The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Sheesh, your logic is stupidly illogical. "You do understand that being upset by [Aryan racial superiority doctrines] we have the authority to change the course of [assert whatever].

The issue is you have no authority while at the same time you arrogantly abrogate others' family responsibilities. Shame on you.

In English please?

In other words, he has nothing.
Can't remember if I used this one yet:

Just call me Angel of the Mormon, baby!

Did I?

Things always look a little different in the Mormon.

You are weird man. Thanks for the bump though I guess. could you maybe contribute next time?

I'll think about contributing overnight

and get back to you sometime, perhaps, in the Mormon.
Just some food for thought for the group. Where did the soul of man come from? Why are we here? What steps are we to follow while we are here? And where are we going when we die? I'll just chuck that out there to see if there are any misconceptions on IMPORTANT doctrinal issues that apply to us here and now. Frankly, I'm getting quite bored with this mindless banter on a peripheral doctrine, such as baptism for the dead. If we all understood the ultimate core plan for our souls perhaps the extending issues would be resolved.
Everything looked different in the Mormon.

woke up this Mormon, and I wrote down this song
-- just can't remember who to send it to.

I LOVE the smell of Napalm in the Mormon.
It smells like -- I don't know -- victory!
Truthspeaker does not speak all of the truth. At times names are submitted without family members' knowledge and instead of believing but verifying, the LDS church baptizes anyway. Already the Jewish groups have put the LDS church into a brouhaha twice. I don't the issue is LDS administrative duplicity but sheer stupidness or anger or whatever by some church members. End of story.

Please explain where I did not speak all the truth. By the way, I am Christopher, not Truthspeaker.
Truthspeaker does not speak all of the truth. At times names are submitted without family members' knowledge and instead of believing but verifying, the LDS church baptizes anyway. Already the Jewish groups have put the LDS church into a brouhaha twice. I don't the issue is LDS administrative duplicity but sheer stupidness or anger or whatever by some church members. End of story.

Please explain where I did not speak all the truth. By the way, I am Christopher, not Truthspeaker.

I was talking Truthspeaker to you. And I will add Avatar as well. Get it straight, sons. The LDS church does not verify the names in a way that would eliminate this incredibly embarassing situation for your church. JenyEliza is speaking, I believe, for the overwhelming majority of humanity when she says to you to stop being stupid. You have been judged and found wanting.
Just some food for thought for the group. Where did the soul of man come from? Why are we here? What steps are we to follow while we are here? And where are we going when we die? I'll just chuck that out there to see if there are any misconceptions on IMPORTANT doctrinal issues that apply to us here and now. Frankly, I'm getting quite bored with this mindless banter on a peripheral doctrine, such as baptism for the dead. If we all understood the ultimate core plan for our souls perhaps the extending issues would be resolved.

I agree. Unfortunately most people are uninterested in core basic doctrines. It's not controversial or sexy enough. Hence, I am doomed to beat around the bush with so many on this board.
Truthspeaker does not speak all of the truth. At times names are submitted without family members' knowledge and instead of believing but verifying, the LDS church baptizes anyway. Already the Jewish groups have put the LDS church into a brouhaha twice. I don't the issue is LDS administrative duplicity but sheer stupidness or anger or whatever by some church members. End of story.

Please explain where I did not speak all the truth. By the way, I am Christopher, not Truthspeaker.

I was talking Truthspeaker to you. And I will add Avatar as well. Get it straight, sons. The LDS church does not verify the names in a way that would eliminate this incredibly embarassing situation for your church. JenyEliza is speaking, I believe, for the overwhelming majority of humanity when she says to you to stop being stupid. You have been judged and found wanting.

Your comments sound every bit as arrogant and irrelevant as those of Dwight Schrute, your poster boy. I could care less what such people think.
My comments are dismissive of your feelings, you mean, Truthspeaker. They are truthful. Your church's admin policy has failed. Correct it, and the problem goes away. Got problems with that?
My comments are dismissive of your feelings, you mean, Truthspeaker. They are truthful. Your church's admin policy has failed. Correct it, and the problem goes away. Got problems with that?

