The two main reasons to support Trump:

40% of illegals enter legally. The wall does nothing for that.

And what happend to caring about the debt ? A white elephant wall ( perfect term by the way) will do nothing but cost us money .
We'll stop the other 60%.It's a good start ashole!
Any idea what it costs federal and state governments in health care dealing with addicts who get their heroin from Mexico? Ya fucking RIGHT!
I swear. Trying to carry on an intelligent debate with you stupid LIB children is a waste of time.
Oh my God. We have a retard who actually bleevs a wall will stop the drug trade!


Trump's Wall has AMAZING powers! It cures economies! It cleans drugs off our streets! And it provides faster Internet! :lol:
We need a horizontal wall made up of land mines, snipers and machine gun nests. Along with forward combat units to wipe out mexican drug dealers, some corrupt police and some corrupt politicians. Let's get bizzy!
That worked well in East Germany. Yay, we're gonna be a police state like E.Germany!
What turned you into a pussy, Rabbi? You used to be a hard I'm not too sure...

The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in....not out.
It doesnt matter. Same principle. When you have to start walling yourself then your system is fucked.
It's keeping fucking sand monkeys from destroying the only civilized country in the M.E.
The vatican seems to be fine with their wall. Obama's White house is raising the wall.
So these walls aren't working?
Is that why 48 million of our citizens are not in the workforce....because we need brown people to work?
Why arent our citizens picking crops in fields and building roads and doing landscaping work?
Change the welfare rules....tell Leroy to get on the tractor...
Unfortunately LeRoy lives about 500 miles from the nearest farm.
Guess again Sparky.
Leroy wants to eat...he moves. Our troops are thousands of miles away from home. You go where the need is. You go where the trouble is.

There is an idea...put the troops on the border, Obungles isn't using them properly where they are at anyway

You want the military acting as a domestic police force ??
Well you got the meathead line of thinking down!

A wall is a waste of money . Better off improving ins and expanding immigration courts .

And who gives a shit about ISIS !? U watch too many movies .

It's a waste of money for douche bag open borders traitors, but people who for people who want to secure the border it's a wise investment.
Seriously? It wont secure the border. We have hundreds of miles of remote border far from any population center. We cannot monitor those areas with any effectiveness. Illegals will tunnel under the wall. As they already do btw.

ROFL! So you think we'll build a wall without guard towers? The idea that the United states can't monitor a few hundred miles of our border is beyond moronic. That's what I mean about the open borders traitors: the things they say are so dumb that are patently offensive.
We're going to man guard towers? You'ev seen the blueprints? Are they online somewhere?
China cannot adequately safeguard its border with North Korea, despite it being a fraction fo the US border and despite China's willingness to shoot people on sight. Why is it different this time?
What a stupid comment!
China's 'wall' between NK and China is the 100% guarantee that if you attempt to cross into China from NK you are shot dead. No exceptions.
If the US had the same policy towards Mexicans believe me we would not have an invasion of illegals.
What does that have to do with the fact that Democrat politicians routinely ignore the law?
You mafe a claim of birbery. Either back it up or admit you're talking out of your ass.

Puh leeze, what do you think the whole point of Trump not taking campaign donations is?
So companies contribute to Democrats to bribde them into not enforcing immigration law, while they contribute to Republicans to enforce it? You are incoherent.
As for Trump, oh well, that was 2 weeks ago. NOw he's out fundraising, having hired a Goldman Sachs advisor to lead the campaign. Boy do you look stupid.
Donald Trump Won’t Self-Fund General-Election Campaign

Hmmm, no, they contribute to both parties to keep them from enforcing immigration laws. When did any Republican behave as if he wanted to enforce the law?
OK so its a big conspiracy! And you think Trump is going to be different because? HE self funds his campaign? Nope. He's never given to Democrats? Nope. He's never hired illegals? Nope. What then?
Trump has NEVER hired one fucking illegal! Fucking get that through your stupid head!
Some years ago a contractor working on a Trump building site was found guilty of hiring a few illegals.
When Trump himself found out he tore up the contractor's contract. At least try to be informed about the facts.
If we can monitor our border, we gave no defendable country.
Are we monitoring our border currently?
"If we cant monitor our border, we have no defendable country."

No...we are not and have not been. We need to now.
So yoi're saying we have no defendible country now and have not had one for at least 30 years? How have we managed to survive this long??
What we have to defend against has changed drastically. Defending agaist a Mexican who wants to pick apples is less a threat than defending against a Muslim carrying WMD....
How many Muslims carrying WMD have snuck across the Mexican border?
What a stupid thing to ask.
How many haven't?
Well you got the meathead line of thinking down!

A wall is a waste of money . Better off improving ins and expanding immigration courts .

And who gives a shit about ISIS !? U watch too many movies .

It's a waste of money for douche bag open borders traitors, but people who for people who want to secure the border it's a wise investment.
Seriously? It wont secure the border. We have hundreds of miles of remote border far from any population center. We cannot monitor those areas with any effectiveness. Illegals will tunnel under the wall. As they already do btw.
If we can monitor our border, we gave no defendable country.
Are we monitoring our border currently?

