The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
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    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Hmm I wonder how many Bishops believe that. Also Relief Society is quite different depending on the Ward as well.

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Are you asking how many bishops believe in preaching official church doctrine? If someone is found preaching false church doctrine, they are taken to church court and disciplined and if necessary, excommunicated.

Is that when all the anal sex goes on?
Despite the fact that we share 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees?
the percentage is irrelevant to me. I think all it does is illustrate the difference between a body controlled by a spirit child of God with the gift of agency and supreme intelligence, compared to bodies of apes with spirits of apes, not given the gift, and I emphasize the word gift, of agency and the one physical gift we have that other animals don't have, the supremely dexterous human hand. It also illustrates God's workmanship.

What is it that is so unique about humans that you don't believe that we evolved like every other creature on Earth? Is it our bodies, or our spirits?

As I mentioned earlier, agency, intelligence and dexterity of hand are the main difference. Not just any difference though. It's a quantum leap in all three areas. The quantum leap alone shows that the evolution theory is illogical in my opinion. Evolution in theory is supposed to be, at least from my understanding a very slow process of change over time. My simpleton mind would have me reason that if that was so, humans wouldn't be the only ones with this level of intelligence after millions of years of evolution. surely there would be other ape species that were more advanced mentally than they were millions of years ago but they simply haven't evolved any more intelligently since then.

More simply put. We should have many species of apes and other animals sitting next to us in our cubicles by now.

That's why evolution doesn't make sense to me.
Despite the fact that we share 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees?
the percentage is irrelevant to me. I think all it does is illustrate the difference between a body controlled by a spirit child of God with the gift of agency and supreme intelligence, compared to bodies of apes with spirits of apes, not given the gift, and I emphasize the word gift, of agency and the one physical gift we have that other animals don't have, the supremely dexterous human hand. It also illustrates God's workmanship.

What is it that is so unique about humans that you don't believe that we evolved like every other creature on Earth? Is it our bodies, or our spirits?

As I mentioned earlier, agency, intelligence and dexterity of hand are the main difference. Not just any difference though. It's a quantum leap in all three areas. The quantum leap alone shows that the evolution theory is illogical in my opinion. Evolution in theory is supposed to be, at least from my understanding a very slow process of change over time. My simpleton mind would have me reason that if that was so, humans wouldn't be the only ones with this level of intelligence after millions of years of evolution. surely there would be other ape species that were more advanced mentally than they were millions of years ago but they simply haven't evolved any more intelligently since then.

More simply put. We should have many species of apes and other animals sitting next to us in our cubicles by now.

That's why evolution doesn't make sense to me.

That quantum leap didn't happen all at once. First, there were hominids that walked upright. That led to the forelegs being adapted to carrying things and manipulating things, as they were no longer used for walking. Meanwhile, the head, no longer held at an angle, could be heavier and still supported by the neck. Then, there were several species of the genus homo. Just why they all died out is not known, but it does appear that homo sapiens was more adaptable, and so survived, just as other adaptable species have survived and continue to do so. Once the body and brain were sufficiently evolved, then the human spirit was ready to inhabit the body. Spirits don't evolve, but bodies do, including ours.
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Despite the fact that we share 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees?
the percentage is irrelevant to me. I think all it does is illustrate the difference between a body controlled by a spirit child of God with the gift of agency and supreme intelligence, compared to bodies of apes with spirits of apes, not given the gift, and I emphasize the word gift, of agency and the one physical gift we have that other animals don't have, the supremely dexterous human hand. It also illustrates God's workmanship.

What is it that is so unique about humans that you don't believe that we evolved like every other creature on Earth? Is it our bodies, or our spirits?

