The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Nothing of substance to respond to here in the last month. Just a large collection of Juvenile statements

Then why do you keep coming back?

Do you really think that people who don't like your weird little cult were going to change their minds without you spewing nonsense? (Or with you spewing nonsense, for that matter.)
They have the belief that their belief is the only true belief.

They have a low tolerance for mainstream society.

I wish they would jump in their rocket ships and leave the planet.

Actually, I wrote this cool Science Fiction story where they did exactly that. The ending was pretty hilarious.
Seriously, what is the difference between Joseph Smith and L. Ron Hubbard? Both had shady pasts and outlandish beliefs that their followers have had to repudiate.
I voted that Mormons are friendly. I have always liked them. I enjoy talking to Mormon missionaries. I have read The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price. I have also read the Bible including the Apocrypha in several English translations.

Mormonism is unique among religions in that it lends itself to a rational evaluation. The other religions base their authority on miracles that happened so long ago that they are impossible to prove or disprove. We cannot know if Jesus died on the cross, and rose from the dead three days later. We cannot know if the Angel Gabriel dictated the Koran to Mohammed.

The Book of Mormon claims to be a detailed history of pre Columbian America from about 600 B.C. to about 421 A.D. If it is such a history, there must be archaeological evidence that the events described in The Book of Mormon happened. Nevertheless, there is not. None of the cities described in The Book of Mormon have been discovered by archaeologists. There is no evidence of any of the battles.

Since The Book of Mormon was written a great deal has been learned about what was really happening in the New World between 600 B.C. and 421 A.D. There is no similarity between what has been learned and what The Book of Mormon claims was happening.

The Smithsonian Institution has written a letter that thoroughly refutes Mormon claims for The Book of Mormon. That letter can be found here.

Smithsonian Letter

Another issue is The Book of Abraham. That is part of The Pearl of Great Price. Joseph Smith bought an ancient Egyptian manuscript, and claimed to translate it into the Book of Abraham. He said that it is a first person account by Abraham of his travels in Egypt. The manuscript exists. It has been translated by reputable scholars of ancient Egypt. The true translation is in no way similar to the translation Joseph Smith claimed to make.

As much as I like Mormons I have to point out that Joseph Smith was a clever charlatan, and that the Mormon religion is built on lies.

My goodness!! Is this dopey thread still going strong?

The very idea that there could be some connection between "truth" and Mormonism !!!

I notice that "crazy" has finally edged out "friendly" in the poll. About time!!

That anyone could consider them "Christian" shows that the supposedly religious Americans have a very feeble grasp of theology.


My goodness!! Is this dopey thread still going strong?

The very idea that there could be some connection between "truth" and Mormonism !!!

I notice that "crazy" has finally edged out "friendly" in the poll. About time!!

That anyone could consider them "Christian" shows that the supposedly religious Americans have a very feeble grasp of theology.

The fraud of The Book of Abraham was exposed in 1968. Since then the number of Mormons worldwide has grown from 2,684,073 to 14,782,473.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints membership history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mormon missionary system is an effective way of increasing converts. Most converts are poorly educated and credulous. Nevertheless, Mormons born into the religion like Mitt Romney can be quite well educated and intelligent. These never question the basis of their faith.

The Mormon faith requires significant sacrifices of time and money, so I do not think there are many closet doubters among them.

For one who is not attracted to alcohol, tobacco, and casual sex, and who wants to marry a virgin, the Mormon religion can be appealing.

Nevertheless, people do leave the faith. Once I read an autobiographical account by a man who had converted to Mormonism, who developed doubts, and who eventually left. He said that the Mormon religion is like a beautiful Victorian mansion in the town one grows up in. When one becomes an adult one buys the mansion without examining the foundations. Finally one goes down into the basement, turns on the lights, and sees what one does not want to see.

I want politicians, and especially the President of the United States to have some sort of religious affiliation, either Christian or Jewish. Nevertheless, I would not vote for a Mormon even if I agreed with him on the issues. This is because the falseness of Mormonism should be obvious to any intelligent person who makes a dispassionate examination. I want leaders who recognize the truth, even with it is displeasing to them.
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There are only two approaches you can take towards Mormonism.

1) Joseph Smith was a prophet, where do I sign up.


2) Joseph Smith was a pedophile con man. What a crock of shit.

There isn't a gray area on this one.

A Roman Catholic can believe that Martin Luther was sincere, but misguided. I imagine many do.

