The Trump Impeachment Video Horror Show...

Liberals are such whiny drama queens. That little scuffle at the Capitol was not insurrection. Months on end of riots, looting, and creating zones where the local government isn't allowed, that's insurrection.

Congress was back to work that same day. How many small business owners can say the same after Thug Lives Matter and friends torched their places of work?

In the end Trump will be exonerated again and it will be a huge Biden fail.
What do you think of a President that says "If they bring a knife, we bring a gun".

I think it's a terrible attempt at "Bu-bu-bu-but Obama!"

Taken out of context and no violent incident to say it lead up to. Just terrible.
Oh yeah, the old "taken out of context". You twits are exactly like a religious cult.

I believe that context can be difficult for uneducated retards.
Go fuck yourself. You lying cocksucker.
Personal Attacks? Awkward.
Liberals are such whiny drama queens. That little scuffle at the Capitol was not insurrection. Months on end of riots, looting, and creating zones where the local government isn't allowed, that's insurrection.

Congress was back to work that same day. How many small business owners can say the same after Thug Lives Matter and friends torched their places of work?

In the end Trump will be exonerated again and it will be a huge Biden fail.
That riot was cool to you? Were you there? Helping beat up cops?
Liberals are such whiny drama queens. That little scuffle at the Capitol was not insurrection. Months on end of riots, looting, and creating zones where the local government isn't allowed, that's insurrection.

Congress was back to work that same day. How many small business owners can say the same after Thug Lives Matter and friends torched their places of work?

In the end Trump will be exonerated again and it will be a huge Biden fail.
That riot was cool to you? Were you there? Helping beat up cops?

Riot? Where was all this liberal whining for the last several months? Billions in damages, hundreds, if not thousands injured, and many killed across the country. You folks have the audacity to whine about a little dust up in DC? When did Democrats all turn into pussies?
They offered a doctored video:

Democrats Present 'Doctored' Video of Capitol Riot During Trump Impeachment Trial


Democrats getting dumber every year.

Meanwhile they continue to ignore the clear statement in the Constitution that Impeachment/Trial was for REMOVING someone from office, Trump has been out of office for 3 weeks now.

Then we have this to consider:

Constitutional Scholar Questions Constitutionality of Second Trump Impeachment


“There are a whole lot of flaws or problems in that process that I think ultimately will derail it,” Natelson told me. “One of the hurdles they’ve got, it’s by no means clear you can impeach and convict somebody who’s no longer in office. If you turn to the founding era record, you find that all the times in which the Framers of the Constitution or the ratifiers of the Constitution talked about impeachment, it was always in terms of removing somebody from office. So you can’t point to anything that says they understood that we can use it after the president has left office. Then you go to the wording of the Constitution itself, and the wording of the Constitution seems to assume that the person being impeached is in office.”
Seeing what happened on Jan 6th really rattled your cage, didn't it?
Liberals are such whiny drama queens. That little scuffle at the Capitol was not insurrection. Months on end of riots, looting, and creating zones where the local government isn't allowed, that's insurrection.

Congress was back to work that same day. How many small business owners can say the same after Thug Lives Matter and friends torched their places of work?

In the end Trump will be exonerated again and it will be a huge Biden fail.
That riot was cool to you? Were you there? Helping beat up cops?

Riot? Where was all this liberal whining for the last several months? Billions in damages, hundreds, if not thousands injured, and many killed across the country. You folks have the audacity to whine about a little dust up in DC? When did Democrats all turn into pussies?
Yes...riot. Also insurrection...Also domestic terrorism...Also vandalism...also assault...also theft....also MURDER.
Liberals are such whiny drama queens. That little scuffle at the Capitol was not insurrection. Months on end of riots, looting, and creating zones where the local government isn't allowed, that's insurrection.

Congress was back to work that same day. How many small business owners can say the same after Thug Lives Matter and friends torched their places of work?

In the end Trump will be exonerated again and it will be a huge Biden fail.
That riot was cool to you? Were you there? Helping beat up cops?

Riot? Where was all this liberal whining for the last several months? Billions in damages, hundreds, if not thousands injured, and many killed across the country. You folks have the audacity to whine about a little dust up in DC? When did Democrats all turn into pussies?
Yes...riot. Also insurrection...Also domestic terrorism...Also vandalism...also assault...also theft....also MURDER.

All of which you whiny hypocrites ignored or cheered for months. Your faux outrage is noted. A single little tiff is hardly an insurrection. Having police free zones in numerous urban shithole cities, is an insurrection, yet you have nothing to say about that. How pathetic you folks are.
Liberals are such whiny drama queens. That little scuffle at the Capitol was not insurrection. Months on end of riots, looting, and creating zones where the local government isn't allowed, that's insurrection.

Congress was back to work that same day. How many small business owners can say the same after Thug Lives Matter and friends torched their places of work?

In the end Trump will be exonerated again and it will be a huge Biden fail.
That riot was cool to you? Were you there? Helping beat up cops?

Riot? Where was all this liberal whining for the last several months? Billions in damages, hundreds, if not thousands injured, and many killed across the country. You folks have the audacity to whine about a little dust up in DC? When did Democrats all turn into pussies?
Yes...riot. Also insurrection...Also domestic terrorism...Also vandalism...also assault...also theft....also MURDER.
Yep, all summer long in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, etc. All while your handlers sat and allowed the lives of citizens to be destroyed. You're scum.
We'll never know, but imo it would have been interesting to know what Trump really thought as he watched on TV the capital being sacked and the congress threatened as police were assaulted.
We'll never know, but imo it would have been interesting to know what Trump really thought as he watched on TV the capital being sacked and the congress threatened as police were assaulted.
Probably laughing and cheering like millions of us were.
The video the Dems presented as evidence of Trump's total guilt. It is really, really, really bad for Trump. What Trump did was abhorent, and it was all based on fabricated lies.

No republican has offered any defense or rebuttal for Trump's actions, their only defense is Trump is no longer in office? They have no defense at all for Trump's actions. Trump's actions that day were worse than anything any president has ever done, including the failed GWB and criminal Nixon.

Trump is 100% guilty of inciting an insurrection.

You figure an edited video will make your case PROG?

I recognize PROGS are cause and effect challenged, but let's entertain Trump incited a riot. How did you come to that conclusion considering only HUNDREDS of people "stormed" the Capital composed of fanatics, ANTIFA, PROGS & spectators?
Which actions were those again? The ones where Trump said to peacefully protest?
You think that because Trumps mentions "peaceful protest" one time that it somehow negates him repeatedly inciting an insurrection based on lies.
That makes you a complete and total fuckin moron. A chromosome deficient retard.

Wait, the OP provides an edited video, someone mentions "peaceful protest" & the OP casts it aside because that wasn't the complete content?

What a fucking hypocrite & show of intellectual dishonesty. You're a fraud "Banker", code for teller.

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