The two main reasons to support Trump:

How will building a wall stop illegal immigration? A lot of illegals came here on valid visas and just overstayed.

Oh, I see what it is now. You just want to quit, to just give up.
So you want to spend lots of money on something that is ineffective. And this differs from Democrats, how?

the empirical evidence shows that it will be effective.
Show this empirical evidence.
But you can't. Because you are pulling shit out of your ass again.

Israel’s Security Fence Saves Lives, Builder Says


Israel is the size of a postage stamp . That wall is just a few miles . Not 1000 ! And our relationship wh Mexico is waaaay different that Israel / Palistine.
The Great Wall of Trump will clean the air, increase the velocity of your AR-15 rounds, make lettuce stay crisper longer, lower the cost of health care, and cure cancer.


Believe me. I haz a serious face.
Well you got the meathead line of thinking down!

A wall is a waste of money . Better off improving ins and expanding immigration courts .

And who gives a shit about ISIS !? U watch too many movies .

It's a waste of money for douche bag open borders traitors, but people who for people who want to secure the border it's a wise investment.
Seriously? It wont secure the border. We have hundreds of miles of remote border far from any population center. We cannot monitor those areas with any effectiveness. Illegals will tunnel under the wall. As they already do btw.

ROFL! So you think we'll build a wall without guard towers? The idea that the United states can't monitor a few hundred miles of our border is beyond moronic. That's what I mean about the open borders traitors: the things they say are so dumb that are patently offensive.
We're going to man guard towers? You'ev seen the blueprints? Are they online somewhere?
China cannot adequately safeguard its border with North Korea, despite it being a fraction fo the US border and despite China's willingness to shoot people on sight. Why is it different this time?
What a stupid comment!
China's 'wall' between NK and China is the 100% guarantee that if you attempt to cross into China from NK you are shot dead. No exceptions.
If the US had the same policy towards Mexicans believe me we would not have an invasion of illegals.
You're an idiot. That is exactly my point. They have that wall. They have no compunction about shooting people. And they are still unable to stem the flow of North Koreans to China.
Are we monitoring our border currently?
"If we cant monitor our border, we have no defendable country."

No...we are not and have not been. We need to now.
So yoi're saying we have no defendible country now and have not had one for at least 30 years? How have we managed to survive this long??
What we have to defend against has changed drastically. Defending agaist a Mexican who wants to pick apples is less a threat than defending against a Muslim carrying WMD....
How many Muslims carrying WMD have snuck across the Mexican border?
What a stupid thing to ask.
How many haven't?
None actually. There were a couple who tried across the Canadian border. But tha kind of reinforces my point.
"If we cant monitor our border, we have no defendable country."

No...we are not and have not been. We need to now.
So yoi're saying we have no defendible country now and have not had one for at least 30 years? How have we managed to survive this long??
What we have to defend against has changed drastically. Defending agaist a Mexican who wants to pick apples is less a threat than defending against a Muslim carrying WMD....
How many Muslims carrying WMD have snuck across the Mexican border?
What a stupid thing to ask.
How many haven't?
None actually. There were a couple who tried across the Canadian border. But tha kind of reinforces my point.

Your point is that there's no reason to do anything except open the flood gates because nothing we try will work.
Well you got the meathead line of thinking down!

A wall is a waste of money . Better off improving ins and expanding immigration courts .

And who gives a shit about ISIS !? U watch too many movies .

It's a waste of money for douche bag open borders traitors, but people who for people who want to secure the border it's a wise investment.
Seriously? It wont secure the border. We have hundreds of miles of remote border far from any population center. We cannot monitor those areas with any effectiveness. Illegals will tunnel under the wall. As they already do btw.
If we can monitor our border, we gave no defendable country.
Are we monitoring our border currently?

Of our many borders, there's only one that is monitored -

By the almost twenty thousand Border Patrol agents on our two thousand mile long southern border.

The other borders are much easier to cross, as we learned from the 9/11 attack.

