The Trump Coup Attempt is Still Raging


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
It has shifted it's focus from the federal level to the state level, where the next election can be overturned in states that have key Republican legislators ready to negate a free and fair election. The enemies of democracy are busy plotting their next moves.

What happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was not a coup attempt. It was half of a coup attempt — the less important half.

The more important part of the coup attempt — like legal wrangling in states and the attempts to sabotage the House commission’s investigation of Jan. 6 — is still going strong. These are not separate and discrete episodes but parts of a unitary phenomenon that, in just about any other country, would be characterized as a failed coup d’état.

As the Republican Party tries to make up its mind between wishing away the events of Jan. 6 or celebrating them, one thing should be clear to conservatives estranged from the party: We can’t go home again.

The attempted coup’s foot soldiers have dug themselves in at state legislatures. For example, last week in Florida State Representative Anthony Sabatini introduced a draft of legislation that would require an audit of the 2020 general election in the state’s largest (typically Democratic-heavy) counties, suggesting without basis that it may show that these areas cheated to inflate Joe Biden’s vote count.

Florida’s secretary of state, a Republican, knows that an audit is nonsense and has said so. But the point of an audit would not be to change the outcome (Mr. Trump won the state). The point is not even really to conduct an audit.

The obviously political object is to legitimize the 2020 coup attempt in order to soften the ground for the next one — and there will be a next one.

In the broad strategy, the frenzied mobs were meant to inspire terror — and obedience among Republicans — while Rudy Giuliani and his co-conspirators tried to get the election nullified on some risible legal pretext or another. Republicans needed both pieces — neither the mob violence nor an inconclusive legal ruling would have been sufficient on its own to keep Mr. Trump in power.

True to form, Mr. Trump was able to supply the mob but not the procedural victory. His coup attempt was frustrated in no small part by a thin gray line of bureaucratic fortitude — Republican officials at the state and local levels who had the grit to resist intense pressure from the president and do their jobs.

It has shifted it's focus from the federal level to the state level, where the next election can be overturned in states that have key Republican legislators ready to negate a free and fair election. The enemies of democracy are busy plotting their next moves.

What happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was not a coup attempt. It was half of a coup attempt — the less important half.

The more important part of the coup attempt — like legal wrangling in states and the attempts to sabotage the House commission’s investigation of Jan. 6 — is still going strong. These are not separate and discrete episodes but parts of a unitary phenomenon that, in just about any other country, would be characterized as a failed coup d’état.

As the Republican Party tries to make up its mind between wishing away the events of Jan. 6 or celebrating them, one thing should be clear to conservatives estranged from the party: We can’t go home again.

The attempted coup’s foot soldiers have dug themselves in at state legislatures. For example, last week in Florida State Representative Anthony Sabatini introduced a draft of legislation that would require an audit of the 2020 general election in the state’s largest (typically Democratic-heavy) counties, suggesting without basis that it may show that these areas cheated to inflate Joe Biden’s vote count.

Florida’s secretary of state, a Republican, knows that an audit is nonsense and has said so. But the point of an audit would not be to change the outcome (Mr. Trump won the state). The point is not even really to conduct an audit.

The obviously political object is to legitimize the 2020 coup attempt in order to soften the ground for the next one — and there will be a next one.

In the broad strategy, the frenzied mobs were meant to inspire terror — and obedience among Republicans — while Rudy Giuliani and his co-conspirators tried to get the election nullified on some risible legal pretext or another. Republicans needed both pieces — neither the mob violence nor an inconclusive legal ruling would have been sufficient on its own to keep Mr. Trump in power.

True to form, Mr. Trump was able to supply the mob but not the procedural victory. His coup attempt was frustrated in no small part by a thin gray line of bureaucratic fortitude — Republican officials at the state and local levels who had the grit to resist intense pressure from the president and do their jobs.

Cheating in elections and stealing them has consequences.

So yea, you should be afraid. A reckoning it coming.
Cheating in elections and stealing them has consequences.

So yea, you should be afraid. A reckoning it coming.

We'll see, because we know you tried to steal a free and fair election, we even have Trump on tape asking for 12,000 votes in Georgia, along with over 60 failed legal challenges, all of them laughed out of court by Republican judges.

We know you'll try again, and who knows, you might be able to steal a free and fair election. No doubt you'll try, no doubt whatsoever.
We'll see, because we know you tried to steal a free and fair election, we even have Trump on tape asking for 12,000 votes in Georgia, along with over 60 failed legal challenges, all of them laughed out of court by Republican judges.

