The Trumped GOP's Problem


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
The twice-impeached former guy may come to appreciate the distractions that his criminal, civil, and fiscal troubles provide from the plight of the RINOs of Trumpery if a Politico article proves to be prescient.

The GOPā€™s Political Nightmare: Running Against a Recovery
Republicans' Fear: The Biden Recovery

The Federal Reserve and economic forecasters are heralding good times ahead while Republicans are trying to change the subject to Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head and the Mexican border.
ā€œWeā€™re going to see some fairly amazing economic numbers, and I imagine for the next few years, people will look around and say: ā€˜This is pretty darn good!ā€™ā€ says American Enterprise Institute fellow James Pethokoukis, a conservative economist who believes the Biden stimulus is somewhat excessive. ā€œIā€™m sure Republicans will try to spin this, and I have long-term concerns myself, but the reality of a crazy strong expansion will be tough to spin away.ā€
Not a single congressional Republican voted for the Biden bill, even though the party overwhelmingly supported five earlier relief bills under Trump.
Biden engineered his bill to pass through a budget process called reconciliation, so he only needed only the 50 Democrats in the Senate.
ā€œThe economy will probably take off, the vaccines will be available in the checkout aisle at T.J. Maxx, and that wonā€™t be easy to turn against the Democrats,ā€ says Fratto, the Republican operative.
Republicans have attacked the billā€™s $350 billion in state and local aid as a ā€œblue state bailout,ā€ but while thereā€™s a reasonable case to be made that states might get more than they absolutely need, thereā€™s broad agreement among economists that helping governments avoid service cuts and tax hikes is good stimulus, and thereā€™s nothing in the bill that favors blue states over red states.
Republicans have also attacked provisions that were in previous stimulus bills they supported, like stimulus checks for prison inmates or increased funding for arts organizations, and complained that only 9 percent of the bill goes to fighting the pandemic, which is true only if you donā€™t count economic relief for a pandemic-battered nation as fighting the pandemic.

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ā€˜Behave like grown-upsā€™: Conservative rebellion boils over in House
The twice-impeached former guy may come to appreciate the distractions that his criminal, civil, and fiscal troubles provide from the plight of the RINOs of Trumpery if a Politico article proves to be prescient.
The Federal Reserve and economic forecasters are heralding good times ahead while Republicans are trying to change the subject to Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head and the Mexican border.
ā€œWeā€™re going to see some fairly amazing economic numbers, and I imagine for the next few years, people will look around and say: ā€˜This is pretty darn good!ā€™ā€ says American Enterprise Institute fellow James Pethokoukis, a conservative economist who believes the Biden stimulus is somewhat excessive. ā€œIā€™m sure Republicans will try to spin this, and I have long-term concerns myself, but the reality of a crazy strong expansion will be tough to spin away.ā€
Not a single congressional Republican voted for the Biden bill, even though the party overwhelmingly supported five earlier relief bills under Trump.
Biden engineered his bill to pass through a budget process called reconciliation, so he only needed only the 50 Democrats in the Senate.
ā€œThe economy will probably take off, the vaccines will be available in the checkout aisle at T.J. Maxx, and that wonā€™t be easy to turn against the Democrats,ā€ says Fratto, the Republican operative.
Republicans have attacked the billā€™s $350 billion in state and local aid as a ā€œblue state bailout,ā€ but while thereā€™s a reasonable case to be made that states might get more than they absolutely need, thereā€™s broad agreement among economists that helping governments avoid service cuts and tax hikes is good stimulus, and thereā€™s nothing in the bill that favors blue states over red states.
Republicans have also attacked provisions that were in previous stimulus bills they supported, like stimulus checks for prison inmates or increased funding for arts organizations, and complained that only 9 percent of the bill goes to fighting the pandemic, which is true only if you donā€™t count economic relief for a pandemic-battered nation as fighting the pandemic.

ā€˜Behave like grown-upsā€™: Conservative rebellion boils over in House
you people are STUPID
.>Biden has fked up the US mucho in less than a year
--all the people coming over the borders--legally and illegally---and they will have kids and so on and so on: California = high prices --low wages/much poverty
2. a huge WASTEFUL spending bill on TOP # 1
Yeah, no, they're fucked. They're dug in the trenches of a culture war that is literally "Don't support the Violence Against Women Act because it goes against God's plan" or whatever they said yesterday. They're on the wrong side of every issue. They're a remnant from the Jim Crow South where you could get by with 13 states (26 Senators) and just kinda fuck things up by spewing propaganda about black tribal people who don't know anything and have spears and are savages. It's just not there for them anymore.

I lend credit where credit is due: The Southern Strategy worked 60 years.

