The same words of hate that are coming out of the Mouth of Trump,

The infiltration of jesuits has been behind the demise of this country...knights of Malta, knights of Columbus i.e freemasonry infiltrated by the jesuits and what I have found through my thousands of hours of research is that all roads do indeed lead to Rome.
The cause of modern depravity makes for interesting and endless debate, and I will post my thoughts in this forum eventually. But all that really matters is agreeing on where we are now and what we should do about it.

The initial post in this thread is beyond absurd. But that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the failure of religious people to stand up to such nonsense. Any moral person should be willing to openly and directly reject modern culture, the whole spectrum from Clinton to Trump. It isn't worth debating with members of modern culture like the author of this thread. The correct response is "Okay, so you consider us haters. Then let's go our separate ways and split the country in two, between people like you and religious people like us."

The controllers would never allow a separation of USA.INC into two different factions because "da gubermint" is a corporate entity ran and controlled by the banking oligarchs controlled by the vatican. Do you think it's just a coincidence that there are only three city states in the world? Washington D.C, London and the vatican? All three have an obelisk of the same size? We call ours the "Washington Monument"'s not a coincidence by any stretch of the imagination.

Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City |
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Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches. The silent majority , the Christian right is a complete joke. If you bring your family to most of these evangelical churches your teaching your children a message that never came out of Jesus Mouth, a very clear message of hate, In fact there is very little that they teach that Jesus taught. Cruz, A Evangelical minister, was all about hate and was the second place presidential candidate. Mike Huckabee Is not a man of God , he is a man of hate. The Evangelicals , the Christian right will Give up the words of God and ask you to support Trump. Because saying that he a is the Christian choice is exactly the same as Churches Supporting Hitler. Same level, same words, same intension. In fact there is very little that any of these haters teach that Jesus wants from us.
And that evangelical subculture has rotted the brain of the United States of America.

We have a big slice of our population waiting for Jesus to come back, they look forward to Armageddon, good news is bad news to them.

When we talk about the Left Behind series of books that I talk about in my book Crazy for God, what we’re really talking about is a group of people who are resentful because they know they’ve been left behind by modernity, by science, by education, by art, by literature.

The rest of us our getting on with our lives; these people are standing on a hilltop waiting for the end. And this is a dangerous group of people to have as neighbors and they’re our national neighbors and this is the source of all these insanities that we see leveled at the president.

One way or another they go back to this little evangelical subculture… it’s a disaster.

Look, a village cannot reorganize village life to suit the village idiot. It’s as simple as that, and we have to understand: we have a village idiot in this country. It’s called fundamentalist Christianity.

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The controllers would never allow a separation of USA.INC into tow different factions because "da gubermint" is a corporate entity ran and controlled by the banking oligarchs
I agree with you. The main benefit of my suggested response is that it puts a rapid end to the conversation and saves you time. Debating with liberals creates the false illusion that some kind of understanding is possible. It is not possible.
They have made the republicans un-electable. Its a big problem for the US, and the world.
Particularly in Africa where they are exporting their hate.
Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches. The silent majority , the Christian right is a complete joke. If you bring your family to most of these evangelical churches your teaching your children a message that never came out of Jesus Mouth, a very clear message of hate, In fact there is very little that they teach that Jesus taught. Cruz, A Evangelical minister, was all about hate and was the second place presidential candidate. Mike Huckabee Is not a man of God , he is a man of hate. The Evangelicals , the Christian right will Give up the words of God and ask you to support Trump. Because saying that he a is the Christian choice is exactly the same as Churches Supporting Hitler. Same level, same words, same intension. In fact there is very little that any of these haters teach that Jesus wants from us.
And that evangelical subculture has rotted the brain of the United States of America.

We have a big slice of our population waiting for Jesus to come back, they look forward to Armageddon, good news is bad news to them.

When we talk about the Left Behind series of books that I talk about in my book Crazy for God, what we’re really talking about is a group of people who are resentful because they know they’ve been left behind by modernity, by science, by education, by art, by literature.

