The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?

Democrats are not "liberal"...they simply use that name to disguise who they really are...they are big government no way is that "liberal."

You are profoundly confused.
David Duke, just today praising Trump as the White Knight.
David Duke: Trump could be our 'white knight'
You do realize David Duke is the one who destroyed the klan, right?

David Duke is the reason why women could become leaders in the Klan and Catholics could join and the reason why the klan ultimately stopped lynching people and instead resorted to only screaming mean words.

David Duke ended lynching? Are you sure about that?
David Duke, just today praising Trump as the White Knight.
David Duke: Trump could be our 'white knight'
You do realize David Duke is the one who destroyed the klan, right?

David Duke is the reason why women could become leaders in the Klan and Catholics could join and the reason why the klan ultimately stopped lynching people and instead resorted to only screaming mean words.

David Duke ended lynching? Are you sure about that?
He started a specifically non-violent chapter in the klan and ultimately influenced more of the klan to adopt the same philosophy.

Lynchings technically ended before he even got in the klan, but there is no doubt he stopped a few from ever occurring late in the klan's life.
The SECRET history of the Democratic party?

Since when is it a secret that the modern day Republican party evolved out of the southern faction of the Democratic party of 60 years ago?
Yup, the redneck bigots of that long past era were the politically conservative just as the redneck bigots of today are the politically conservative.
And the ghetto bigots are politically liberal.....
Really? Where could they be found in the 1850's forward? The Boston or New York slums which were chocker block full of lily white immigrants from Europe at the time along with the other port of entry cities at that time and beyond?
At that time the parties were both very conservative....
And a happy pile of horseshit in your bowl back at you! The abolitionists of the period were conservatives along with the suffragettes and operating the underground railroad you say???? How many unicorns do you have in your herd? Did you actually think that crap would fly?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
You do realize that every right winger today is against slavery, right? Likewise with being for women's right to vote.

Today there is nothing even remotely progressive about being an abolitionist or being for women's suffrage because yesterday's progressives are tomorrow's conservatives.

The problem with Democrat idiots is that they continually assert that progressivism is always just common sense humanitarianism, and with that logic the long line of progressives who were against gay marriage, public sector unions, secularism etc never actually were progressives.

The abolitionists were bible thumping RWNJs that made Ted Cruz look like an atheist. The same with the suffragettes and the integrationists and all the way down the line.
I was responding to your post #45 which stated;
At that time the parties were both very conservative
I blew that horseshit out of the water and you come back with this crap to dodge responding honestly to the points made;

1) "You do realize that every right winger today is against slavery, right? Likewise with being for women's right to vote."
That is horseshit that would be impossible to prove either of those PLUS the period addressed was the 19th century America! STRAW MAN

2) "...yesterday's progressives are tomorrow's conservatives."
Into jingoisms are we? That didn't address the period noted either. STRAW MAN

3) "The problem with Democrat idiots is that they continually assert that progressivism is always..."
That didn't have anything at all to do with what I posted! STRAW MAN

4) "The abolitionists were bible thumping RWNJs that made Ted Cruz look like an atheist."
That has nothing to do with nothing worth even remotely related to what I posted! STRAW MAN

You aren't going to respond honestly so just piss off you POS!
No......the lefties are trying to smear Modern American Conservatives with the stain of labeling democrats in the south who owned slaves "conservative" .....that is a lie...

The Modern American Conservative believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...specifically that all men are created equal....something the democrats have never believed.....

Modern American Conservatives are what used to be called "Classical Liberals." But they have to hide the racism of the democrats, then and now, because they need the black they lie and try to smear the people who freed the black slaves and helped them to get their rights as citizens......if the democrats ever lose the black vote..they are finished.

They sure as hell weren't liberal. Where would southern slave owners stand on gay rights, affirmative action, easier voting rights and interracial marriage? Could you imagine slave owners having to pay a minimum wage?