But when you're passing laws that say "You can't bring grandma some water in the voting line or it's a crime" you know it's just over for them. it's just the hand of power clinging to a ledge.

EDIT: Holy shit I had like 20 typos whoops
From the link:

Democrats seemed to have learned a bunch of lessons from the backlash against the Obama stimulusā€”that itā€™s important to sell your own product, that itā€™s even more important not to trash your own product, and that itā€™s supremely important to make sure your product works as well as possible. Even though the Obama White House pushed for the biggest possible stimulus it could get out of a bailout-weary Congress in 2009, most economists believe the $800 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act would have produced a stronger recovery if it had been even bigger. Biden was determined to make sure his relief act didnā€™t undershoot as well, even if that meant he would face criticism for ignoring the budget deficit and failing to attract Republican votes.

Elections have consequences. The Democratic Party is taking a gamble that this legislation may buck the trend of the Presidents party going into the midterms.

If the GOP wins, at least the effort was made...
The twice-impeached former guy may come to appreciate the distractions that his criminal, civil, and fiscal troubles provide from the plight of the RINOs of Trumpery if a Politico article proves to be prescient.
The Federal Reserve and economic forecasters are heralding good times ahead while Republicans are trying to change the subject to Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head and the Mexican border.
ā€œWeā€™re going to see some fairly amazing economic numbers, and I imagine for the next few years, people will look around and say: ā€˜This is pretty darn good!ā€™ā€ says American Enterprise Institute fellow James Pethokoukis, a conservative economist who believes the Biden stimulus is somewhat excessive. ā€œIā€™m sure Republicans will try to spin this, and I have long-term concerns myself, but the reality of a crazy strong expansion will be tough to spin away.ā€
Not a single congressional Republican voted for the Biden bill, even though the party overwhelmingly supported five earlier relief bills under Trump.
Biden engineered his bill to pass through a budget process called reconciliation, so he only needed only the 50 Democrats in the Senate.
ā€œThe economy will probably take off, the vaccines will be available in the checkout aisle at T.J. Maxx, and that wonā€™t be easy to turn against the Democrats,ā€ says Fratto, the Republican operative.
Republicans have attacked the billā€™s $350 billion in state and local aid as a ā€œblue state bailout,ā€ but while thereā€™s a reasonable case to be made that states might get more than they absolutely need, thereā€™s broad agreement among economists that helping governments avoid service cuts and tax hikes is good stimulus, and thereā€™s nothing in the bill that favors blue states over red states.
Republicans have also attacked provisions that were in previous stimulus bills they supported, like stimulus checks for prison inmates or increased funding for arts organizations, and complained that only 9 percent of the bill goes to fighting the pandemic, which is true only if you donā€™t count economic relief for a pandemic-battered nation as fighting the pandemic.

ā€˜Behave like grown-upsā€™: Conservative rebellion boils over in House
But, the Trump Cult does have a weapon, one that had a significant effect on the price of oil today; the fear of a worldwide economic slowdown because of the anti-vaxxers. They will do anything they can to get an economic recession worse than the one Trump created.
You think there will be a Biden recovery. How....odd.
The preponderance of economists think so. The preponderance of the former guy's butt barnacles hope not.

Maybe Republicans can revive their frenetic "Tinky Winky is GAY!" hysteria as a "cancel culture" diversion from the Biden recovery! Their suspect Teletubbie had them outraged, and the purple performer's handbag bulging with Biden bucks is sure to have them in a tizzy.

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March 19 (Reuters) - Struggling to get its vaccine campaign and economic recovery plan in gear, Europe can only watch with envy the stratospheric growth path projected for the stimulus-fueled U.S. economy.

March 18, 2021. The U.S. economy grew again in February despite a bout of severe winter weather and itā€™s likely to gain speed in the months ahead as more Americans get vaccinated and nearly $2 trillion in fresh government stimulus is spent, a new survey showed.
The leading economic index rose 0.2% in February, the Conference Board said Thursday.
ā€œThe U.S. LEI continued rising in February, suggesting economic growth should continue well into this year,ā€ said Ataman Ozyildirim, senior director of economic research at the board.
Ozyildirim said the latest figures on the economy were held down in part by bad weather that caused major disruptions in states such as Texas. Disruptions in supply chains for a variety of raw materials also acted a drag.
The small increase in the index in February, whatā€™s more, failed to fully reflect the ā€œacceleration of the vaccination campaign and a new round of large fiscal supports,ā€ he said.
The board predicted the U.S. economy would expand by 5.5% in 2021. Most economists and the Federal Reserve forecast even faster growth.
March 17, 2021. The US central bank expects much stronger growth this year than previously forecast, as vaccination rates rise and government relief funds start flowing into the economy.
The Federal Reserve forecast average growth of 6.5% this year - up from 4.2% it predicted in December.
The outlook for recovery in the jobs markets has also brightened, the Fed said.
The only recovery Biden is responsible for - maybe - is cleaning himself up after an accident.
Recovery from a broken foot after chasing his dog around the house naked.