The rest of us our getting on with our lives; these people are standing on a hilltop waiting for the end. And this is a dangerous group of people to have as neighbors and they’re our national neighbors and this is the source of all these insanities that we see leveled at the president

One way or another they go back to this little evangelical subculture… it’s a disaster.

Look, a village cannot reorganize village life to suit the village idiot. It’s as simple as that, and we have to understand: we have a village idiot in this country. It’s called fundamentalist Christianity.

Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches. The silent majority , the Christian right is a complete joke. If you bring your family to most of these evangelical churches your teaching your children a message that never came out of Jesus Mouth, a very clear message of hate, In fact there is very little that they teach that Jesus taught. Cruz, A Evangelical minister, was all about hate and was the second place presidential candidate. Mike Huckabee Is not a man of God , he is a man of hate. The Evangelicals , the Christian right will Give up the words of God and ask you to support Trump. Because saying that he a is the Christian choice is exactly the same as Churches Supporting Hitler. Same level, same words, same intension. In fact there is very little that any of these haters teach that Jesus wants from us.
And that evangelical subculture has rotted the brain of the United States of America.

We have a big slice of our population waiting for Jesus to come back, they look forward to Armageddon, good news is bad news to them.

When we talk about the Left Behind series of books that I talk about in my book Crazy for God, what we’re really talking about is a group of people who are resentful because they know they’ve been left behind by modernity, by science, by education, by art, by literature.

The rest of us our getting on with our lives; these people are standing on a hilltop waiting for the end. And this is a dangerous group of people to have as neighbors and they’re our national neighbors and this is the source of all these insanities that we see leveled at the president.

One way or another they go back to this little evangelical subculture… it’s a disaster.

Look, a village cannot reorganize village life to suit the village idiot. It’s as simple as that, and we have to understand: we have a village idiot in this country. It’s called fundamentalist Christianity.

You would be wrong on every front, my friend. I am a Christian with a very strong faith in Jesus Christ but I am also a historian and diligent researcher. The "rapture" deception was jesuit initiated and it's teachings preached in Protestant churches was infiltrated by the jesuits and influenced by a false doctrine and it goes all the way back to the mid 1800's. This was a ploy to keep Bible believing Protestants from trying to change the course of history because the "end times" was all by design and that they would simply wait for all the signs that their "redemption draweth nigh". Science is a means to an end and it has proven to not be on the side of the common man and I can give you numerous examples of that very salient fact. Our educational system doesn't teach children how to think but what to think...reference Charlotte Iserbyt's book "The Dumbing Down Of America"...she was an insider...look her up. This country lost it's moral compass a long time ago with the "free love, anything goes" agenda of the controlled opposition to the illegal and immoral war that was Vietnam. JFK tried to warn us about secret societies and those that took secret oaths and he paid for it with his leader since has dared to raise the voice and question the powers that be. I have been down the proverbial rabbit hole that veers off in so many directions. The things that I have learned are so horrific that if the people actually understood what has been done to them? There would be a march on D.C with pitchforks and torches that would make the storming of the Bastille seem "small time"...and this the truth. There are many times that I wish I had never ventured down this path. I was much happier when I was ignorant...but you can't "unlearn" what you know.
My biggest problem with Christians is that they don't hate enough. Amos 5:15 says "Hate evil and love good and establish justice in the gate." Note the "hate evil" part. All of modern culture is evil and deserves nothing but hatred. And Trump is very much a part of modern culture. Trump has nothing in common with any religion.

The same view Isis has of Islam.
My biggest problem with Christians is that they don't hate enough. Amos 5:15 says "Hate evil and love good and establish justice in the gate." Note the "hate evil" part. All of modern culture is evil and deserves nothing but hatred. And Trump is very much a part of modern culture. Trump has nothing in common with any religion.
No we don't hate , although we have a book that tells us what and who to hate.
Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches

It is about time. It has nothing to do with hate, and everything to do with freedom to practice one's religion without fear of persecution. It is about time we stood up to a regime that insists we set aside our beliefs to cater to someone else's.
It is time to speak up. We aren't beheading people or slaughtering children at their desks. You would think that if one wanted to rail against religion, one would start there.

