The Trump Becoming Less Popular with Military Per Military Times Poll

I wonder how popular he'll be among the Americans involved in the response to the U.S. Embassy attack in Iraq and their families?

100 U.S. Marines, two Apache helicopters reinforcing embassy in Baghdad after attack

A detachment of 100 Marines is deploying to Iraq to reinforce security at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad after Iraqi protesters supportive of an Iran-backed Shiite militia attempted to storm the compound, U.S. Central Command said Tuesday.

The Marines were requested by the U.S. State Department[.] Two Apache attack helicopters are providing over watch.
The Marines are part of Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Forces Crisis Response — Central Command and came from Kuwait, according to a tweet from the Marine unit. ...
Many of the past embassy missions have used Marines from Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Forces Crisis Response — Central Command, which was created after the 2012 attack on the diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the death of four Americans.

The protesters who stormed the U.S. embassy in Iraq were angry over Sunday’s airstrikes by U.S. forces against the Iran-backed militia and broke through the main door of the embassy and cried “Down, Down, USA!” according to The Associated Press.

100 U.S. Marines, two Apache helicopters reinforcing embassy in Baghdad after attack
Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows

"Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016.

Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion."

~~ Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows ~~


I'm sure as Hell happy now that LBJ and Nixon were micro managing my Brother's in Arms fate in Vietnam thaN this Orange Loose Cannon Son-of-a-Bitch!

EDIT; Corrected misspelling of "THAT to THAN so the sentence made sense for uneducated shit-for-brains.
Gannett owns the Military Times. The same people that own USAToday.
Hillary has friends on the board of directors at Gannett.

I don't believe this shit for one second.
Show the breakdown of women vs men, and officers vs non-coms
Do your own fucking homework, dope.

It's in thoughtcrimes link.
Noncoms have a favorable opinion of Trump.
So either you didnt look at the link,or you knew the answer wouldnt fit your narrative so you didnt let it be known the answer could be found in the link.
Noncoms frequently don't dare show how much they dislike trump.
Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows

"Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016.

Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion."

~~ Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows ~~


I'm sure as Hell happy now that LBJ and Nixon were micro managing my Brother's in Arms fate in Vietnam thaN this Orange Loose Cannon Son-of-a-Bitch!

EDIT; Corrected misspelling of "THAT to THAN so the sentence made sense for uneducated shit-for-brains.
Gannett owns the Military Times. The same people that own USAToday.
Hillary has friends on the board of directors at Gannett.

I don't believe this shit for one second.
Gannett owns the Military Times. The same people that own USAToday.
Hillary has friends on the board of directors at Gannett.

Mud, you're wrong with that bull shit too! Military Times, et al, WERE OWNED by Gannett a while back, but haven't been for a good while. You can read below as well, and on the website that Military time is on their least biased list and ranked HIGH for factual reporting.

The Military Times is owned by Sightline Media Group, which was formerly owned by Gannett Company, which is best known for its flagship national newspaper USA Today. Currently, Sightline Media Group is owned by Regent, L.P. Regent is a private equity firm based in Los Angeles/California. Military Times is funded through advertising and subscriptions to the 4 military publications under the Military Times umbrella.
~~ Military Times - Media Bias/Fact Check ~~
Both my brothers are vets and they love Trump as does every military man I know. Hell LEO's love the guy also.
God forbid if the left ever takes control of the military personnel. Socialism/Commumism would be the next step. This is how countries fall. Democrats are like lambs being led to slaughter by their handlers. They allow schools in indoctrinate their kids, some of which join the military and some become other useful idiots who can vote, they want more and more poor illegals in the country dependent on our government with hopes they will soon be able to vote, they want to remove our rights to bear arms, though they have been told by their masters the 2nd ammendment is not under threat , etc. It is astounding just how easliy these folks are duped into giving away their freedom to the government and the ruling class.
Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows

"Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016.

Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion."

~~ Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows ~~


I'm sure as Hell happy now that LBJ and Nixon were micro managing my Brother's in Arms fate in Vietnam thaN this Orange Loose Cannon Son-of-a-Bitch!

