The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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  • Christian

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Here is a scientific evolution theory for you to contemplate...

So, that's where the anti evolution, anti science nonsense is coming from. The first line is absurd. No need to read further to see what you have posted:

A little over one‐hundred and fifty years ago, the first concept of an inborn
“homosexual” condition began to circulate in Germany.

First, homosexuality actually predates humanity by millions of years. Second, even a cursory glance at the table of contents tells anyone that (1) it has nothing to do with evolution, and (2) it has nothing to do with science.
Sure it does.... It is a choice of evolutionary thought in sexual preference....:eusa_drool:

Or freak genetic natural selection wherein one becomes very sexually confused, and can't help mutilating oneself in a obsessive frenzy to resolve the sexual emotional turmoil....:eek:
Sure it does.... It is a choice of evolutionary thought in sexual preference....:eusa_drool:

Or freak genetic natural selection wherein one becomes very sexually confused, and can't help mutilating oneself in a obsessive frenzy to resolve the sexual emotional turmoil....:eek:

The most likely explanation for an individual's obsession with homosexuality is the lack of confidence in his (her) masculinity (femininity).

And homosexuality has nothing to do with evolution.
Granny wonderin'...

... if dem Mormon men can have mulitple wives...

... den shouldn't the wives be able to have multiple husbands?
Science is well defined. The scientific method is the basis for any theories and hypotheses that the scientists support.

A theory does not become a theory until it has been proven over and over by many different people in many different places. The theory of evolution, like the germ theory of disease, has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. No one tries to use leeches to cure tuberculosis any more.

New discoveries are being made all of the time, some of which change the details of how life evolved, but none of which has challenged the basic theory of life having evolved. Until recently, for example, the generally accepted hypothesis was that the dinosaurs were much like today's reptiles. Recent findings of dinos with feathers, however, have challenged that and made the mainstream hypothesis that the birds descended from dinosaurs. Note the difference: that is still the hypothesis, which is quite different from a theory.

Interesting, isn't it, to think that the hummingbird may have a T Rex in its ancestry? It's just one of the wonders of creation, yet the creationists keep trying to deny such wonders in the mistaken belief that evolution precludes a creator.

The Mirriam Webster Dictionary is quite clear on the definition of a theory. By all accounts, nothing is proven. That's why they're theories.

1. rules and techniques: the body of rules, ideas, principles, and techniques that applies to a subject, especially when seen as distinct from actual practice
2. speculation: abstract thought or contemplation
3. idea formed by speculation: an idea of or belief about something arrived at through speculation or conjecture

There are lots of kinds of theories, ranging from conspiracy theories to just someone's idea about how things work. A scientific theory is different. It starts out as an hypothesis, and educated guess to try to explain observed facts. Once the hypothesis has been tested over and over, by different people in different places and at different times, then it becomes a theory and is accepted until and unless new facts come to light that cast doubt on it. There are no new facts that have come to light that don't confirm the theory of evolution, not in a century and a half of observation and research. The new field of DNA research confirms evolution beyond any reasonable doubt.

So no, a theory is not just an educated guess, and saying that evolution, the germ theory of disease, or any other scientific theory is just a theory and therefore not more credible than someone else's opinion is proof positive that the speaker does not know what a scientific theory really is.

Like it or not, the Earth really is round and life really did evolve on it.

You surprise me Skeptik. For the first time you seem close minded. You've made your mind up that evolution as you see it, is fact. That's fine for you to believe, but I don't understand why. I don't see the evidence of it the same way you seem to. All I've heard you say is that it's "scientific" which to me is a very vague term. I need more specifics before i'll accept some idea.

The raw fact is that Evolution is a theory. Scientists arrved at their theories eventually after a point, through speculation. However educated they may be, they are still speculating. Therefore it is not proof. Therefore there is reasonable doubt. There is always reasonable doubt when it comes to theories. That's why they're theories instead of laws as I said before. They are not proof because they are not repeatable.

Theories could be true but are missing a piece or many pieces of the puzzle to confirm what the truth actually is.
skeptik is said his piece well and you two have fallen short other than saying you disagree. That's your right.
A few articles, and research on the continued progressive attack on our families:

The Progressive Era and the Family

The Progressive Era and the Family by Murray N. Rothbard

How Obama Revolution Came to America

How Obama Revolution Came to America

George Soros

Revealing the evil deceptive ploys and tactics of George Soros, progressive liberals, Marxists, Communists, Socialists, et. al. all to create a One World Government of unrepresentative control, in the same manner Radical Islam wants to create a caliphate.

