The Trump cabinet called, "The Dream Team."

Exclusive — ‘Dream Team’: Sean Spicer Explains Donald Trump’s ‘Most Talented Cabinet in Modern History,’ White House Transition - Breitbart

From the article:
Spicer said the cabinet Trump has assembled, from Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as Attorney General to Gen. John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary to Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis at the Pentagon to Dr. Ben Carson at Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and more, is a “dream team

Morning is coming to America again. COUNTDOWN 10 Days baby!! The long nightmare is finally over..

From their Celebration Day concert.. The greatest rock band of all time..
Zeppelin ; Kashmir

Breibart! :laugh:
I wouldn't expect anything less from you! You just love "Fake News" and your history proves it. :laugh:
Let me explain something to you ICE--------> I am no apologist for GW, I think he was as awful as Obama, or at least near it. You want to put Obama numbers up against GW, I want to put GW and Obama numbers up against history! In my trying to defend Bush, is like YOU trying to defend Obama! The only way either of us have a chance to win the argument is, comparing them to each other. The last 16 years in history will be seen as BOTH of their failures.

The only way to accept the current data as good is to NOT measure it against history. Not the history of the last 10 years, but of the last 100 years. To also accept this as a good economic report, is to believe that this is the new norm......which it may be, but that has yet to be proven because both Presidents over the past 16 years, have been all about social policy and not economic. Remember when Obama was chastised and decided to focus on the economy around 2010!

In the end, like it or not, history is going to see these 2 goofs as linked together. They failed! Bush for other reasons than Obama, but fail they did! If the country decides after Trump that you and your people were correct that this is the best we can do economically, I have no doubt that the Democrats will control all 3 branches of government.


Because if this is the best we can do, then we may as well give ourselves freebies till we go broke instead of beating our heads against the wall. Hell, we can spend money just as fast as the next person, some of us just figure the country is going to be here down the road, and we do not want to saddle those after us with massive debt. Now if we know the country will not be here, then it is party time, just like leftists want to do and give the farm away.

And so, I will close by saying that Obama has been at war, or in military conflict, for every day during his Presidency, lol. (that is one of the rights new talking points) I think that point is ridiculous, except to hit the leftist doves over the head. I am more pragmatic--------> I am not against a Democratic President because of conflict, I am against any President from EITHER party who will not unleash our troops to win a war, then bring our people home and NOT rebuild the vanquished, sending a very American message of... FU** you if you bother us!

Both Bush and Obama have done that, and it has cost us many American children. So again, between the two of them, no respect for economics, or military policy. Yep, both incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial.

I wish you well on defending Obama. I gave up before Obama took office on defending Bush. I learned my lesson on defending the indefensible, maybe someday soon, you will too!

Have fun-)

The fact that you made two monumental errors in 2000 and 2004 doesn't mean I have any reason to apologize for having made sound decisions in 2008 and 2012......You can assert that they are "equal" til you're blue in the finger tips but that won't impress The Record......which is pretty unambiguous on that particular point....

Given the circumstances the Nation found itself in by January 2009, and the unprecedented fiscal sabotage prosecuted by Congress, the job Obama has done is quite commendable.....even if Drudge wants YOU to believe otherwise....

Ice, I will never, ever, never-ever, try and stop a leftist from defending Obama, because I am NOT IGNORANT! On the other hand, at least once a month, I attempt to try and stop a conservative from defending GW.

Again, I really hope you do continue to get that tingle up your leg and defend him against history. It only makes our job easier, and good luck to you-)
History will judge Obama by his record........with which you are, clearly, entirely unfamiliar....

But remember how this started......with you running at the lip about "facts" vs. "opinions".........our exchange has certainly demonstrated who relies on what...[/
Apparently DTS doesn't stand for "Drain the Swamp" but "Disperse the Spoils"...
Apparently living off the public titty is all you know and can't comprehend what it takes in the private sector to rise to the top.

That is what is frustrating on one hand, and funny on the other over this whole thing Ice. !/2 of the crying does come from liberals who are afraid of what Trump might do because they have been misinformed, but the other 1/2 are a bunch of government workers who are going to actually have to go and find a J-O-B in the wonderful economy they have been lying about for 8 years, lol! What are the leftists WORRIED ABOUT, hehehehehehehe. Look at the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE, Obowelmovement has it down soooooo LOW, so jobs are easy, and plentiful!:muahaha:

Why don't you post the data, and we'll decide....

You could start with the percentage of net private sector payroll gains, since Feb 2001, realized since Feb 2009....

Need help with the math?

Then I go back to this post----------> you have conclusively proven that the left government workers have no argument about being let go, since the economy is WONDERFUL. We should NOT feel sorry for them, since they have created great expansion, their ideas were spot on, and everything is wonderful.

I also have no idea, not one, why any American that is blue collar, works in a coal mine, works for an auto company, steel, aluminum, etc........would think Obama and the Democrats have thrown them under the bus! It is apparent that these peoples real life experiences have nothing to do with reality after seeing you put forth such overwhelming information. They must be blind in one eye, and can not see out of the other.