Of our many borders, there's only one that is monitored -

By the almost twenty thousand Border Patrol agents on our two thousand mile long southern border.

The other borders are much easier to cross, as we learned from the 9/11 attack.

Ask the Rs why they refuse to address that fact. And ask them why they want suspected and known terrorists to be armed.
We get it, you're anti Trump and this has very little to do with a wall.
You dont get it.
A wall will not solve the immigration problem. The wall will contribute enormously to the deficit. We have spent increasing sums on border patrol and immigration over the last 30 years and the problem is worse, not better.
But you will go for the excuse for every failed program: We didnt do it enough.
The sad part is we could solve the problem very easily. But the fascist Trumptards are so convinced that hordes of brown people are rushing here to eat up all their cookies they will never go for it.
why do we need hordes of brown people rushing here...or any other people for that matter?
If we didnt need them they wouldn't be doing it. Capiche?


sure buddy

just like bank robbers rob banks because we need them

You obviously think illegals come here just to colelct welfare benefits and live in public housing.
That makes you an idiot.
Please then compare and contrast what their lifestyles were in the fucking shithole tar paper shacks they lived in the the shithole sand dune they lived in in Mexico?
You mafe a claim of birbery. Either back it up or admit you're talking out of your ass.

Puh leeze, what do you think the whole point of Trump not taking campaign donations is?
So companies contribute to Democrats to bribde them into not enforcing immigration law, while they contribute to Republicans to enforce it? You are incoherent.
As for Trump, oh well, that was 2 weeks ago. NOw he's out fundraising, having hired a Goldman Sachs advisor to lead the campaign. Boy do you look stupid.
Donald Trump Won’t Self-Fund General-Election Campaign

Hmmm, no, they contribute to both parties to keep them from enforcing immigration laws. When did any Republican behave as if he wanted to enforce the law?
OK so its a big conspiracy! And you think Trump is going to be different because? HE self funds his campaign? Nope. He's never given to Democrats? Nope. He's never hired illegals? Nope. What then?
Trump has NEVER hired one fucking illegal! Fucking get that through your stupid head!
Some years ago a contractor working on a Trump building site was found guilty of hiring a few illegals.
When Trump himself found out he tore up the contractor's contract. At least try to be informed about the facts.

Why do RWNJ traitors excuse Trumpery for hiring illegals and hiring foreigners over Americans?

And why is it okay that he refuses to hire American factories for his business and instead, takes it China, Mexico and Bangladesh?

Oh yeah, and why is it okay that he lies about his tax returns? And lies about so-called self-funding? And not being indebted to Big Business and Big Banks?

Why is it okay that he lies in 91% of what he says and flip flops every single day?
You dont get it.
A wall will not solve the immigration problem. The wall will contribute enormously to the deficit. We have spent increasing sums on border patrol and immigration over the last 30 years and the problem is worse, not better.
But you will go for the excuse for every failed program: We didnt do it enough.
The sad part is we could solve the problem very easily. But the fascist Trumptards are so convinced that hordes of brown people are rushing here to eat up all their cookies they will never go for it.
why do we need hordes of brown people rushing here...or any other people for that matter?
If we didnt need them they wouldn't be doing it. Capiche?


sure buddy

just like bank robbers rob banks because we need them

You obviously think illegals come here just to colelct welfare benefits and live in public housing.
That makes you an idiot.
Please then compare and contrast what their lifestyles were in the fucking shithole tar paper shacks they lived in the the shithole sand dune they lived in in Mexico?
There are billions living in the same conditions. Send them your money Christlike.
Most of the skilled immigrants jobs are filled by people from India.

Biggest Brain Drains: India Gets Nearly Two-Thirds of U.S. H-1Bs - Bloomberg

Mexicans are doing the low-skilled shit jobs which the Right says aren't worth 15 bucks an hour.
And/ or they're getting benefits a free health care. If we need men/ women to do shit jobs, let them come by themselves and be tracked. It's called livestock management you dumbasses!
Wow. "Livestock management". That's almost up there with your desire to exterminate all Muslims.

I sure am grateful you rubes are so willingly cooperating to prove my point about Trump supporters.
why do we need hordes of brown people rushing here...or any other people for that matter?
If we didnt need them they wouldn't be doing it. Capiche?


sure buddy

just like bank robbers rob banks because we need them

You obviously think illegals come here just to colelct welfare benefits and live in public housing.
That makes you an idiot.

no you are the one making the absurd claims not me jackass
Yes economics is absurd to ignoramuses like you. You just can't understand that people migrate to better economic opportunities.
Listen you fucking idiot!
Illegals who break the law entering another country are NOT! "people who migrate". They aren't fucking cariboo!
They are escaping a 100% corrupt country. They are told there are jobs waiting for them. They are 99.999% illiterates.
All that awaits for them is to able to suck off a teat they have ZERO right to.
You dont get it.
A wall will not solve the immigration problem. The wall will contribute enormously to the deficit. We have spent increasing sums on border patrol and immigration over the last 30 years and the problem is worse, not better.
But you will go for the excuse for every failed program: We didnt do it enough.
The sad part is we could solve the problem very easily. But the fascist Trumptards are so convinced that hordes of brown people are rushing here to eat up all their cookies they will never go for it.
why do we need hordes of brown people rushing here...or any other people for that matter?
If we didnt need them they wouldn't be doing it. Capiche?


sure buddy

just like bank robbers rob banks because we need them

You obviously think illegals come here just to colelct welfare benefits and live in public housing.
That makes you an idiot.
Please then compare and contrast what their lifestyles were in the fucking shithole tar paper shacks they lived in the the shithole sand dune they lived in in Mexico?