As I mentioned earlier, agency, intelligence and dexterity of hand are the main difference. Not just any difference though. It's a quantum leap in all three areas. The quantum leap alone shows that the evolution theory is illogical in my opinion. Evolution in theory is supposed to be, at least from my understanding a very slow process of change over time. My simpleton mind would have me reason that if that was so, humans wouldn't be the only ones with this level of intelligence after millions of years of evolution. surely there would be other ape species that were more advanced mentally than they were millions of years ago but they simply haven't evolved any more intelligently since then.

More simply put. We should have many species of apes and other animals sitting next to us in our cubicles by now.

That's why evolution doesn't make sense to me.

That quantum leap didn't happen all at once. First, there were hominids that walked upright. That led to the forelegs being adapted to carrying things and manipulating things, as they were no longer used for walking. Meanwhile, the head, no longer held at an angle, could be heavier and still supported by the neck. Then, there were several species of the genus homo. Just why they all died out is not known, but it does appear that homo sapiens was more adaptable, and so survived, just as other adaptable species have survived and continue to do so. Once the body and brain were sufficiently evolved, then the human spirit was ready to inhabit the body. Spirits don't evolve, but bodies do, including ours.

Well this theory is too much of a whopper for me to believe. Just as many may say the miracles we believe in our religion are too much of a whopper for them to believe. Anything is possible with God and if God did choose to evolve our bodies over millions of years then so be it. But I believe the Bible with regard to the matter as God "placed" man here, not evolved him over time.
The evolution of our bodies still has too many holes in the story for me to believe. I believe all adaptations over time are caused by God, not by the bodies themselves. I believe God's timing is used in causing adaptations but I don't think bodies adapt themselves without his direction.
the percentage is irrelevant to me. I think all it does is illustrate the difference between a body controlled by a spirit child of God with the gift of agency and supreme intelligence, compared to bodies of apes with spirits of apes, not given the gift, and I emphasize the word gift, of agency and the one physical gift we have that other animals don't have, the supremely dexterous human hand. It also illustrates God's workmanship.

As I mentioned earlier, agency, intelligence and dexterity of hand are the main difference. Not just any difference though. It's a quantum leap in all three areas. The quantum leap alone shows that the evolution theory is illogical in my opinion. Evolution in theory is supposed to be, at least from my understanding a very slow process of change over time. My simpleton mind would have me reason that if that was so, humans wouldn't be the only ones with this level of intelligence after millions of years of evolution. surely there would be other ape species that were more advanced mentally than they were millions of years ago but they simply haven't evolved any more intelligently since then.

More simply put. We should have many species of apes and other animals sitting next to us in our cubicles by now.

That's why evolution doesn't make sense to me.

That quantum leap didn't happen all at once. First, there were hominids that walked upright. That led to the forelegs being adapted to carrying things and manipulating things, as they were no longer used for walking. Meanwhile, the head, no longer held at an angle, could be heavier and still supported by the neck. Then, there were several species of the genus homo. Just why they all died out is not known, but it does appear that homo sapiens was more adaptable, and so survived, just as other adaptable species have survived and continue to do so. Once the body and brain were sufficiently evolved, then the human spirit was ready to inhabit the body. Spirits don't evolve, but bodies do, including ours.

Well this theory is too much of a whopper for me to believe. Just as many may say the miracles we believe in our religion are too much of a whopper for them to believe. Anything is possible with God and if God did choose to evolve our bodies over millions of years then so be it. But I believe the Bible with regard to the matter as God "placed" man here, not evolved him over time.
The evolution of our bodies still has too many holes in the story for me to believe. I believe all adaptations over time are caused by God, not by the bodies themselves. I believe God's timing is used in causing adaptations but I don't think bodies adapt themselves without his direction.

One thing that makes Mormonism easier to swallow than the evangelical view of Christianity is the idea that the Earth was created in six "periods of time" rather than in six days, thus making it unnecessary to stand reason on its head or use the "with god all things are possible" argument to try to discredit a century and a half of scientific research. Sure, if all things are possible with god, then it follows that he could have simply started molding dust into human form and breathed life into it, as described to a people who had no concept of modern science. The evidence, however, is that god started with a single cell, then gradually created all life as we know it, including human life. If we are indeed so much different from the other creatures on this Earth, it is because of our spirits and not out bodies.