Ask the Rs why they refuse to address that fact. And ask them why they want suspected and known terrorists to be armed.
As to your last point, why would you deny fundamental rights to someone based on hearsay?
You dont get it.
A wall will not solve the immigration problem. The wall will contribute enormously to the deficit. We have spent increasing sums on border patrol and immigration over the last 30 years and the problem is worse, not better.
But you will go for the excuse for every failed program: We didnt do it enough.
The sad part is we could solve the problem very easily. But the fascist Trumptards are so convinced that hordes of brown people are rushing here to eat up all their cookies they will never go for it.
why do we need hordes of brown people rushing here...or any other people for that matter?
If we didnt need them they wouldn't be doing it. Capiche?


sure buddy

just like bank robbers rob banks because we need them

You obviously think illegals come here just to colelct welfare benefits and live in public housing.
That makes you an idiot.
Please then compare and contrast what their lifestyles were in the fucking shithole tar paper shacks they lived in the the shithole sand dune they lived in in Mexico?
Have you ever been to Mexico? Could you find it on a map?
The only real reason to support Trump is that he is Not hiLIARy.

Just sayin'.
Oh, I see what it is now. You just want to quit, to just give up.
So you want to spend lots of money on something that is ineffective. And this differs from Democrats, how?

the empirical evidence shows that it will be effective.
Show this empirical evidence.
But you can't. Because you are pulling shit out of your ass again.

Israel’s Security Fence Saves Lives, Builder Says


Israel is the size of a postage stamp . That wall is just a few miles . Not 1000 ! And our relationship wh Mexico is waaaay different that Israel / Palistine.

Israel's wall is 400 miles long. If a country the size of Israel can build a wall that long, then a country 50 times bigger can easily build a 2000 mile lone wall. Our relationship with Mexico is far better that Israel's relationship with the the PLO, so that's hardly an argument.
If we didnt need them they wouldn't be doing it. Capiche?


sure buddy

just like bank robbers rob banks because we need them

You obviously think illegals come here just to colelct welfare benefits and live in public housing.
That makes you an idiot.

no you are the one making the absurd claims not me jackass
Yes economics is absurd to ignoramuses like you. You just can't understand that people migrate to better economic opportunities.
Listen you fucking idiot!
Illegals who break the law entering another country are NOT! "people who migrate". They aren't fucking cariboo!
They are escaping a 100% corrupt country. They are told there are jobs waiting for them. They are 99.999% illiterates.
All that awaits for them is to able to suck off a teat they have ZERO right to.
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. No wonder you like Trump.
So you want to spend lots of money on something that is ineffective. And this differs from Democrats, how?

the empirical evidence shows that it will be effective.
Show this empirical evidence.
But you can't. Because you are pulling shit out of your ass again.

Israel’s Security Fence Saves Lives, Builder Says


Israel is the size of a postage stamp . That wall is just a few miles . Not 1000 ! And our relationship wh Mexico is waaaay different that Israel / Palistine.

Israel's wall is 400 miles long. If a country the size of Israel can build a wall that long, then a country 50 times bigger can easily build a 2000 mile lone wall. Our relationship with Mexico is far better that Israel's relationship with the the PLO, so that's hardly an argument.
Except you're missing the other differences. Like Israel's wall is close to population centers and ours wont be. But in similarities, Israel's wall simply prompted Palestinians to tunnel underneath. So will illegals.
the empirical evidence shows that it will be effective.
Show this empirical evidence.
But you can't. Because you are pulling shit out of your ass again.

Israel’s Security Fence Saves Lives, Builder Says


Israel is the size of a postage stamp . That wall is just a few miles . Not 1000 ! And our relationship wh Mexico is waaaay different that Israel / Palistine.

Israel's wall is 400 miles long. If a country the size of Israel can build a wall that long, then a country 50 times bigger can easily build a 2000 mile lone wall. Our relationship with Mexico is far better that Israel's relationship with the the PLO, so that's hardly an argument.
Except you're missing the other differences. Like Israel's wall is close to population centers and ours wont be. But in similarities, Israel's wall simply prompted Palestinians to tunnel underneath. So will illegals.

Aren't we forgetting something?

If we didnt need them they wouldn't be doing it. Capiche?
Is that why 48 million of our citizens are not in the workforce....because we need brown people to work?
Why arent our citizens picking crops in fields and building roads and doing landscaping work?

Because employers don't want to pay American style wages. They'd rather pay the kind of wages they pay in Mexico, and illegal immigration makes that possible.
Employers would rather have slave labor. That isnt the point.
Can you show employers in America pay lower wages to illegals, when those illegal present fraudulent credentials?

That isn't the test of whether immigrant labor drives down wages.
OK so that's a fail on your part.
There is no evidence employers pay less than legal wages.
And no evidence illegals drive down wages either.
If we didnt need them they wouldn't be doing it. Capiche?


sure buddy

just like bank robbers rob banks because we need them

You obviously think illegals come here just to colelct welfare benefits and live in public housing.
That makes you an idiot.
Please then compare and contrast what their lifestyles were in the fucking shithole tar paper shacks they lived in the the shithole sand dune they lived in in Mexico?