If I was a liberal Democrat such as yourself, I would keep touting the Obama accomplishments, how wonderful everything was, how the ACA is just the greatest thing on the planet, because I was obviously wrong on what people were feeling, and so were they. Obviously, no amount of TRUTH could convince the coal miners and blue collar workers, that they weren't really out of a job, it was just their imagination. How dare they! How dumb are they! Your statistics prove them wrong, and it appears EVERY state was under the dumb spell but a very few; ones that have little to do with manufacturing plants, but why quibble about it when you have the stats, lol.

I also have to say that a lot of people who voted for Obama crossed over this time and voted for Trump. Amazing how they were brilliant and correct before, but now they are racist, dumb, and deplorable; but I digress!

You got your narrative, and you have your guy. You are correct, only history will judge what has happened here as we have differing opinions. In the end though, your guys legacy is going to be dependent upon what Trump does, just like the Bush legacy was dependent upon Obama. Obama did OK because Bush is perceived to have driven us into a ditch. Obama sucks next to B Clinton or Reagan, but looks kinda decent next to Bush. By historical values, both Bush and Obama stink!

If Trump has us return to even close to what it was, Obama will REALLY look crappy, kinda like Carter did after Reagan!

We shall see what happens. So far, so good for Trump as far as economics. Market says great, even as interest rates rise. That is a wonderful sign of confidence. Normally without QE, we would be having the market drop!

Foreign policy, not sold at all, but we shall see!

In closing, let me say what is actual fact, but can not predict it will happen----------> WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO SINK THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOR 12 YEARS AS REAGAN DID? Answer--------> 4 million GOOD jobs before 2020, and I am talking above and beyond the regular job creation, and these need be in manufacturing. If he delivers that amount of jobs in blue collar areas such as energy, and manufacturing, JFK couldn't win in 2020. Don't know if he can do it, but that is the magic number, around 4 million blue collar jobs. I wouldn't want to try it, but the payoff will be conclusive if he can do it! While times have changed, what Reagan proved (and to a certain extent Trump) conclusively is--------->no matter what color the skin, without the blue collar vote, you can NOT win. Trump knew that too, seems Hillary didn't-)

How do you quantify "regular job creation"?

Number of jobs created under last two Republican presidents? (3 million total over 12 years)

Then if I was the left, I would not worry about Trump. If it is 3 million over 12 years, if it holds the same pattern, that means 1 million over 4 years, and the whole republican apparatus is out in 2020.

I would just remind SOME people of this---------> Do we know why sometimes repubs get elected President, and sometimes Dems? It is not because some people stay home on one side, normally it is because some people SWITCH sides!

What that tells us is----------> no one party has a lock on good ideas; and one partys ideas do not work in every situation. Did JFK's administrations ideas work? Yes! Reagans? Yes! Bill Clintons? Yes! Coolidge? Yes! And yet, they were from different political party's. So, to say that so and so will not succeed because he is either a repub or Democrat is ridiculous, and ideological.

So, when you ask about the last 2 Repub Presidents I say---->they were not Reagan, just like Obama was not JFK! What Trump is has yet to be determined, no matter how some of you want to paint him!
Exclusive — ‘Dream Team’: Sean Spicer Explains Donald Trump’s ‘Most Talented Cabinet in Modern History,’ White House Transition - Breitbart

From the article:
Spicer said the cabinet Trump has assembled, from Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as Attorney General to Gen. John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary to Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis at the Pentagon to Dr. Ben Carson at Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and more, is a “dream team

Morning is coming to America again. COUNTDOWN 10 Days baby!! The long nightmare is finally over..

From their Celebration Day concert.. The greatest rock band of all time..
Zeppelin ; Kashmir

This phrase, "The Dream Team" first came about when OJ Simpson's defense counsel was formed after he was arrested for murdering his ex-wife. He got off, as you may recall, and found innocent because of an inept prosecution and a stacked jury. So excellent analogy, GumSlinger.
How do you quantify "regular job creation"?
Probably a full time job with potential vs. two dead end part time jobs.
Do you understand the meaning of "quantify"?

Here's something for you to ponder, Ice....

All Employees: Total Private Industries (USPRIV)
(in ,000s)

Feb 2001 - 111,871

Feb 2009 - 110,774

Dec 2016 - 123,080

Net increase between Feb 2001 and Dec 2016 - 11,209

% of net gain since Feb 2009 - 110%
All those indictments compared to Bush and Reagan and Nixon's administrations..........

so you agree that this admin shouldnt be able to skate either

What suggests that it has been "skating"?

so you too agree that there should be no skating

Read the question again......

so you agree that there should be skating like last nixon admin

yes or no
Go back to my original question......when you have shown me the courtesy of responding to it (with something other than a question), I will be pleased to address yours.....
so you agree that this admin shouldnt be able to skate either

What suggests that it has been "skating"?

so you too agree that there should be no skating

Read the question again......

so you agree that there should be skating like last nixon admin

yes or no
Go back to my original question......when you have shown me the courtesy of responding to it (with something other than a question), I will be pleased to address yours.....

i dont give a rats ass about your question
What suggests that it has been "skating"?

so you too agree that there should be no skating

Read the question again......

so you agree that there should be skating like last nixon admin

yes or no
Go back to my original question......when you have shown me the courtesy of responding to it (with something other than a question), I will be pleased to address yours.....

i dont give a rats ass about your question

I bet you don' vaporizes your "argument"....

