The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

Demographics can only save Democrats from their racist strategies for so long....

Your enemy is demographics.

Republican hate of everyone is back to bite them in the ass.. and it's only going to get worse for them.
Repeating that lie over and over won't make it any less a lie.

What lie? :0) That changing demographics is your enemy?

That your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling

.. or that it's only going to get worse for you stupid motherfuckers? Which is it?

None of it is a lie, nor my retelling of the history of both parties.

It doesn't go without notice that you failed to address where both parties are today and how they got there. Care to step up .. or is butt-hurt whining all you have?
I did address it in other threads this morning.

And it's pretty damned clear who is really racist here. You alluded to it when you said us, meaning white people, are dwindling. Meaning you hope you flood this country with non-citizens so you can push the dominant white culture that exists into history, never to be seen again. You forget that the only reason those non-whites are coming here is because 1. Democrats are offering them goodies and 2. Their own countries are total shitholes. Trust me, I've been in some of them. I wouldn't want you live their either.

Let me repeat what I really said for you ..

"your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling" .. that does not sound like, nor imply 'white people.' Your sect of racists DO NOT REPRESENT WHITE PEOPLE.

Sorry if I don't feel your pain about immigrants because your sect said the same thing about black people that you now say about them. For me, the upside of immigration is that it further reduces the political power of republicans and racists. I have no problem with people looking for a better life.

Stop looking out the window for the evil .. rather take some time and stand in the mirror.
A can see a racist who is one step from firing up the ovens.

Expect me to do whatever I can to make sure people who think like you never become our leaders.

Btw, my wife of 38 years is black. She knows exactly what you are and to her credit wants nothing to do with you. 3 prior marriages and numerous beatings later she saw the light. The only difference between an ignorant black and a cracker is skin color.

Back when she was a kid white women had it as bad or worse than blacks. Constant beatings. Terrible abuse. Crackers who didn't have servants to beat just beat their wives. Good thing that bs is dying out. I figure a person that is as hateful as you is just ignorant or pissed off at the world and looking for a scapegoat.
the left has spent many years

trying to airbrush history

to make it appear as if the Republicans are the the slave holders

NOBODY is 'airbrushing' history but you knuckleheads on the right. :0) Intellectualism is no where to be found in the minds of right-wingers. It just isn't there.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

See how easy that was? That alone destroys all the 8th grade bullshit 'logic' you knuckleheads have been spouting in this thread.

Here's the good news. :0) Even you braindead crybabies RUN from the word 'racist.' You know damn well that you clowns are racist .. but you RUN from it. :0) You Run like chickens. I don't see everything posted on this site, but I have no doubt that 90%, if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

When republicans employed the Southern Strategy, racism found a home .. and dixiecrats became republicans. Blacks who were republicans became democrats because the Republican Party no longer them. Racism became the driving force throughout the Republican Party .. and it was the Democratic Party that took up the challenge of Civil Rights. All the stupid shit republicans are spouting in this thread is pure nonsense.

Finally, it's not like planet earth doesn't know what's behind all this whining about your ugly ass history and black people. :0) Republicans are facing their own self-inflicted demise. You've already been reduced to nothing more then by-standers in presidential elections. :0) Can't elect a president, can't control the Supreme Court, can't stop democrats frpm progressive legislation .. America keeps getting browner. :0)

Republicans would have been much smarter to remain true to their roots and reject the evil knocking on their doors.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

None or no one, that is who. Your implication is a complete left wing fabrication.

You are right, that the right is too scared to say much. But I find this interesting that you call out the right but ignore the left.

if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

Who call blacks "super predators." Democrat

Who said that blacks need to be brought to heel. Democrat

Who said that a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Democrat.

Who implied that all blacks before Obama were not clean and not articulate? Democrat

Who made a joke out of working in a gas station and being from India? Democrat

Who made the comment about Obama: “light-skinned” and speaking“with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” Democrat

Who asked a man with an Indian descent, if he were a member of the Taliban? Democrat

Who said that they wished Nikki Haley would go back to the country she came from because her parents are from India? Democrat

who made the joke about Dunkin Doughnuts and having to be Indian to work there? Democrat.

Who called his own grandmother, "a typical white person?" Democrat

There are lots more but you should get the point and if you don't I really don't see where more would do any good.

So it is democrats fighting for the rebel flag and all its ugly ass history? :0)

You posting slurs and attributing them an unnamed "democrat' is meaningless. What does have meaning is the Democratic Party believes that African-Americans and everyone else in this country is capable of political representation .. and that truth is reflected in their ranks. Your virtually all-white party does neither.

Republicans hate everybody.

