The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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Sorryguys, I had surgery and couldn't type until today. Thank you for proving me right. If you had read the book of mormon you would be able to answer the question I asked. Who were the first people in the americas?

Please answer directly.

The Jaredites according to the book of M (even though it's been proven that ancestors of native indians came over from asia at least 11,000 years ago or more).

You had surgery on your hand? I guess there will be no whacking off for you for a while. :D
Sorryguys, I had surgery and couldn't type until today. Thank you for proving me right. If you had read the book of mormon you would be able to answer the question I asked. Who were the first people in the americas?

Please answer directly.

The Jaredites according to the book of M (even though it's been proven that ancestors of native indians came over from asia at least 11,000 years ago or more).

You had surgery on your hand? I guess there will be no whacking off for you for a while. :D

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Actually surgery on my shoulder. I was under the influence of morphine. I can see why people like that stuff.

Pretty good makeup. I see you went and did a google research. It's true the Jaredites were the first ones in Meso America. Funny though you don't realize they were from Asia. Yep. Been there and done that.
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Why didn't you just let god heal you? He doesn't do minor mormons like you?

The jaredites apparently came from jerusalem (which isn't in asia), and which hadn't been founded 11,000 years ago. So your jarheads couldn't have been the first ones here.

Morphine is good, chasing the dragon is better. :happy-1:
Why didn't you just let god heal you? He doesn't do minor mormons like you?

The jaredites apparently came from jerusalem (which isn't in asia), and which hadn't been founded 11,000 years ago. So your jarheads couldn't have been the first ones here.

Morphine is good, chasing the dragon is better. :happy-1:

First, check a map sometime. Jerusalem is in Asia.

Second, They didnt come from Jerusalem. Youd know that if you read the book.

Third, the Book of Mormon doesnt say they are the first ones to be in the Americas. They are just the first people we have record for.

Can you honestly expect us to just blindly follow your conclusions when you clearly demonstrate you dont have a clue what you are talking about?
:banghead: Ok, jerusalem in asia.

But they couldn't have been the first recorded people because archeologists have found evidence like the Clovis arrow head that is dated to 7,000 to 9,000 years old and beyond.
And since your planet is only 6,000 years old.
Not only that but the last ice age finished about 11,000 years ago, which is the only way anyone could have walked to North America via Asia...
What else you want me to debunk?
:banghead: Ok, jerusalem in asia.

But they couldn't have been the first recorded people because archeologists have found evidence like the Clovis arrow head that is dated to 7,000 to 9,000 years old and beyond.
And since your planet is only 6,000 years old.
Not only that but the last ice age finished about 11,000 years ago, which is the only way anyone could have walked to North America via Asia...
What else you want me to debunk?

Lemmon, my poor dear Lemmon,
We aren't like your typical bible belters who think the earth was made 6000 years ago. We have never subscribed to that theory. By the way, if you want to go the carbon dating route, how about all the carbon dated ruins in Meso america that date to Nephite and Lamanite times?

By the way, it is no longer agreed upon in the world of science that the only way people got to the americas is by walking here. It has been shown that ancient people had the ability for transoceanic voyages from continent to continent, long before the columbus or even the vikings.

What else can you try to debunk?:(
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tru, too bad that archeology debunks your Nephites and Lamanites connection. They existed around what, 700BC? So the Americas already had tons of people by then anyways.

By the way, it is no longer agreed upon in the world of science that the only way people got to the americas is by walking here. It has been shown that ancient people had the ability for transoceanic voyages from continent to continent, long before the columbus or even the vikings.

Not 11,000 years ago they didn't. No evidence of that. And there doesn't seem to be much if any evidence that anyone sailed here like you say.
tru, too bad that archeology debunks your Nephites and Lamanites connection. They existed around what, 700BC? So the Americas already had tons of people by then anyways.

By the way, it is no longer agreed upon in the world of science that the only way people got to the americas is by walking here. It has been shown that ancient people had the ability for transoceanic voyages from continent to continent, long before the columbus or even the vikings.

Not 11,000 years ago they didn't. No evidence of that. And there doesn't seem to be much if any evidence that anyone sailed here like you say.

Oh my poor dear Lemmon,

You might read national geographic sometime. It was the march 2008 issue where they announced that there was no explanation for the Mayan(Nephite) origin in Meso america which is shown to have originated around 500 BC, right when the Nephites and lamanites began to be populous. They don't know how they got there. Michael D. Coe, the worlds number 1 mesoamerican archaeologist(non-mormon) has stated that it was proven that people traveled long distances by boat to the Australian continent as much as 11,000 years ago, proving that long distance maritime travel technology has been around. His exact quote states, "It is time to abandon the Bering Strait-only-theory. Transoceanic voyages must be considered for some who have reached the americas. Boats must have been available to the people of Eurasia."