EDIT; Corrected misspelling of "THAT to THAN so the sentence made sense for uneducated shit-for-brains.
Gannett owns the Military Times. The same people that own USAToday.
Hillary has friends on the board of directors at Gannett.

I don't believe this shit for one second.
Gannett owns the Military Times. The same people that own USAToday.
Hillary has friends on the board of directors at Gannett.

Mud, you're wrong with that bull shit too! Military Times, et al, WERE OWNED by Gannett a while back, but haven't been for a good while. You can read below as well, and on the website that Military time is on their least biased list and ranked HIGH for factual reporting.

The Military Times is owned by Sightline Media Group, which was formerly owned by Gannett Company, which is best known for its flagship national newspaper USA Today. Currently, Sightline Media Group is owned by Regent, L.P. Regent is a private equity firm based in Los Angeles/California. Military Times is funded through advertising and subscriptions to the 4 military publications under the Military Times umbrella.
~~ Military Times - Media Bias/Fact Check ~~
Does not change the simple fact that the poll is bullshit as it is utterly unscientific. It is as accurate as taking a poll here.
Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows

"Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016.

Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion."

~~ Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows ~~


I'm sure as Hell happy now that LBJ and Nixon were micro managing my Brother's in Arms fate in Vietnam thaN this Orange Loose Cannon Son-of-a-Bitch!

EDIT; Corrected misspelling of "THAT to THAN so the sentence made sense for uneducated shit-for-brains.
Gannett owns the Military Times. The same people that own USAToday.
Hillary has friends on the board of directors at Gannett.

I don't believe this shit for one second.
Gannett owns the Military Times. The same people that own USAToday.
Hillary has friends on the board of directors at Gannett.

Mud, you're wrong with that bull shit too! Military Times, et al, WERE OWNED by Gannett a while back, but haven't been for a good while. You can read below as well, and on the website that Military time is on their least biased list and ranked HIGH for factual reporting.

The Military Times is owned by Sightline Media Group, which was formerly owned by Gannett Company, which is best known for its flagship national newspaper USA Today. Currently, Sightline Media Group is owned by Regent, L.P. Regent is a private equity firm based in Los Angeles/California. Military Times is funded through advertising and subscriptions to the 4 military publications under the Military Times umbrella.
~~ Military Times - Media Bias/Fact Check ~~

Gannett didn't sell the paper.....they just changed the name of the company. Gannett purchased Sightline Media Group in 1997. Sightline Media Group - Wikipedia
Besides.....Do you think any paper in California is going to be a friend of Trump???
Does not change the simple fact that the poll is bullshit as it is utterly unscientific. It is as accurate as taking a poll here.
To you the poll is unscientific because everything has to fit within the sphere of the sycophantic torch you're carrying for the Magic Orange and you just can't think for yourself outside of that bubble. But just two days ago there was another Military Times poll dated JULY, six months ago with stats more favorable to the Idiot-in-Chief and your fellow travelers were busy bragging it up and testifying how great that poll was for Trump. So obviously, you Trumpy fucks believe POTUS polls are only valid if the results favor your favorite narcissist. That's very pathetic how you deal with facts and truths.

Gannett didn't sell the paper.....they just changed the name of the company. Gannett purchased Sightline Media Group in 1997. Sightline Media Group - Wikipedia
Bullshit Muddy! Read the entire page of your source dim wit! From your own wiki source quoted directly below:
As part of the spinoff of digital and broadcasting properties in 2015, Gannett spun off these properties to Tegna. In March 2016, Tegna sold Sightline Media Group to Regent, a Los Angeles-based private equity firm controlled by investor Michael Reinstein.
Let me help you read that very complicated paragraph. Gannett sold the Military Times bundle (Sightline Media Group) to Tegna in 2015. Tenga turned around and sold the Military Times bundle (Sightline Media Group) in 2016 to Regent L.P. Regent is a private equity group that has not a fucking thing to do with If that isn't clear to you by now, get a third grader to read and explain your own damn source that proves your bullshit claim is just a plain pile of steaming crap!!!!

