The Trump Impeachment Video Horror Show...

The video the Dems presented as evidence of Trump's total guilt. It is really, really, really bad for Trump. What Trump did was abhorent, and it was all based on fabricated lies.

No republican has offered any defense or rebuttal for Trump's actions, their only defense is Trump is no longer in office? They have no defense at all for Trump's actions. Trump's actions that day were worse than anything any president has ever done, including the failed GWB and criminal Nixon.

Trump is 100% guilty of inciting an insurrection.

Republicans have offered plenty of rebuttal, its just that we are so divided that if someone were to take the truth and tape it to your forehead, you'd say you don't see it nor bilelieve it.

Don't get angry because I'm not just picking in you...the right has the same problem. The real criminal in this whole thing is the media and their partisan spin on every story they produce, and its only getting worse.

Huh?? I haven't seen one person make a legitimate rebuttal argument that Trump didn't incite an insurrection, everybody has just said impeachment is unconstitutional.
It's pretty freakin obvious what Trump said, AND it was all based on lies. Which Mitch McConnell actually said as well...
No impartial nonpartisan person can say Trump didn't incite an insurrection at the capitol.

All of this was over a lie... that's the worst part. A big fabricated BS lie. "We won in a landslide"
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The video the Dems presented as evidence of Trump's total guilt. It is really, really, really bad for Trump. What Trump did was abhorent, and it was all based on fabricated lies.

No republican has offered any defense or rebuttal for Trump's actions, their only defense is Trump is no longer in office? They have no defense at all for Trump's actions. Trump's actions that day were worse than anything any president has ever done, including the failed GWB and criminal Nixon.

Trump is 100% guilty of inciting an insurrection.

And yet President Trump will be acquitted again.... so you're back to sucking your girlfriend's cock under the bed and chanting "god dammit we almost had him that time!"

Literally, nothing will change..... right?
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You think that because Trumps mentions "peaceful protest" one time that it somehow negates him repeatedly inciting an insurrection based on lies.

How many times did he say "insurrection" or "storm the building"?
So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

You always make the dumbest arguments I have ever heard, they are pathetic. You never make any valid points. Why don't you go tell Trump's defense lawyers to make that arguments, see what they say...

Nobody has made a legitimate argument to defend Trump's acitons. The only argument Trump's lawyers have made is "its unconstitutional" when most scholars say it is fine.

Trump's actions are indefensible and that is why Trump has no real argument to make in his defense besides "its unconstitutional"...

Trump is 100% guilty

So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

Which words did he say that make him guilty?
hello watch the video, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

Why didn't Trump's lawyers make your terrible argument? If you think that would work, then that shows how truly stupid you are...

This is my standard exchange with you: you say something incredibly stupid and meritless. I destroy your stupid argument. Then instead of ending it you double down on stupid, looking even worse.

If your argument is that Trump didn't say insurrection or storm the capital so he is not guilty, that is just a terribly bad argument and it makes you look totally clueless...
Why aren't Democrats responsible for the damage in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, etc? The Democrat Mayors all told the police to stand down while citizens were attacked and businesses destroyed. Well?
Make a video....
You think that because Trumps mentions "peaceful protest" one time that it somehow negates him repeatedly inciting an insurrection based on lies.

How many times did he say "insurrection" or "storm the building"?
So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

You always make the dumbest arguments I have ever heard, they are pathetic. You never make any valid points. Why don't you go tell Trump's defense lawyers to make that arguments, see what they say...

Nobody has made a legitimate argument to defend Trump's acitons. The only argument Trump's lawyers have made is "its unconstitutional" when most scholars say it is fine.

Trump's actions are indefensible and that is why Trump has no real argument to make in his defense besides "its unconstitutional"...

Trump is 100% guilty

So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

Which words did he say that make him guilty?
hello watch the video, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

Why didn't Trump's lawyers make your terrible argument? If you think that would work, then that shows how truly stupid you are...

This is my standard exchange with you: you say something incredibly stupid and meritless. I destroy your stupid argument. Then instead of ending it you double down on stupid, looking even worse.

If your argument is that Trump didn't say insurrection or storm the capital so he is not guilty, that is just a terribly bad argument and it makes you look totally clueless...
Why aren't Democrats responsible for the damage in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, etc? The Democrat Mayors all told the police to stand down while citizens were attacked and businesses destroyed. Well?
Because they are wacko libber thugs they get a bye.....
Boo Hoo....the Libs get away with everything. Boo Hoo.....
You think that because Trumps mentions "peaceful protest" one time that it somehow negates him repeatedly inciting an insurrection based on lies.