The bottom line republicans hate black people .. black people hate republicans. We're real comfortable with that relationship.

Every quote I posted is well known you are just pretending to be dumb.

Who gives a shit about the rebel battle flag? It is just another concocted grievance created by the left wing since they have so little good things to run on.

Republican don't hate everyone but it sure sounds like you hate anyone that doesn't drink the same koolade you do.

BTW, are you a super predator?

Here is Mrs. Tuzla Clinton giving a speak in defense of the Clinton three strike law. BTW how has that worked out for the black community?

Bullshit. The Republican party was created to end slavery. We're the same party. Democrats simply switched rhetoric, and like always, tried to blame their evil on their only competition.....Republicans. I know it seems confusing to a brain-washed Democrat, but there are still millions of racist Democrats in your party. Some are white and some are black. Many are Democrats because they hate white people.

The Republican Party, which had never won the South since 1872, suddenly,

AFTER the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by liberal Democrats, has won the South almost every election since.

You'll never understand it. You can't even figure out which state to pretend you're from.
18 Democrats tried to filibuster it and prevent a vote.


When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[14] Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[15]

The most fervent opposition to the bill came from Senator Strom Thurmond (D-SC): "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."[16]

After 54 days of filibuster, Senators Everett Dirksen (R-IL), Thomas Kuchel (R-CA), Hubert Humphrey (D-MN), and Mike Mansfield (D-MT) introduced a substitute bill that they hoped would attract enough Republican swing votes to end the filibuster. The compromise bill was weaker than the House version in regard to government power to regulate the conduct of private business, but it was not so weak as to cause the House to reconsider the legislation.[17]

On the morning of June 10, 1964, Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) completed a filibustering address that he had begun 14 hours and 13 minutes earlier opposing the legislation. Until then, the measure had occupied the Senate for 57 working days, including six Saturdays. A day earlier, Democratic Whip Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, the bill's manager, concluded he had the 67 votes required at that time to end the debate and end the filibuster. With six wavering senators providing a four-vote victory margin, the final tally stood at 71 to 29. Never in history had the Senate been able to muster enough votes to cut off a filibuster on a civil rights bill. And only once in the 37 years since 1927 had it agreed to cloture for any measure.[18]

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think your whole point is that the Republicans have NEVER done things to hurt the minorities as have the democrats. Yes, when LBJ saw that the blacks were gaining in numbers he saw that he had to give the uppity.....n......s a little something, and did, with Republican help.

So your position is that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were NOT good legislation that righted wrongs and advanced equal rights,

they were just bad pieces of legislation that served no purpose other than to score some political points...?????

Whew, that's at least honest.

WTF is wrong with your cognizant abilities?

The point is that EVERY civil rights act since the reformation passed because of Republican support. EVERY ONE. The value of those acts i will let you judge. But as to the 1964 and 65 LBJ had to drag his own party kicking and screaming to support.

Conservative Senator Everett Dirksen had to drag republicans to the table to support the Civil Rights legislation proposed by DEMOCRATS.

If you don't know that history, I'll educate you ..

Unlikely civil rights hero
Illinois' Everett Dirksen rose to the occasion 50 years ago to get Civil Rights Act passed
Everett Dirksen's role in 1964 Civil Rights Act
The SECRET history of the Democratic party?

Since when is it a secret that the modern day Republican party evolved out of the southern faction of the Democratic party of 60 years ago?
Bullshit. The Republican party was created to end slavery. We're the same party. Democrats simply switched rhetoric, and like always, tried to blame their evil on their only competition.....Republicans. I know it seems confusing to a brain-washed Democrat, but there are still millions of racist Democrats in your party. Some are white and some are black. Many are Democrats because they hate white people.

The Republican Party, which had never won the South since 1872, suddenly,

AFTER the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by liberal Democrats, has won the South almost every election since.

You'll never understand it. You can't even figure out which state to pretend you're from.

This is about as nonsenical of propaganda I think that the left has ever concocted to cover for their failing the black vote.

The Republicans supported EVERY civil rights act since the reformation. EVERY ONE. They even support more so than the democrats the 1964 equal rights amendment. The Republicans since their formation to stop the democrat slavery have done nothing to harm the black man. And if they voted for Nixon over race they didn't get their money's worth. Nixon and the Philadelphia plan and affirmative action. What a rip if that is really why the south got tired of their democrat masters.

Why did the South, that had voted Democrat for a century, suddenly vote for Goldwater in 1964,

just months after he was one of the few Republicans to vote against the Civil Rights Act?
it's a secret? I learned about it in history class in the 8th grade (during the 1960s)

and after the civil rights act all the cute little bigoted trash went over to the GOP....hence drumpf. voila!

but why are the idiots still writing about it? do they really want to pretend that they haven't taken over that distinction?

pathetic loons.