What do you believe is left to investigate?
Exclusive — ‘Dream Team’: Sean Spicer Explains Donald Trump’s ‘Most Talented Cabinet in Modern History,’ White House Transition - Breitbart

From the article:
Spicer said the cabinet Trump has assembled, from Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as Attorney General to Gen. John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary to Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis at the Pentagon to Dr. Ben Carson at Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and more, is a “dream team

Morning is coming to America again. COUNTDOWN 10 Days baby!! The long nightmare is finally over..

From their Celebration Day concert.. The greatest rock band of all time..
Zeppelin ; Kashmir

This phrase, "The Dream Team" first came about when OJ Simpson's defense counsel was formed after he was arrested for murdering his ex-wife. He got off, as you may recall, and found innocent because of an inept prosecution and a stacked jury. So excellent analogy, GumSlinger.
Nope, history goes back farther than reality TV.

Was "dream team" an Olympic Games expression?

  • a number of persons of the highest ability associated in some joint action:
    • a dream team that should easily win the Olympics; a dream team of lawyers.
According to the origin of the expression "dream team" is from 1935-40 and Ngram appears to confirm that.

An early usage from the "Encyclopaedia Britannica: A New Survey of Universal Knowledge" of 1929 appears to refer to sports:

  • This caused many army-trainee colleges to drop football temporarily but the others carried on and produced some fabulous elevens in the war years, notably Army, the so-called "dream-team" at West Point.
so you too agree that there should be no skating

Read the question again......

so you agree that there should be skating like last nixon admin

yes or no
Go back to my original question......when you have shown me the courtesy of responding to it (with something other than a question), I will be pleased to address yours.....

i dont give a rats ass about your question

I bet you don' vaporizes your "argument"....

What do you believe is left to investigate?


the only thing you vaporized is whatever credibility you thought you had

you tards are so funny
The fact that you made two monumental errors in 2000 and 2004 doesn't mean I have any reason to apologize for having made sound decisions in 2008 and 2012......You can assert that they are "equal" til you're blue in the finger tips but that won't impress The Record......which is pretty unambiguous on that particular point....

Given the circumstances the Nation found itself in by January 2009, and the unprecedented fiscal sabotage prosecuted by Congress, the job Obama has done is quite commendable.....even if Drudge wants YOU to believe otherwise....

Ice, I will never, ever, never-ever, try and stop a leftist from defending Obama, because I am NOT IGNORANT! On the other hand, at least once a month, I attempt to try and stop a conservative from defending GW.

Again, I really hope you do continue to get that tingle up your leg and defend him against history. It only makes our job easier, and good luck to you-)
History will judge Obama by his record........with which you are, clearly, entirely unfamiliar....

But remember how this started......with you running at the lip about "facts" vs. "opinions".........our exchange has certainly demonstrated who relies on what...[/
Apparently living off the public titty is all you know and can't comprehend what it takes in the private sector to rise to the top.

That is what is frustrating on one hand, and funny on the other over this whole thing Ice. !/2 of the crying does come from liberals who are afraid of what Trump might do because they have been misinformed, but the other 1/2 are a bunch of government workers who are going to actually have to go and find a J-O-B in the wonderful economy they have been lying about for 8 years, lol! What are the leftists WORRIED ABOUT, hehehehehehehe. Look at the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE, Obowelmovement has it down soooooo LOW, so jobs are easy, and plentiful!:muahaha:

Why don't you post the data, and we'll decide....

You could start with the percentage of net private sector payroll gains, since Feb 2001, realized since Feb 2009....

Need help with the math?

Then I go back to this post----------> you have conclusively proven that the left government workers have no argument about being let go, since the economy is WONDERFUL. We should NOT feel sorry for them, since they have created great expansion, their ideas were spot on, and everything is wonderful.

I also have no idea, not one, why any American that is blue collar, works in a coal mine, works for an auto company, steel, aluminum, etc........would think Obama and the Democrats have thrown them under the bus! It is apparent that these peoples real life experiences have nothing to do with reality after seeing you put forth such overwhelming information. They must be blind in one eye, and can not see out of the other.

If I was a liberal Democrat such as yourself, I would keep touting the Obama accomplishments, how wonderful everything was, how the ACA is just the greatest thing on the planet, because I was obviously wrong on what people were feeling, and so were they. Obviously, no amount of TRUTH could convince the coal miners and blue collar workers, that they weren't really out of a job, it was just their imagination. How dare they! How dumb are they! Your statistics prove them wrong, and it appears EVERY state was under the dumb spell but a very few; ones that have little to do with manufacturing plants, but why quibble about it when you have the stats, lol.

I also have to say that a lot of people who voted for Obama crossed over this time and voted for Trump. Amazing how they were brilliant and correct before, but now they are racist, dumb, and deplorable; but I digress!

You got your narrative, and you have your guy. You are correct, only history will judge what has happened here as we have differing opinions. In the end though, your guys legacy is going to be dependent upon what Trump does, just like the Bush legacy was dependent upon Obama. Obama did OK because Bush is perceived to have driven us into a ditch. Obama sucks next to B Clinton or Reagan, but looks kinda decent next to Bush. By historical values, both Bush and Obama stink!