How many times did he say "insurrection" or "storm the building"?
So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

You always make the dumbest arguments I have ever heard, they are pathetic. You never make any valid points. Why don't you go tell Trump's defense lawyers to make that arguments, see what they say...

Nobody has made a legitimate argument to defend Trump's acitons. The only argument Trump's lawyers have made is "its unconstitutional" when most scholars say it is fine.

Trump's actions are indefensible and that is why Trump has no real argument to make in his defense besides "its unconstitutional"...

Trump is 100% guilty

So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

Which words did he say that make him guilty?
hello watch the video, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

Why didn't Trump's lawyers make your terrible argument? If you think that would work, then that shows how truly stupid you are...

This is my standard exchange with you: you say something incredibly stupid and meritless. I destroy your stupid argument. Then instead of ending it you double down on stupid, looking even worse.

If your argument is that Trump didn't say insurrection or storm the capital so he is not guilty, that is just a terribly bad argument and it makes you look totally clueless...

hello watch the video, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

You can't post the relevant part? The actual words?

This is my standard exchange with you:

You make a stupid claim, I ask for clarification or evidence, you run away whining and crying.

If your argument is that Trump didn't say insurrection or storm the capital so he is not guilty

If your argument is that Trump said something that proves he is it.
Too long to post everything, says it all right here:

Too long to post everything, says it all right here:

He said something impeachable....quote it.
Or run away whining and crying. Like you usually do.

Inciting a white supremacist riot is cool?
Which actions were those again? The ones where Trump said to peacefully protest?

Trump said that at 6 PM on Jan. 6th after watching the attack on the Capitol for hours on TV.
They were "special people".
""We love you you're very special, go home in peace""" This POS Trump needs a hanging I'll bring the rope

Doesn't that beat all? Is he a coward or does he still want them to love him?
Which actions were those again? The ones where Trump said to peacefully protest?

Trump said that at 6 PM on Jan. 6th after watching the attack on the Capitol for hours on TV.

Two very long hours to be exact. I'll bet Don Jr was cheering them them on also!

Trump's a sadist.. He was enjoying that he'd manipulated that mob.
If there was any organized freedom groups, there are plenty of targets to destroy in the red areas that bring comforts to the blue areas. There really does not seem like there is much at this point. Maybe that will change.
I post all the time what a bunch of criminals the republicans are. The trump bot's favorite defense is 'what about Soros'. Bunch of right wing halfwits that trump laughs at. Hell, he even threw Pence under the bus when he wouldn't go along with trump's shit.
You think that because Trumps mentions "peaceful protest" one time that it somehow negates him repeatedly inciting an insurrection based on lies.

How many times did he say "insurrection" or "storm the building"?
So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

You always make the dumbest arguments I have ever heard, they are pathetic. You never make any valid points. Why don't you go tell Trump's defense lawyers to make that arguments, see what they say...

Nobody has made a legitimate argument to defend Trump's acitons. The only argument Trump's lawyers have made is "its unconstitutional" when most scholars say it is fine.

Trump's actions are indefensible and that is why Trump has no real argument to make in his defense besides "its unconstitutional"...

Trump is 100% guilty

So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

Which words did he say that make him guilty?
hello watch the video, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

Why didn't Trump's lawyers make your terrible argument? If you think that would work, then that shows how truly stupid you are...

This is my standard exchange with you: you say something incredibly stupid and meritless. I destroy your stupid argument. Then instead of ending it you double down on stupid, looking even worse.

If your argument is that Trump didn't say insurrection or storm the capital so he is not guilty, that is just a terribly bad argument and it makes you look totally clueless...

hello watch the video, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

You can't post the relevant part? The actual words?

This is my standard exchange with you:

You make a stupid claim, I ask for clarification or evidence, you run away whining and crying.

If your argument is that Trump didn't say insurrection or storm the capital so he is not guilty

If your argument is that Trump said something that proves he is it.
Trump told the crowd his repeated lie that "We won in a landslide" "There was mass fraud" and a whole bunch of other stuff THAT IS ALL IN THE VIDEO, then he said "when's there's fraud you can get them", then he said "Go to the capitol" and said "I'm going with you" then all the idiot Trumpers were all fired up and mad ass fuck going bat shit crazy, drunk on Trump stupidity and they went to the Capitol and kaboom.