George Soros

Proteus: Two definitions

The Proteus Fund: Donor Money In; Out to Designated Causes. Money Laundering or Hidden agenda? « Romanticpoet's Weblog

Judicial Activism Gone Wild: California Legalizes Gay Marriage and Attacks Family Values

Judicial Activism Gone Wild: California Legalizes Gay Marriage and Attacks Family Values

Homosexual Media Target Christians

Homosexual Media Target Christians

American Family Association

American Family Association | Right Wing Watch

The Dirty Dozen: 12 New Policies That Undermine Civil Society | The Heritage Foundation

SSRN-Redefining the Family: Undermining the Family by John Gregory

The Obama Budget: Expanding the Welfare state and Undermining Marriage | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

The Welfare State's Attack on the Family - Vedran Vuk - Mises Daily

The Illegal Attack on the Family » Americans for Truth

The Attack Against The Family

The Howard Center: The Family In America

Summary of Obama Actions Against Life, Family, Faith in First 50 Days of Presidency |

Cohabitation Versus Marriage - Is Lack of Marriage Undermining the Family Structure?, Page 2 of 2 - Associated Content from Yahoo! -[1].Normore.FINAL.pdf

The exodus Decoded part 1

You can lead a horse to water...but you can't make it drink. When a person is miraculously cured of cancer or some other disease that medical science cannot explain then is it magic or natural selection?

Medical science only provides treatment of maladies rather than cures in most serious cases. They specialize in bandaides or attempted removals rather then actual cures sometimes causing more serious side effects. Medical science is not god and does not have the power of god even if they can save or prolong a life by treatment. In many cases they are still powerless to even affect real positive treatments....

It is apparent that the indoctrinated parrots rather stick with real myth and fables rather then admit the truth or facts presented by science validating the truths or facts found within Judeo-Christianity. Like carbon dating is accurrate when it has proven false by scientific discovery that rate of radioactive decay has been found different in many areas of earhtly material existence and not constant.

The Judeo-Christian scriptures do deal with many sciences...Earth science...Sociology...Psychology...Warfare...Philosophy...Political science...Religion (Prophecy)...Economics...Health science...Mathmatics...Astronomy...etc..... No other original religion comes close though many have borrowed from it in an attempt to subvert it....

Stephen Hawking, The Big Bang, and God

Stephen Hawking, The Big Bang, and God

Creation science evidence...

Carl Baugh

Creation Evidence Museum, in Texas - Dr. Carl Baugh

Dr. Carl Baugh - 03/31/01 - KeelyNet

Creation Evidence Museum Online - General Information

The real face of Jesus...

Is This the Real Face of Jesus Christ? - ABC News

All are documented scientific facts presented in the links in this post. Here are more facts:

The Zeitgeist Challenge | Refutations, Links, Videos and More | The Zeitgeist Challenge

Scientific evidence that evolution is a myth and the universe was created by God

Evolution as Mythology, Part 1 (of 5): The Theory of Evolution is a Myth | Reasons To Believe

Dr. Hugh Ross PhD. Lectures on "Creation as Science"

"Fingerprints of Creation"

"Fingerprints of Creation"

Dr. Robert Gentry, World renowned Nuclear Physicist files lawsuit over alleged censorship of scientific evidence against the Big Bang theory BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH

Evidence for Creation
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The Mirriam Webster Dictionary is quite clear on the definition of a theory. By all accounts, nothing is proven. That's why they're theories.

1. rules and techniques: the body of rules, ideas, principles, and techniques that applies to a subject, especially when seen as distinct from actual practice
2. speculation: abstract thought or contemplation
3. idea formed by speculation: an idea of or belief about something arrived at through speculation or conjecture

There are lots of kinds of theories, ranging from conspiracy theories to just someone's idea about how things work. A scientific theory is different. It starts out as an hypothesis, and educated guess to try to explain observed facts. Once the hypothesis has been tested over and over, by different people in different places and at different times, then it becomes a theory and is accepted until and unless new facts come to light that cast doubt on it. There are no new facts that have come to light that don't confirm the theory of evolution, not in a century and a half of observation and research. The new field of DNA research confirms evolution beyond any reasonable doubt.

So no, a theory is not just an educated guess, and saying that evolution, the germ theory of disease, or any other scientific theory is just a theory and therefore not more credible than someone else's opinion is proof positive that the speaker does not know what a scientific theory really is.

Like it or not, the Earth really is round and life really did evolve on it.

You surprise me Skeptik. For the first time you seem close minded. You've made your mind up that evolution as you see it, is fact. That's fine for you to believe, but I don't understand why. I don't see the evidence of it the same way you seem to. All I've heard you say is that it's "scientific" which to me is a very vague term. I need more specifics before i'll accept some idea.

The raw fact is that Evolution is a theory. Scientists arrved at their theories eventually after a point, through speculation. However educated they may be, they are still speculating. Therefore it is not proof. Therefore there is reasonable doubt. There is always reasonable doubt when it comes to theories. That's why they're theories instead of laws as I said before. They are not proof because they are not repeatable.

Theories could be true but are missing a piece or many pieces of the puzzle to confirm what the truth actually is.

