undoubtedly the Clinton campaign team was notified.

On October 19th Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump square off in their final debate. During the debate Clinton calls Trump “a puppet of Putin”. Clinton suggested that Trump would be a “puppet” for Putin, who has a “very clear favorite in this race.” “No, you’re the puppet!” Trump responded.

Clinton said 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that recent cyber attacks targeting the U.S. election came from Russia. “She has no idea” where the hacking originated, Trump argued. Clinton accused Trump of taking Putin’s word over the conclusions of the U.S. military and intelligence professionals, calling it “frightening.” LINK

Two days after this debate, October 21st, the FBI rushed an application to the FISA court for a Title-1 surveillance warrant against U.S. person Carter Page."

Good job, you proved that Carter Page was wiretapped. At that time he already left the Trump campaign.

Now how about proving that Trump was wiretapped.
They were already spying on him when they applied for FISA warrants.
Obama was spying on members of Congress and journalists, so the assumption he wasn't spying on political opposition is extremely naive. Especially since his phone conversations were constantly leaked to the press in the early days of his administration. Also, somebody released an op-ed about being inside the administration and making sure he was reigned in. Guess you forgot about that.
Snowden was correct!!!!!
Because Obama didn't bug Republicans in trump tower.
You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled.

You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled

The fact is court ordered surveillance was conducted on a subject that was no longer a member of the campaign, dope.
spying on a citizen. terrible and not what you should want from your government. just saying, the dossier was never verified, therefore, any warrant was illegally gotten.
Court ordered surveillance. Properly adjudicated.
Obviously then the warrant was not " illegally gotten".

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