Who's they??? Only three switched party's the rest stayed dumb shit , Jimmy Carter won the south after that and Democrats held every FUCKING SOUTHERN STATE LEGISLATURE
TILL THE MID ignorant baboon.


Millions of Southerners switched parties in the voting booth starting in 1964 when they voted overwhelmingly for Goldwater,

when they voted for Wallace in 1968, and with the exception of 1976 began voting Republican up to the present.
The Republican Party, which had never won the South since 1872, suddenly,

AFTER the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by liberal Democrats, has won the South almost every election since.

You'll never understand it. You can't even figure out which state to pretend you're from.
18 Democrats tried to filibuster it and prevent a vote.


When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[14] Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[15]

The most fervent opposition to the bill came from Senator Strom Thurmond (D-SC): "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."[16]

After 54 days of filibuster, Senators Everett Dirksen (R-IL), Thomas Kuchel (R-CA), Hubert Humphrey (D-MN), and Mike Mansfield (D-MT) introduced a substitute bill that they hoped would attract enough Republican swing votes to end the filibuster. The compromise bill was weaker than the House version in regard to government power to regulate the conduct of private business, but it was not so weak as to cause the House to reconsider the legislation.[17]

On the morning of June 10, 1964, Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) completed a filibustering address that he had begun 14 hours and 13 minutes earlier opposing the legislation. Until then, the measure had occupied the Senate for 57 working days, including six Saturdays. A day earlier, Democratic Whip Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, the bill's manager, concluded he had the 67 votes required at that time to end the debate and end the filibuster. With six wavering senators providing a four-vote victory margin, the final tally stood at 71 to 29. Never in history had the Senate been able to muster enough votes to cut off a filibuster on a civil rights bill. And only once in the 37 years since 1927 had it agreed to cloture for any measure.[18]

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think your whole point is that the Republicans have NEVER done things to hurt the minorities as have the democrats. Yes, when LBJ saw that the blacks were gaining in numbers he saw that he had to give the uppity.....n......s a little something, and did, with Republican help.

So your position is that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were NOT good legislation that righted wrongs and advanced equal rights,

they were just bad pieces of legislation that served no purpose other than to score some political points...?????

Whew, that's at least honest.

WTF is wrong with your cognizant abilities?

The point is that EVERY civil rights act since the reformation passed because of Republican support. EVERY ONE. The value of those acts i will let you judge. But as to the 1964 and 65 LBJ had to drag his own party kicking and screaming to support.

Conservative Senator Everett Dirksen had to drag republicans to the table to support the Civil Rights legislation proposed by DEMOCRATS.

If you don't know that history, I'll educate you ..

Unlikely civil rights hero
Illinois' Everett Dirksen rose to the occasion 50 years ago to get Civil Rights Act passed
Everett Dirksen's role in 1964 Civil Rights Act

Every SOUTHERN Republican in Congress voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Your enemy is demographics.

Republican hate of everyone is back to bite them in the ass.. and it's only going to get worse for them.
Repeating that lie over and over won't make it any less a lie.

What lie? :0) That changing demographics is your enemy?

That your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling

.. or that it's only going to get worse for you stupid motherfuckers? Which is it?

None of it is a lie, nor my retelling of the history of both parties.

It doesn't go without notice that you failed to address where both parties are today and how they got there. Care to step up .. or is butt-hurt whining all you have?
I did address it in other threads this morning.

And it's pretty damned clear who is really racist here. You alluded to it when you said us, meaning white people, are dwindling. Meaning you hope you flood this country with non-citizens so you can push the dominant white culture that exists into history, never to be seen again. You forget that the only reason those non-whites are coming here is because 1. Democrats are offering them goodies and 2. Their own countries are total shitholes. Trust me, I've been in some of them. I wouldn't want you live their either.

Let me repeat what I really said for you ..

"your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling" .. that does not sound like, nor imply 'white people.' Your sect of racists DO NOT REPRESENT WHITE PEOPLE.

Sorry if I don't feel your pain about immigrants because your sect said the same thing about black people that you now say about them. For me, the upside of immigration is that it further reduces the political power of republicans and racists. I have no problem with people looking for a better life.

Stop looking out the window for the evil .. rather take some time and stand in the mirror.
A can see a racist who is one step from firing up the ovens.

Expect me to do whatever I can to make sure people who think like you never become our leaders.

Btw, my wife of 38 years is black. She knows exactly what you are and to her credit wants nothing to do with you. 3 prior marriages and numerous beatings later she saw the light. The only difference between an ignorant black and a cracker is skin color.

