The topless parade. Pride or shame?

Nudity is a victimless "crime". It hurts nobody and is censored by law only because people don't want to see it. You want to bring up hygiene? Fine! But what hygiene issue is presented by breasts? It isn't about hygiene it's about being the only species on earth that's offended by its own body. It's a mental disease, diagnosed by God as such from the beginning. It's time the prudes were pushed out of the mainstream and relegated to historical oddities like those hideous full dress bathing suits they used to make women wear.

It's the human body. Get over it.

The animals never have to wear clothing because God in His wisdom clothed them in beautiful furs. Except for my dog who appreciates a pretty dress.

Human bodies whether in glory or ugliness have no God given coverings.
And yet God created us naked and the Bible records the man and woman were unashamed of their nakedness. It only became an issue after they sinned and their minds were darkened by the fall. The Bible in no way supports prudishness as authored by God. Quite the opposite.
I am unmoved by Biblical arguments. Women who imagine they are protesting by flashing their tits make all women a sport for the amusement of others. They aren't shocking they are a joke. Yes there is shame. The shame is that women fought for years for recognition and this is what these airheads did with it. That's a shame.
If you're unmoved by Biblical arguments then stop making them, especially the stupid one you just made rashly speculating on the character of God without any real knowledge.

And do you know how illogical your argument is? Decades of women's rights progress are undone by these women? Do you know women do this kind of thing all the time? I guess according to you, women are just fucked because any progress feminism makes is so fragile that a few naked tits will negate it.

But keep repeating yourself.
Women's rights are always threatened. Likely it doesn't matter because so few women should ever have had those rights to begin with. Take their clothes and turn them out in the street. It's really all they are good for.
God wanted us to be naked and for us not to make a big deal out of it.
But, since we sinned etc. etc. I'm pretty sure that God wants us to do whatever we need to do to NOT cause others to sin (which means, covering up, which means, not wearing short skirts, tight clothing, low cut tops etc.)
just get us used to it and insist, nice Persons do.
Well, Bonzi, we men do think about sex when seeing a pair of women's breasts. But, we also think about having sex with women that are wearing bras and shirts. Myself, when I see a woman with full pouty lips, I think about kissing her. Men are turned on by the visual. If you don't like that, stay indoors.

What about their personalities? :D
just get us used to it and insist, nice Persons do.

Thankfully, I'm not a nice persons.
can you put your other avatar back up, please; it could be "false advertising" :p

I think it is in your best interest to turn gay.
Topless protesters march through Manhattan in call for equality
Yesterday there was a new feminist protest march. Women decided to fight for equality showing the whole world their breasts. I can't understand how is connected! Women in America have all the same rights as men, plus extra privileges to the weaker sex.
I truly believe that such pride parades make no changes except of the pleasant view for the men. Thank you girls, your pics made my evening!

Picture Removed. No Nudity.

The fatties and flapjack tits should be ashamed.

That ginger had quite a fair pair.... NICE!
God wanted us to be naked and for us not to make a big deal out of it.
But, since we sinned etc. etc. I'm pretty sure that God wants us to do whatever we need to do to NOT cause others to sin (which means, covering up, which means, not wearing short skirts, tight clothing, low cut tops etc.)

Lol! You cannot be serious.
God wanted us to be naked and for us not to make a big deal out of it.
But, since we sinned etc. etc. I'm pretty sure that God wants us to do whatever we need to do to NOT cause others to sin (which means, covering up, which means, not wearing short skirts, tight clothing, low cut tops etc.)
If God wanted us to be naked, he would have given us a covering to protect us from the elements, like a natural fur coat.

As human beings developed, they used coverings and body decorations as visual cues indicating ability, talent and station in life. An African village chief might wear the skin of a cheetah indicating his station as chief. An indian brave of many fights will have feathers tied in his scalplock. A young, untested, man would have none.

We use visual cues today. Your lawyer goes to court in a suit. Your doctor wears a white coat. The homeless bum wears rags.

At one time there was actual training on taking advantage of visual cues. It was called dress for success. You are what you look like you are.
God wanted us to be naked and for us not to make a big deal out of it.
But, since we sinned etc. etc. I'm pretty sure that God wants us to do whatever we need to do to NOT cause others to sin (which means, covering up, which means, not wearing short skirts, tight clothing, low cut tops etc.)
If God wanted us to be naked, he would have given us a covering to protect us from the elements, like a natural fur coat.

