The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

At that time the parties were both very conservative....

No......the lefties are trying to smear Modern American Conservatives with the stain of labeling democrats in the south who owned slaves "conservative" .....that is a lie...

The Modern American Conservative believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...specifically that all men are created equal....something the democrats have never believed.....

Modern American Conservatives are what used to be called "Classical Liberals." But they have to hide the racism of the democrats, then and now, because they need the black they lie and try to smear the people who freed the black slaves and helped them to get their rights as citizens......if the democrats ever lose the black vote..they are finished.

Tell us what wasn't conservative about Southern Democrats.

They were conservatives. They were trying to conserve the slavery of the democrat party.

They are not in any way connected to Modern American Conservatives...which is who you are trying to equate with them...which is a lie.....a vile one at that.

Modern American Conservatives want to conserve the founding ideas....that all men are created equal.....the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights are what we are trying to conserve....

Modern democrats...are trying to conserve their power over all races...not just blacks.....
Hey Jethro, gimme that their box of matches to light up that straw man! Modern American Conservatism is a euphemism for Modern James Crow Conservatism. Have another glass of that fine vintage of 1861 status quo produced by that distinguished winery, States Rights & Sons of the South!

Word !

For example, who flies into fits at the thought of a nonissue like a black women being put on the $20 bill???? Here's a hint, it's not the democrats !
When did Tubman become president or a founder of this nation?
Without an absolute and permanent decline in white births Democrats will eventually be outvoted 5 to 1.

Outvoted by who? Minorities who vote the same way I do? No. Conservative whites? No, that's not going to happen either. You have this Us vs. Them mentality when it comes to race, I don't share that view.
White people in general who largely hate your party(including many Sanders supporters and even some Hillary supporters who just don't know where to go).

If the white birth rate went above replacement level again it would only take a generation to throw Democrats out of every single state in perpetuity.

The Democratic party is more liked than the Republican party, what difference doe sit make which race it is? I mean, other than racist whites overwhelmingly don't like the Dems. So, what helps you sleep at night is some sort of hysteria induced baby making going on that only white racists feel. Good luck with that. If you really believe it, provide some numbers.

Racist whites are also in the democrat party......alongside the black, latino and asian racists.....

I don't think Steve McGarrett is a Democrat and there is no such party called the democrat party.

True, but it certainly does annoy Progressives. Oh, and it should be capitalized along with Asian.
It's amazing how hard the retards work on their denial that a great many Democrats were also right wingers 50 years ago.

This is part of the fascinating pathology of a pseudo-con.

Here's another fact, retards. The Republicans up North who were for civil rights were known as liberals! Surprise!
And today Republicans are even more liberal as a whole than those supposedly liberal Republicans were back then.

According to the lunatics that run your party today JFK was a right winger.
In 1948, Strom Thurmond led a defection of conservative Democrats from the Democratic Party because he was angry at the liberals who were taking over. He attempted to defeat Harry Truman in the 1948 election by splitting the party and forming...get ready, retards...the States Rights Democratic Party.

Platform of the States Rights Democratic Party

Oh, lookee here what those Democrats said about the Constitution!

We believe that the Constitution of the United States is the greatest charter of human liberty ever conceived by the mind of man.

- 2 -

We oppose all efforts to invade or destroy the rights guaranteed by it to every citizen of this republic.

So when some retard makes the incredibly self-deluded claim that, "Democrats have never believed that and have always resented the Constitution...." then you know you are dealing with a hilarious idiot.

We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race

Strom Thurmond went on to become...get ready retards...a Republican. And thus began the movement of the right wing racist elements of the Democratic party into the Republican party, turning the Deep South into red states, leaving behind the far left liberals we all know and loathe today.

The retards who start these topics about the Democratic party's racist roots jump way back in time, and then skip over the extremely inconvenient parts, so as to preserve their willful eternal ignorance.
Really? Where could they be found in the 1850's forward? The Boston or New York slums which were chocker block full of lily white immigrants from Europe at the time along with the other port of entry cities at that time and beyond?
At that time the parties were both very conservative....

