The Trump cabinet called, "The Dream Team."

Nice moving of the goal posts.
wait till they find russia is blackmailing mr chump,,,,,,wonder if repubs will come to his aid
fake news for the ^^^butthurt^^^
GOLDEN SHOWERS ??? Communication with Russia ???? Ok with republican traitors

all you butthurts wants it to be real

but no matter how much you pray

it is still and will remain fake news
Sorry jon you voted for a pervert a scumbag and now you'll try and defend this low life pos ?? lol Speaks well of you
Serious allegations Russia blackmailing an American President
wait till they find russia is blackmailing mr chump,,,,,,wonder if repubs will come to his aid
fake news for the ^^^butthurt^^^
GOLDEN SHOWERS ??? Communication with Russia ???? Ok with republican traitors

all you butthurts wants it to be real

but no matter how much you pray

it is still and will remain fake news
Sorry jon you voted for a pervert a scumbag and now you'll try and defend this low life pos ?? lol Speaks well of you

Don't act like you know anyone here Jeffrey Dhamer clone.. Go dig up that rat's asshole you buried last week and have dinner..
You win lady the prize 1 golden shower
wait till they find russia is blackmailing mr chump,,,,,,wonder if repubs will come to his aid
fake news for the ^^^butthurt^^^
GOLDEN SHOWERS ??? Communication with Russia ???? Ok with republican traitors

all you butthurts wants it to be real

but no matter how much you pray

it is still and will remain fake news
Sorry jon you voted for a pervert a scumbag and now you'll try and defend this low life pos ?? lol Speaks well of you

you cant even prove it

do you need a butthurt form
Not yet jon but it's out there and I'll believe any Russians over a pos like dump
wait till they find russia is blackmailing mr chump,,,,,,wonder if repubs will come to his aid
fake news for the ^^^butthurt^^^
GOLDEN SHOWERS ??? Communication with Russia ???? Ok with republican traitors

all you butthurts wants it to be real

but no matter how much you pray

it is still and will remain fake news
Sorry jon you voted for a pervert a scumbag and now you'll try and defend this low life pos ?? lol Speaks well of you

Don't act like you know anyone here Jeffrey Dhamer clone.. Go dig up that rat's asshole you buried last week and have dinner..
And btw I know 10 or so people here from posting on another private board for 15 or so years so it seems lady yo don't know your ass from your elbow
fake news for the ^^^butthurt^^^
GOLDEN SHOWERS ??? Communication with Russia ???? Ok with republican traitors

all you butthurts wants it to be real

but no matter how much you pray

it is still and will remain fake news
Sorry jon you voted for a pervert a scumbag and now you'll try and defend this low life pos ?? lol Speaks well of you

you cant even prove it

do you need a butthurt form
Not yet jon but it's out there and I'll believe any Russians over a pos like dump

not running out of excuses yet the ^^^butthurt^^^ rages on

By replacing professional talking heads with people that don't need the work and know how to do things?

Ah...finally...someone can answer that.

I thought Wallstreet was the primary invasive swamp species that needed getting rid of by draining said swamp.
You aren't much of a sharp shooter then. Wallstreet was backing Hillary. That means the mega corporations running it. Not individuals that worked there in the past. It would be difficult to believe some top financial wiz didn't work there at some point.
He's taking office in 10 days honey.. but already he's kicking your messiahs dirtbag didn do nuffins to the curb.. More to come.


Attempt # 3- President Trump has yet to take office dummy..

You are still dodging the question. Many of Trumps picks are billionaire Wallstreet guys. HOW IS THAT DRAINING THE SWAMP? It looks like he's FILLING it.

First name them, show their connection, etc.. Then we can discuss each.

Nice moving of the goal posts.

Most Wall Streeters in history = "Draining the Swamp"

By replacing professional talking heads with people that don't need the work and know how to do things?

Ah...finally...someone can answer that.

I thought Wallstreet was the primary invasive swamp species that needed getting rid of by draining said swamp.
You aren't much of a sharp shooter then. Wallstreet was backing Hillary. That means the mega corporations running it. Not individuals that worked there in the past. It would be difficult to believe some top financial wiz didn't work there at some point.


I know you have to rationalize that to yourself but it isn't correct.
By replacing professional talking heads with people that don't need the work and know how to do things?

Ah...finally...someone can answer that.

I thought Wallstreet was the primary invasive swamp species that needed getting rid of by draining said swamp.
You aren't much of a sharp shooter then. Wallstreet was backing Hillary. That means the mega corporations running it. Not individuals that worked there in the past. It would be difficult to believe some top financial wiz didn't work there at some point.