Joseph Smith was not misguided. He was not sincere. He was a deliberate liar. That can be proven beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt. There is too much detail in Mormonism. Joseph Smith could not have imagined the golden plates. He knew they did not exist.

Nevertheless, I have difficulty believing in conspiracies lasting for a long time, and involving large numbers of people. Those who testified to have seen the the golden plates were obviously in on the hoax. I wonder about others. Did Brigham Young know? For him Mormonism meant wealth, power, and many wives, some of whom I imagine were beautiful.

The only time you can be sure of a believer's sincerity is when the believer accepts death, even a painful death, when all he needs to do to stay alive is say, "I do not really believe it."
What do Mormons believe is the sacred and proper use of the "Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch?"

My goodness!! Is this dopey thread still going strong?

The very idea that there could be some connection between "truth" and Mormonism !!!

I notice that "crazy" has finally edged out "friendly" in the poll. About time!!

That anyone could consider them "Christian" shows that the supposedly religious Americans have a very feeble grasp of theology.

The fraud of The Book of Abraham was exposed in 1968. Since then the number of Mormons worldwide has grown from 2,684,073 to 14,782,473.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints membership history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mormon missionary system is an effective way of increasing converts. Most converts are poorly educated and credulous. Nevertheless, Mormons born into the religion like Mitt Romney can be quite well educated and intelligent. These never question the basis of their faith.

The Mormon faith requires significant sacrifices of time and money, so I do not think there are many closet doubters among them.

For one who is not attracted to alcohol, tobacco, and casual sex, and who wants to marry a virgin, the Mormon religion can be appealing.

Nevertheless, people do leave the faith. Once I read an autobiographical account by a man who had converted to Mormonism, who developed doubts, and who eventually left. He said that the Mormon religion is like a beautiful Victorian mansion in the town one grows up in. When one becomes an adult one buys the mansion without examining the foundations. Finally one goes down into the basement, turns on the lights, and sees what one does not want to see.

I want politicians, and especially the President of the United States to have some sort of religious affiliation, either Christian or Jewish. Nevertheless, I would not vote for a Mormon even if I agreed with him on the issues. This is because the falseness of Mormonism should be obvious to any intelligent person who makes a dispassionate examination. I want leaders who recognize the truth, even with it is displeasing to them.

Like the muslims, the mormons love the virgins.:lol:

Urban Dictionary: mormon virgin
There are only two approaches you can take towards Mormonism.

1) Joseph Smith was a prophet, where do I sign up.


2) Joseph Smith was a pedophile con man. What a crock of shit.

There isn't a gray area on this one.

A Roman Catholic can believe that Martin Luther was sincere, but misguided. I imagine many do.

Joseph Smith was not misguided. He was not sincere. He was a deliberate liar. That can be proven beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt. There is too much detail in Mormonism. Joseph Smith could not have imagined the golden plates. He knew they did not exist.

Nevertheless, I have difficulty believing in conspiracies lasting for a long time, and involving large numbers of people. Those who testified to have seen the the golden plates were obviously in on the hoax. I wonder about others. Did Brigham Young know? For him Mormonism meant wealth, power, and many wives, some of whom I imagine were beautiful.

The only time you can be sure of a believer's sincerity is when the believer accepts death, even a painful death, when all he needs to do to stay alive is say, "I do not really believe it."

In Catholic School, they actually admitted Luther had a point about the Church's corruption c 1520. They even admitted Henry VIII had a point. But these were matters of interpretation.

In the case of Joseph Smith, either he had a divine experience, or he was making it up. There really isn't a middle ground.

That is a powerful letter. Unfortunately, the author is too optimistic about the potential rationality of most Mormons. He does explain why many intelligent, questioning Mormons remain in the faith after their faith is gone.

Cult syndrome.

You simply cannot let this subject go, can you?

Do you truly hate Mormons that much?

You must lead a very sad life. You have my deepest sympathies.:eusa_angel:
That is a powerful letter. Unfortunately, the author is too optimistic about the potential rationality of most Mormons. He does explain why many intelligent, questioning Mormons remain in the faith after their faith is gone.

Cult syndrome.

You simply cannot let this subject go, can you?

Do you truly hate Mormons that much?

You must lead a very sad life. You have my deepest sympathies.:eusa_angel:

Yes, I really hate those bible thumping hypocrites who think they are the chosen ones.
Almost all atheists hate religions that are successful. A few are cultic and harmful, the great majority are not. Atheists as a whole, and I have know quite a few, are angry and full of self loathing. Shame. But it is what it is.

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