You mean before or after we wiped out their agriculture and manufacturing?

You have no clue about Mexico. None at all.

How did we wipe out their agriculture and manufacturing?
We didnt. That's his point.
the empirical evidence shows that it will be effective.
Show this empirical evidence.
But you can't. Because you are pulling shit out of your ass again.

Israel’s Security Fence Saves Lives, Builder Says


Israel is the size of a postage stamp . That wall is just a few miles . Not 1000 ! And our relationship wh Mexico is waaaay different that Israel / Palistine.

Israel's wall is 400 miles long. If a country the size of Israel can build a wall that long, then a country 50 times bigger can easily build a 2000 mile lone wall. Our relationship with Mexico is far better that Israel's relationship with the the PLO, so that's hardly an argument.
Except you're missing the other differences. Like Israel's wall is close to population centers and ours wont be. But in similarities, Israel's wall simply prompted Palestinians to tunnel underneath. So will illegals.

Walls work better in non populated areas, so that's no argument against it. Hama and the PLO consumed vast amounts of resources to tunnel under the wall. Nevertheless, whenever they attempted to use them, the Israelis quickly located them and destroyed them. Furthermore, didn't you read the article I posted a link to about new tunnel detection technology?

The bottom line is that the wall has drastically reduced the incidence of suicide bombers in Israel.

The wall works.
Is that why 48 million of our citizens are not in the workforce....because we need brown people to work?
Why arent our citizens picking crops in fields and building roads and doing landscaping work?

Because employers don't want to pay American style wages. They'd rather pay the kind of wages they pay in Mexico, and illegal immigration makes that possible.
Employers would rather have slave labor. That isnt the point.
Can you show employers in America pay lower wages to illegals, when those illegal present fraudulent credentials?

That isn't the test of whether immigrant labor drives down wages.
OK so that's a fail on your part.
There is no evidence employers pay less than legal wages.
And no evidence illegals drive down wages either.

Spare us your economic idiocy. The laws of supply and demand say that if the supply of labor increases, then price will go down.

You fail.

sure buddy

just like bank robbers rob banks because we need them

You obviously think illegals come here just to colelct welfare benefits and live in public housing.
That makes you an idiot.
Please then compare and contrast what their lifestyles were in the fucking shithole tar paper shacks they lived in the the shithole sand dune they lived in in Mexico?

You mean before or after we wiped out their agriculture and manufacturing?

You have no clue about Mexico. None at all.

How did we wipe out their agriculture and manufacturing?
We didnt. That's his point.

Whether we did or we didn't, how does his claim support his argument?
Show this empirical evidence.
But you can't. Because you are pulling shit out of your ass again.

Israel’s Security Fence Saves Lives, Builder Says


Israel is the size of a postage stamp . That wall is just a few miles . Not 1000 ! And our relationship wh Mexico is waaaay different that Israel / Palistine.

Israel's wall is 400 miles long. If a country the size of Israel can build a wall that long, then a country 50 times bigger can easily build a 2000 mile lone wall. Our relationship with Mexico is far better that Israel's relationship with the the PLO, so that's hardly an argument.
Except you're missing the other differences. Like Israel's wall is close to population centers and ours wont be. But in similarities, Israel's wall simply prompted Palestinians to tunnel underneath. So will illegals.

Walls work better in non populated areas, so that's no argument against it. Hama and the PLO consumed vast amounts of resources to tunnel under the wall. Nevertheless, whenever they attempted to use them, the Israelis quickly located them and destroyed them. Furthermore, didn't you read the article I posted a link to about new tunnel detection technology?

The bottom line is that the wall has drastically reduced the incidence of suicide bombers in Israel.

The wall works.

the wall works well
are you nuts

an incentive is not the same as a mandate

unless the incentive is at the end of a barrel

I'm not nuts. I'm just paying attention. A tax break for people who do as they are told, and withheld from those who don't, is exactly the same as a mandate that fines people who don't do as they are told and exempts those who do. Tax incentives feel different psychologically, which is why politicians have gotten away with using them to manipulate us. But it's a con. We need to wake up.

with an incentive you may or may not do it

a mandate says you do it or else

obviously you are not paying attention

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