Quick Jake! Your position has been triangulated. Must destroy phone and go dark in order to remain covert with your deep dark secrets about our church. Soon the Danites will be upon you!
Dear JakeStarkey and Truthspeaker:
I agree with what both of you are saying.
Jake, nobody can abrogate your ultimate choice.
We can support one another, be our brothers' keeper, but in the end people have to "choose" to forgive in order to receive God's love and understanding more fully.
Nobody can take that step for anyone else. We can support it along the way, and yes we can make a difference if someone has enough support to forgive and receive.
But it is always up to them and their timing. So you are right, that we should emphasize this importance of taking individual steps that no one else can do for us.

I believe more like Truthspeaker seems to be saying, that it is good that we pray to bless all others to receive and be fully embraced and saved in the love of Christ Jesus.
I don't see how that can ever be wrong, as long as you are not attaching some unnatural spiritism to it like ill will or witchcraft which backfires on the person wishing the ill will.

When I read what Truthspeaker is saying, he is not trying to bypass or supercede any person or family's responsibility. Even praying for persons will help prepare that family to take the steps themselves and is not doing it for them.

When Truthspeaker prays for all others, without condition, then he is attracting and multiplying those same blessings for himself as well. What comes around goes around. So if there was something amiss in his prayers, it would come back and effect him as the person responsible for the fault.

Jake I am trying to see what you are saying, how you don't want to blindly pray or heal or teach that this can be done blindly by others; and you DO want to emphasize the importance of people and family responsibility. But after that, there is social and collective responsibility for the larger spiritual family, and we are all children of God as one humanity.

So on THAT level, these are our brothers and sisters we are praying for.
And from those prayers, YES I do agree that the closer family will also receive greater spiritual support to take their responsibilities that no one else can carry for them.

I see you are both right in your concerns and points.
I do not see a problem with what either of you are saying.

Thank you very much Gentlemen
and may that many more people be blessed and receive more spiritual support to do their part because of what you contribute with your prayers and wisdom in your words

Yours truly,

Sheesh, your logic is stupidly illogical. "You do understand that being upset by [Aryan racial superiority doctrines] we have the authority to change the course of [assert whatever].

The issue is you have no authority while at the same time you arrogantly abrogate others' family responsibilities. Shame on you.

We believe Jesus and Heavenly Father will judge each person. The only thing we believe that baptisms for the dead affects after this life is whether the person baptized and Jesus accept it or not.

How is it we abrogate others' responsibilities exactly? Were people who had no chance at a knowledge of Christ in this life responsible to somehow know to be baptized?

Because that responsibility is not yours but that of the family of the deceased. Go ask the family, and if they tell you 'no', than you can place the responsibility on them. To do otherwise is to practice unrighteous dominion in the name of God. Have you no decency?
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Truthspeaker does not speak all of the truth. At times names are submitted without family members' knowledge and instead of believing but verifying, the LDS church baptizes anyway. Already the Jewish groups have put the LDS church into a brouhaha twice. I don't the issue is LDS administrative duplicity but sheer stupidness or anger or whatever by some church members. End of story.

Please explain where I did not speak all the truth. By the way, I am Christopher, not Truthspeaker.

I was talking Truthspeaker to you. And I will add Avatar as well. Get it straight, sons. The LDS church does not verify the names in a way that would eliminate this incredibly embarassing situation for your church. JenyEliza is speaking, I believe, for the overwhelming majority of humanity when she says to you to stop being stupid. You have been judged and found wanting.

What percent of the names submitted would you say have created this "situation"? I said it was typical that names are submitted by their ancestors.
Please explain where I did not speak all the truth. By the way, I am Christopher, not Truthspeaker.

I was talking Truthspeaker to you. And I will add Avatar as well. Get it straight, sons. The LDS church does not verify the names in a way that would eliminate this incredibly embarassing situation for your church. JenyEliza is speaking, I believe, for the overwhelming majority of humanity when she says to you to stop being stupid. You have been judged and found wanting.

What percent of the names submitted would you say have created this "situation"? I said it was typical that names are submitted by their ancestors.

The % submitted is not as important as the Jewish groups have officially complained twice. The issue, I think, is not your GAs but rather the hardheadedness of some of your members. If the problem has been resolved recently, then good for everybody.
I was talking Truthspeaker to you. And I will add Avatar as well. Get it straight, sons. The LDS church does not verify the names in a way that would eliminate this incredibly embarassing situation for your church. JenyEliza is speaking, I believe, for the overwhelming majority of humanity when she says to you to stop being stupid. You have been judged and found wanting.

