The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

Seeing as the duopoly represents the established power (the central government, as monarchs used to be), then anything opposed to the duopoly is to the left as when the terms 'right' and 'left' began being used in reference to political stance. Those who go along with the duopoly are to the right.
Those who seek a way forward that diverges from the dismal path the duopoly is on see things on a grand scale. Fundamental values need establishing and adherence. Materialism must be relegated to its low status among what humans concern themselves with. There is no ideology from the past that can be trusted. Economic models from the past are equally incapable of getting us to a successful new paradigm.
and when you call people your enemy, people think you are Neanderthal Bullies. I would add brainwashed functional neanderthal bullies... here is 72% trump western New York. Absolutely great people but their politics are a disgrace based on lies and resentment and hate. It's terrible. So what exactly is this overreach, tolerance for gays and browns and Asians and Jews and everyone else?
You are entitled to you opinion

But you are blind if you dont think Mac1958 is a partisan lib
Seeing as the duopoly represents the established power (the central government, as monarchs used to be), then anything opposed to the duopoly is to the left as when the terms 'right' and 'left' began being used in reference to political stance. Those who go along with the duopoly are to the right.
Those who seek a way forward that diverges from the dismal path the duopoly is on see things on a grand scale. Fundamental values need establishing and adherence. Materialism must be relegated to its low status among what humans concern themselves with. There is no ideology from the past that can be trusted. Economic models from the past are equally incapable of getting us to a successful new paradigm.
Trump was a threat to the duopoly

They are only irreconcilable differences ... If we insist someone else must do something.

A baker does not have to surrender their Right to Practice their Religion ... For a Homosexual couple to get Married and have a wedding cake.
It becomes irreconcilable when one tries to insist we violate the rights of one to satisfy another ... And it doesn't have to be that way.

We don't have to make the baker bake them a cake.
There's plenty of places that make cakes ... And the baker is not preventing them from getting married.
They are irreconcilable ... Because one side demands Compliance ... And in violation of the other's Rights.

If you cannot discriminate on the basis of Race, Gender, Age, Religion or Sexual Orientation ...
Then Religion and Sexual Orientation are both in there.

What I don't get is in a country with around 350 million people,
we have had what? two or 3 big screaming cases over cake baking?
The out rage seems excessive.
There is little difference between the two criminal gangs and the differences promoted by the state run media are all for show to divide Americans.

Your dislike of D voters is proof your stuck. You need to focus your attention on the oligarchy that controls everything, including the two crime families.
What's the deal with MAC1958, He is just one poster of many?
Why is his voice/ opinion cause you so much stress?
it is people getting taken in by the worst lying propaganda machine and the best con man of all time. Terrible businessman terrible politician but he gets away with it...
Meanwhile outside of the LibTardian FEELZ forrest reality was happening……Tax rates were low, the treasury was hauling in record amounts, fuel was $2.40, interest rates were low, home values were high, food was cheap, wages were rising, more dark people were working than ever before, foreign adversaries were held in-check, the people of Ukraine were safe, there was peace in the middle east, wetbacks were shut-down at our southern border, we were leveraging China on trade, the corrupt media / social media was being exposed, corrupt prosecutors and the like in dangerous blue shitholes were under the spotlight, establishment D.C. filth were shitting their pants…..the list goes on and on.
But but but….. Mac1958 Golfing Gator JoeB131 rightwinger , other TDS-ing loons, weirdos, faggots, chicks with dicks, lowlifes, criminals, bottom feeders, ignorant as fuck housewives and FEELZ people couldn’t stop pissing their pants over the effective as hell orange man and his mean tweets….SOOOOO here we are.
What I don't get is in a country with around 350 million people,
we have had what? two or 3 big screaming cases over cake baking?
The out rage seems excessive.

We didn't need to have a single one of them ... Much less waste the court's time establishing case law.
The baker didn't tell the homosexual couple they couldn't get married ...
And was in no position to stop them from being married.

Be outraged and scream on ... You ignorant twat ... :auiqs.jpg:

There is little difference between the two criminal gangs and the differences promoted by the state run media are all for show to divide Americans.

Your dislike of D voters is proof your stuck. You need to focus your attention on the oligarchy that controls everything, including the two crime families.
I wouldn't say that although I do understand your feeling on the two party's....Too many times in the recent past Republican's have either caved to spending measures in order to claim bi partisanship. They haven't stuck to core conservative principles such as less taxation, less regulation, and reducing the size, and scope of the federal government....At the same time you have admire the Democrats for playing the long game.

They (Dems) have never backed away from continuing to spend freely for their own agenda, while at the same time labeling Republican's as the obstructers....

All we can do is continue to hold the politician's we vote for accountable at the ballot box, that is our role...We didn't get into this mess overnight, it won't be solved overnight...

As a Constitutional Conservative, I am for less government, lower taxation, strong, well funded military, and less regulation that allows business to continue to provide the opportunity that made the American dream great...

I have come to respect your opinion over time, not because you're against both parties, but rather because unlike some others in here, who claim to be where you are, but focus their attacks at only one faction of one party, you have posted at BOTH sides....That is what an independent should do.

Anyway, I hope that makes sense....
Yes, sadly that is the choices we are stuck with. I do agree that anyone worth having as POTUS will likely never run due to not being willing to put up with the bullshit attacks on them and their families.
We agree....I tell ya Gator...I am going to do my best going forward to lend a reasoned ear to the postings in here...Now, I am only human, and can tell ya, I won't put up with baseless attacks just because I disagee with statements in here, and will give back what I get, but I'm trying...
We agree....I tell ya Gator...I am going to do my best going forward to lend a reasoned ear to the postings in here...Now, I am only human, and can tell ya, I won't put up with baseless attacks just because I disagee with statements in here, and will give back what I get, but I'm trying...


I will do the same!
It does not matter with BL. He has the same basic post saved on his computer and just post it any thread he is in
That’s because the same basic post is an applicable refutation to nearly all of the leftist bullshit posted here… Mac1958 ’s orange man bad worn out shit in particular.
We agree....I tell ya Gator...I am going to do my best going forward to lend a reasoned ear to the postings in here...Now, I am only human, and can tell ya, I won't put up with baseless attacks just because I disagee with statements in here, and will give back what I get, but I'm trying...
Proceed with caution…the left is sneaky as fuck. They’ll have you bent over and ready to concede more ground before you know it.

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