Further, we're not as different from our fellow creatures as many humans would like to think.
skeptik, you are assigning the "evangelical" POV to an entire series of groups, many who would chide for so doing. This would be similar to assigning Cleon Skousen's nonsense to all of Mormonism.

Think through what you say before you broad brush, something you resent done to Mormonism.
the percentage is irrelevant to me. I think all it does is illustrate the difference between a body controlled by a spirit child of God with the gift of agency and supreme intelligence, compared to bodies of apes with spirits of apes, not given the gift, and I emphasize the word gift, of agency and the one physical gift we have that other animals don't have, the supremely dexterous human hand. It also illustrates God's workmanship.

As I mentioned earlier, agency, intelligence and dexterity of hand are the main difference. Not just any difference though. It's a quantum leap in all three areas. The quantum leap alone shows that the evolution theory is illogical in my opinion. Evolution in theory is supposed to be, at least from my understanding a very slow process of change over time. My simpleton mind would have me reason that if that was so, humans wouldn't be the only ones with this level of intelligence after millions of years of evolution. surely there would be other ape species that were more advanced mentally than they were millions of years ago but they simply haven't evolved any more intelligently since then.

More simply put. We should have many species of apes and other animals sitting next to us in our cubicles by now.

That's why evolution doesn't make sense to me.

That quantum leap didn't happen all at once. First, there were hominids that walked upright. That led to the forelegs being adapted to carrying things and manipulating things, as they were no longer used for walking. Meanwhile, the head, no longer held at an angle, could be heavier and still supported by the neck. Then, there were several species of the genus homo. Just why they all died out is not known, but it does appear that homo sapiens was more adaptable, and so survived, just as other adaptable species have survived and continue to do so. Once the body and brain were sufficiently evolved, then the human spirit was ready to inhabit the body. Spirits don't evolve, but bodies do, including ours.

Well this theory is too much of a whopper for me to believe. Just as many may say the miracles we believe in our religion are too much of a whopper for them to believe. Anything is possible with God and if God did choose to evolve our bodies over millions of years then so be it. But I believe the Bible with regard to the matter as God "placed" man here, not evolved him over time.
The evolution of our bodies still has too many holes in the story for me to believe. I believe all adaptations over time are caused by God, not by the bodies themselves. I believe God's timing is used in causing adaptations but I don't think bodies adapt themselves without his direction.

that just proves the same creator created everything.
skeptik, you are assigning the "evangelical" POV to an entire series of groups, many who would chide for so doing. This would be similar to assigning Cleon Skousen's nonsense to all of Mormonism.

Think through what you say before you broad brush, something you resent done to Mormonism.

OK, point taken. What do we call those fundamentalist churches that continue to claim that 150 years of science has to be mistaken because of their interpretation of ancient writings?

Other than simply wrong, of course.
skeptik, you are assigning the "evangelical" POV to an entire series of groups, many who would chide for so doing. This would be similar to assigning Cleon Skousen's nonsense to all of Mormonism.

Think through what you say before you broad brush, something you resent done to Mormonism.

OK, point taken. What do we call those fundamentalist churches that continue to claim that 150 years of science has to be mistaken because of their interpretation of ancient writings?

Other than simply wrong, of course.

Those church groups that do such are not speaking in the name of Christ, only in their own.

And, yes, they are wrong. :lol:
skeptik, you are assigning the "evangelical" POV to an entire series of groups, many who would chide for so doing. This would be similar to assigning Cleon Skousen's nonsense to all of Mormonism.

Think through what you say before you broad brush, something you resent done to Mormonism.

OK, point taken. What do we call those fundamentalist churches that continue to claim that 150 years of science has to be mistaken because of their interpretation of ancient writings?