That's not a paid statement. All it does is prove that the claims of the book of mormon are at least possible and plausible. You haven't read much of my in detail explanations of ancient origin of americans either. The Book of Mormon does not say that they were the only ones ever to come here. It says they were the first to inhabit the places they landed. Most of the Book of Mormon takes place in a much smaller geographical area than previously thought. It is mostly a Meso american story. The artifacts, the buildings, the horsebones, the heiroglyphics. Everything happens in meso-america and bears remarkably strong relationships to the claims of the book of mormon. This is anything from a cut and dry case.

Plus with only 2% of archaeological sites having been excavated, there are many more nuggets that will soon come to light. We must not be so hasty in jumping to conclusions because science is always changing and scientists are always eating their words when they speak too soon. They have already done a ton of backpedalling when it comes to the book of mormon. You need to study more.
Transoceanic voyages must be considered for some who have reached the americas. Boats must have been available to the people of Eurasia.

He saying a huge maybe, not that it's been proven. He's speculating that it might have been possible. Hardly a smoking gun. Hardly what I'd call evidence.
Give it up, the book of mormons is total crap, how can a seemingly intelligent person like yourself believe in such nonsense. Avatar I can understand, he's a total fool, and the only way he's gonna get laid is if someone gives him a girl.
Now go loosen your "special" underwear, it's squeezing your brains a little too tightly.
Transoceanic voyages must be considered for some who have reached the americas. Boats must have been available to the people of Eurasia.

He saying a huge maybe, not that it's been proven. He's speculating that it might have been possible. Hardly a smoking gun. Hardly what I'd call evidence.
Give it up, the book of mormons is total crap, how can a seemingly intelligent person like yourself believe in such nonsense. Avatar I can understand, he's a total fool, and the only way he's gonna get laid is if someone gives him a girl.
Now go loosen your "special" underwear, it's squeezing your brains a little too tightly.
Transoceanic voyages must be considered for some who have reached the americas. Boats must have been available to the people of Eurasia.

He saying a huge maybe, not that it's been proven. He's speculating that it might have been possible. Hardly a smoking gun. Hardly what I'd call evidence.
Give it up, the book of mormons is total crap, how can a seemingly intelligent person like yourself believe in such nonsense. Avatar I can understand, he's a total fool, and the only way he's gonna get laid is if someone gives him a girl.
Now go loosen your "special" underwear, it's squeezing your brains a little too tightly.

I don't wear underwear on my brain.

Like I've said all along. I'm only trying to show it's possible. Not prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. It's never going to work if I try to show proof of my belief system. There is enough evidence to form an opinion for or against my religion. Everybody has to study the facts and evidences, then decide for themselves.

I have made my conclusions. You apparently have made yours. So it's not about me winning or losing. Some of you guys think I am trying to prove my point somehow. I couldn't do it if I tried. The only reason I am on this thread is to clarify misconceptions about our church. You can count on me to give you what "Mormons" really believe.

And yes, I know you think we're crazy, but wait a second..... You said I seem intelligent..... Now that's interesting...Thank you by the way.
Then you asked me how I could believe in such nonsense. Well do you REALLY want to know how I( a seemingly intelligent person) could be drawn in by such nonsense? I'll tell you how; I did a lot..... and I mean A LOT of research. I spent years and years researching. Reading from all angles. For and against this religion. After I had studied it out in my mind, there were still unanswered questions, but the overall body of work presented by "the mormons" was an honorable way of life.

But I still wasn't satisfied until I got all the answers I wanted. I believed the answers were out there if I kept digging. I got a lot of answers from secular sources but the final confirmation came in the quiet solitude of my prayers. I found a connection to God that is hard to describe to someone who hasn't had it. Perhaps it sounds crazy but I don't care. I can't deny the feelings I felt and the knowledge that began to flow into my mind like a river.
You'll never know until you really want to know. Then you won't get the answers from me. It will be through the same private meditation between you and the God you don't believe in yet.
Guys brains are the 2 little footballs hanging between our legs in a nut sack. Like I'm sure that a lot of mormons were attracted by the underage girls and the polygamy and being the ruler of all that, no matter how much you beat them or how young they are.
You sound like you really had to force yourself to believe all that shit, which intellectually, makes absolutely no sense at all, sorry. kolob, the plates, the underwear, Jo "the doofus cowboy" Smith (they could get Will Farrell to do a bio-pic)... like you say, all that shit is plausible in your mind, you're not even very convinced.
Guys brains are the 2 little footballs hanging between our legs in a nut sack. Like I'm sure that a lot of mormons were attracted by the underage girls and the polygamy and being the ruler of all that, no matter how much you beat them or how young they are.
You sound like you really had to force yourself to believe all that shit, which intellectually, makes absolutely no sense at all, sorry. kolob, the plates, the underwear, Jo "the doofus cowboy" Smith (they could get Will Farrell to do a bio-pic)... like you say, all that shit is plausible in your mind, you're not even very convinced.