I explained what makes a scientific theory. The only way that a theory can be dismissed is if new facts come to light. As of now, all of the facts that have been discovered or observed have supported the theory of evolution.

It's much like the germ theory of disease that I mention. We know now that not all diseases are caused by human pathogens, but we do know that most are, and further we know which pathogens cause what diseases. To say that the germ theory of disease is "just a theory" and simply speculation is simply absurd. Are we to go back to blaming the evil eye for unknown maladies or bad air for malaria?

The problem seems to be semantics: We say that someone's idea of why something is or is not so is a "theory", but that is not a scientific theory. In order to be considered a scientific theory, and not merely an hypothesis, takes a high degree of proof, and has to be proven by different people in different places using different methods.

You don't have to question your Mormon faith to accept the theory of evolution. There are some faiths that do have to refute modern science, which simply proves them wrong.
more evolution *yawn*

Sorry. I find the principles of the Gospel more much interesting and yet we havent talked about anything for pages. It's rather disappointing.

I do have to say though, I'm reading the tags at the bottom of the page and people look up some weird stuff about Mormons.
more evolution *yawn*

Sorry. I find the principles of the Gospel more much interesting and yet we havent talked about anything for pages. It's rather disappointing.

I do have to say though, I'm reading the tags at the bottom of the page and people look up some weird stuff about Mormons.

It is hard to have a discussion on a Christian denomination if people do not believe in God or his son and lack information on the subject....

This is why I have posted on the foundations of Judeo-Christianity, and its affects on our thinking and society....
There are lots of kinds of theories, ranging from conspiracy theories to just someone's idea about how things work. A scientific theory is different. It starts out as an hypothesis, and educated guess to try to explain observed facts. Once the hypothesis has been tested over and over, by different people in different places and at different times, then it becomes a theory and is accepted until and unless new facts come to light that cast doubt on it. There are no new facts that have come to light that don't confirm the theory of evolution, not in a century and a half of observation and research. The new field of DNA research confirms evolution beyond any reasonable doubt.

So no, a theory is not just an educated guess, and saying that evolution, the germ theory of disease, or any other scientific theory is just a theory and therefore not more credible than someone else's opinion is proof positive that the speaker does not know what a scientific theory really is.

Like it or not, the Earth really is round and life really did evolve on it.

You surprise me Skeptik. For the first time you seem close minded. You've made your mind up that evolution as you see it, is fact. That's fine for you to believe, but I don't understand why. I don't see the evidence of it the same way you seem to. All I've heard you say is that it's "scientific" which to me is a very vague term. I need more specifics before i'll accept some idea.

The raw fact is that Evolution is a theory. Scientists arrved at their theories eventually after a point, through speculation. However educated they may be, they are still speculating. Therefore it is not proof. Therefore there is reasonable doubt. There is always reasonable doubt when it comes to theories. That's why they're theories instead of laws as I said before. They are not proof because they are not repeatable.

Theories could be true but are missing a piece or many pieces of the puzzle to confirm what the truth actually is.

I explained what makes a scientific theory. The only way that a theory can be dismissed is if new facts come to light. As of now, all of the facts that have been discovered or observed have supported the theory of evolution.

It's much like the germ theory of disease that I mention. We know now that not all diseases are caused by human pathogens, but we do know that most are, and further we know which pathogens cause what diseases. To say that the germ theory of disease is "just a theory" and simply speculation is simply absurd. Are we to go back to blaming the evil eye for unknown maladies or bad air for malaria?

The problem seems to be semantics: We say that someone's idea of why something is or is not so is a "theory", but that is not a scientific theory. In order to be considered a scientific theory, and not merely an hypothesis, takes a high degree of proof, and has to be proven by different people in different places using different methods.

You don't have to question your Mormon faith to accept the theory of evolution. There are some faiths that do have to refute modern science, which simply proves them wrong.

Theories are theories because they might be true, and have some evidence to support them. but not enought to be considered laws.
For me, the evolution theory has not presented enough evidence to accept. If it were true, I would have no problem accepting it. I reject no truth. All truth is valuable and we must accept it despite what our religion teaches.
Theories are theories because they might be true, and have some evidence to support them. but not enought to be considered laws.
For me, the evolution theory has not presented enough evidence to accept. If it were true, I would have no problem accepting it. I reject no truth. All truth is valuable and we must accept it despite what our religion teaches.

When you get sick, and the doctor says you have an infection, do you take the antibiotic, or do you look around to see who gave you the evil eye?

The theory of evolution is just as proven as the germ theory of disease.
The theory of evolution is far more scientific than an angel told the Virgin Mary, "That weren't a drunken Roman solider, child, it was the Spirit of God!" The first rests on scientific evidence much of what is irrefutable. The latter rests on my faith. The first belongs in the biology class room. The second belongs in comparative religions.
Yes, you are, zeit. Mary had faith, I have faith, you have faith. Evolution has factual evidence. Our faith does not. That's just how it is, and it is OK.

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