The State Of The Union: The Worst Night Of The Year


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Another gem from Charles P. Pierce:

The State Of The Union: The Worst Night Of The Year

"Mr. Speaker, Mr. Majority Leader, thank you for inviting me here tonight to discuss the state of our union. The state of our union is strong, and it's all because of me, motherfkers, and no thanks to your sorry, wrinkled white asses. I did everything I could do to pull the economy out of the shallow grave your deregulatory frenzy and the two-term nitwit who preceded me dug for it. You stood there like squeaking eunuchs and blocked everything you could, and a narrow slice of the electorate gave you virtually unprecedented control over the entire national legislature. I don't care. Your party has sold its soul and lost its mind. I'm not going anywhere. So I'm'a gonna do what I goddamn well please, because the state of our union is strong, motherfkers, and it's all because of me. Nice to see you all again, though."

Unless the speech begins that way, I really don't care about it. 'Fi were king of the forest, there wouldn't even be a State Of The Union address, much less the full-dress exercise in political Mardi Gras that it has become. (Another thing for which we can thank that overrated maniac, Woodrow Wilson.) 'Twere up to me, presidents would go back to sending letters up to Capitol Hill, and they would use the present three-day run-up as kind of an all-star break from being president. Beer pong at Camp David! Now, though, thanks to the fact that television -- and especially its cable-news aspects -- is the index patient for institutional elephantiasis, there is nothing more inconsequential (and marginally loathsome) than the SOTU, and my use of the stupid acronym embarrasses me. It is just another television show. It's an Event for the sake of being an Event, the White House Correspondents Dinner in Founding Father drag. Worse, it's just another television extravaganza. It has more in common with the Super Bowl than with anything else, beginning with the fact that the SOTU (Make it stop!) Pregame Show began at about seven o'clock this morning, and that the Postgame analysis will go on well into the whiskey hours of the early morning. The State Of The Union and its attendant ballyhoo is now the clearest evidence we have that American self-government, and the politics that are at its heart, has become an ongoing piece of audience-participation performance art that has very little to do with the actual power in the country, and whose wielding it, and for what purposes. The only real mystery to the thing any more is whether the president delivering the speech is Punch or Judy.

More at the link:

The Event That Is The State Of The Union Is Just Another Television Show - Esquire
A lame duck being suddenly decisive after 6 years is laughable. He's lost the Senate, House and most of the country. 31 governorships, ffs!
i lost interest in this shit years ago.....they all do the same thing, parade people from around the country up in the front row with the first lady to try and make us feel sorry for them and agree to what he is saying,the bottom line is just about everything said will just be talked about with very little action.....its a show nothing more....
Funny how after beginning his Presidency with huge majorities in both the House and the Senate and the GOP party in shambles...Barry managed to fuck it all up so badly that the Democrats have lost control of the House, the Senate and most of the State Legislatures. He's forced to use his veto power because it's all he has left!
Fox news seems to be cultivating the notion that watching the SOTUA is a waste of time.

I turned Fox News on about a half hour ago because all the righties I know have been saying they won't even watch it. That's when my suspicions were confirmed.

Obama throws out good speeches that are hard to argue with, so Fox needs all the righties to stay close, not watch it, and then be told how it sucked. Of course they're showing plenty about Jody whats-her-head who will give the righty response.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe Fox brainwashes righties. They're just great, thanks to Frank Lunz, at telling righties what makes them feel good about being righties, and also gives them a fresh batch of cantankerous "getoffmylawnisms".

There is something I don't get.....

why none of the righties I know are curious enough just to watch it.

I have a guess, and maybe some of you who refuse to watch it can tell me if I'm on the right track.

I think righties can't stand it when anyone claps for Obama. I do observe that it makes them restless, irritable, and discontent
I can't watch. It doesn't matter who is president (Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama). The grand entry of 1,000 back slaps and finger acknowledgments with the nodding and winking. The forced clapping. The post-game clap count on who clapped at what and who didn't clap. The private citizens who are in fact staged ringers, like Johnny Soldier fresh from Afghanistan or Martha Singlemother struggling to pay her son's college tuition, both paid to attend, stand up when called so they can be clapped at, and then to sit down and smile and clap for the cameras. The bad worse-than-middle-school-theater acting of the VP and Speaker sitting behind the Chief, the one wearing a plaster of Paris smile and the other with a well rehearsed grimace of consternation.

The empty political gestures, like extending the Bush tax cuts when you had a Dem majority and proposing taxes on the wealthy when it's become entirely unfeasible. Total fabricated political theater. No details. No substance. Taking credit for everything good that happened and bearing responsibility for nothing bad. I can't think of a show I'd be less interested in watching, except maybe a recap by Brian Williams on NBC.

There is no there there.

Fox news seems to be cultivating the notion that watching the SOTUA is a waste of time.

I turned Fox News on about a half hour ago because all the righties I know have been saying they won't even watch it. That's when my suspicions were confirmed.