Back when she was a kid white women had it as bad or worse than blacks. Constant beatings. Terrible abuse. Crackers who didn't have servants to beat just beat their wives. Good thing that bs is dying out. I figure a person that is as hateful as you is just ignorant or pissed off at the world and looking for a scapegoat.

Dude, I couldn't care less about what you think you need to do, nor about your wife being black .. or not. None of that has a goddamn thing to do with rampant racism throughout the Republican Party.

What 'scapegoat' am I looking for.? :0) I haven't asked shit from you .. don't need you, don't fucking care what you do.

But I do know history and it's real clear that your party is becoming less and less relevant. :0) I'm just the messenger.
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18 Democrats tried to filibuster it and prevent a vote.


When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[14] Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[15]

The most fervent opposition to the bill came from Senator Strom Thurmond (D-SC): "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."[16]

After 54 days of filibuster, Senators Everett Dirksen (R-IL), Thomas Kuchel (R-CA), Hubert Humphrey (D-MN), and Mike Mansfield (D-MT) introduced a substitute bill that they hoped would attract enough Republican swing votes to end the filibuster. The compromise bill was weaker than the House version in regard to government power to regulate the conduct of private business, but it was not so weak as to cause the House to reconsider the legislation.[17]

On the morning of June 10, 1964, Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) completed a filibustering address that he had begun 14 hours and 13 minutes earlier opposing the legislation. Until then, the measure had occupied the Senate for 57 working days, including six Saturdays. A day earlier, Democratic Whip Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, the bill's manager, concluded he had the 67 votes required at that time to end the debate and end the filibuster. With six wavering senators providing a four-vote victory margin, the final tally stood at 71 to 29. Never in history had the Senate been able to muster enough votes to cut off a filibuster on a civil rights bill. And only once in the 37 years since 1927 had it agreed to cloture for any measure.[18]

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think your whole point is that the Republicans have NEVER done things to hurt the minorities as have the democrats. Yes, when LBJ saw that the blacks were gaining in numbers he saw that he had to give the uppity.....n......s a little something, and did, with Republican help.

So your position is that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were NOT good legislation that righted wrongs and advanced equal rights,

they were just bad pieces of legislation that served no purpose other than to score some political points...?????

Whew, that's at least honest.

WTF is wrong with your cognizant abilities?

The point is that EVERY civil rights act since the reformation passed because of Republican support. EVERY ONE. The value of those acts i will let you judge. But as to the 1964 and 65 LBJ had to drag his own party kicking and screaming to support.

Conservative Senator Everett Dirksen had to drag republicans to the table to support the Civil Rights legislation proposed by DEMOCRATS.

If you don't know that history, I'll educate you ..

Unlikely civil rights hero
Illinois' Everett Dirksen rose to the occasion 50 years ago to get Civil Rights Act passed
Everett Dirksen's role in 1964 Civil Rights Act

Every SOUTHERN Republican in Congress voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

:clap2: Thank you .. finally someone who actually knows history.
it's a secret? I learned about it in history class in the 8th grade (during the 1960s)

and after the civil rights act all the cute little bigoted trash went over to the GOP....hence drumpf. voila!

but why are the idiots still writing about it? do they really want to pretend that they haven't taken over that distinction?

pathetic loons.

Who's they??? Only three switched party's the rest stayed dumb shit , Jimmy Carter won the south after that and Democrats held every FUCKING SOUTHERN STATE LEGISLATURE
TILL THE MID ignorant baboon.


Millions of Southerners switched parties in the voting booth starting in 1964 when they voted overwhelmingly for Goldwater,

when they voted for Wallace in 1968, and with the exception of 1976 began voting Republican up to the present.

Yea because the younger Southern MTV generation wanted Good paying Manufacturing jobs not farm jobs, it had nothing to do with race, it was a gradual switch not all of a sudden.
Repeating that lie over and over won't make it any less a lie.

What lie? :0) That changing demographics is your enemy?

That your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling

.. or that it's only going to get worse for you stupid motherfuckers? Which is it?

None of it is a lie, nor my retelling of the history of both parties.

It doesn't go without notice that you failed to address where both parties are today and how they got there. Care to step up .. or is butt-hurt whining all you have?
I did address it in other threads this morning.

And it's pretty damned clear who is really racist here. You alluded to it when you said us, meaning white people, are dwindling. Meaning you hope you flood this country with non-citizens so you can push the dominant white culture that exists into history, never to be seen again. You forget that the only reason those non-whites are coming here is because 1. Democrats are offering them goodies and 2. Their own countries are total shitholes. Trust me, I've been in some of them. I wouldn't want you live their either.