For every one of you there is one of us who deserves a vote as much as you do.

It is 100% hate. tell me who is getting persecuted for their religion, tell me how that persecution is implemented.. and I can't wait for your support of That administration your talking about, what was it? Oh ya may I quote you"It is about time we stood up to a regime that insists we set aside our beliefs to cater to someone else's." What a pile of make believe.

100 percent "hate" of what??? Explain yourself, my little commie friend.......
You have zero clue what a commie is but the commie attack is like attacking my spelling. Comments from a very incapable mind.
Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches. The silent majority , the Christian right is a complete joke. If you bring your family to most of these evangelical churches your teaching your children a message that never came out of Jesus Mouth, a very clear message of hate, In fact there is very little that they teach that Jesus taught. Cruz, A Evangelical minister, was all about hate and was the second place presidential candidate. Mike Huckabee Is not a man of God , he is a man of hate. The Evangelicals , the Christian right will Give up the words of God and ask you to support Trump. Because saying that he a is the Christian choice is exactly the same as Churches Supporting Hitler. Same level, same words, same intension. In fact there is very little that any of these haters teach that Jesus wants from us.

You are full of shit.

That you didn't include a single example in your op is you being as ass.

Give me your single best example.
The infiltration of jesuits has been behind the demise of this country...knights of Malta, knights of Columbus i.e freemasonry infiltrated by the jesuits and what I have found through my thousands of hours of research is that all roads do indeed lead to Rome.
The cause of modern depravity makes for interesting and endless debate, and I will post my thoughts in this forum eventually. But all that really matters is agreeing on where we are now and what we should do about it.

The initial post in this thread is beyond absurd. But that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the failure of religious people to stand up to such nonsense. Any moral person should be willing to openly and directly reject modern culture, the whole spectrum from Clinton to Trump. It isn't worth debating with members of modern culture like the author of this thread. The correct response is "Okay, so you consider us haters. Then let's go our separate ways and split the country in two, between people like you and religious people like us."
You don't get part of my country, where do you get the idea that because of your rage against other religions and people different from you, that allows you to separate my country. You should feel grateful that we even allow you to practice your type of fake Christianity here. All religions are allowed here but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that Christians can be as hateful as any other religion.
Most 'christians' in the country are what I call kristians. Phony Christians who use that moniker as cover for their judgement of anyone that isn't like they are. These people grovel at the feet of the wealthy and spit on the poor. They are anti-Christ.

If you gave a shit about the poor, you would be against a central bank that creates money from nothing while charging us interest. Democrats like Woodrow Wilson and FDR have done more to make debt slaves out of the people than any other alleged "leaders". Unfair trade agreements, illegal immigration and a dumbed down public educational system ran by liberals has done more to kill this country than any neocon ever could and that's a FUCKING fact.

First I'll point out you have no clue and you are quite funny. You support everything I charge about funny farm Christians. All countries print money to control the economy, printing money lowers the value of the dollar , which of course is a great thing if you want to increase exports. It also lowers the interest rates. With the potential of inflation and increase cost of imports. So it has to be watched closely. Both Trade agreements and immigrants are both net gain for this country. As far as illegals , even with Obamas massive increase of border patrols it will always be a sieve.
By the way tell us how any country can work without a central bank. Correlate your goof ball list of presidents that destroyed this country. With anything that made people debt slaves and what else was it, Whoopy ding

Why do all countries print "funny money"? Because they have central banks ran by the same banking oligarchs that run the BIS, IMF and the World Bank. They print "funny money" backed by nothing of an intrinsic value and then charge interest for credit extended from thin air. Debate me on this......allow me to "school you". The international bankers via the agents of the Rothschilds were after control of our currency since this country tried to break away from England and the clutches of the Bank Of England. The War of 1812 was fought over the fact that the twenty year charter of the Bank of England funded central bank was not going to be renewed. President Andrew Jackson killed the central bank by not allowing it's charter to be renewed in 1832 and the bankers pulled in the money supply to cause financial panics to scare the masses and twice there was an assassination attempt on Jackson's life. One of his most famous quotes is "Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.".