What percent of the names submitted would you say have created this "situation"? I said it was typical that names are submitted by their ancestors.

The % submitted is not as important as the Jewish groups have officially complained twice. The issue, I think, is not your GAs but rather the hardheadedness of some of your members. If the problem has been resolved recently, then good for everybody.

And I REPEAT..... IF as you claim we are a false religion, NOTHING we do has authority. Nothing when practiced MATTERS at all.

Further since Baptism by proxy for the Dead does not in fact baptism them at all, simply provides a choice for them to make on Judgement day there is nothing religiously happening wrong even if we do have authority.

Further yet, since WE view it as an act required by God, you will not convince us to stop anymore then we can convince you to stop actions you think are proper based on your teachings and beliefs.

You are acting out of FEAR. A fear that is not based on reality. A fear without any reason at all. According to you we are a cult, a false religion, we have no prophet and no connection to God. If you ACTUALLY believe that is true then anything we do is meaningless. Obviously you do NOT believe that or you would not be so wrapped up in meaningless rituals that have, according to you, no bases in power or fact.

The Jewish religion, Catholic religion, any religion that views us as false and REALLY believed it would have no problem with any of our false rituals and our false prophet. Thanks for proving we are NOT viewed as false.
God doesn't have an affirmative action quota.

That's certainly true, however you'd think that at least one african american would have risen to the level of General Authority since 1976 in the LDS church.


Dear TSO: Being a "spiritual elder" does not always coincide with being a recognized leader in a formal hierarchy. The delegation of authority in a hierarchy, as opposed to more egalitarian or shared power in collective communities, is more a cultural construct.
It has been noted in intercultural mediation that Eurocentric cultures place a higher value on individualism and linear type structures and models; while Asian-American, African-American and Latin-American cultures tend to favor more community-based or holistic approaches to decision making "in relation" to the whole.

Once you introduce gender biases between male/female roles, or class divisions between capitalist management and workers, then the imbalances become even more imposed or pronounced but it becomes harder to distinguish where the biases are coming from in how we "value" people.

As for African American communities, I have found more women in positions of power and influence who did not take formal positions but work behind the scenes and get more done that way. Some might even fear to compromise their ability to work holistically and freely, and refuse taking on a hierarchical position that is caught in politics and bureaucracy and limits what they can do. You cannot always judge people's positions based on appearance.

Even the Bible warns that the elect will be fooled, and the meek are the ones who inherit the earth. "He who shall be chief of all shall be servant to all." So often you may find the truly universal and powerful people are the meek humble servants at the "bottom of the totem pole" who are unrestricted and free to serve all people that way. The true power, knowledge and influence is not always where it seems, you cannot always judge that way.

Yours truly,
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What percent of the names submitted would you say have created this "situation"? I said it was typical that names are submitted by their ancestors.

The % submitted is not as important as the Jewish groups have officially complained twice. The issue, I think, is not your GAs but rather the hardheadedness of some of your members. If the problem has been resolved recently, then good for everybody.

And I REPEAT..... IF as you claim we are a false religion, NOTHING we do has authority. Nothing when practiced MATTERS at all.

Further since Baptism by proxy for the Dead does not in fact baptism them at all, simply provides a choice for them to make on Judgement day there is nothing religiously happening wrong even if we do have authority.

Further yet, since WE view it as an act required by God, you will not convince us to stop anymore then we can convince you to stop actions you think are proper based on your teachings and beliefs.

You are acting out of FEAR. A fear that is not based on reality. A fear without any reason at all. According to you we are a cult, a false religion, we have no prophet and no connection to God. If you ACTUALLY believe that is true then anything we do is meaningless. Obviously you do NOT believe that or you would not be so wrapped up in meaningless rituals that have, according to you, no bases in power or fact.

The Jewish religion, Catholic religion, any religion that views us as false and REALLY believed it would have no problem with any of our false rituals and our false prophet. Thanks for proving we are NOT viewed as false.

The issue is not so much as false but rather as unauthorized to conduct such ceremonies.

If you are truly about families, RGS, then respect their wishes and move on.

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