The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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Oh come now, you just copied and pasted from Wikipedia who only reported the claims made by both sides. but you neglect the most recent findings of the man who cracked the code. Wikipedia is trying their best to be impartial. One can only glean from their representation on the subject that there are conflicting accounts. This latest observation I posted is very interesting and demands attention that the previous scientists "dismiss" without giving it a chance.
One question: Do you accept the Theory of Evolution?

Great question. I personally do not believe Man evolved from lesser species. but I do believe animals can evolve. The church does not believe man evolved from any lower species either.

My problem with the theory of evolution is this:
If we evolved from apes, why aren't there still hybrid type species evolving now? Why are chimps gaining intelligence past what they've shown?

Most scientists all agree that we came from a common ancestor. But they are all baffled by the sudden growth spike of intelligence about 6-10 thousand years ago. They all scratch their heads because they believe evolution of that kind would need another 500 million years or so. The rapidity of this growth to me is a strong evidence for the PLACING of man on this earth, rather than his evolvement from previous species.

That being said, if the theory of evolution WERE to be proven, it would only clarify to me in detail how God formed man. My mind is already made up on the subject, but I'm always open to new evidence.

Go here and then tell me what you think. More specifically, consider this section which I find very compelling.

I understand that just because some of the same genes seem to be located in all life forms doesn't mean they evolved from one common specimen. To me it's as simple as saying God has control of all the elements and just because he used the same elements, in different combinations, to create different life forms; it doesn't mean that man evolved from a lesser species. The genetic similarities of apes and humans is irrelevant to me because I can see that God just wanted to prove that all it takes is a little dose of a few materials to make us that much better than animals.

Like I mentioned before, there are no apes becoming smarter and teaching these things to their children. There is no morphing of man and apes going on right now. If man evolved from apes a really long time ago you would still see apes and hybrid species becoming new humans. There are no such hybrids. The bridge between apes and humans may be 2%. But that 2% is the same as 100% since no apes are making the transition.

We all are related because we all are made up of the same periodic table of elements that God has complete control of. Do you think man made the table up just because we charted it and put it in our classrooms?

Whatever knowledge we gain is simply an uncovering of something God knew long before.

Perhaps I can finally get 8-ball to agree with me on something.

Today's scientists are doing exactly what Paul said people of the last days would be doing."Ever learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth."

2nd Timothy chapter 3:6-7.

7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
I don't know what people's beef with the Mormons is all about. Every Mormon I have ever met has been extremely polite and decent people. I don't know what more you could ask out of a religion. I mean honestly, I've never heard of a Mormon blowing themselves up to further their cause.
Jungulator, read the Deseret News and the Salt Lake Tribune for a week. You will quickly be disabused that Mormons (including the LDS) are much different than other folks in their behavior. Having written the above, let me admit that I sure like the LDS in my town.
Jungulator, read the Deseret News and the Salt Lake Tribune for a week. You will quickly be disabused that Mormons (including the LDS) are much different than other folks in their behavior. Having written the above, let me admit that I sure like the LDS in my town.

I sure would like it if for once you would include a specific.
A girl in my old high school class became a Mormon back in those dark old ages of my "yute." I discussed Latter Day Saints theology with her a couple of times, but could not pursue it since she was a bit too deeply immersed in it for my taste. She said that part of the religious belief of the Mormons was that we can all ultimately be Gods (or part of the One God?) She wasn't entirely clear on it, and when I learned that it was also a very sexually repressed religion, I ran away.

A couple of other times in my life some "missionaries" came a knockin' at my door to talk about Jesus in the New World.

I lost interest in such chats WAY early.

I cannot buy any part of the Gold Tablets story. Too convienently "lost" for me to give it any credence.

What I know about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could thus fill a thimble, well, partly.

What I do know about it, I find unpersuasive.

On the other hand, Mormonism beats the living snot out of Islam which I consider to be a truly vile and depraved religion.

No offense.
I know little also. While living in Hawaii I went to the Polynesian Cultural Center which is run by Mormons. It was so hot, I had a fever and wanted to sit down somewhere. The only place was a theater and what were they showing. Some film about the founder of Mormon religion and those tablets. I couldn't at that time understand how anyone could adopt that nonsense but never really cared either. I'm never one to knock down ones religion except maybe the one that practice murder in Allah's name. LOL
A girl in my old high school class became a Mormon back in those dark old ages of my "yute." I discussed Latter Day Saints theology with her a couple of times, but could not pursue it since she was a bit too deeply immersed in it for my taste. She said that part of the religious belief of the Mormons was that we can all ultimately be Gods (or part of the One God?) She wasn't entirely clear on it, and when I learned that it was also a very sexually repressed religion, I ran away.

A couple of other times in my life some "missionaries" came a knockin' at my door to talk about Jesus in the New World.

I lost interest in such chats WAY early.

I cannot buy any part of the Gold Tablets story. Too convienently "lost" for me to give it any credence.

What I know about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could thus fill a thimble, well, partly.

What I do know about it, I find unpersuasive.

On the other hand, Mormonism beats the living snot out of Islam which I consider to be a truly vile and depraved religion.

No offense.
That's pretty much my take - they seem really repressed, not only sexually, but in just enjoying some simple and harmless things in life.

Although, the Mormons that I have met have all been pretty decent folks. We just had little in common.
I like this thread, and Truthspeaker is such a great representative for his faith. I like Mormons.... generally, I find them to be decent people. I may not agree with their belief system but, as belief systems go, they do a lot of really good work.

Total big up to the Mormons!
I like this thread, and Truthspeaker is such a great representative for his faith. I like Mormons.... generally, I find them to be decent people. I may not agree with their belief system but, as belief systems go, they do a lot of really good work.

Total big up to the Mormons!
Yes. They really value their philanthropy and the quality of it. That's quite honorable.
Maybe Truthspeaker could answer this one..... I seem to recall that the Mormons own a lot of property in Los Vegas. I find that odd with their view of gambling.

I kinda remember it cuz I was in Vegas once with a friend and.... long story, short version.... we 'ran out of cash' and couldn't get back to California. Anyway, guy I dated lived in Provo, Ut. and I called him. (Didn't want to 'fess up to the parents and couldn't face the lecture from only available brother - our Preach -huh Si Modo? LOL) Anyway, he dropped everything and bailed us out. Good guy.

So, my opinion, based on the Mormons I know - pretty damned cool bunch.

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