I know you have to rationalize that to yourself but it isn't correct.
Sorry but you can't even argue the point because it's correct.
By replacing professional talking heads with people that don't need the work and know how to do things?

Ah...finally...someone can answer that.

I thought Wallstreet was the primary invasive swamp species that needed getting rid of by draining said swamp.
You aren't much of a sharp shooter then. Wallstreet was backing Hillary. That means the mega corporations running it. Not individuals that worked there in the past. It would be difficult to believe some top financial wiz didn't work there at some point.


I know you have to rationalize that to yourself but it isn't correct.
Sorry but you can't even argue the point because it's correct.

Your assertion is incredibly simplistic.

I know it's really chic amongst the right to bash Wall Street, but Wall Street backed both candidates.

Trump has more Wall Street billionaires and multi-millionaires in his administration than ever before.

I know you have to rationalize that to yourself but it isn't correct.

Wall Street has been in the dimocrap scum pocket for decades.

Recent History: How The Democrats Became A Wall Street Party

Wall Street Bets on a Democrat for the First Time Since 2008

Clinton is the Wall Street candidate based on donation figures - report

Just a fact. In fact, FAR more Billionaires are dimocraps as opposed to Republicans.

Blue billionaires on top

I work with Wall Street. Most are Republicans.
I know it's really chic amongst the right to bash Wall Street, but Wall Street backed both candidates.
It really has been fascinating, watching this last year unfold.

Many of the same people who defended Bush's wars are now attacking them; and those same people, who formerly defended Wall Street and "greed is good", are now spitting at it.

Fascinating and amazing to watch this. And impossible to take seriously.
I work with Wall Street. Most are Republicans.

You work with Middle Management Wall Street..... At best.

I'm talking the elites. The Gulf Stream, 300 foot Yacht, Summer Home in the Hamptons, Swiss Chalet in the Winter set.

And yes, most Middle Management types everywhere are Republicans.

Most of the people that do the real work in this Country are Republicans.

the dimocrap scum party consists of a coalition between super-elites on Wall Street, in Hollywood, Academia, 'Journalism' (there's no such thing anymore), Entertainment, the Dirt Poor, the Gullible and the Stupid.
What is left to investigate?

(not what has failed to yield what you demand, but what hasn't been the subject of 4 or more congressional investigations)

it only begins now
So "nothing".....

took you long enough.....

you said nothing

i said it only begins now

Have you said anything to supplement "nothing"?

I see a lot of the usual wishful thinking.......

it has already been supplemented
Have you met Lady Dungflinger?
By replacing professional talking heads with people that don't need the work and know how to do things?

Ah...finally...someone can answer that.

I thought Wallstreet was the primary invasive swamp species that needed getting rid of by draining said swamp.
You aren't much of a sharp shooter then. Wallstreet was backing Hillary. That means the mega corporations running it. Not individuals that worked there in the past. It would be difficult to believe some top financial wiz didn't work there at some point.


I know you have to rationalize that to yourself but it isn't correct.
Sorry but you can't even argue the point because it's correct.
Geebus, IceIce.....

I know you have to rationalize that to yourself but it isn't correct.

Wall Street has been in the dimocrap scum pocket for decades.

Recent History: How The Democrats Became A Wall Street Party

Wall Street Bets on a Democrat for the First Time Since 2008

Clinton is the Wall Street candidate based on donation figures - report

Just a fact. In fact, FAR more Billionaires are dimocraps as opposed to Republicans.

Blue billionaires on top

I work with Wall Street. Most are Republicans.
It's not about what is, it's about what they Assert...
Liberals demand we live by THEIR definition of "Draining the Swamp." Doesn't work that way loons. It's our motto, our system.. We employ it, design it, set rulez.. Just like your messiah did with passing laws with the stroke of a pen which changed laws, bypassing Congress. You don't get a say, nor do you define anything we do. You're dismissed now Coyote..

We won. Elections have consequences. Remember? ;)
So, a lot going way of saying Trump isn't draining any swamps but we are going to pretend he is by reply defining what we meant during the campaign :)
it only begins now
So "nothing".....

took you long enough.....

you said nothing

i said it only begins now

Have you said anything to supplement "nothing"?