If Trump has us return to even close to what it was, Obama will REALLY look crappy, kinda like Carter did after Reagan!

We shall see what happens. So far, so good for Trump as far as economics. Market says great, even as interest rates rise. That is a wonderful sign of confidence. Normally without QE, we would be having the market drop!

Foreign policy, not sold at all, but we shall see!

In closing, let me say what is actual fact, but can not predict it will happen----------> WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO SINK THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOR 12 YEARS AS REAGAN DID? Answer--------> 4 million GOOD jobs before 2020, and I am talking above and beyond the regular job creation, and these need be in manufacturing. If he delivers that amount of jobs in blue collar areas such as energy, and manufacturing, JFK couldn't win in 2020. Don't know if he can do it, but that is the magic number, around 4 million blue collar jobs. I wouldn't want to try it, but the payoff will be conclusive if he can do it! While times have changed, what Reagan proved (and to a certain extent Trump) conclusively is--------->no matter what color the skin, without the blue collar vote, you can NOT win. Trump knew that too, seems Hillary didn't-)

How do you quantify "regular job creation"?

Number of jobs created under last two Republican presidents? (3 million total over 12 years)

Then if I was the left, I would not worry about Trump. If it is 3 million over 12 years, if it holds the same pattern, that means 1 million over 4 years, and the whole republican apparatus is out in 2020.

I would just remind SOME people of this---------> Do we know why sometimes repubs get elected President, and sometimes Dems? It is not because some people stay home on one side, normally it is because some people SWITCH sides!

What that tells us is----------> no one party has a lock on good ideas; and one partys ideas do not work in every situation. Did JFK's administrations ideas work? Yes! Reagans? Yes! Bill Clintons? Yes! Coolidge? Yes! And yet, they were from different political party's. So, to say that so and so will not succeed because he is either a repub or Democrat is ridiculous, and ideological.

So, when you ask about the last 2 Repub Presidents I say---->they were not Reagan, just like Obama was not JFK! What Trump is has yet to be determined, no matter how some of you want to paint him!

I'm just trying to understand how many jobs according to you Trump has to make that you would consider success.

Obama created 11-16 million jobs (depending if you count since end of recession he clearly didn't cause or since day he got into office). Which is about 4 times what both Bushes managed.
Let me explain something to you ICE--------> I am no apologist for GW, I think he was as awful as Obama, or at least near it. You want to put Obama numbers up against GW, I want to put GW and Obama numbers up against history! In my trying to defend Bush, is like YOU trying to defend Obama! The only way either of us have a chance to win the argument is, comparing them to each other. The last 16 years in history will be seen as BOTH of their failures.

The only way to accept the current data as good is to NOT measure it against history. Not the history of the last 10 years, but of the last 100 years. To also accept this as a good economic report, is to believe that this is the new norm......which it may be, but that has yet to be proven because both Presidents over the past 16 years, have been all about social policy and not economic. Remember when Obama was chastised and decided to focus on the economy around 2010!

In the end, like it or not, history is going to see these 2 goofs as linked together. They failed! Bush for other reasons than Obama, but fail they did! If the country decides after Trump that you and your people were correct that this is the best we can do economically, I have no doubt that the Democrats will control all 3 branches of government.


Because if this is the best we can do, then we may as well give ourselves freebies till we go broke instead of beating our heads against the wall. Hell, we can spend money just as fast as the next person, some of us just figure the country is going to be here down the road, and we do not want to saddle those after us with massive debt. Now if we know the country will not be here, then it is party time, just like leftists want to do and give the farm away.

And so, I will close by saying that Obama has been at war, or in military conflict, for every day during his Presidency, lol. (that is one of the rights new talking points) I think that point is ridiculous, except to hit the leftist doves over the head. I am more pragmatic--------> I am not against a Democratic President because of conflict, I am against any President from EITHER party who will not unleash our troops to win a war, then bring our people home and NOT rebuild the vanquished, sending a very American message of... FU** you if you bother us!

Both Bush and Obama have done that, and it has cost us many American children. So again, between the two of them, no respect for economics, or military policy. Yep, both incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial.

I wish you well on defending Obama. I gave up before Obama took office on defending Bush. I learned my lesson on defending the indefensible, maybe someday soon, you will too!

Have fun-)

The fact that you made two monumental errors in 2000 and 2004 doesn't mean I have any reason to apologize for having made sound decisions in 2008 and 2012......You can assert that they are "equal" til you're blue in the finger tips but that won't impress The Record......which is pretty unambiguous on that particular point....

Given the circumstances the Nation found itself in by January 2009, and the unprecedented fiscal sabotage prosecuted by Congress, the job Obama has done is quite commendable.....even if Drudge wants YOU to believe otherwise....

Ice, I will never, ever, never-ever, try and stop a leftist from defending Obama, because I am NOT IGNORANT! On the other hand, at least once a month, I attempt to try and stop a conservative from defending GW.

Again, I really hope you do continue to get that tingle up your leg and defend him against history. It only makes our job easier, and good luck to you-)
History will judge Obama by his record........with which you are, clearly, entirely unfamiliar....