Other than simply wrong, of course.

What evolutionists don't understand is that they do the same thing that creationists do. They interpret their findings without anything "concrete" to stand on. Evidence is in the eye of the beholder. Science is always changing and reinterpreting it's theories in light of the most recent findings. Science is only as up to date as it's most recent findings. Scientists know as little about the mysteries of the universe as the so called creationists. I think both sides are privy to information the other doesn't care to consider. This happens all too often. Therein lies the problem.

I believe I have found revelation on this matter through the words of prophets and the answers generally tend to be somewhere in the middle when it comes to these type of subjects.
I also think it is fascinating how quickly evolution can happen sometimes, like how a caterpillar evolves into a butterfly so quickly. Or Tadpoles into Frogs, or larvae into mosquitoes. Just food for thought.
I also think it is fascinating how quickly evolution can happen sometimes, like how a caterpillar evolves into a butterfly so quickly. Or Tadpoles into Frogs, or larvae into mosquitoes. Just food for thought.

Im fairly confident that what you are describing isn't evolution.
I also think it is fascinating how quickly evolution can happen sometimes, like how a caterpillar evolves into a butterfly so quickly. Or Tadpoles into Frogs, or larvae into mosquitoes. Just food for thought.

Im fairly confident that what you are describing isn't evolution.

I don't think that Truth thinks that. I believe he is saying that the Lord's creation is ever amazing and astonishing.
Mormons are nothing more than another Christian sect who believe they follow Christ.... It's not really that complicated.... The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.... They just happen to have a different prophet who provides an early South and North American history which is very interesting to say the least.... Don't knock it until you have read it.... I would not have a problem with the Mormon religion if they did not practice the Catholic sunday sabbath which ties them and their prophet Joe Smith in with the corrupted modern day protestant movement negating the teachings of Christ, believe circumcision is null, or that the real name of the Christ is Jesus instead of Yahshua....

Why the Protestant Reformation Failed!

Why the Protestant Reformation Failed

The Covenant of Circumcision with Abraham

#6. The Covenant of Circumcision with Abraham (Genesis 17)

Yahshua, Yehoshua, Y'shua, Yeshua, Iesous, Iesus Or Jesus

The Sacred Name or True Name

Yahshua, Yehoshua, Y'shua, Yeshua, Iesous, Iesus, or Jesus The Sacred Name or True Name

Think To Change Times And Laws:
Daniel 7:25 In The Catechism Of The Catholic Church

Daniel 7:25 In The Catechism Of The Catholic Church

Remnant Church...

True Personal Testimonies: CARLO TOGNONI

Remnant Church of God
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Mormons are nothing more than another Christian sect who believe they follow Christ.... It's not really that complicated.... The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.... They just happen to have a different prophet who provides an early South and North American history which is very interesting to say the least.... Don't knock it until you have read it.... I would not have a problem with the Mormon religion if they did not practice the Catholic sunday sabbath which ties them and their prophet Joe Smith in with the corrupted modern day protestant movement negating the teachings of Christ, believe circumcision is null, or that the real name of the Christ is Jesus instead of Yahshua....

Still have a problem with revelation eh?
I also think it is fascinating how quickly evolution can happen sometimes, like how a caterpillar evolves into a butterfly so quickly. Or Tadpoles into Frogs, or larvae into mosquitoes. Just food for thought.

Not very tasty food.

What you're describing is metamorphosis, not evolution.

Evolution describes how god created life on Earth, including human life. It is supported by a century and a half of scientific research. Creationism is supported by thin air, and nothing more.
I also think it is fascinating how quickly evolution can happen sometimes, like how a caterpillar evolves into a butterfly so quickly. Or Tadpoles into Frogs, or larvae into mosquitoes. Just food for thought.

Im fairly confident that what you are describing isn't evolution.

I guess you could call in Metamorphosis.

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