Obama throws out good speeches that are hard to argue with, so Fox needs all the righties to stay close, not watch it, and then be told how it sucked. Of course they're showing plenty about Jody whats-her-head who will give the righty response.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe Fox brainwashes righties. They're just great, thanks to Frank Lunz, at telling righties what makes them feel good about being righties, and also gives them a fresh batch of cantankerous "getoffmylawnisms".

There is something I don't get.....

why none of the righties I know are curious enough just to watch it.

I have a guess, and maybe some of you who refuse to watch it can tell me if I'm on the right track.

I think righties can't stand it when anyone claps for Obama. I do observe that it makes them restless, irritable, and discontent

Good speeches that are hard to argue with? I hate to point out the obvious here, Toxic but Barry tends to lie his skinny ass off when he stands up there and tells us all how good we have it and why it's all due to him. He hasn't had a plan to put people back to work or get the economy going in four years. If it wasn't for the boom that cheap gasoline and natural gas is presently providing (something his policies did their best to prevent happening!) things would be pretty damn bleak for the average American.
Since Toxic hails from Northern California...I'm wondering how it is that he even KNOWS a conservative let alone has conversations with them about what they intend to watch on television? Just saying...
Fox news seems to be cultivating the notion that watching the SOTUA is a waste of time.

I turned Fox News on about a half hour ago because all the righties I know have been saying they won't even watch it. That's when my suspicions were confirmed.

Obama throws out good speeches that are hard to argue with, so Fox needs all the righties to stay close, not watch it, and then be told how it sucked. Of course they're showing plenty about Jody whats-her-head who will give the righty response.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe Fox brainwashes righties. They're just great, thanks to Frank Lunz, at telling righties what makes them feel good about being righties, and also gives them a fresh batch of cantankerous "getoffmylawnisms".

There is something I don't get.....

why none of the righties I know are curious enough just to watch it.

I have a guess, and maybe some of you who refuse to watch it can tell me if I'm on the right track.

I think righties can't stand it when anyone claps for Obama. I do observe that it makes them restless, irritable, and discontent
like i said its a show.....someone standing in the wings with an applaud sign....
What I'd like to hear:
Ladies and Gentlemen: Notice I didnt say "fellow Americans" because in fact it is true I am not an American and ineligible to serve. I cannot stand living this lie any more and am resigning immediately with instructions to Pres Biden to reverse every action I took in office.

What I'll probably hear:
My fellow Americans. Things are a mess because of George Bush and the Republicans. I propose to fix it all by raising everyone's taxes and distributing the loot to my union buddies and the poverty lobby in this country.
I wonder if Obama will take credit for the low price of gas at the pump...
Fox news seems to be cultivating the notion that watching the SOTUA is a waste of time.

I turned Fox News on about a half hour ago because all the righties I know have been saying they won't even watch it. That's when my suspicions were confirmed.

Obama throws out good speeches that are hard to argue with, so Fox needs all the righties to stay close, not watch it, and then be told how it sucked. Of course they're showing plenty about Jody whats-her-head who will give the righty response.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe Fox brainwashes righties. They're just great, thanks to Frank Lunz, at telling righties what makes them feel good about being righties, and also gives them a fresh batch of cantankerous "getoffmylawnisms".

There is something I don't get.....

why none of the righties I know are curious enough just to watch it.

I have a guess, and maybe some of you who refuse to watch it can tell me if I'm on the right track.

I think righties can't stand it when anyone claps for Obama. I do observe that it makes them restless, irritable, and discontent

I do observe that it makes them restless, irritable, and discontent.

that ^^^^ and colonitis.
Another gem from Charles P. Pierce:

The State Of The Union: The Worst Night Of The Year

"A better politics is one where we appeal to each other's basic decency instead of our basest fears."

"A better politics is one where we debate without demonizing each other; where we talk issues, and values, and principles, and facts, rather than "gotcha" moments, or trivial gaffes, or fake controversies that have nothing to do with people's daily lives."

- President Obama State of the Union Speech 2015
Funny how after beginning his Presidency with huge majorities in both the House and the Senate and the GOP party in shambles...Barry managed to fuck it all up so badly that the Democrats have lost control of the House, the Senate and most of the State Legislatures. He's forced to use his veto power because it's all he has left!


...Reagan managed to fuck it all up so badly that the Republicans have lost control of the House, the Senate and most of the State Legislatures. He's forced to use his veto power because it's all he has left!
Funny how after beginning his Presidency with huge majorities in both the House and the Senate and the GOP party in shambles...Barry managed to fuck it all up so badly that the Democrats have lost control of the House, the Senate and most of the State Legislatures. He's forced to use his veto power because it's all he has left!


...Reagan managed to fuck it all up so badly that the Republicans have lost control of the House, the Senate and most of the State Legislatures. He's forced to use his veto power because it's all he has left!

Reagan? What are you babbling about, Synth? I take it that was supposed to be sarcastic but it doesn't make any sense...just saying...

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