The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

There are specific ACW amendments however, that protect the right to vote. This is substantially different then the right to privacy underpinnings of Roe vs. Wade.
Yeah, the voting laws need to change. They've changed before for the worse. Allowing 18-year-olds to vote is a grave mistake.
Poor boredtoseeya. No. As you know — but refuse to admit because you remain a HUGE FAT liar — is that I made a bet. But the only other party to the bet was given the heave ho before that election. Therefore: no bet.

In any case, you remain the liar. The only question here is whether you’ve lost that first 500 pounds yet?

Say hi to Omar the Tartan Tent Maker.
I said I didn't know her, that I was only talking about her if she was on welfare and didn't file. Just by her attitude, my hunch is that she is a taker and not a giver.

And you, who want to demand everyone follows your faith, is a giver? LMAO!!
Waters is horrible. She blatantly called for violence against those she disagrees with. She should have been expelled from Congress. But the leftwing media didn't even raise an eyebrow over it.

Why is this woman even in Congress? She might be qualified to be a cleaning lady. Not much more.
LOL Tell me again how my posts reek of anger? I see clearly now why you are a Trump sheep. Hate breeds hate and racism breeds racism. Do a little praying that you can accept what a fool you are. It's plain to see for the rest of us. What church are you affiliated with? Church of the divine Noose? Wow!
If he truly was an idiot, he should have run for the white house! If Trump can do it, any fuckin' Bozo can.
You people believe your own lies. President Trump is maybe the most gifted man in America this century. Self-made billionaire in business, highly successful TV show, pulled off the biggest election upset in history and against a formidable GOP field. At one point was given a 9% chance of winning.
You people believe your own lies. President Trump is maybe the most gifted man in America this century. Self-made billionaire in business, highly successful TV show, pulled off the biggest election upset in history and against a formidable GOP field. At one point was given a 9% chance of winning.
That's because only 9% of Republicans supported him. But the combination of hyper-partisanship and lesser-of-two-evils idiocy got him elected anyway.
That's because only 9% of Republicans supported him. But the combination of hyper-partisanship and lesser-of-two-evils idiocy got him elected anyway.
Actually, no. What got Trump was elected was people believed in the promises he made and in his sincerity to keep them. And he did keep them.
I did not vote for Trump in the primaries because I didn't think he was a sincere conservative. But the conservative way he governed exceeded my expectations. I was extremely pleased. Every call he made was instinctively the correct call. He wanted to keep the economy open during COVID. That has proven to have been the best path, and it would have spared our economy.
Actually, no. What got Trump was elected was people believed in the promises he made and in his sincerity to keep them. And he did keep them.
Actually, yes. Plurality voting and the two-party system have our country in a downward spiral, electing shittier and shittier leaders every cycle.

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