As human beings developed, they used coverings and body decorations as visual cues indicating ability, talent and station in life. An African village chief might wear the skin of a cheetah indicating his station as chief. An indian brave of many fights will have feathers tied in his scalplock. A young, untested, man would have none.

We use visual cues today. Your lawyer goes to court in a suit. Your doctor wears a white coat. The homeless bum wears rags.

At one time there was actual training on taking advantage of visual cues. It was called dress for success. You are what you look like you are.

Do you see lawyers walking around topless? Doctors? What in the world are you complaining about? This was like 30 people at a demonstration who decided to go topless. Get a grip!
God wanted us to be naked and for us not to make a big deal out of it.
But, since we sinned etc. etc. I'm pretty sure that God wants us to do whatever we need to do to NOT cause others to sin (which means, covering up, which means, not wearing short skirts, tight clothing, low cut tops etc.)

Lol! You cannot be serious.
If you are a Christian I am VERY serious!
God wanted us to be naked and for us not to make a big deal out of it.
But, since we sinned etc. etc. I'm pretty sure that God wants us to do whatever we need to do to NOT cause others to sin (which means, covering up, which means, not wearing short skirts, tight clothing, low cut tops etc.)

Lol! You cannot be serious.
If you are a Christian I am VERY serious!

The way you run around flirting with the men around here? :lol: You really NEED to practice what you preach to others. How can anyone take you seriously?
God wanted us to be naked and for us not to make a big deal out of it.
But, since we sinned etc. etc. I'm pretty sure that God wants us to do whatever we need to do to NOT cause others to sin (which means, covering up, which means, not wearing short skirts, tight clothing, low cut tops etc.)

Lol! You cannot be serious.
If you are a Christian I am VERY serious!

Bonzi, I'm beginning to think that all of your talk about Christianity is nothing but lip service. What game is this that you are playing?
God wanted us to be naked and for us not to make a big deal out of it.
But, since we sinned etc. etc. I'm pretty sure that God wants us to do whatever we need to do to NOT cause others to sin (which means, covering up, which means, not wearing short skirts, tight clothing, low cut tops etc.)

Lol! You cannot be serious.
If you are a Christian I am VERY serious!

I don't mean to sound like a meanie, but if you are going to preach, then you should practice it. Otherwise, there is absolutely no reason why anyone should take your religious ramblings too seriously. YOU obviously don't even believe it when you don't make an attempt to practice it yourself.
God wanted us to be naked and for us not to make a big deal out of it.
But, since we sinned etc. etc. I'm pretty sure that God wants us to do whatever we need to do to NOT cause others to sin (which means, covering up, which means, not wearing short skirts, tight clothing, low cut tops etc.)

Lol! You cannot be serious.
If you are a Christian I am VERY serious!

Let's look at the difference between your comment here and some of your comments on other threads about sex and men and drinking and other such things. Shall we? Are you going to try and tell me that you have no control over what you type here?
God wanted us to be naked and for us not to make a big deal out of it.
But, since we sinned etc. etc. I'm pretty sure that God wants us to do whatever we need to do to NOT cause others to sin (which means, covering up, which means, not wearing short skirts, tight clothing, low cut tops etc.)

Lol! You cannot be serious.
If you are a Christian I am VERY serious!

Okay, let's get to the bottom of this. You seem to think that wearing certain types of clothing is "sinful" but a married woman engaging with strange men on the internet in highly sexually related topics is NOT a kind of temptation in and of itself? Talking about yourself being naked, talking about your sexual experiences, calling yourself a "mistress," etc.,etc., etc., and talking about sex in general with men who are not your husband is not a problem, but clothing is? I find this quite fascinating. :) Let's talk more!

I'm sorry, I just see this as being extremely hypocritical. You are really in NO position to be preaching to anyone else from what I can see. This doesn't mean I dislike you, but I do find this behavior to be very strange.
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Women are proving to be just as worthless as men always said they were.

Show those tits girls, no one wants to hear what you have to say anyway.

Go hug your cats, bitch...nobody has EVER wanted to hear what you say!

Lemme guess: you are either a 350lbs heifer or a 90lb toothpick with the build of a pre-teen boy.

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