Let me repeat what I really said for you ..

"your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling" .. that does not sound like, nor imply 'white people.' Your sect of racists DO NOT REPRESENT WHITE PEOPLE.

Sorry if I don't feel your pain about immigrants because your sect said the same thing about black people that you now say about them. For me, the upside of immigration is that it further reduces the political power of republicans and racists. I have no problem with people looking for a better life.

Stop looking out the window for the evil .. rather take some time and stand in the mirror.
A can see a racist who is one step from firing up the ovens.

Expect me to do whatever I can to make sure people who think like you never become our leaders.

Btw, my wife of 38 years is black. She knows exactly what you are and to her credit wants nothing to do with you. 3 prior marriages and numerous beatings later she saw the light. The only difference between an ignorant black and a cracker is skin color.

Back when she was a kid white women had it as bad or worse than blacks. Constant beatings. Terrible abuse. Crackers who didn't have servants to beat just beat their wives. Good thing that bs is dying out. I figure a person that is as hateful as you is just ignorant or pissed off at the world and looking for a scapegoat.

Dude, I couldn't care less about what you think you need to do, nor about your wife being black .. or not. None of that has a goddamn thing to do with rampant racism throughout the Republican Party.

What 'scapegoat' am I looking for.? :0) I haven't asked shit from you .. don't need you, don't fucking care what you do.

But I do know history and it's real clear that you party is becoming less and less relevant. :0) I'm just the messenger.

You know nothing of history or current events

Less revelant ?


The exact source of the disagreement between Washington and W.E.B. Dubois. DuBois was far more on point.

.. and during that time, nearly all blacks were republicans.

It's a shame they lost their sanity,,,, Under the Obomanation blacks .....

  1. Tavis Smiley: Black Americans Have 'Lost Ground' ...
    Jan 15, 2016 ... "Black folk, in the era of Obama, have lost ground in every major economic category."
the left has spent many years

trying to airbrush history

to make it appear as if the Republicans are the the slave holders

NOBODY is 'airbrushing' history but you knuckleheads on the right. :0) Intellectualism is no where to be found in the minds of right-wingers. It just isn't there.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

See how easy that was? That alone destroys all the 8th grade bullshit 'logic' you knuckleheads have been spouting in this thread.

Here's the good news. :0) Even you braindead crybabies RUN from the word 'racist.' You know damn well that you clowns are racist .. but you RUN from it. :0) You Run like chickens. I don't see everything posted on this site, but I have no doubt that 90%, if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

When republicans employed the Southern Strategy, racism found a home .. and dixiecrats became republicans. Blacks who were republicans became democrats because the Republican Party no longer them. Racism became the driving force throughout the Republican Party .. and it was the Democratic Party that took up the challenge of Civil Rights. All the stupid shit republicans are spouting in this thread is pure nonsense.

Finally, it's not like planet earth doesn't know what's behind all this whining about your ugly ass history and black people. :0) Republicans are facing their own self-inflicted demise. You've already been reduced to nothing more then by-standers in presidential elections. :0) Can't elect a president, can't control the Supreme Court, can't stop democrats frpm progressive legislation .. America keeps getting browner. :0)

Republicans would have been much smarter to remain true to their roots and reject the evil knocking on their doors.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

None or no one, that is who. Your implication is a complete left wing fabrication.

You are right, that the right is too scared to say much. But I find this interesting that you call out the right but ignore the left.

if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

Who call blacks "super predators." Democrat

Who said that blacks need to be brought to heel. Democrat

Who said that a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Democrat.

Who implied that all blacks before Obama were not clean and not articulate? Democrat

Who made a joke out of working in a gas station and being from India? Democrat

Who made the comment about Obama: “light-skinned” and speaking“with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” Democrat

Who asked a man with an Indian descent, if he were a member of the Taliban? Democrat

Who said that they wished Nikki Haley would go back to the country she came from because her parents are from India? Democrat

who made the joke about Dunkin Doughnuts and having to be Indian to work there? Democrat.

Who called his own grandmother, "a typical white person?" Democrat

There are lots more but you should get the point and if you don't I really don't see where more would do any good.

So it is democrats fighting for the rebel flag and all its ugly ass history? :0)

You posting slurs and attributing them an unnamed "democrat' is meaningless. What does have meaning is the Democratic Party believes that African-Americans and everyone else in this country is capable of political representation .. and that truth is reflected in their ranks. Your virtually all-white party does neither.

Republicans hate everybody.

The bottom line republicans hate black people .. black people hate republicans. We're real comfortable with that relationship.

Every quote I posted is well known you are just pretending to be dumb.