But remember how this started......with you running at the lip about "facts" vs. "opinions".........our exchange has certainly demonstrated who relies on what...[/
Apparently DTS doesn't stand for "Drain the Swamp" but "Disperse the Spoils"...
Apparently living off the public titty is all you know and can't comprehend what it takes in the private sector to rise to the top.

That is what is frustrating on one hand, and funny on the other over this whole thing Ice. !/2 of the crying does come from liberals who are afraid of what Trump might do because they have been misinformed, but the other 1/2 are a bunch of government workers who are going to actually have to go and find a J-O-B in the wonderful economy they have been lying about for 8 years, lol! What are the leftists WORRIED ABOUT, hehehehehehehe. Look at the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE, Obowelmovement has it down soooooo LOW, so jobs are easy, and plentiful!:muahaha:

Why don't you post the data, and we'll decide....

You could start with the percentage of net private sector payroll gains, since Feb 2001, realized since Feb 2009....

Need help with the math?

Then I go back to this post----------> you have conclusively proven that the left government workers have no argument about being let go, since the economy is WONDERFUL. We should NOT feel sorry for them, since they have created great expansion, their ideas were spot on, and everything is wonderful.

I also have no idea, not one, why any American that is blue collar, works in a coal mine, works for an auto company, steel, aluminum, etc........would think Obama and the Democrats have thrown them under the bus! It is apparent that these peoples real life experiences have nothing to do with reality after seeing you put forth such overwhelming information. They must be blind in one eye, and can not see out of the other.

If I was a liberal Democrat such as yourself, I would keep touting the Obama accomplishments, how wonderful everything was, how the ACA is just the greatest thing on the planet, because I was obviously wrong on what people were feeling, and so were they. Obviously, no amount of TRUTH could convince the coal miners and blue collar workers, that they weren't really out of a job, it was just their imagination. How dare they! How dumb are they! Your statistics prove them wrong, and it appears EVERY state was under the dumb spell but a very few; ones that have little to do with manufacturing plants, but why quibble about it when you have the stats, lol.

I also have to say that a lot of people who voted for Obama crossed over this time and voted for Trump. Amazing how they were brilliant and correct before, but now they are racist, dumb, and deplorable; but I digress!

You got your narrative, and you have your guy. You are correct, only history will judge what has happened here as we have differing opinions. In the end though, your guys legacy is going to be dependent upon what Trump does, just like the Bush legacy was dependent upon Obama. Obama did OK because Bush is perceived to have driven us into a ditch. Obama sucks next to B Clinton or Reagan, but looks kinda decent next to Bush. By historical values, both Bush and Obama stink!

If Trump has us return to even close to what it was, Obama will REALLY look crappy, kinda like Carter did after Reagan!

We shall see what happens. So far, so good for Trump as far as economics. Market says great, even as interest rates rise. That is a wonderful sign of confidence. Normally without QE, we would be having the market drop!

Foreign policy, not sold at all, but we shall see!

In closing, let me say what is actual fact, but can not predict it will happen----------> WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO SINK THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOR 12 YEARS AS REAGAN DID? Answer--------> 4 million GOOD jobs before 2020, and I am talking above and beyond the regular job creation, and these need be in manufacturing. If he delivers that amount of jobs in blue collar areas such as energy, and manufacturing, JFK couldn't win in 2020. Don't know if he can do it, but that is the magic number, around 4 million blue collar jobs. I wouldn't want to try it, but the payoff will be conclusive if he can do it! While times have changed, what Reagan proved (and to a certain extent Trump) conclusively is--------->no matter what color the skin, without the blue collar vote, you can NOT win. Trump knew that too, seems Hillary didn't-)

I've never doubted that you can fashion Narrative as fast as you need it......I mean, it's not like you have to spend a lot of time sourcing, analyzing and synthesizing facts....

Next time you decide to go off about reliance on opinion, consider that in the course of this exchange you brought ONE piece of objective evidence - and you got that COMPLETELY wrong. The rest of your contribution is best categorized as "random pie hole leakage"....

And that NOTHING you have brought forward as fact is agreed upon by your fellow Americans except in California and a couple of other states. That is what really matters here. It is NOT where America knows we are, but rather where America thinks we SHOULD BE that defeated Hillary Clinton. If that is NOT the case, then tell me why she lost in former blue states!

Statistics are fine, they are good, they tell people many things, especially about investments. But what statistics do not tell you is what is nuanced. If I told this board I can get them 5% return on their money, many would jump for joy........until they found out the historical average was around 7%.

If I told people that BHO had massive growth in return in the stock market, then they would think his economy was gang busters. They would be wrong!

All you have proven in my opinion, is that BHO was better than Bush, and while I think that is debatable, for the sake of argument, I will give it to you. Prove him better than Reagan! Prove him better than Clinton! I dunno, but was he even better than Carter?

YOU are defending him from partisanship! I am attacking him from performance in history. If you want, I can post his performance as far as economics, and his debt intake, but why? You already know the answer, which is why your whole argument is BOOOOOSHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Ice, I will never, ever, never-ever, try and stop a leftist from defending Obama, because I am NOT IGNORANT! On the other hand, at least once a month, I attempt to try and stop a conservative from defending GW.