We know you'll try again, and who knows, you might be able to steal a free and fair election. No doubt you'll try, no doubt whatsoever.
Big name dems are going to pay a price for stealing the election...Cuomo was first....maybe Newsom is next...even if Newsom steals the recall election he knows now his chances to be president our lost forever...and that's what he has always wanted and was groomed for by Pelosi...and speaking of Pelosi...she will lose the house in 22....Schumer isn't far behind...New Yorkers are tired of his ass....
We'll see, because we know you tried to steal a free and fair election, we even have Trump on tape asking for 12,000 votes in Georgia, along with over 60 failed legal challenges, all of them laughed out of court by Republican judges.

We know you'll try again, and who knows, you might be able to steal a free and fair election. No doubt you'll try, no doubt whatsoever.
Yeah, isnt it amazing that at 3am, President Trump was well ahead in on the contested states, but then when everyone went home and the counting had stopped, the election fairy(faggots) pulled suitcases of ballots out and ran them enough to put some dickhead old racist prick into the Presidency. How is your gasoline and food prices today? Do you feel secure knowing that diseased people crossing our southern border are being flown to cities that you live in? Isnt it just peachy?
We'll see, because we know you tried to steal a free and fair election, we even have Trump on tape asking for 12,000 votes in Georgia, along with over 60 failed legal challenges, all of them laughed out of court by Republican judges.

We know you'll try again, and who knows, you might be able to steal a free and fair election. No doubt you'll try, no doubt whatsoever.
The insignificant Democrat party is still investigating Trump because they don't know how to do anything else. Once they tried to get ID cards for their voters but it was too hard. Their attention kept coming back to Donald J Trump, our greatest President since Eisenhower. And that is how the Democrat party became so useless to the American people.
Yes they do.

Here's a quote from a cheat trying to steal votes by pressuring election officials in Ga!

“So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes"
Yeah, is something wrong with finding votes that were cast aside because they were votes for President Trump? Do you believe that all legal votes matter, or you are okay with all ballots matter?
Cheating in elections and stealing them has consequences.

So yea, you should be afraid. A reckoning it coming.
Remember how idiotic you thought the Left was every time they brought up Russia as the reason why Trump won? Well you all are taking that to a whole new level of stupid every time you say the election was stolen. Get over it... Grow up
The Democratic Party's Lying, Cheating, Hate, Violence, Racism, Radicalism, Greed, Crime, Corruption, Extremism, Crazy Propaganda, Covid Tyranny, Mask Mandates, Bad Schools, High Taxes, Inflation, Appeasement Foreign Policy, Climate Change Crackpot Science, Open Borders, Relentless Racist Demagoguery, Gender Pronoun Insanity, Gas Prices, Political Cult Purges, Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory, $$Infrastructure Looting Spree Bill$$ me, what am I leaving out? ..............................Has alienated the vital educated mainstream middle class Voters know, those eeeeviiillll folks who make America a functional country to live in.
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Yeah, is something wrong with finding votes that were cast aside because they were votes for President Trump? Do you believe that all legal votes matter, or you are okay with all ballots matter?
Yes there is something wrong when a party thinks it's okay for their candidate and POTUS to put pressure on and directly threaten state election officials to find X number of votes, after the state election had been certified.
Yeah, isnt it amazing that at 3am, President Trump was well ahead in on the contested states, but then when everyone went home and the counting had stopped, the election fairy(faggots) pulled suitcases of ballots out and ran them enough to put some dickhead old racist prick into the Presidency. How is your gasoline and food prices today? Do you feel secure knowing that diseased people crossing our southern border are being flown to cities that you live in? Isnt it just peac
Remember how idiotic you thought the Left was every time they brought up Russia as the reason why Trump won? Well you all are taking that to a whole new level of stupid every time you say the election was stolen. Get over it... Grow up
Only it was Russia The DNC, Clinton, Biden, and Obama paid to help keep Trump out of The White House, and when he shockingly won despite all their efforts to steal the election, they used their Russian Allies, and their lies to try to tie up The Trump Administration for 4 years.
The Democratic Party's Lying, Cheating, Hate, Violence, Racism, Radicalism, Greed, Crime, Corruption, Extremism, Crazy Propaganda, Covid Tyranny, Mask Mandates, Bad Schools, High Taxes, Inflation, Appeasement Foreign Policy, Climate Change Crackpot Science, Open Borders, Relentless Racist Demagoguery, Gender Pronoun Insanity, Gas Prices, Political Cult Purges, Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory me, what am I leaving out? ..............................Has alienated the vital educated mainstream middle class Voters know, those eeeeviiillll folks who make America a functional country to live in.
Oh yea, I left out the part about the Democrats using mass voter fraud and ballot rigging to put JimCrowJoe in office

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