Who gives a shit about the rebel battle flag? It is just another concocted grievance created by the left wing since they have so little good things to run on.

Republican don't hate everyone but it sure sounds like you hate anyone that doesn't drink the same koolade you do.

BTW, are you a super predator?

Here is Mrs. Tuzla Clinton giving a speak in defense of the Clinton three strike law. BTW how has that worked out for the black community?

ALL your quotes are meaningless.

Your party is virtually all-white :0) and you're trying to make the stupid ass argument that democrats are racist even though THEY'VE elected a black president and the party is full of people of all races.

Your argument is for morons. :0) .. like you.
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The Republican Party, which had never won the South since 1872, suddenly,

AFTER the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by liberal Democrats, has won the South almost every election since.

You'll never understand it. You can't even figure out which state to pretend you're from.
18 Democrats tried to filibuster it and prevent a vote.


When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[14] Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[15]

The most fervent opposition to the bill came from Senator Strom Thurmond (D-SC): "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."[16]

After 54 days of filibuster, Senators Everett Dirksen (R-IL), Thomas Kuchel (R-CA), Hubert Humphrey (D-MN), and Mike Mansfield (D-MT) introduced a substitute bill that they hoped would attract enough Republican swing votes to end the filibuster. The compromise bill was weaker than the House version in regard to government power to regulate the conduct of private business, but it was not so weak as to cause the House to reconsider the legislation.[17]

On the morning of June 10, 1964, Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) completed a filibustering address that he had begun 14 hours and 13 minutes earlier opposing the legislation. Until then, the measure had occupied the Senate for 57 working days, including six Saturdays. A day earlier, Democratic Whip Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, the bill's manager, concluded he had the 67 votes required at that time to end the debate and end the filibuster. With six wavering senators providing a four-vote victory margin, the final tally stood at 71 to 29. Never in history had the Senate been able to muster enough votes to cut off a filibuster on a civil rights bill. And only once in the 37 years since 1927 had it agreed to cloture for any measure.[18]

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think your whole point is that the Republicans have NEVER done things to hurt the minorities as have the democrats. Yes, when LBJ saw that the blacks were gaining in numbers he saw that he had to give the uppity.....n......s a little something, and did, with Republican help.

So your position is that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were NOT good legislation that righted wrongs and advanced equal rights,

they were just bad pieces of legislation that served no purpose other than to score some political points...?????

Whew, that's at least honest.

WTF is wrong with your cognizant abilities?

The point is that EVERY civil rights act since the reformation passed because of Republican support. EVERY ONE. The value of those acts i will let you judge. But as to the 1964 and 65 LBJ had to drag his own party kicking and screaming to support.

If you don't know that history, I'll educate you ..

Unlikely civil rights hero
Illinois' Everett Dirksen rose to the occasion 50 years ago to get Civil Rights Act passed
Everett Dirksen's role in 1964 Civil Rights Act[/QUOT......

Up for a vote that June day was "cloture" — ending a record 75-day filibuster against a civil rights bill — and Dirksen took the literary high road. He noted: "It is said that on the night he died, Victor Hugo wrote in his diary, substantially this sentiment: Stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come."

Conservative Senator Everett Dirksen had to drag republicans to the table to support the Civil Rights legislation proposed by DEMOCRATS.[/QUOTE}

First of all, you do understand that the filibuster was held by KKK Robert Byrd? A democrat?

Dirksen was unlikely because blacks had protested him. From the article YOU provided;

Yet Johnson realized that Dirksen was the man for the job — for precisely the reasons that made him seem so unsuitable. The president had a problem: He had vowed to make civil rights legislation a memorial to his predecessor, the recently slain John F. Kennedy.

But Johnson presided over a Democratic Party with a split personality: liberal in the North, conservative in the South. In the House of Representatives, there were enough big-city progressives to push the bill through. But the Senate posed a problem. Since Northern Democrats couldn't muster the two-thirds majority to stop a filibuster, Johnson needed Republican votes. To get them, he dispatched Sen. Hubert Humphrey, a longtime champion of civil rights, to court Dirksen, the Republican leader in the Senate. Reportedly, he suggested praising the marigolds in Dirksen's garden.

The exact source of the disagreement between Washington and W.E.B. Dubois. DuBois was far more on point.

.. and during that time, nearly all blacks were republicans.

It's a shame they lost their sanity,,,, Under the Obomanation blacks .....

  1. Tavis Smiley: Black Americans Have 'Lost Ground' ...
    Jan 15, 2016 ... "Black folk, in the era of Obama, have lost ground in every major economic category."

I agree with much of what Smiley has said about Obama .. whom I did not vote for.

