The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

Yep, I felt bad to post like that. But......when is enough enough? How much do Americans bend for this LW luncay?
Since the 60s' we have been rode like rented mules. Now we got men in dresses in the bathroom with our 12 yr. old daughters. WTH!

Sorry Franco, I am sure you have made some decent posts in here. You are just too easily used by the loony leftists like MAC DBLACK or GATOR.
black?....i have seen him badmouth the left many times....
“Your side“ needs to be executed one by one for Treason, Sedition or worse. None of you are recoverable or worth saving. You all support criminals destroying America by any neans necc. You cant be trusted or worked with.
Starting with MSM, then DC, then go thru Posters like you…..punishments for your transgressions to civiliation.
And J6 was a tour...right?
To me, it seems the definition of "Woke" is "Empathetic."

(I encourage the MAGA cult to Google the word so you will know what it means.)

Thanks. So I have a question on that.

Here's what concerns me: Whether it's the examples you provide there, or Europe of the 30's and 40's, there is one huge difference today. The citizenry of those days didn't have a propaganda machine literally in their ears 24/7/365. Cable TV, podcasts, the internet. Pounding away at them, no matter where they are. At the gym. Taking a walk. At work. Driving to the store. In bed.

Every day at my gym, I see people on treadmills with teevee screens in front of them. All the screens are on Fox, and the people are staring up at them as they exercise.

These people are absolutely saturated with this stuff, and my guess is recovering from it will take much, much longer. If ever. Your thoughts?
the closest thing to the tv-internet GOP propaganda machine is the Nazi radio propaganda machine of the 20s and 30s. and all the institutions they had for brain washing starting with Hitler Youth. Thanks Ronald Reagan
The establishment media holds much of the blame for the division in the country. Those watching Fox News thinks it’s truthful and those watching CNN/MSNBC think it’s truthful. The fact is of course these media outlets are propaganda machines run by oligarchs with the obvious goal of dividing Americans.
the establishment media is better known as journalism and reality even if it is Corporate and No real defense against Republicans.... all the TV networks and newspapers around the world also agree with the facts as seen by CNN&MSNBC and absolutely decry the election steal and all the other conspiracies about vaccines and global warming, and misinformation about how much the rich pay in taxes.
black?....i have seen him badmouth the left many times....

And J6 was a tour...right?

Yes but for FBI plants, ANTIFA & BLM operatives. Yes. It was a peaceful protest. Many just looking for a place to go to the bathroom, after a day on the street.
Once the FBI co-ordinated ANTIFA and BLM to begin busting into windows and 2nd floor baloneys.....a few innocents got caught up in the hoopla and may have joined in. Not many.

but Political Persecution has turned on the innocent protesters of that day. Just like NAZI Germany 1938.
They're politicians. Their core, their soul, is about getting re-elected. Fundraising. Calculating, maneuvering, dancing. That's the way our "system" is set up. That's what our "system" incentivizes and rewards. Biden and De Santis are just politicians, and their motivations are clear.

Yet you voted for Biden, as you admitted right here:

Yes. I voted for a shitty candidate and a party that I find repulsive because that's how little I thought of the alternative.

Anything else?
Yep, I felt bad to post like that. But......when is enough enough? How much do Americans bend for this LW luncay?
Since the 60s' we have been rode like rented mules. Now we got men in dresses in the bathroom with our 12 yr. old daughters. WTH!

Sorry Franco, I am sure you have made some decent posts in here. You are just too easily used by the loony leftists like MAC or GATOR.
tell me about one of these Democrat lies. LOL. meanwhile you people listen to absolute pure crap that even the pundits don't believe. I suppose you missed that little Nugget about the election steel, the worst anti**** **** **** lie ever perpetrated. Along with all the rest of this stuff you believe. everything you know is wrong Imaginary garbage. poor America.
the establishment media is better known as journalism and reality even if it is Corporate and No real defense against Republicans.... all the TV networks and newspapers around the world also agree with the facts as seen by CNN&MSNBC and absolutely decry the election steal and all the other conspiracies about vaccines and global warming, and misinformation about how much the rich pay in taxes.
FAUX is now a news channel. It is just another Super PAC for the GOP. They are trying, rather unsuccessfully, to rid themselves of the MAGA cult. But they channel wants to keep their audience subservient, so they need to pepper in some lies and conspiracy theories now and then. Their "news" cannot be trusted.
FAUX is now a news channel. It is just another Super PAC for the GOP. They are trying, rather unsuccessfully, to rid themselves of the MAGA cult. But they channel wants to keep their audience subservient, so they need to pepper in some lies and conspiracy theories now and then. Their "news" cannot be trusted.

When you are caged behind razor wire patrolled by armed guards eating potatoe soup....remember. I tried to save you. I warned you.
tell me about one of these Democrat lies. LOL. meanwhile you people listen to absolute pure crap that even the pundits don't believe. I suppose you missed that little Nugget about the election steel, the worst anti**** **** **** lie ever perpetrated. Along with all the rest of this stuff you believe. everything you know is wrong Imaginary garbage. poor America.
"LW lies" seems to mean faith in democracy and the sanctity of our election process.
Well, this goes back to my OP. Look at all the cultural issues that you and I agree have been bad ideas from the Left. From the Left's perspective, those tactics have been a response to actions and behaviors it sees from the Right. And yes, the Right has had things to answer for. So the Left raised the stakes, intensified the game.

In response, the Right has done exactly the same thing. From its perspective, its tactics are a response to what the Left has been doing. The election of Trump in 2016 is the shining example of that. He's the bull in the china shop the Right wanted to express their anger and frustration over the direction in which the country was going.