The South stood for states rights, a core principle of conservatism.
States rights was a core principle to our founding moron.

If you are against states rights you are literally against the Constitution.
News Flash...The Antifederalists lost the argument back in 1788 when the Constitution was ratified.
States rights is literally part of the Constitution today retard.

They lost nothing.
The States Rights Doctrine under Amendment X exists BECAUSE the Constitution was ratified. It never would have come into being if the Antifederalists had been able to suppress and stop ratification. The States Rights Doctrine of today the framers devised with the several States passing a portion of their sovereignty the Federal government was something the Antifederalists wanted to avoid at all costs and have supremacy over the National government rather than the other way around.

Retard, eh? If you had known just a bit more of the history to understand what I wrote about happening just before the Constitution was rarified, you wouldn't be looking the fool now. Read the Antifederalist Papers, et al, and edify thyself!
I don't understand why anyone care what the positions of the Democratic Party were 150 years ago. Things change.

You guys all seem to think it's some epic scandal.

so true----HISTORICALLY----since Lincoln was a repub ----pro-slave Nazi southern pigs DO go for demo-----but northern demos are a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY
It's amazing how hard the retards work on their denial that a great many Democrats were also right wingers 50 years ago.

This is part of the fascinating pathology of a pseudo-con.

Here's another fact, retards. The Republicans up North who were for civil rights were known as liberals! Surprise!
Yah think?

Glad you can admit that. It is possible to be liberal-minded and be a Republican.

To most Neocons, I am a liberal. Most that I talk to wouldn't vote for Romney because he was too liberal, and they feel the same way with Trump.
In 1948, Strom Thurmond led a defection of conservative Democrats from the Democratic Party because he was angry at the liberals who were taking over. He attempted to defeat Harry Truman in the 1948 election by splitting the party and forming...get ready, retards...the States Rights Democratic Party.

Platform of the States Rights Democratic Party

Oh, lookee here what those Democrats said about the Constitution!

We believe that the Constitution of the United States is the greatest charter of human liberty ever conceived by the mind of man.

- 2 -

We oppose all efforts to invade or destroy the rights guaranteed by it to every citizen of this republic.

So when some retard makes the incredibly self-deluded claim that, "Democrats have never believed that and have always resented the Constitution...." then you know you are dealing with a hilarious idiot.

We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race

Strom Thurmond went on to become...get ready retards...a Republican. And thus began the movement of the right wing racist elements of the Democratic party into the Republican party, turning the Deep South into red states, leaving behind the far left liberals we all know and loathe today.

The retards who start these topics about the Democratic party's racist roots jump way back in time, and then skip over the extremely inconvenient parts, so as to preserve their willful eternal ignorance.
So you think that Strom Thurmond forced every Democrat in the South to switch parties?
I think you seem to skip over some facts yourself, and you're just repeating the same shit that Democrats have been spewing for years.
The SECRET history of the Democratic party?

Since when is it a secret that the modern day Republican party evolved out of the southern faction of the Democratic party of 60 years ago?
Bullshit. The Republican party was created to end slavery. We're the same party. Democrats simply switched rhetoric, and like always, tried to blame their evil on their only competition.....Republicans. I know it seems confusing to a brain-washed Democrat, but there are still millions of racist Democrats in your party. Some are white and some are black. Many are Democrats because they hate white people.
And the ghetto bigots are politically liberal.....
Really? Where could they be found in the 1850's forward? The Boston or New York slums which were chocker block full of lily white immigrants from Europe at the time along with the other port of entry cities at that time and beyond?
At that time the parties were both very conservative....

No......the lefties are trying to smear Modern American Conservatives with the stain of labeling democrats in the south who owned slaves "conservative" .....that is a lie...

The Modern American Conservative believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...specifically that all men are created equal....something the democrats have never believed.....