Again, I really hope you do continue to get that tingle up your leg and defend him against history. It only makes our job easier, and good luck to you-)
History will judge Obama by his record........with which you are, clearly, entirely unfamiliar....

But remember how this started......with you running at the lip about "facts" vs. "opinions".........our exchange has certainly demonstrated who relies on what...[/
That is what is frustrating on one hand, and funny on the other over this whole thing Ice. !/2 of the crying does come from liberals who are afraid of what Trump might do because they have been misinformed, but the other 1/2 are a bunch of government workers who are going to actually have to go and find a J-O-B in the wonderful economy they have been lying about for 8 years, lol! What are the leftists WORRIED ABOUT, hehehehehehehe. Look at the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE, Obowelmovement has it down soooooo LOW, so jobs are easy, and plentiful!:muahaha:

Why don't you post the data, and we'll decide....

You could start with the percentage of net private sector payroll gains, since Feb 2001, realized since Feb 2009....

Need help with the math?

Then I go back to this post----------> you have conclusively proven that the left government workers have no argument about being let go, since the economy is WONDERFUL. We should NOT feel sorry for them, since they have created great expansion, their ideas were spot on, and everything is wonderful.

I also have no idea, not one, why any American that is blue collar, works in a coal mine, works for an auto company, steel, aluminum, etc........would think Obama and the Democrats have thrown them under the bus! It is apparent that these peoples real life experiences have nothing to do with reality after seeing you put forth such overwhelming information. They must be blind in one eye, and can not see out of the other.

If I was a liberal Democrat such as yourself, I would keep touting the Obama accomplishments, how wonderful everything was, how the ACA is just the greatest thing on the planet, because I was obviously wrong on what people were feeling, and so were they. Obviously, no amount of TRUTH could convince the coal miners and blue collar workers, that they weren't really out of a job, it was just their imagination. How dare they! How dumb are they! Your statistics prove them wrong, and it appears EVERY state was under the dumb spell but a very few; ones that have little to do with manufacturing plants, but why quibble about it when you have the stats, lol.

I also have to say that a lot of people who voted for Obama crossed over this time and voted for Trump. Amazing how they were brilliant and correct before, but now they are racist, dumb, and deplorable; but I digress!

You got your narrative, and you have your guy. You are correct, only history will judge what has happened here as we have differing opinions. In the end though, your guys legacy is going to be dependent upon what Trump does, just like the Bush legacy was dependent upon Obama. Obama did OK because Bush is perceived to have driven us into a ditch. Obama sucks next to B Clinton or Reagan, but looks kinda decent next to Bush. By historical values, both Bush and Obama stink!

If Trump has us return to even close to what it was, Obama will REALLY look crappy, kinda like Carter did after Reagan!

We shall see what happens. So far, so good for Trump as far as economics. Market says great, even as interest rates rise. That is a wonderful sign of confidence. Normally without QE, we would be having the market drop!

Foreign policy, not sold at all, but we shall see!

In closing, let me say what is actual fact, but can not predict it will happen----------> WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO SINK THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOR 12 YEARS AS REAGAN DID? Answer--------> 4 million GOOD jobs before 2020, and I am talking above and beyond the regular job creation, and these need be in manufacturing. If he delivers that amount of jobs in blue collar areas such as energy, and manufacturing, JFK couldn't win in 2020. Don't know if he can do it, but that is the magic number, around 4 million blue collar jobs. I wouldn't want to try it, but the payoff will be conclusive if he can do it! While times have changed, what Reagan proved (and to a certain extent Trump) conclusively is--------->no matter what color the skin, without the blue collar vote, you can NOT win. Trump knew that too, seems Hillary didn't-)

How do you quantify "regular job creation"?

Number of jobs created under last two Republican presidents? (3 million total over 12 years)

Then if I was the left, I would not worry about Trump. If it is 3 million over 12 years, if it holds the same pattern, that means 1 million over 4 years, and the whole republican apparatus is out in 2020.

I would just remind SOME people of this---------> Do we know why sometimes repubs get elected President, and sometimes Dems? It is not because some people stay home on one side, normally it is because some people SWITCH sides!

What that tells us is----------> no one party has a lock on good ideas; and one partys ideas do not work in every situation. Did JFK's administrations ideas work? Yes! Reagans? Yes! Bill Clintons? Yes! Coolidge? Yes! And yet, they were from different political party's. So, to say that so and so will not succeed because he is either a repub or Democrat is ridiculous, and ideological.

So, when you ask about the last 2 Repub Presidents I say---->they were not Reagan, just like Obama was not JFK! What Trump is has yet to be determined, no matter how some of you want to paint him!

I'm just trying to understand how many jobs according to you Trump has to make that you would consider success.

Obama created 11-16 million jobs (depending if you count since end of recession he clearly didn't cause or since day he got into office). Which is about 4 times what both Bushes managed.

I think he has to do about the same, but 4 million or so of them have to be blue collar or manufacturing jobs. If we take 11 million, divided by 2 for a 1 term, that leaves us 5.5 million. Make 4 million of those blue collar, and that should do it!
No question they will be a Dream Team to fellow billionaires, oil tycoons and bigots of all shapes and sizes
History will judge Obama by his record........with which you are, clearly, entirely unfamiliar....