But that has absolutely nothing to do with the Republican Party being virtually all-white, does it?

Where has the Republican Party helped anyone but themselves?

Your party is virtually all-white .. and fading. What's your point?
the left has spent many years

trying to airbrush history

to make it appear as if the Republicans are the the slave holders

NOBODY is 'airbrushing' history but you knuckleheads on the right. :0) Intellectualism is no where to be found in the minds of right-wingers. It just isn't there.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

See how easy that was? That alone destroys all the 8th grade bullshit 'logic' you knuckleheads have been spouting in this thread.

Here's the good news. :0) Even you braindead crybabies RUN from the word 'racist.' You know damn well that you clowns are racist .. but you RUN from it. :0) You Run like chickens. I don't see everything posted on this site, but I have no doubt that 90%, if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

When republicans employed the Southern Strategy, racism found a home .. and dixiecrats became republicans. Blacks who were republicans became democrats because the Republican Party no longer them. Racism became the driving force throughout the Republican Party .. and it was the Democratic Party that took up the challenge of Civil Rights. All the stupid shit republicans are spouting in this thread is pure nonsense.

Finally, it's not like planet earth doesn't know what's behind all this whining about your ugly ass history and black people. :0) Republicans are facing their own self-inflicted demise. You've already been reduced to nothing more then by-standers in presidential elections. :0) Can't elect a president, can't control the Supreme Court, can't stop democrats frpm progressive legislation .. America keeps getting browner. :0)

Republicans would have been much smarter to remain true to their roots and reject the evil knocking on their doors.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

None or no one, that is who. Your implication is a complete left wing fabrication.

You are right, that the right is too scared to say much. But I find this interesting that you call out the right but ignore the left.

if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

Who call blacks "super predators." Democrat

Who said that blacks need to be brought to heel. Democrat

Who said that a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Democrat.

Who implied that all blacks before Obama were not clean and not articulate? Democrat

Who made a joke out of working in a gas station and being from India? Democrat

Who made the comment about Obama: “light-skinned” and speaking“with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” Democrat

Who asked a man with an Indian descent, if he were a member of the Taliban? Democrat

Who said that they wished Nikki Haley would go back to the country she came from because her parents are from India? Democrat

who made the joke about Dunkin Doughnuts and having to be Indian to work there? Democrat.

Who called his own grandmother, "a typical white person?" Democrat

There are lots more but you should get the point and if you don't I really don't see where more would do any good.

So it is democrats fighting for the rebel flag and all its ugly ass history? :0)

You posting slurs and attributing them an unnamed "democrat' is meaningless. What does have meaning is the Democratic Party believes that African-Americans and everyone else in this country is capable of political representation .. and that truth is reflected in their ranks. Your virtually all-white party does neither.

Republicans hate everybody.

The bottom line republicans hate black people .. black people hate republicans. We're real comfortable with that relationship.

Every quote I posted is well known you are just pretending to be dumb.

Who gives a shit about the rebel battle flag? It is just another concocted grievance created by the left wing since they have so little good things to run on.

Republican don't hate everyone but it sure sounds like you hate anyone that doesn't drink the same koolade you do.

BTW, are you a super predator?

Here is Mrs. Tuzla Clinton giving a speak in defense of the Clinton three strike law. BTW how has that worked out for the black community?

ALL your quotes are meaningless.

Your party is virtually all-white :0) and you're trying to make the stupid ass argument that democrats are racist ven hough THEY"VE elected a black president and the party is full of people of all races.

Your argument is for morons. :0) .. like you.

See, once again YOU divide things by race. No one is keeping the blacks out of the Republican party, no one. Except themselves, why is anyone's guess.

BTW I am register independent. I just dislike democrats as a hobby.

BTW2, what are quotes showing the clear heart of the democrats "meaningless?" Wasted on you, I will agree but not meaningless.
Repeating that lie over and over won't make it any less a lie.

What lie? :0) That changing demographics is your enemy?

That your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling

.. or that it's only going to get worse for you stupid motherfuckers? Which is it?

None of it is a lie, nor my retelling of the history of both parties.

It doesn't go without notice that you failed to address where both parties are today and how they got there. Care to step up .. or is butt-hurt whining all you have?
I did address it in other threads this morning.

And it's pretty damned clear who is really racist here. You alluded to it when you said us, meaning white people, are dwindling. Meaning you hope you flood this country with non-citizens so you can push the dominant white culture that exists into history, never to be seen again. You forget that the only reason those non-whites are coming here is because 1. Democrats are offering them goodies and 2. Their own countries are total shitholes. Trust me, I've been in some of them. I wouldn't want you live their either.