I know more than you about this topic and as a historian and researcher about the REAL history of the financial system and the true history of this country? I will smack you into next week. Central banks are the bane of every country's economy and it's not exactly a coincidence that they are about to suffer a colossal collapse because it is all by design...ever heard of the Hegelian Dialectic?
You can take you wackaroo paranoia somewhere else , You can't hijack this thread with your mindless foolishness. I'm sure there is a group here dedicated to wackaroos. Go there were people are of the same mind, or better said, same mindless, share your silliness. I'll let you take something with you, you can write gibberish till the end of time using every encyclopedia that was ever made and you still won't be able to turn goofy thinking into fact.
Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches. The silent majority , the Christian right is a complete joke. If you bring your family to most of these evangelical churches your teaching your children a message that never came out of Jesus Mouth, a very clear message of hate, In fact there is very little that they teach that Jesus taught. Cruz, A Evangelical minister, was all about hate and was the second place presidential candidate. Mike Huckabee Is not a man of God , he is a man of hate. The Evangelicals , the Christian right will Give up the words of God and ask you to support Trump. Because saying that he a is the Christian choice is exactly the same as Churches Supporting Hitler. Same level, same words, same intension. In fact there is very little that any of these haters teach that Jesus wants from us.
And that evangelical subculture has rotted the brain of the United States of America.

We have a big slice of our population waiting for Jesus to come back, they look forward to Armageddon, good news is bad news to them.

When we talk about the Left Behind series of books that I talk about in my book Crazy for God, what we’re really talking about is a group of people who are resentful because they know they’ve been left behind by modernity, by science, by education, by art, by literature.

The rest of us our getting on with our lives; these people are standing on a hilltop waiting for the end. And this is a dangerous group of people to have as neighbors and they’re our national neighbors and this is the source of all these insanities that we see leveled at the president.

One way or another they go back to this little evangelical subculture… it’s a disaster.

Look, a village cannot reorganize village life to suit the village idiot. It’s as simple as that, and we have to understand: we have a village idiot in this country. It’s called fundamentalist Christianity.

I understand your position but I also know that it is a good thing for people to have a higher power, it is one extra thing to draw from when your in the deepest holes. I've met many atheist that do well but I also deal with people that don't and the extra support of their higher power has been helpful. Going deeper into the question of what religion can distort to get the support of people that think the same way is the problem. So I do understand that it is a balance between the good and bad that comes with religion but at this time I think that it has been more helpful for people then not.
You don't get part of my country, where do you get the idea that because of your rage against other religions and people different from you, that allows you to separate my country. You should feel grateful that we even allow you to practice your type of fake Christianity here. All religions are allowed here but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that Christians can be as hateful as any other religion.
Classic liberal HATE and intolerance. But as I said, debating liberals is a waste of time. Just know that if you come on my property to impose your liberal insanity on me, I will defend myself with violence. Also, I am not Christian, but I defend all good religions including traditional Christianity.
Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches. The silent majority , the Christian right is a complete joke. If you bring your family to most of these evangelical churches your teaching your children a message that never came out of Jesus Mouth, a very clear message of hate, In fact there is very little that they teach that Jesus taught. Cruz, A Evangelical minister, was all about hate and was the second place presidential candidate. Mike Huckabee Is not a man of God , he is a man of hate. The Evangelicals , the Christian right will Give up the words of God and ask you to support Trump. Because saying that he a is the Christian choice is exactly the same as Churches Supporting Hitler. Same level, same words, same intension. In fact there is very little that any of these haters teach that Jesus wants from us.

You are full of shit.

That you didn't include a single example in your op is you being as ass.