How come Trump's lawyer's haven't argued that Trump is innocent of inciting an insurrection? Their only argument today was its unconstitutional...
It's always the same fuckin games with you. You're a total clown.
The video the Dems presented as evidence of Trump's total guilt. It is really, really, really bad for Trump. What Trump did was abhorent, and it was all based on fabricated lies.

No republican has offered any defense or rebuttal for Trump's actions, their only defense is Trump is no longer in office? They have no defense at all for Trump's actions. Trump's actions that day were worse than anything any president has ever done, including the failed GWB and criminal Nixon.

Trump is 100% guilty of inciting an insurrection.

I'm not sure about the technical definition of "insurrection", but you can bet that if a BLM leader stirred up a crowd, that then broke in the White House, that leader would be under the jail.

you are 100% correct
Which actions were those again? The ones where Trump said to peacefully protest?

Trump said that at 6 PM on Jan. 6th after watching the attack on the Capitol for hours on TV.

Two very long hours to be exact. I'll bet Don Jr was cheering them them on also!

Trump's a sadist.. He was enjoying that he'd manipulated that mob.
If there was any organized freedom groups, there are plenty of targets to destroy in the red areas that bring comforts to the blue areas. There really does not seem like there is much at this point. Maybe that will change.

Is that what you want to do? You want to hurt people because Trump lost an election?
I post all the time what a bunch of criminals the republicans are. The trump bot's favorite defense is 'what about Soros'. Bunch of right wing halfwits that trump laughs at. Hell, he even threw Pence under the bus when he wouldn't go along with trump's shit.
What argument can Trump make. There is no defense for what he did. There has to be some form of accountability for inciting and insurrection based on lies.
The video the Dems presented as evidence of Trump's total guilt. It is really, really, really bad for Trump. What Trump did was abhorent, and it was all based on fabricated lies.

No republican has offered any defense or rebuttal for Trump's actions, their only defense is Trump is no longer in office? They have no defense at all for Trump's actions. Trump's actions that day were worse than anything any president has ever done, including the failed GWB and criminal Nixon.

Trump is 100% guilty of inciting an insurrection.

And yet President Trump will be acquitted again.... so you're back to sucking your girlfriend's cock under the bed and chanting "god dammit we almost had him that time!"

Literally, nothing will change..... right?

Interesting trumpanzee imagery.
You think that because Trumps mentions "peaceful protest" one time that it somehow negates him repeatedly inciting an insurrection based on lies.

How many times did he say "insurrection" or "storm the building"?
So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

You always make the dumbest arguments I have ever heard, they are pathetic. You never make any valid points. Why don't you go tell Trump's defense lawyers to make that arguments, see what they say...

Nobody has made a legitimate argument to defend Trump's acitons. The only argument Trump's lawyers have made is "its unconstitutional" when most scholars say it is fine.

Trump's actions are indefensible and that is why Trump has no real argument to make in his defense besides "its unconstitutional"...

Trump is 100% guilty

So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

Which words did he say that make him guilty?
hello watch the video, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

Why didn't Trump's lawyers make your terrible argument? If you think that would work, then that shows how truly stupid you are...

This is my standard exchange with you: you say something incredibly stupid and meritless. I destroy your stupid argument. Then instead of ending it you double down on stupid, looking even worse.

If your argument is that Trump didn't say insurrection or storm the capital so he is not guilty, that is just a terribly bad argument and it makes you look totally clueless...

hello watch the video, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

You can't post the relevant part? The actual words?

This is my standard exchange with you:

You make a stupid claim, I ask for clarification or evidence, you run away whining and crying.

If your argument is that Trump didn't say insurrection or storm the capital so he is not guilty

If your argument is that Trump said something that proves he is it.
Trump told the crowd his repeated lie that "We won in a landslide" "There was mass fraud" and a whole bunch of other stuff THAT IS ALL IN THE VIDEO, then he said "when's there's fraud you can get them", then he said "Go to the capitol" and said "I'm going with you" then all the idiot Trumpers were all fired up and mad ass fuck going bat shit crazy, drunk on Trump stupidity and they went to the Capitol and kaboom.

How come Trump's lawyer's haven't argued that Trump is innocent of inciting an insurrection? Their only argument today was its unconstitutional...
It's always the same fuckin games with you. You're a total clown.