So as the two ends (not "sides", but "ends") of the spectrum are pulling further and further apart from the other, they are taking the rest of the country along with them. We're seeing an abject breakdown in the things that I personally think are key to maintaining America's global edge: Communication, collaboration, and innovation.

This is a classic self-inflicted wound, and neither end appears to care.
Oh, sure. I can absolutely understand the Left's response to Donald Trump. (I actually supported Hillary in 2016, for fear Trump would get us into WWIII. And I lost a hundred dollars betting he would lose -- it went to a sede vacante ultra-Catholic anti-abortionist.)

But Trump proved not to be a new Cold Warrior. So now, my position is, to quote Mr Rumsfeld, you go to war with the Army you've got.

Any believer in the Rule of Law still has reason to worry about Trump, in the context of what's happening in America, but that's another argument, and, really, one that should take place among us rightwingers, behind closed doors.

And that's why 'neither side appears to care'.

You and I can be civil towards each other. Hell, during the Second World War, Churchill, in the House of Commons, paid a nice compliment to Erwin Rommel, saying that British difficulties in the war in North Africa were due, among other things to the fact that they were facing, as he said, 'across the havoc of war, a great general'.

But the fact is, we are in a develping cold civil war, and that naturally breeds hatred of the other side. It's probably an evolutionary survival strategy to demonize the other side, suppressing our natural pity for our fellow creatures, so we fight better.

A good guy to read on the contemporary American Right vs Left thing is Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist.

[ Jonathan Haidt - Wikipedia ]
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion (2012)
[ The Righteous Mind - Wikipedia ]

The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure (2018),
[ The Coddling of the American Mind - Wikipedia ]. (This last book is especially recommended -- it's a more extended version of that socialist woman's analysis of the 'me generation' and why it has gone 'woke'.)

One other point: it's psychologically comforting to think that the worst of your political adversaries is typical of all of them. Again, it helps you fight them.

But it's not true. (I had en encounter with a really nasty piece of work on your side the other day, someone who is a conscious, cool deliberate liar, and felt it was necessary to remind my side that there are many honest, decent people on the Left. Life would actually be easier for us if your side was made up exclusively of rotters. But it's not.)
Political overcompensation is the new Great American Pastime.

A few years ago, some of us were warning the Left: You're going too far with Political Correctness and Identity Politics. You're going too far screaming RACIST at every last fucking thing that moves. You're going too far lowering standards and expectations for people based solely on their skin color. You're going too far in normalizing sexual disorders such as gender dysphoria. You're going too far in putting your agenda in schools. You're going too far in disallowing conservative voices on college campuses. And most of all, you're going too far in attacking, intimidating and penalizing people in everyday life for saying things you don't like.

There's going to be pushback, we said. You're overcompensating, we said. This stuff is not right, we said. I only said that a few thousand times here, to be met with attacks from the Left. (By the way, a zillion examples of that available upon request via the search function)

So now we see the pushback, with this Neanderthal, middle school bully-approach to the culture from the Right. This is the pushback we warned about -- although, admittedly, even worse than I imagined. And this sucker has legs, just like your weaponized PC and Identity Politics did. They're making laws and attacking and intimidating. Gee, what a coincidence. What Deja Vu we're seeing, huh? Go figure!

And most amazing of all, this pushback included the election of a petulant child, an obvious con man, an orange buffoon, in 2016, and all the fucking unbelievable madness that has followed.

No doubt there will be pushback to this, too. Back and forth. Back and forth. More and more damage.

Ideological politics poisons everything it touches. Now it's putting this country at risk of falling apart. Great job, gang. You're BOTH so much like those you hate, and you just won't stop.

Mac1958 claims he politely warned his friends on the left that they were going too far and might create pushback by the victims of their overreach

Then Mr moderate, reasonable unbiased middle of the road labels conservatives as Neanderthal bullies

Great show there Mac

And you wonder why conservatives consider you their enemy
Mac1958 claims he politely warned his friends on the left that they were going too far and might create pushback by the victims of their overreach

Then Mr moderate, reasonable unbiased middle of the road labels conservatives as Neanderthal bullies

Great show there Mac

And you wonder why conservatives consider you their enemy
and when you call people your enemy, people think you are Neanderthal Bullies. I would add brainwashed functional neanderthal bullies... here is 72% trump western New York. Absolutely great people but their politics are a disgrace based on lies and resentment and hate. It's terrible. So what exactly is this overreach, tolerance for gays and browns and Asians and Jews and everyone else?
[ Jonathan Haidt - Wikipedia ]
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion (2012)
[ The Righteous Mind - Wikipedia ]

The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure (2018),
[ The Coddling of the American Mind - Wikipedia ]. (This last book is especially recommended -- it's a more extended version of that socialist woman's analysis of the 'me generation' and why it has gone 'woke'.)

One other point: it's psychologically comforting to think that the worst of your political adversaries is typical of all of them. Again, it helps you fight them.

But it's not true.
Yeah, I like Haidt a lot. I don't sense a lot of political BS for him. I like nerds.

And regarding "fighting", that's where I go back to the counterproductive potential of thinking we're "at war". "Fighting" and being "at war" automatically eliminate communication, collaboration, innovation. I don't want either end of the spectrum "winning" because they'd take it as a mandate to shove their entire agenda down our throats, and not being a fan of either end, that doesn't work for me.

I heard a commentator say something about three years ago that really hit me: Has it been so long that we communicated like decent, intelligent, civil adults that we've lost that skill altogether? If that's true, the clock is ticking on this country.
Democrats are surely trying to destroy the country. The problem is that I no longer think republicans are trying to save it. They say the right things, but people like China Turtle are just as corrupt as the left. Americans are on their own, and they are getting slaughtered.
What Democratic corruption are you referring to? and if it's Hunter forget about it

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