But remember how this started......with you running at the lip about "facts" vs. "opinions".........our exchange has certainly demonstrated who relies on what...[/
Why don't you post the data, and we'll decide....

You could start with the percentage of net private sector payroll gains, since Feb 2001, realized since Feb 2009....

Need help with the math?

Then I go back to this post----------> you have conclusively proven that the left government workers have no argument about being let go, since the economy is WONDERFUL. We should NOT feel sorry for them, since they have created great expansion, their ideas were spot on, and everything is wonderful.

I also have no idea, not one, why any American that is blue collar, works in a coal mine, works for an auto company, steel, aluminum, etc........would think Obama and the Democrats have thrown them under the bus! It is apparent that these peoples real life experiences have nothing to do with reality after seeing you put forth such overwhelming information. They must be blind in one eye, and can not see out of the other.

If I was a liberal Democrat such as yourself, I would keep touting the Obama accomplishments, how wonderful everything was, how the ACA is just the greatest thing on the planet, because I was obviously wrong on what people were feeling, and so were they. Obviously, no amount of TRUTH could convince the coal miners and blue collar workers, that they weren't really out of a job, it was just their imagination. How dare they! How dumb are they! Your statistics prove them wrong, and it appears EVERY state was under the dumb spell but a very few; ones that have little to do with manufacturing plants, but why quibble about it when you have the stats, lol.

I also have to say that a lot of people who voted for Obama crossed over this time and voted for Trump. Amazing how they were brilliant and correct before, but now they are racist, dumb, and deplorable; but I digress!

You got your narrative, and you have your guy. You are correct, only history will judge what has happened here as we have differing opinions. In the end though, your guys legacy is going to be dependent upon what Trump does, just like the Bush legacy was dependent upon Obama. Obama did OK because Bush is perceived to have driven us into a ditch. Obama sucks next to B Clinton or Reagan, but looks kinda decent next to Bush. By historical values, both Bush and Obama stink!

If Trump has us return to even close to what it was, Obama will REALLY look crappy, kinda like Carter did after Reagan!

We shall see what happens. So far, so good for Trump as far as economics. Market says great, even as interest rates rise. That is a wonderful sign of confidence. Normally without QE, we would be having the market drop!

Foreign policy, not sold at all, but we shall see!

In closing, let me say what is actual fact, but can not predict it will happen----------> WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO SINK THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOR 12 YEARS AS REAGAN DID? Answer--------> 4 million GOOD jobs before 2020, and I am talking above and beyond the regular job creation, and these need be in manufacturing. If he delivers that amount of jobs in blue collar areas such as energy, and manufacturing, JFK couldn't win in 2020. Don't know if he can do it, but that is the magic number, around 4 million blue collar jobs. I wouldn't want to try it, but the payoff will be conclusive if he can do it! While times have changed, what Reagan proved (and to a certain extent Trump) conclusively is--------->no matter what color the skin, without the blue collar vote, you can NOT win. Trump knew that too, seems Hillary didn't-)

How do you quantify "regular job creation"?

Number of jobs created under last two Republican presidents? (3 million total over 12 years)

Then if I was the left, I would not worry about Trump. If it is 3 million over 12 years, if it holds the same pattern, that means 1 million over 4 years, and the whole republican apparatus is out in 2020.

I would just remind SOME people of this---------> Do we know why sometimes repubs get elected President, and sometimes Dems? It is not because some people stay home on one side, normally it is because some people SWITCH sides!

What that tells us is----------> no one party has a lock on good ideas; and one partys ideas do not work in every situation. Did JFK's administrations ideas work? Yes! Reagans? Yes! Bill Clintons? Yes! Coolidge? Yes! And yet, they were from different political party's. So, to say that so and so will not succeed because he is either a repub or Democrat is ridiculous, and ideological.

So, when you ask about the last 2 Repub Presidents I say---->they were not Reagan, just like Obama was not JFK! What Trump is has yet to be determined, no matter how some of you want to paint him!

I'm just trying to understand how many jobs according to you Trump has to make that you would consider success.

Obama created 11-16 million jobs (depending if you count since end of recession he clearly didn't cause or since day he got into office). Which is about 4 times what both Bushes managed.

I think he has to do about the same, but 4 million or so of them have to be blue collar or manufacturing jobs. If we take 11 million, divided by 2 for a 1 term, that leaves us 5.5 million. Make 4 million of those blue collar, and that should do it!
How do you quantify "regular job creation"?
Probably a full time job with potential vs. two dead end part time jobs.

You mean like this?

No, more like private sector growth. Hiring public employees doesn't grow the economy. Somebody has to pay for them.

Reagan Still Beats Obama’s Below-Average Job Growth, by Deroy Murdock, National Review


Obama sucks because he didn't quite match Reagan's job growth? What about both Bushes under who economy created 1/4 of the jobs it did under Obama?

Also, where is your graph for Clinton and know....guys that make Reagan look like that sucky Obama on Jobs.

Obama sucks because he didn't quite match Reagan's job growth? What about both Bushes under who economy created 1/4 of the jobs it did under Obama?

Also, where is your graph for Clinton and know....guys that make Reagan look like that sucky Obama on Jobs.