Give me your single best example.
Examples, are you kidding, they are everywhere, your listening to it every time Regressive like Cruz, Trump, Ben Carson and Huckabee opens their mouth, I'll add the last Regressive vice president candidate Palin also. All the leaders or the regressive party. Then all you have to do is type in evangelical and politics. You will get a hundred organizations telling you who to vote for(you have to be kidding) They throw in stupid remarks that to be a good Christian these are the people you have to vote for. Thats not democracy or a Republic.
Here a personal one I remember, The coffee shop I went to was owned by a evangelical church, The pastor was the manager of the coffee shop. Well the election was coming up so they had their children's (some under 10) bible group playact women having abortions and why good Americans are Republicans. Point to note, the Minister left his wife , the other minister for their volunteer secretary, you know it was true love.
You don't get part of my country, where do you get the idea that because of your rage against other religions and people different from you, that allows you to separate my country. You should feel grateful that we even allow you to practice your type of fake Christianity here. All religions are allowed here but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that Christians can be as hateful as any other religion.
Classic liberal HATE and intolerance. But as I said, debating liberals is a waste of time. Just know that if you come on my property to impose your liberal insanity on me, I will defend myself with violence. Also, I am not Christian, but I defend all good religions including traditional Christianity.
He doesn't debate liberals because it is a waste of time ,as he hands out 10 lbs of bull shit to a liberal, you can't make this stuff up.
Are coming from the pulpits of most evangelical churches. The silent majority , the Christian right is a complete joke. If you bring your family to most of these evangelical churches your teaching your children a message that never came out of Jesus Mouth, a very clear message of hate, In fact there is very little that they teach that Jesus taught. Cruz, A Evangelical minister, was all about hate and was the second place presidential candidate. Mike Huckabee Is not a man of God , he is a man of hate. The Evangelicals , the Christian right will Give up the words of God and ask you to support Trump. Because saying that he a is the Christian choice is exactly the same as Churches Supporting Hitler. Same level, same words, same intension. In fact there is very little that any of these haters teach that Jesus wants from us.

You are full of shit.

That you didn't include a single example in your op is you being as ass.

Give me your single best example.
Examples, are you kidding, they are everywhere, your listening to it every time Regressive l....

A lot of partisan blather, no example.

Put up or shut you, you race baiting bastard.
Protestant ministers all over the South in the 1950's used to preach that god put blacks in Africa, because segregation is god's plan.

I began to suspect that god was not all that smart if he had not anticipated ships.....

Sorta smacks of segregation not being God's plan, since he proved He is an excellent ship builder. Ask Noah where he got his blueprints..
Protestant ministers all over the South in the 1950's used to preach that god put blacks in Africa, because segregation is god's plan.

I began to suspect that god was not all that smart if he had not anticipated ships.....

Sorta smacks of segregation not being God's plan, since he proved He is an excellent ship builder. Ask Noah where he got his blueprints..

I'm still trying to figure out where Noah got his penguins and polar bears....
God brought them. Closed up the arc and sealed it. And for the first time on earth. It rained.
Christians have lost businesses for their beliefs. By all means quote me. Then take it to Facebook and quote me over there.
The administration in particular, is the Obama regime. And yes, Evangelicals, make your vote count.
The Persecution Complex: The Religious Right’s Deceptive Rallying Cry

The tales of horror keep pouring in: Two middle school girls are forced into a lesbian kiss as part of an anti-bullying program; an Air Force sergeant is fired because he opposes same-sex marriage; a high school track team is disqualified from a meet after an athlete thanks God for the team’s victory; a Veterans Affairs hospital bans Christmas cards with religious messages; a man fixing the lights in a Christmas tree falls victim to a wave of War-on-Christmas violence; an elementary school student is punished for praying over his school lunch; a little boy is forced to take a psychological evaluation after drawing a picture of Jesus.

None of these stories is true. But each has become a stock tale for Religious Right broadcasters, activists, and in some cases elected officials. These myths – which are becoming ever more pervasive in the right-wing media – serve to bolster a larger story, that of a majority religious group in American society becoming a persecuted minority, driven underground in its own country.

This narrative has become an important rallying cry for a movement that has found itself on the losing side of many of the so-called “culture wars.

Persecution Complex: The Right’s Deceptive Rallying Cry


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