The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

”We filthy twisted fucks hate that good real core Americans have found their nutsacks and become retailitory…we liked it much better when us disgusting unAmerican subhumans were unimpeded and running amok morphing America into the weird, socialist third world foreign shithole we desire. All conservatives have to do is stop being retailitory, stop trying to defend their nation and we will all get along just fine.”
its someone like you who can only see and like and believe what you if ands or buts....if you dont like what i like if you dont believe what i believe ...fuck you...does that answer your question?...
”If people like you (people with a ballsack) would just stop being so retaliatory, stop defending America and concede to leftist demands we could all get along just fine.”
So then since you have read them I would like to hear your opinion on them.

My opinion is if they turn out to be true, then those that were imprisoned unjustly should trade places with those that stole their right to justice.

I look forward to this playing out in court.
So,basically you didn’t read them. ( which I already knew).

I did read them, unlike you I understand they are just one sides version of what happened.

None of what they claim matters till it is proven in a court of law. This seems to be beyond you to grasp, which is no surprise at all.
I'll just keep asking, to both ends:

How do you intellectually reconcile the fact that half the country disagrees with you, as you push so hard to shove your agenda down their throat?

Is it that you just know what's best for them?

What is your inner justification for that?
Because some things are non negotiable. Since at least the 1950's, conservatives have been giving in to the left. We are MUCH more liberal today then we were 50 years ago.

But the left hasn't stopped pushing their bullshit on the rest of us. They have become more radical with each win.

Its time to say "enough"
I did read them, unlike you I understand they are just one sides version of what happened.

None of what they claim matters till it is proven in a court of law. This seems to be beyond you to grasp, which is no surprise at all.
So ,you are fine with the government’s violations of citizens rights to a fair trial?

It’s interesting that you ( as a Libertarian) won’t even comment on what they are. 😂
Because some things are non negotiable. Since at least the 1950's, conservatives have been giving in to the left. We are MUCH more liberal today then we were 50 years ago.
But the left hasn't stopped pushing their bullshit on the rest of us. They have become more radical with each win.
Its time to say "enough"
Do you think you have the votes to say "enough", or do you need to persuade anyone?
So ,you are fine with the government’s violations of citizens rights to a fair trial?

Of course i am not fine with that. And as soon as it is proven this happened those that did it should be jailed for doing so.

This has not happened yet. You do realize that, right? Right now all we have are allegations that have to be proven in a court of law.

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