Clinton benefited from the dotcom bubble, housing market, all of which crashed. I'm not sure what Bush was supposed to do about it. Your suggestion was ...?

And what did obama do to boost the economy? We have what we do in spite of him, not because of him. You also refuse to look at who controlled the purse strings at the time. Very dishonest!
Then I go back to this post----------> you have conclusively proven that the left government workers have no argument about being let go, since the economy is WONDERFUL. We should NOT feel sorry for them, since they have created great expansion, their ideas were spot on, and everything is wonderful.

I also have no idea, not one, why any American that is blue collar, works in a coal mine, works for an auto company, steel, aluminum, etc........would think Obama and the Democrats have thrown them under the bus! It is apparent that these peoples real life experiences have nothing to do with reality after seeing you put forth such overwhelming information. They must be blind in one eye, and can not see out of the other.

If I was a liberal Democrat such as yourself, I would keep touting the Obama accomplishments, how wonderful everything was, how the ACA is just the greatest thing on the planet, because I was obviously wrong on what people were feeling, and so were they. Obviously, no amount of TRUTH could convince the coal miners and blue collar workers, that they weren't really out of a job, it was just their imagination. How dare they! How dumb are they! Your statistics prove them wrong, and it appears EVERY state was under the dumb spell but a very few; ones that have little to do with manufacturing plants, but why quibble about it when you have the stats, lol.

I also have to say that a lot of people who voted for Obama crossed over this time and voted for Trump. Amazing how they were brilliant and correct before, but now they are racist, dumb, and deplorable; but I digress!

You got your narrative, and you have your guy. You are correct, only history will judge what has happened here as we have differing opinions. In the end though, your guys legacy is going to be dependent upon what Trump does, just like the Bush legacy was dependent upon Obama. Obama did OK because Bush is perceived to have driven us into a ditch. Obama sucks next to B Clinton or Reagan, but looks kinda decent next to Bush. By historical values, both Bush and Obama stink!

If Trump has us return to even close to what it was, Obama will REALLY look crappy, kinda like Carter did after Reagan!

We shall see what happens. So far, so good for Trump as far as economics. Market says great, even as interest rates rise. That is a wonderful sign of confidence. Normally without QE, we would be having the market drop!

Foreign policy, not sold at all, but we shall see!

In closing, let me say what is actual fact, but can not predict it will happen----------> WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO SINK THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOR 12 YEARS AS REAGAN DID? Answer--------> 4 million GOOD jobs before 2020, and I am talking above and beyond the regular job creation, and these need be in manufacturing. If he delivers that amount of jobs in blue collar areas such as energy, and manufacturing, JFK couldn't win in 2020. Don't know if he can do it, but that is the magic number, around 4 million blue collar jobs. I wouldn't want to try it, but the payoff will be conclusive if he can do it! While times have changed, what Reagan proved (and to a certain extent Trump) conclusively is--------->no matter what color the skin, without the blue collar vote, you can NOT win. Trump knew that too, seems Hillary didn't-)

How do you quantify "regular job creation"?

Number of jobs created under last two Republican presidents? (3 million total over 12 years)

Then if I was the left, I would not worry about Trump. If it is 3 million over 12 years, if it holds the same pattern, that means 1 million over 4 years, and the whole republican apparatus is out in 2020.

I would just remind SOME people of this---------> Do we know why sometimes repubs get elected President, and sometimes Dems? It is not because some people stay home on one side, normally it is because some people SWITCH sides!

What that tells us is----------> no one party has a lock on good ideas; and one partys ideas do not work in every situation. Did JFK's administrations ideas work? Yes! Reagans? Yes! Bill Clintons? Yes! Coolidge? Yes! And yet, they were from different political party's. So, to say that so and so will not succeed because he is either a repub or Democrat is ridiculous, and ideological.

So, when you ask about the last 2 Repub Presidents I say---->they were not Reagan, just like Obama was not JFK! What Trump is has yet to be determined, no matter how some of you want to paint him!

I'm just trying to understand how many jobs according to you Trump has to make that you would consider success.

Obama created 11-16 million jobs (depending if you count since end of recession he clearly didn't cause or since day he got into office). Which is about 4 times what both Bushes managed.

I think he has to do about the same, but 4 million or so of them have to be blue collar or manufacturing jobs. If we take 11 million, divided by 2 for a 1 term, that leaves us 5.5 million. Make 4 million of those blue collar, and that should do it!
How do you quantify "regular job creation"?
Probably a full time job with potential vs. two dead end part time jobs.

You mean like this?

No, more like private sector growth. Hiring public employees doesn't grow the economy. Somebody has to pay for them.

Reagan Still Beats Obama’s Below-Average Job Growth, by Deroy Murdock, National Review


Obama sucks because he didn't quite match Reagan's job growth? What about both Bushes under who economy created 1/4 of the jobs it did under Obama?

Also, where is your graph for Clinton and know....guys that make Reagan look like that sucky Obama on Jobs.


Here, I am not going to go through the government sites to prove my point, so I took a site that is liberal, namely the New York times.

In fairness, this was only up to 2011, so we can exclude Obama from this if you wish, but what really matters is GDP, and how fast the economy is growing, along with handling of said economy. This list is in inverse order, just so you understand, and have a nice afternoon!

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