The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

Trump said his dad loaned him $1 million. The left says he loaned him $14 million. A loan is not a gift. But lets say he DID give him the $1 million or even $14 million. Trump became a multi-billionaire. Nobody gave him that kind of money. Your claim is asinine.
What if your dad loaned you $1000 and you made $2.5 million with it. Would you say because of that loan you were NOT a self-made millionaire? Because that's the same ratio as Trump.

There are records of Donald's money coming from Dad.

Your unabashed worship of Trump is bordering on blasphemy.

In the 2016 election, there was a self-made millionaire. But he was the Libertarian candidate. He started going door-to-door as a handyman and ended up owning a huge construction company.
There are records of Donald's money coming from Dad.

Your unabashed worship of Trump is bordering on blasphemy.

In the 2016 election, there was a self-made millionaire. But he was the Libertarian candidate. He started going door-to-door as a handyman and ended up owning a huge construction company.

Please answer the question and stop changing the subject. How does a loan or gift of $1 million or $14 million when turned into $2.5 billion keep Trump from being a self-made billionaire? Isn't $1 million much much less than $2.5 billion?

Also, if your dad loaned you $1000 and you turned it into $2.5 million, would you not be a self-made billionaire? Same ratio as Trump.

You really ought to evaluate your leftwing talking points before spouting them to see if they make sense. This one doesn't.
Nope. I made a point you didn't like. And like a true Trumpster chickenshit, you steered around it.

Dodge 'em!
I'll ask again since you changed the subject and didn't answer the question: Which part of my statement was wrong in post #359?
All of it but the last sentence.
Tell me how it's not factual. Then tell me how you, a Trump-hater, presume to know why I and many others voted for him.
"What got Trump was elected was people believed in the promises he made and in his sincerity to keep them. And he did keep them."
All of it but the last sentence.
Last sentence of post #359
That has proven to have been the best path, and it would have spared our economy.
Wrong as well. To "prove {} the best path," one would need to test all the alternatives, obviously including allowing for herd immunity which anti-vax nuts continue to impede tooth and nail. Israel has demonstrated far superior results with effective herd immunity.

Today: Deaths per 1 million people:
U.S. -- 2,863
Israel -- 1,096
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Please answer the question and stop changing the subject. How does a loan or gift of $1 million or $14 million when turned into $2.5 billion keep Trump from being a self-made billionaire? Isn't $1 million much much less than $2.5 billion?

Also, if your dad loaned you $1000 and you turned it into $2.5 million, would you not be a self-made billionaire? Same ratio as Trump.

You really ought to evaluate your leftwing talking points before spouting them to see if they make sense. This one doesn't.

I didn't say he didn't make lots of money. I simply questioned the whole "self-made" part. If Donald had not been given any money by his dad, would he have made billions?
Your reply seems to imply that you feel a need to project. Hey. Don’t be too alarmed. I did conceal your face. You are really straining the fabric of your tartan tent kilt.
Actually my reply is to watch you con-tinue in your "last-word-itis".....:heehee: It's so strong in you, even to the point you post pics of yourself in your obesity. No wonder you aren't doing well, health-wise.
Tell me how it's not factual. Then tell me how you, a Trump-hater, presume to know why I and many others voted for him.
"What got Trump was elected was people believed in the promises he made and in his sincerity to keep them. And he did keep them."

He kept his promises?

Didn't he promise to put Hillary in jail (he said he would get the Supreme Court to do it).
Didn't he promise to overturn Roe v. Wade?
Didn't he promise to replace the Affordable Care Act?
Didn't he promise to be the voice of the American worker?
Didn't he promise to eliminate the federal deficit?
Didn't he promise Mexico would pay for the wall?

Seems like you are cherry-picking what you want to hear. Given your approach to your religious beliefs, that is not a surprise.
I didn't say he didn't make lots of money. I simply questioned the whole "self-made" part. If Donald had not been given any money by his dad, would he have made billions?
Yes, he would have. $1 million is a drop in the bucket compared to $2.5 billion. Anyone who can make that kind of money is talented.
There are records of Donald's money coming from Dad.

Your unabashed worship of Trump is bordering on blasphemy.