Modern American Conservatives are what used to be called "Classical Liberals." But they have to hide the racism of the democrats, then and now, because they need the black they lie and try to smear the people who freed the black slaves and helped them to get their rights as citizens......if the democrats ever lose the black vote..they are finished.

They sure as hell weren't liberal. Where would southern slave owners stand on gay rights, affirmative action, easier voting rights and interracial marriage? Could you imagine slave owners having to pay a minimum wage?

The South stood for states rights, a core principle of conservatism.

So, are you saying it was state's rights and not racism is why the south turned red?
The SECRET history of the Democratic party?

Since when is it a secret that the modern day Republican party evolved out of the southern faction of the Democratic party of 60 years ago?
Bullshit. The Republican party was created to end slavery. We're the same party. Democrats simply switched rhetoric, and like always, tried to blame their evil on their only competition.....Republicans. I know it seems confusing to a brain-washed Democrat, but there are still millions of racist Democrats in your party. Some are white and some are black. Many are Democrats because they hate white people.

Democrats say things like blacks are "super predators." Or that blacks need to be brought "heel." In their mind blacks should be bring them coffee. Or that blacks are not clean and articulate, Obama being an exception.

But hey not liking his foreign or domestic policy makes a person a racist. Go figure.
Can any contemporary Republican answer a simple question? Has political party identity always coincided with political ideology?

Have Republicans always been Conservative as some believe Democrats have always been Liberal?

Can any contemporary Conservative rationalize the Lineralism of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt?
One thing we can be sure of........Democrats have always been on the wrong....if not the bad side of history.
They can't get what they want done without dishonesty and trickery.
A Democrat fought and won World War II. A Democrat passed and signed the most important civil rights legislation since reconstruction. A Democrat gave us Social Security and another Democrat gave us Medicare. A Democrat found and killed Osama bin Laden and another Democrat gave us the G.I.Bill.

Where's that 'bad side of histotry'?
  1. Democrats opposed civil rights for over a century. All a Democrat did was sign it. Even though he was a racist, he was still a pragmatist.
  2. Democrats undermined us during Vietnam even though a Democrat turned it into a war they never declared. Democrats made sure we lost the war in Vietnam.
  3. Democrats have murdered millions of Americans and are trying to force all of us to pay for these murders regardless what our religious beliefs are. Little do minorities know that Progressives are using abortion to further their Eugenics agenda, and make tens of millions of dollars with the bodies of the unborn.
  4. In the 70s Democrats tried forced busing to force blacks and whites to come together and receive the same education. It was very unpopular. Now they're trying to split us apart by backing Blacklivesmatter. Blacks in Congress are raising their hands in the air in solidarity with a thug who tried to murder a cop and got shot for his troubles. Then the first black president in our history used Occupy WallStreet, and protesters in Sanford FL, Ferguson, and Baltimore to cause violent riots resulting in millions in property damage. Today Democrats are cheer-leading racists who march through our streets, our schools, and our businesses chanting anti-cop slogans.
  5. Democrats helped foment violence in the Middle-East and started the Arab Spring which led to the ouster of the President of Egypt and Libya, and was unsuccessful in doing the same in Syria. Their hopes were to establish a Islamic Caliphate to threaten Western countries. That Caliphate is called ISIS. This has caused a mass exit from that region that has led to millions of Syrian refugees invading Europe spreading hate, rape, and violence.
  6. Democrats have been filling this country with millions of illegal immigrants in hopes that they can take over states like New York, California, Oregon, Washington, and Texas. They don't care what it does to the economy and what it does to our retirement. They're only interested in winning elections so they can further their agenda. They are blatantly using the money in our Social Security fund to pay for this illegal program. Ted Kennedy was the father of this movement. The last few years Obama has relaxed immigration enforcement and literally opened our borders. His goal is to get as many of these new arrivals registered to vote in the November election, essentially watering down the will of the American people to where it becomes irrelevant. He wants America to become a more diverse nation dominated by blacks, Hispanics, and folks from the Middle-East.

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