I see a lot of the usual wishful thinking.......

it has already been supplemented
Have you met Lady Dungflinger?

who cares
Yeah, pretty much everything on that site is wrong.
Claim: In 1961, JFK removed "discouraged workers"--those folks who had quit looking for work--from the unemployment statistic.
Reality: A commission in 1961 recommended changes to the Labor Force statistics, but they were not implemented until 1967 and did not remove discouraged workers as such. Before 1967, the definition of Unemployed included people who "would have been looking for work except that they were temporarily ill or believed no work was available in their line of work or in the community. Persons in this latter category will usually be residents of a community in which there are only a few dominant industries which were shut down during the survey week. Not included in this category are persons who say they were not looking for work because they were too old, too young, or handicapped in any way."
But the current definition of discouraged does include those who were not looking for work because they were too old, young, handicapped or other discrimination. And note that the old definition was limited to places like factory towns where the factory shut down. The definition was too subjective, left to the interviewer's discretion, and not applied consistently.

Claim: Under Reagan, military service was reclassified from "not in the labor force" to "employed."
Reality: Before 1984, military were not included in the sample universe, which was the "adult civilian noninstitutional population." From 1984-1994, the official Unemployment rate, the U-5, was published as the U-5a, which included the military, and the U-5b, which was civilian unemployment. Basically, everyone ignored the U-5a and in 1994 when the Current Population Survey was revamped, military were dropped.

Claim: JFK removed "discouraged workers" from unemployment rolls, but in 1994, the Clinton administration removed them from the labor rolls. As Kevin Phillips writes, "The longer-term discouraged—some 4 million U.S. adults—fell out of the main monthly tally."
Reality: I'm not even sure what that's supposed to mean as there are no "rolls." In 1976, the category of Discouraged Worker was established and defined as those who want to work, are available to work, and are not currently looking for work because they thought they couldn't find work including age, disability, and other discrimination. There was no requirement for recent job search. But this was considered to subjective in that it was based entirely on opinion and not on recent experience. So a time requirement that the person must have looked for work in the last 12 months was added. But since they weren't considered unemployed anyway, it had no affect on the rate.

Claim: Beginning in '96, the sample for measuring unemployment dropped from 60,000 to 50,000, and a disproportionate number of the dropped households were in the inner cities.
Reality: It was dropped for budget reasons, yes it mostly affected denser population areas, but it was returned to 60,000 and remains there.
Yeah, pretty much everything on that site is wrong.
Claim: In 1961, JFK removed "discouraged workers"--those folks who had quit looking for work--from the unemployment statistic.
Reality: A commission in 1961 recommended changes to the Labor Force statistics, but they were not implemented until 1967 and did not remove discouraged workers as such. Before 1967, the definition of Unemployed included people who "would have been looking for work except that they were temporarily ill or believed no work was available in their line of work or in the community. Persons in this latter category will usually be residents of a community in which there are only a few dominant industries which were shut down during the survey week. Not included in this category are persons who say they were not looking for work because they were too old, too young, or handicapped in any way."
But the current definition of discouraged does include those who were not looking for work because they were too old, young, handicapped or other discrimination. And note that the old definition was limited to places like factory towns where the factory shut down. The definition was too subjective, left to the interviewer's discretion, and not applied consistently.

Claim: Under Reagan, military service was reclassified from "not in the labor force" to "employed."
Reality: Before 1984, military were not included in the sample universe, which was the "adult civilian noninstitutional population." From 1984-1994, the official Unemployment rate, the U-5, was published as the U-5a, which included the military, and the U-5b, which was civilian unemployment. Basically, everyone ignored the U-5a and in 1994 when the Current Population Survey was revamped, military were dropped.

Claim: JFK removed "discouraged workers" from unemployment rolls, but in 1994, the Clinton administration removed them from the labor rolls. As Kevin Phillips writes, "The longer-term discouraged—some 4 million U.S. adults—fell out of the main monthly tally."
Reality: I'm not even sure what that's supposed to mean as there are no "rolls." In 1976, the category of Discouraged Worker was established and defined as those who want to work, are available to work, and are not currently looking for work because they thought they couldn't find work including age, disability, and other discrimination. There was no requirement for recent job search. But this was considered to subjective in that it was based entirely on opinion and not on recent experience. So a time requirement that the person must have looked for work in the last 12 months was added. But since they weren't considered unemployed anyway, it had no affect on the rate.

Claim: Beginning in '96, the sample for measuring unemployment dropped from 60,000 to 50,000, and a disproportionate number of the dropped households were in the inner cities.
Reality: It was dropped for budget reasons, yes it mostly affected denser population areas, but it was returned to 60,000 and remains there.
Claim: Beginning in '96, the sample for measuring unemployment dropped from 60,000 to 50,000, and a disproportionate number of the dropped households were in the inner cities.
Reality: It was dropped for budget reasons, yes it mostly affected denser population areas, but it was returned to 60,000 and remains there.

Note that this is the Household Survey.......its small sample makes it far less reliable than the establishment or ADP surveys....

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