You think there will be a Biden recovery. How....odd.
The preponderance of economists think so. The preponderance of the former guy's butt barnacles hope not.

Maybe Republicans can revive their frenetic "Tinky Winky is GAY!" hysteria as a "cancel culture" diversion from the Biden recovery! Their suspect Teletubbie had them outraged, and the purple performer's handbag bulging with Biden bucks is sure to have them in a tizzy.

March 19 (Reuters) - Struggling to get its vaccine campaign and economic recovery plan in gear, Europe can only watch with envy the stratospheric growth path projected for the stimulus-fueled U.S. economy.

March 18, 2021. The U.S. economy grew again in February despite a bout of severe winter weather and itā€™s likely to gain speed in the months ahead as more Americans get vaccinated and nearly $2 trillion in fresh government stimulus is spent, a new survey showed.
The leading economic index rose 0.2% in February, the Conference Board said Thursday.
ā€œThe U.S. LEI continued rising in February, suggesting economic growth should continue well into this year,ā€ said Ataman Ozyildirim, senior director of economic research at the board.
Ozyildirim said the latest figures on the economy were held down in part by bad weather that caused major disruptions in states such as Texas. Disruptions in supply chains for a variety of raw materials also acted a drag.
The small increase in the index in February, whatā€™s more, failed to fully reflect the ā€œacceleration of the vaccination campaign and a new round of large fiscal supports,ā€ he said.
The board predicted the U.S. economy would expand by 5.5% in 2021. Most economists and the Federal Reserve forecast even faster growth.
March 17, 2021. The US central bank expects much stronger growth this year than previously forecast, as vaccination rates rise and government relief funds start flowing into the economy.
The Federal Reserve forecast average growth of 6.5% this year - up from 4.2% it predicted in December.
The outlook for recovery in the jobs markets has also brightened, the Fed said.
ā€œEconomistsā€ are complete losers and no one takes them seriously. They have less credibility than main stream ā€œjournalistsā€.
Recovery from a broken foot after chasing his dog around the house naked.
I really think that reviving the Tinky Winky is Gay! meme is the better GOP diversion from all the the optimistic financial forecasts after no Republican supported the Biden stimulus - unless someone finally extracts that "Hunter Laptop from Hell!" from squidhead's skivvies. of course.

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ā€œEconomistsā€ are complete losers and no one takes them seriously.
Do you appoint yourself the spokesperson for everyone whenever the expert consensus does not comport with your ideological dogma?
Recovery from a broken foot after chasing his dog around the house naked.
I really think that reviving the Tinky Winky is Gay! meme is the better GOP diversion from all the the optimistic financial forecasts after no Republican supported the Biden stimulus - unless someone finally extracts that "Hunter Laptop from Hell!" from squidhead's skivvies. of course.

No one is buying your bullshit.

If every democrat elected at the federal level dropped dead this morning...thanks to Trump's vaccine and the reopening of the economy there would be an EVEN BETTER economic recovery.

Biden & company are only fucking things up by creating an immigration nightmare, causing instability in the oil sector and raising concerns of increased taxation and increase wages on already struggling small business.

So please...spare us your propagandists it for the idiot leftist stupid enough to actually believe it.
No one is buying your bullshit.
Try not to be so insecure in your personal opinion that you need to pretend to speak for everyone.

If every democrat elected at the federal level dropped dead this morning...thanks to Trump's vaccine and the reopening of the economy there would be an EVEN BETTER economic recovery.

Biden & company are only fucking things up by creating an immigration nightmare, causing instability in the oil sector and raising concerns of increased taxation and increase wages on already struggling small business.

So please...spare us your propagandists it for the idiot leftist stupid enough to actually believe it.
If your fantasizing affords you a modicum of pleasure, you can also imagine that your God Emperor built a "big, beautiful wall!" that he made "Mexico!" pay for, that he replaced ObamaCare with "something terrific!" that covers "everybody!," and that he resurrected coal mining, rebuilt the steel industry, and revived manufacturing (after he exposed climate change as a Chines hoax to hurt U.S. manufacturing.)

You are upset because your Cry Baby was booted by the American electorate at their first opportunity, having been impeached twice and losing the GOP the House, Senate, and Executive in a single term. He then threw a tantrum, inciting his goons to attack the U.S. Congress.

Meanwhile, the President is succeeding where the rejected whiny boy failed, and Americans express that understanding:

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Patriotism requires that one be happy for America's recovery and resurgence, not persist in brooding and sniveling about a Sore Loser.
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