Let me repeat what I really said for you ..

"your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling" .. that does not sound like, nor imply 'white people.' Your sect of racists DO NOT REPRESENT WHITE PEOPLE.

Sorry if I don't feel your pain about immigrants because your sect said the same thing about black people that you now say about them. For me, the upside of immigration is that it further reduces the political power of republicans and racists. I have no problem with people looking for a better life.

Stop looking out the window for the evil .. rather take some time and stand in the mirror.
A can see a racist who is one step from firing up the ovens.

Expect me to do whatever I can to make sure people who think like you never become our leaders.

Btw, my wife of 38 years is black. She knows exactly what you are and to her credit wants nothing to do with you. 3 prior marriages and numerous beatings later she saw the light. The only difference between an ignorant black and a cracker is skin color.

Back when she was a kid white women had it as bad or worse than blacks. Constant beatings. Terrible abuse. Crackers who didn't have servants to beat just beat their wives. Good thing that bs is dying out. I figure a person that is as hateful as you is just ignorant or pissed off at the world and looking for a scapegoat.

Dude, I couldn't care less about what you think you need to do, nor about your wife being black .. or not. None of that has a goddamn thing to do with rampant racism throughout the Republican Party.

What 'scapegoat' am I looking for.? :0) I haven't asked shit from you .. don't need you, don't fucking care what you do.

But I do know history and it's real clear that you party is becoming less and less relevant. :0) I'm just the messenger.
Nope, you're a lemming, an Obama zombie, a Borg....simply part of the collective. You can't think for yourself. You buy all of this media driven racist shit that just saying blacks shouldn't be treated differently is racism. That white cops are targeting blacks. That whites are killing more than blacks are killing each other. My brother-in-laws would always get drunk and look to get in a fight Friday and Saturday night....and if they couldn’t find anyone to fight, they picked a fight with each other. Every God Damned weekend. But, no......I wouldn't understand that shit cuz I ain't black. Well, my family is Native-American, Irish, Scots, German and Italian. My nephew's Dad was Somali, so he's first generation American. His mother taught him to be racist and hate whites. He was embarrassed to be seen in public with me. I don't look down my nose at anyone because of race. Never have. Yet you think just because I vote Republican I'm a racist.....well fuck you.
What lie? :0) That changing demographics is your enemy?

That your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling

.. or that it's only going to get worse for you stupid motherfuckers? Which is it?

None of it is a lie, nor my retelling of the history of both parties.

It doesn't go without notice that you failed to address where both parties are today and how they got there. Care to step up .. or is butt-hurt whining all you have?
I did address it in other threads this morning.

And it's pretty damned clear who is really racist here. You alluded to it when you said us, meaning white people, are dwindling. Meaning you hope you flood this country with non-citizens so you can push the dominant white culture that exists into history, never to be seen again. You forget that the only reason those non-whites are coming here is because 1. Democrats are offering them goodies and 2. Their own countries are total shitholes. Trust me, I've been in some of them. I wouldn't want you live their either.

Let me repeat what I really said for you ..

"your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling" .. that does not sound like, nor imply 'white people.' Your sect of racists DO NOT REPRESENT WHITE PEOPLE.

Sorry if I don't feel your pain about immigrants because your sect said the same thing about black people that you now say about them. For me, the upside of immigration is that it further reduces the political power of republicans and racists. I have no problem with people looking for a better life.

Stop looking out the window for the evil .. rather take some time and stand in the mirror.
A can see a racist who is one step from firing up the ovens.

Expect me to do whatever I can to make sure people who think like you never become our leaders.

Btw, my wife of 38 years is black. She knows exactly what you are and to her credit wants nothing to do with you. 3 prior marriages and numerous beatings later she saw the light. The only difference between an ignorant black and a cracker is skin color.

Back when she was a kid white women had it as bad or worse than blacks. Constant beatings. Terrible abuse. Crackers who didn't have servants to beat just beat their wives. Good thing that bs is dying out. I figure a person that is as hateful as you is just ignorant or pissed off at the world and looking for a scapegoat.

Dude, I couldn't care less about what you think you need to do, nor about your wife being black .. or not. None of that has a goddamn thing to do with rampant racism throughout the Republican Party.

What 'scapegoat' am I looking for.? :0) I haven't asked shit from you .. don't need you, don't fucking care what you do.

But I do know history and it's real clear that you party is becoming less and less relevant. :0) I'm just the messenger.

You know nothing of history or current events

Less revelant ?

View attachment 73951

Less relevant absolutely. You can't win a national election, can't elect a president .. AND, as the country continues to get browner, you're heading for 3rd party status. :0)

Your turn.

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