Trump told the crowd his repeated lie that "We won in a landslide" "There was mass fraud" and a whole bunch of other stuff THAT IS ALL IN THE VIDEO,

That's AWFUL! When you heard that did it make you cry?

then he said "when's there's fraud you can get them",

So, "you can get them" is impeachable?

"Go to the capitol" and said "I'm going with you"

And that means he was inciting an insurrection?

It's always the same fuckin games with you.

I know....and there's your whining and crying.
You think that because Trumps mentions "peaceful protest" one time that it somehow negates him repeatedly inciting an insurrection based on lies.

How many times did he say "insurrection" or "storm the building"?
So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

You always make the dumbest arguments I have ever heard, they are pathetic. You never make any valid points. Why don't you go tell Trump's defense lawyers to make that arguments, see what they say...

Nobody has made a legitimate argument to defend Trump's acitons. The only argument Trump's lawyers have made is "its unconstitutional" when most scholars say it is fine.

Trump's actions are indefensible and that is why Trump has no real argument to make in his defense besides "its unconstitutional"...

Trump is 100% guilty

So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

Which words did he say that make him guilty?
hello watch the video, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

Why didn't Trump's lawyers make your terrible argument? If you think that would work, then that shows how truly stupid you are...

This is my standard exchange with you: you say something incredibly stupid and meritless. I destroy your stupid argument. Then instead of ending it you double down on stupid, looking even worse.

If your argument is that Trump didn't say insurrection or storm the capital so he is not guilty, that is just a terribly bad argument and it makes you look totally clueless...

hello watch the video, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

You can't post the relevant part? The actual words?

This is my standard exchange with you:

You make a stupid claim, I ask for clarification or evidence, you run away whining and crying.

If your argument is that Trump didn't say insurrection or storm the capital so he is not guilty

If your argument is that Trump said something that proves he is it.
Trump told the crowd his repeated lie that "We won in a landslide" "There was mass fraud" and a whole bunch of other stuff THAT IS ALL IN THE VIDEO, then he said "when's there's fraud you can get them", then he said "Go to the capitol" and said "I'm going with you" then all the idiot Trumpers were all fired up and mad ass fuck going bat shit crazy, drunk on Trump stupidity and they went to the Capitol and kaboom.

How come Trump's lawyer's haven't argued that Trump is innocent of inciting an insurrection? Their only argument today was its unconstitutional...
It's always the same fuckin games with you. You're a total clown.

Trump told the crowd his repeated lie that "We won in a landslide" "There was mass fraud" and a whole bunch of other stuff THAT IS ALL IN THE VIDEO,

That's AWFUL! When you heard that did it make you cry?

then he said "when's there's fraud you can get them",

So, "you can get them" is impeachable?

"Go to the capitol" and said "I'm going with you"

And that means he was inciting an insurrection?

It's always the same fuckin games with you.

I know....and there's your whining and crying.
Like I said, you are a total clown and a total waste of my time. You haven't made a single good point yet.
You think that because Trumps mentions "peaceful protest" one time that it somehow negates him repeatedly inciting an insurrection based on lies.

How many times did he say "insurrection" or "storm the building"?
So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

You always make the dumbest arguments I have ever heard, they are pathetic. You never make any valid points. Why don't you go tell Trump's defense lawyers to make that arguments, see what they say...

Nobody has made a legitimate argument to defend Trump's acitons. The only argument Trump's lawyers have made is "its unconstitutional" when most scholars say it is fine.

Trump's actions are indefensible and that is why Trump has no real argument to make in his defense besides "its unconstitutional"...

Trump is 100% guilty

So because he didn't say those 2 words you are saying he is not guilty?

Which words did he say that make him guilty?
hello watch the video, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

Why didn't Trump's lawyers make your terrible argument? If you think that would work, then that shows how truly stupid you are...

This is my standard exchange with you: you say something incredibly stupid and meritless. I destroy your stupid argument. Then instead of ending it you double down on stupid, looking even worse.

If your argument is that Trump didn't say insurrection or storm the capital so he is not guilty, that is just a terribly bad argument and it makes you look totally clueless...
Why aren't Democrats responsible for the damage in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, etc? The Democrat Mayors all told the police to stand down while citizens were attacked and businesses destroyed. Well?
Make a video....
Trash like you are the problem in this country.

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