No......the lefties are trying to smear Modern American Conservatives with the stain of labeling democrats in the south who owned slaves "conservative" .....that is a lie...

The Modern American Conservative believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...specifically that all men are created equal....something the democrats have never believed.....

Modern American Conservatives are what used to be called "Classical Liberals." But they have to hide the racism of the democrats, then and now, because they need the black they lie and try to smear the people who freed the black slaves and helped them to get their rights as citizens......if the democrats ever lose the black vote..they are finished.

They sure as hell weren't liberal. Where would southern slave owners stand on gay rights, affirmative action, easier voting rights and interracial marriage? Could you imagine slave owners having to pay a minimum wage?

The South stood for states rights, a core principle of conservatism.
States rights was a core principle to our founding moron.

If you are against states rights you are literally against the Constitution.
News Flash...The Antifederalists lost the argument back in 1788 when the Constitution was ratified. doesn't...back in the democrat slave owning days they wanted to own and control blacks. Today they want to own and control all the races...times and tactics change...the democrat racists don't have to lynch blacks and Republicans....they can simply buy those votes with government hand outs....times change...democrats don't.

Exactly. Human nature never changes and some still have the desire to control people. Liberals act like know-it-alls who want to tell everyone how to live their lives and they don't tolerate anyone who doesn't go along with them.

They create derogatory labels for those who disagree with them on anything and it's designed to humiliate and discourage others from openly disagreeing with them. Question climate change and they call you a "denier." Question the fake documents Obama put out there and you're a "birther." Express concern over lack of border security and you're a hateful bigot. Show concern over ISIS using the refugees as a Trojan horse and you're "Islamophobic."

They also insist on calling anyone who questions or opposes their solutions to address poverty "racists." Voter ID, welfare to work and addressing the rampant crime in inner cities will get you labelled as a racist. If a black isn't a Democrat, the left pretends that it's impossible and they immediately label the blacks "puppets", "Uncle Toms" or "traitors." The left is especially hard on minorities who reject nanny government because they don't think it's normal for minorities to be so independent. That is about as racist as it gets.

Liberals have followed Alinsky's Rules for Radicals and the Cloward-Piven strategy, which were tactics learned from dictators of the past. The left is still following those playbooks by the letter including their ridicule of opponents, using schools to brainwash students into believing only liberalism is good, using PP to control the minority population, destroying society by mocking those with morals and taking down the economy with over regulation and so many stupid laws that virtually everyone is in violation of at least one. This allows them to choose who they go after. It's all from the books of radicals and the leftwing tyrants, like Hillary, are experts.

Too many people are willing to throw in the towel and just let them do as they please. Many are just too fucking stupid to see the big picture and only care about what's in it for them.

Blacks have been used as the biggest pawns and the left will get as dirty as they need to in order to keep it that way. They hate the likes of Ben Carson and Herman Cain because they are apt to give some of those on the liberal plantation some big ideas if the left doesn't stay on the attack.
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Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?

Democrats are not "liberal"...they simply use that name to disguise who they really are...they are big government no way is that "liberal."
Aww! You are trying to appear wise! Good luck with that.
In the 1940 campaign season, FDR's conservative Vice President became so angry at the New Deal's liberal program that he ran against FDR for the Democratic nomination. He got his butt kicked, but this was the beginning of the schism between the Left and Right elements of the party.

The parties back then were not as polarized as they are today. Each party had liberal and conservative elements. The demagogues spent a lot of time trying to pander to both. In 1963, JFK visited Dallas to court the right wing of his party. Texas Governor John Connally was the leader of the Democratic right wing, which is why he was sitting in the front seat of JFK's car on that fateful day.