In the 2016 election, there was a self-made millionaire. But he was the Libertarian candidate. He started going door-to-door as a handyman and ended up owning a huge construction company.
Mashmouth worships the fat former guy as a replacement of her former worship of the catholic god.
Actually my reply is to watch you con-tinue in your "last-word-itis".....:heehee: It's so strong in you, even to the point you post pics of yourself in your obesity. No wonder you aren't doing well, health-wise.
See? You have no point. You’re simply doing what I ordered you to do. To hurry back and seek to one up me. As you always do. And that picture of you in your tartan tent kilt is all about your obesity. Don’t try to deny reality.

I wouldn’t say “embrace” your massive girth. It’s not healthy for you. But there’s no need to project. So you’re morbidly obese? You can still make a proactive choice: go on a diet. Consider eating some veggies. Try exercise. Get some psychiatric support.

Choose life, you cow. Save the tartan tents!
Tell me how it's not factual. Then tell me how you, a Trump-hater, presume to know why I and many others voted for him.
"What got Trump was elected was people believed in the promises he made and in his sincerity to keep them. And he did keep them."
People have believed his lies for decades. Banks, The IRS, Contractors, wives, etc etc. He has screwed every one of them. Started with his family after dad died. He ended up with the bulk of the family fortune and it was far more than 1 million and it wasn't a fuckin' loan either. And he's not a billionaire. And if the Manhattan DA does its job you will see that. His wealth is mostly other people's money he attained through inflating and deflating his assets as it suited his interests. He's a fraud and has always been a fraud. As a President, he is a Traitorous, dangerous, scoundrel who surrounded himself with a Rogues Gallery of other Traitors and scoundrels who cashed in on taxpayers money. That includes Junior, Ivanka, Jarrod and Melanoma. A cancer on the country and its people. It's people and entities like Trump whom Carlin exposed to the people.
He kept his promises?

Didn't he promise to put Hillary in jail (he said he would get the Supreme Court to do it).
Didn't he promise to overturn Roe v. Wade?
Didn't he promise to replace the Affordable Care Act?
Didn't he promise to be the voice of the American worker?
Didn't he promise to eliminate the federal deficit?
Didn't he promise Mexico would pay for the wall?

Seems like you are cherry-picking what you want to hear. Given your approach to your religious beliefs, that is not a surprise.
The promises I and other Trump voters were concerned about was:
1) stemming the flood of illegals. Done
2) appointing great conservative SCOTUS justices. Done
3) Overturning Roe v Wade. Almost done
4) Be the voice of the American worker. Done.
5) Level our trade deals. Done.
6) Open ANWR and the Keystone XL... Done
7) Make us energy independent and reduce gasoline prices. Done.
8) Sharply reduce terrorism, particularly Islam domestic terrorism. Done.
9) Overturn 0bummercare. Brought it to a vote. Would have done it had McCain not lied in his campaign promise.

I will also add a game isn't over at halftime. This is only in his first term. He did far more than Chimpy did in two terms.
Yes, he would have. $1 million is a drop in the bucket compared to $2.5 billion. Anyone who can make that kind of money is talented.

Yes, they are. I never said he was a bad businessman. But when someone GIVES you $1 million, and you use that to start your development business, you aren't self-made.

You want to keep arguing about making money. I am arguing about whether he is self-made.
The promises I and other Trump voters were concerned about was:
1) stemming the flood of illegals. Done
2) appointing great conservative SCOTUS justices. Done
3) Overturning Roe v Wade. Almost done
4) Be the voice of the American worker. Done.
5) Level our trade deals. Done.
6) Open ANWR and the Keystone XL... Done
7) Make us energy independent and reduce gasoline prices. Done.
8) Sharply reduce terrorism, particularly Islam domestic terrorism. Done.
9) Overturn 0bummercare. Brought it to a vote. Would have done it had McCain not lied in his campaign promise.

I will also add a game isn't over at halftime. This is only in his first term. He did far more than Chimpy did in two terms.

So he kept his promises, as long as you pick the right promises. Okey dokey.
Yes, they are. I never said he was a bad businessman. But when someone GIVES you $1 million, and you use that to start your development business, you aren't self-made.

You want to keep arguing about making money. I am arguing about whether he is self-made.

Trump said it was a loan. So for the third time, if you dad loaned or even gave you $1000, and you made $2.5 million off it, were you a self-made millionaire or not? Why can't you answer this question?
Wouldn't you say that was a pretty great record for a first term? 9 for 9 of the most important issues including the seemingly impossible Roe v Wade which, according to experts, will fall?

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