The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

See? You have no point. You’re simply doing what I ordered you to do. To hurry back and seek to one up me. As you always do. And that picture of you in your tartan tent kilt is all about your obesity. Don’t try to deny reality.

I wouldn’t say “embrace” your massive girth. It’s not healthy for you. But there’s no need to project. So you’re morbidly obese? You can still make a proactive choice: go on a diet. Consider eating some veggies. Try exercise. Get some psychiatric support.

Choose life, you cow. Save the tartan tents!
More last-word-itis. :heehee: You don't even know what tartan.......can't get anything right so you self-post picks of yourself. :heehee:
I can think of no sane reason to vote for Trump. Beyond that, I don't give a shit why you voted for him.
Good. Glad you walked back your claim that my reason people voted for Trump was false. Took awhile to get that concession, but I finally got it.
Wouldn't you say that was a pretty great record for a first term? 9 for 9 of the most important issues including the seemingly impossible Roe v Wade which, according to experts, will fall?
Mostly Bullshit. Now he is showing just how traitorous he has always been. He got that done too.
I listed his accomplishments. You don't seem to want to read them. You just want to gripe.
I could claim he's the first man to eat a battleship. That doesn't make it true. Your list provides not a hint of proof to back it up.
Trump said it was a loan. So for the third time, if you dad loaned or even gave you $1000, and you made $2.5 million off it, were you a self-made millionaire or not? Why can't you answer this question?

I have answered the question. When someone gives you millions of dollars to start a development business you are not self-made.
Wouldn't you say that was a pretty great record for a first term? 9 for 9 of the most important issues including the seemingly impossible Roe v Wade which, according to experts, will fall?

Roe v. Wade has not been removed.

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