PS: The Military Times group of military centric publications are not papers. They are magazines, fool! You pretty much got every damn thing WRONG. Try applying a coat of due diligence before you post.
Does not change the simple fact that the poll is bullshit as it is utterly unscientific. It is as accurate as taking a poll here.
To you the poll is unscientific because everything has to fit within the sphere of the sycophantic torch you're carrying for the Magic Orange and you just can't think for yourself outside of that bubble. But just two days ago there was another Military Times poll dated JULY, six months ago with stats more favorable to the Idiot-in-Chief and your fellow travelers were busy bragging it up and testifying how great that poll was for Trump. So obviously, you Trumpy fucks believe POTUS polls are only valid if the results favor your favorite narcissist. That's very pathetic how you deal with facts and truths.
None of what you claimed is even remotely true. I am not a voter for or a supporter of Trump. The poll is garbage because it is an online poll AND it is a poll taken only of the readers of a specific publication. Both of those make the poll useless on their own let alone together.

And I don't care what the poll was last time - it was worthless then too.
Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows

"Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016.

Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion."

~~ Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows ~~


I'm sure as Hell happy now that LBJ and Nixon were micro managing my Brother's in Arms fate in Vietnam thaN this Orange Loose Cannon Son-of-a-Bitch!

EDIT; Corrected misspelling of "THAT to THAN so the sentence made sense for uneducated shit-for-brains.
people believing polls are idiots.
Does not change the simple fact that the poll is bullshit as it is utterly unscientific. It is as accurate as taking a poll here.
To you the poll is unscientific because everything has to fit within the sphere of the sycophantic torch you're carrying for the Magic Orange and you just can't think for yourself outside of that bubble. But just two days ago there was another Military Times poll dated JULY, six months ago with stats more favorable to the Idiot-in-Chief and your fellow travelers were busy bragging it up and testifying how great that poll was for Trump. So obviously, you Trumpy fucks believe POTUS polls are only valid if the results favor your favorite narcissist. That's very pathetic how you deal with facts and truths.

Gannett didn't sell the paper.....they just changed the name of the company. Gannett purchased Sightline Media Group in 1997. Sightline Media Group - Wikipedia
Bullshit Muddy! Read the entire page of your source dim wit! From your own wiki source quoted directly below:
As part of the spinoff of digital and broadcasting properties in 2015, Gannett spun off these properties to Tegna. In March 2016, Tegna sold Sightline Media Group to Regent, a Los Angeles-based private equity firm controlled by investor Michael Reinstein.
Let me help you read that very complicated paragraph. Gannett sold the Military Times bundle (Sightline Media Group) to Tegna in 2015. Tenga turned around and sold the Military Times bundle (Sightline Media Group) in 2016 to Regent L.P. Regent is a private equity group that has not a fucking thing to do with If that isn't clear to you by now, get a third grader to read and explain your own damn source that proves your bullshit claim is just a plain pile of steaming crap!!!!

PS: The Military Times group of military centric publications are not papers. They are magazines, fool! You pretty much got every damn thing WRONG. Try applying a coat of due diligence before you post.

Tegna is a spinoff....which means they are a smaller company but still attached to the larger company. And Gannett is a newspaper group. The primary difference between a newspaper and a magazine is the frequency of their release.
Tegna is tied in with NBC, ABC, and CBS. Do you actually think that a liberal publication would turn over the this company to anyone other than a liberal owner??? Anyone with half a brain can see that Michael Reinstein (the new owner) is part of the same club as the folks running Gannett. Born and raised in Los Angeles California but his company headquartered in Washington D.C.. A rich liberal to the core. I tried to look up who he sent his political contributions to but the link seems to go nowhere.

My original point was that friends of Hillary were running Gannett, who used to own the Times outright. What makes you think liberals would sell a publication to an outsider??? They figure knowledge is power....and any publication like Army Times is worth it's weight in gold because it allows them to control how information is released.

So shove it up your ass!!! And do it diligently.
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