You mean before or after we wiped out their agriculture and manufacturing?

You have no clue about Mexico. None at all.
1) He will build the wall and save America as we know it. Liberals have invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and drive down our wages only because they block vote liberal and thus will turn the USA into California rendering Republicans never able to win anywhere again.

2) He is right on ISIS. He wants to kill them before they kill us with WMD's! And, he wants to rebuilt the military to get Russia, China and the ME under control again before WW3 starts.

I see only one reason to vote for Trump- he is not Hellary. He is an unknown. Every election cycle the canidates promise what they will do, and every time they either don't try to do it or fail in their effort.

Trump is not a messiah, he is only an outsider who serves the purpose of punishing the RNC for their lack of leadership and ability. Don't be fooled, you will be disappointed if you believe he is going to do all he says.
1) He will build the wall and save America as we know it. Liberals have invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and drive down our wages only because they block vote liberal and thus will turn the USA into California rendering Republicans never able to win anywhere again.

2) He is right on ISIS. He wants to kill them before they kill us with WMD's! And, he wants to rebuilt the military to get Russia, China and the ME under control again before WW3 starts.

That's two of the many reasons NOT to vote for Trump. He's lying to you.
1) that wall will not be built. Construction specialists pegged it at around 25 Billion dollars, and having Mexico or Illegals pay for it is absurd. Trump will not build that wall, and he's admitted it off the record.
2) ISIS is already in retreat. They've lost 25% of the territory they once held, and we've been very successful in seriously reducing their funding. They've cut salaries way back and are no longer able to fund much of what they want to do. You can't kill an idea with bombs - that's just populist rhetoric with no basis in reality. The Global approach to defeating ISIS is working. And newsflash, ISIS is no the threat the media and fear-based politicians make them out to be.

So a reason Not to vote for him is because he won't build a wall, does that me we should vote for Hellary because she won't build it either? Missing the logic in that?
1) He will build the wall and save America as we know it. Liberals have invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and drive down our wages only because they block vote liberal and thus will turn the USA into California rendering Republicans never able to win anywhere again.

2) He is right on ISIS. He wants to kill them before they kill us with WMD's! And, he wants to rebuilt the military to get Russia, China and the ME under control again before WW3 starts.

I see only one reason to vote for Trump- he is not Hellary. He is an unknown. Every election cycle the canidates promise what they will do, and every time they either don't try to do it or fail in their effort.

Trump is not a messiah, he is only an outsider who serves the purpose of punishing the RNC for their lack of leadership and ability. Don't be fooled, you will be disappointed if you believe he is going to do all he says.
How do you see into the future?
You have no idea what Trump will or will not accomplish.
Ask anyone who has ever had any business dealings with Trump. The one common comment is he did what he promised he would do.
Most of the skilled immigrants jobs are filled by people from India.

Biggest Brain Drains: India Gets Nearly Two-Thirds of U.S. H-1Bs - Bloomberg

Mexicans are doing the low-skilled shit jobs which the Right says aren't worth 15 bucks an hour.
And/ or they're getting benefits a free health care. If we need men/ women to do shit jobs, let them come by themselves and be tracked. It's called livestock management you dumbasses!
Wow. "Livestock management". That's almost up there with your desire to exterminate all Muslims.

I sure am grateful you rubes are so willingly cooperating to prove my point about Trump supporters.
You have no point, Mable.
1) He will build the wall and save America as we know it. Liberals have invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and drive down our wages only because they block vote liberal and thus will turn the USA into California rendering Republicans never able to win anywhere again.

2) He is right on ISIS. He wants to kill them before they kill us with WMD's! And, he wants to rebuilt the military to get Russia, China and the ME under control again before WW3 starts.

I see only one reason to vote for Trump- he is not Hellary. He is an unknown. Every election cycle the canidates promise what they will do, and every time they either don't try to do it or fail in their effort.

Trump is not a messiah, he is only an outsider who serves the purpose of punishing the RNC for their lack of leadership and ability. Don't be fooled, you will be disappointed if you believe he is going to do all he says.
How do you see into the future?
You have no idea what Trump will or will not accomplish.
Ask anyone who has ever had any business dealings with Trump. The one common comment is he did what he promised he would do.

In business he maybe that guy, but politics is a different animal. My crystal ball is no better than yours, so just as I can't know for certain he won't build it, you can't know for certain he will. Politics is the business of compromise and the Trumpster hasn't impressed me that he can compromise to get things done. But we will just have to wait and see.
I just won't be holding my breath for that wall, perhaps you will.

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