Oh really? I'm not convinced? I'd say I'm only 132 pages since October of last year convinced.

Your brains may be footballs in your eloquently stated "nutsack" but my brains are in my head. Perhaps that's why it's so hard for you to imagine my point of view:redface:

Mormons are as attracted to underage girls as you are. Attraction has nothing to do with religion. I've already been down the underage girls rebuttal road. We don't need to go there again do we?

I don't know why I would force myself to believe in such sensational things? Who would force themselves to believe in something that doesn't make sense? Nobody. Obviously it makes sense enough to me to warrant further investigation. I really wanted to know if it was all true, so I did my research and now I am satisfied. Why do you think that would be me forcing myself to believe?

Kolob, the plates and the temple rites are things that came along after I found out the basics. They don't make sense until you prove the basics. As for the cowboy thing, I still don't get where people call Joseph Smith a cowboy:confused:

He was a farm boy. True, but he never resembled anything like an "old west cowboy". Whatever, it's irrelevant anyway. He was a pretty smart guy for being unschooled. That's what was impressive.
and by the way, Will Farrell looks nothing like Joseph Smith.
I'd say that you don't seem all that convinced, 132 pages of trying to rationalize absurd myths says it all.
Like, how do you explain to yourself to story about kolob and the alien(s) who rule our world? Intelligent people (avatar doesn't count) couldn't go along with that, it makes no sense.

Your brains may be footballs in your eloquently stated "nutsack" but my brains are in my head.
So you married your wife not because she's beautiful but because she's smart? (And don't say she's both, the chances of a woman being both are infinitessimal!)
I'd say that you don't seem all that convinced, 132 pages of trying to rationalize absurd myths says it all.

Maybe I don't sound convinced to you, but I can't please everybody. I'm convinced even if you think I'm not.:eusa_whistle:

Like, how do you explain to yourself to story about kolob and the alien(s) who rule our world?

You have to read the book of Mormon and Doctrine and covenants to fully understand. Then you would have to attend a temple session. Until you do all of those things, it will sound crazy to you. but hey, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

Intelligent people (avatar doesn't count) couldn't go along with that, it makes no sense.
You might find avatar smarter than you think by the time this is all said and done. Are you sure you are the most knowledgeable one on this thread?

So you married your wife not because she's beautiful but because she's smart? (And don't say she's both, the chances of a woman being both are infinitessimal!)

I'm sad to hear that you have never met a woman with a combination of beauty and brains. Perhaps it's because they have avoided you on purpose:lol:

I'm sorry that was mean. But it's even meaner to assume that all beautiful women are stupid. Talk about being judgmental! How can anyone take you seriously when you make a statement like that?
Don't worry, I got me one of the extremely few with the combo of brains and beauty.

Avatar is book quoting moron. The guy can't think for himself, he needs to be in a cult, so they can tell him what to think. Kinda like you. If that's what you think is intelligent, then your wife must be as dumb as a tar and feathered retard cowboy. Not wait, isn't that a compliment to you guys?

Ok, so give me an intelligent response to why I should believe the kolob krap? What was the nugget of info that you went: Hey! Now that makes sense!
Don't worry, I got me one of the extremely few with the combo of brains and beauty.

Avatar is book quoting moron. The guy can't think for himself, he needs to be in a cult, so they can tell him what to think. Kinda like you. If that's what you think is intelligent, then your wife must be as dumb as a tar and feathered retard cowboy. Not wait, isn't that a compliment to you guys?

Ok, so give me an intelligent response to why I should believe the kolob krap? What was the nugget of info that you went: Hey! Now that makes sense!

My wife is bright! My wife is beautiful. If you are saying you got one of the mythological nymphs that is the woman with beauty and brains, how could you say just a few posts ago that they didn't exist?

It wasn't one nugget that made me subscribe to my religion. It was a plethora of little puzzle pieces that fit together into one nice whole.

When you are putting a puzzle together, there are some pieces you look at and say "That piece will never fit into this picture. Why is it here?"

But as you keep putting all the pieces in place, the picture becomes clearer and you say to yourself, "huh, I guess I didn't see how that piece would fit, but now I do."

It's kinda like going back to 1900 and telling people in the general society, "Hey everyone! Man will one day walk on the moon!" You might get yourself lynched as a heretic because the general populous thinks that walking on the moon is a batty idea. You must have been possessed of the devil.

There are lots of things always coming to light that make the past seem obsolete. You shouldn't be so quick to judge.

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