All of this is completely secret to the retards. They are totally ignorant of these facts, and they work hard to stay that way. It doesn't fit their imaginary, bogus fantasy.
Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?
Can any Democrat tell me how Lincoln was a liberal in today's context?

Can any Democrat rationalize how they can claim bible thumping zealots as liberals while they insist much more secular Republicans of today are "wing nuts" who want a theocracy and sympathize with ISIS?
See, when you say liberal Democrats are control freaks, I'm with you all the way. But when you try to connect those same modern day liberal Democrats to your own right wing political ancestors, then you obliterate your case and just come across as a blithering moron.
Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?
One thing we can be sure of........Democrats have always been on the wrong....if not the bad side of history.
They can't get what they want done without dishonesty and trickery.
Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?
Can any Democrat tell me how Lincoln was a liberal in today's context?

You mean you honestly don't know he was a liberal?
Hmmm, what flag did those old timey racist Democrats wave about?

Oh, yeah. The Confederate flag!

Who waves that flag about today under the same causes?

Yeah. The same right wingers as yesterday and always.

At that time the parties were both very conservative....

No......the lefties are trying to smear Modern American Conservatives with the stain of labeling democrats in the south who owned slaves "conservative" .....that is a lie...

The Modern American Conservative believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...specifically that all men are created equal....something the democrats have never believed.....

Modern American Conservatives are what used to be called "Classical Liberals." But they have to hide the racism of the democrats, then and now, because they need the black they lie and try to smear the people who freed the black slaves and helped them to get their rights as citizens......if the democrats ever lose the black vote..they are finished.

They sure as hell weren't liberal. Where would southern slave owners stand on gay rights, affirmative action, easier voting rights and interracial marriage? Could you imagine slave owners having to pay a minimum wage?

The South stood for states rights, a core principle of conservatism.
States rights was a core principle to our founding moron.

If you are against states rights you are literally against the Constitution.
News Flash...The Antifederalists lost the argument back in 1788 when the Constitution was ratified.
States rights is literally part of the Constitution today retard.

They lost nothing.
Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?
Can any Democrat tell me how Lincoln was a liberal in today's context?

You mean you honestly don't know he was a liberal?
You mean a pro-life, anti-integration, pro-repatriation, anti-secular, pro-gun Republican is considered a liberal today?

Only to hypocritical Democrat retards.
Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?
Can any Democrat tell me how Lincoln was a liberal in today's context?

Can any Democrat rationalize how they can claim bible thumping zealots as liberals while they insist much more secular Republicans of today are "wing nuts" who want a theocracy and sympathize with ISIS?
Lincoln fought a civil,war to preserve the union and the federal.government.

And what Liberal is claiming Bible Thumping zealots as their own?
Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?
Can any Democrat tell me how Lincoln was a liberal in today's context?

Can any Democrat rationalize how they can claim bible thumping zealots as liberals while they insist much more secular Republicans of today are "wing nuts" who want a theocracy and sympathize with ISIS?
Lincoln fought a civil,war to preserve the union and the federal.government.

And what Liberal is claiming Bible Thumping zealots as their own?
All of you are.

Bible thumping zealots were the mainstream until almost the 1900s when state governments were forced to be secular.
Lincoln was a bible thumper that would make Jerry Falwell bored of the Bible and he was the fucking President.
Hmmm, what flag did those old timey racist Democrats wave about?

Oh, yeah. The Confederate flag!

Who waves that flag about today under the same causes?

Yeah. The same right wingers as yesterday and always.



PTBW doesn't believe all this shit. Nobody is that clueless. He is just pulling your chain....
Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?
One thing we can be sure of........Democrats have always been on the wrong....if not the bad side of history.
They can't get what they want done without dishonesty and trickery.
A Democrat fought and won World War II. A Democrat passed and signed the most important civil rights legislation since reconstruction. A Democrat gave us Social Security and another Democrat gave us Medicare. A Democrat found and killed Osama bin Laden and another Democrat gave us the G.I.Bill.

Where's that 'bad side of histotry'?

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