The two main reasons to support Trump:

So we should get rid of our military?
So you're OK with the US being a police state. Got it.

How will building a wall make the US a police state?
How will building a wall stop illegal immigration? A lot of illegals came here on valid visas and just overstayed.

It will stop 60% of illegal immigration. Only an open-borders traitor would claim that's not worth doing.
It will stop 0% of illegal immigration.
What will stopping 60%, accepting your figure, actually do? Please provide proof.

40 % of illegals come in legally. I guess he's assuming the other 60% come from Mexico And that the wall will be 100% effective .

What about securing the Canada border ?
, so what do you think will happen when the entire wall will be built?

same as israel it will stop millions of block voting liberals

Again why is it that You and Trump refuse to go after the employer?

Take away their source of income and they do not come here, right?
They sit in their US taxpayer subsidized shitholes and watch TV paid for by the US taxpayer and eat food paid for by the US taxpayers and then fuck the old lady who nine months later 'drops' another life-long burden on the US taxpayers.
They don't need to lift a fucking finger once they are in the US illegally.
There aren't going anywhere.
Do you believe Trump will lessen the bureaucracy? Please show where he ever promised that.
Rubes like you are ruining America, enemies of freedom.

it takes time

you establishment folks have really fucked up the country
So Trump never promised to reduce the bureaucracy. You are just like a 2007 Obama supporter, seeing whatever you want to see in him.

of course he will

ending obamacare alone will cut a good chunk of bureaucracy
You understand he wants t end Obamacare by implementing single payer, right? That will expand the bureaucracy, not shrink it.
Damn, that's gonna hurt.

no that is not what he said but keep your lies alive

at least until you get Hillary elected

you got your Hillary bumper stickers yet

she is more of your fancy anyway being an a DC player

Healthcare Reform

By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.

Any reform effort must begin with Congress. Since Obamacare became law, conservative Republicans have been offering reforms that can be delivered individually or as part of more comprehensive reform efforts. In the remaining sections of this policy paper, several reforms will be offered that should be considered by Congress so that on the first day of the Trump Administration, we can start the process of restoring faith in government and economic liberty to the people.

Congress must act. Our elected representatives in the House and Senate must:

  1. Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.
  2. Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.
  3. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.
  4. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty. These plans should be particularly attractive to young people who are healthy and can afford high-deductible insurance plans. These funds can be used by any member of a family without penalty. The flexibility and security provided by HSAs will be of great benefit to all who participate.
  5. Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.
  6. Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead. States will have the incentives to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.
  7. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.

The reforms outlined above will lower healthcare costs for all Americans. They are simply a place to start. There are other reforms that might be considered if they serve to lower costs, remove uncertainty and provide financial security for all Americans. And we must also take actions in other policy areas to lower healthcare costs and burdens. Enforcing immigration laws, eliminating fraud and waste and energizing our economy will relieve the economic pressures felt by every American. It is the moral responsibility of a nation’s government to do what is best for the people and what is in the interest of securing the future of the nation.

Providing healthcare to illegal immigrants costs us some $11 billion annually. If we were to simply enforce the current immigration laws and restrict the unbridled granting of visas to this country, we could relieve healthcare cost pressures on state and local governments.

To reduce the number of individuals needing access to programs like Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program we will need to install programs that grow the economy and bring capital and jobs back to America. The best social program has always been a job – and taking care of our economy will go a long way towards reducing our dependence on public health programs.

Finally, we need to reform our mental health programs and institutions in this country. Families, without the ability to get the information needed to help those who are ailing, are too often not given the tools to help their loved ones. There are promising reforms being developed in Congress that should receive bi-partisan support.

To reform healthcare in America, we need a President who has the leadership skills, will and courage to engage the American people and convince Congress to do what is best for the country. These straightforward reforms, along with many others I have proposed throughout my campaign, will ensure that together we will Make America Great Again.
Do you believe Trump will lessen the bureaucracy? Please show where he ever promised that.
Rubes like you are ruining America, enemies of freedom.

it takes time

you establishment folks have really fucked up the country
So Trump never promised to reduce the bureaucracy. You are just like a 2007 Obama supporter, seeing whatever you want to see in him.

of course he will

ending obamacare alone will cut a good chunk of bureaucracy
You understand he wants t end Obamacare by implementing single payer, right? That will expand the bureaucracy, not shrink it.
Damn, that's gonna hurt.

no that is not what he said but keep your lies alive

at least until you get Hillary elected

you got your Hillary bumper stickers yet

she is more of your fancy anyway being an a DC player
Ah sigh. This is gonna be painful to you.
Is that why 48 million of our citizens are not in the workforce....because we need brown people to work?
Why arent our citizens picking crops in fields and building roads and doing landscaping work?
Change the welfare rules....tell Leroy to get on the tractor...
Unfortunately LeRoy lives about 500 miles from the nearest farm.
Guess again Sparky.
Leroy wants to eat...he moves. Our troops are thousands of miles away from home. You go where the need is. You go where the trouble is.
Sure go with that.
Who moves the troops, btw? Who's gonna move LeRoy?
Who moves the wetbacks? Does the Mexican gov move them to the border? They walk here and send money back to the family they left back home. Leroy can do the same. You are losing it's called TDS.
Why arent our citizens picking crops in fields and building roads and doing landscaping work?
Change the welfare rules....tell Leroy to get on the tractor...
Unfortunately LeRoy lives about 500 miles from the nearest farm.
Guess again Sparky.
Leroy wants to eat...he moves. Our troops are thousands of miles away from home. You go where the need is. You go where the trouble is.
Sure go with that.
Who moves the troops, btw? Who's gonna move LeRoy?

boy you sound more and more like a libtard every post

Translation: I cannot answer my own contradictions.
You dont sound like a libtard. You just sound retarded.
, so what do you think will happen when the entire wall will be built?

same as israel it will stop millions of block voting liberals

Again why is it that You and Trump refuse to go after the employer?

Take away their source of income and they do not come here, right?
They sit in their US taxpayer subsidized shitholes and watch TV paid for by the US taxpayer and eat food paid for by the US taxpayers and then fuck the old lady who nine months later 'drops' another life-long burden on the US taxpayers.
They don't need to lift a fucking finger once they are in the US illegally.
There aren't going anywhere.
Another retard who thinks Hispanics come here to sit on their ass and collect welfare.
Why arent our citizens picking crops in fields and building roads and doing landscaping work?
Change the welfare rules....tell Leroy to get on the tractor...
Unfortunately LeRoy lives about 500 miles from the nearest farm.
Guess again Sparky.
Leroy wants to eat...he moves. Our troops are thousands of miles away from home. You go where the need is. You go where the trouble is.
Sure go with that.
Who moves the troops, btw? Who's gonna move LeRoy?
Who moves the wetbacks? Does the Mexican gov move them to the border? They walk here and send money back to the family they left back home. Leroy can do the same. You are losing it's called TDS.
They go of their own accord and have no affinity for any part of America. The same is not true for inner city welfare dwellers.
You have lost this debate. Merely supporting Trump makes you a loser.
it takes time

you establishment folks have really fucked up the country
So Trump never promised to reduce the bureaucracy. You are just like a 2007 Obama supporter, seeing whatever you want to see in him.

of course he will

ending obamacare alone will cut a good chunk of bureaucracy
You understand he wants t end Obamacare by implementing single payer, right? That will expand the bureaucracy, not shrink it.
Damn, that's gonna hurt.

no that is not what he said but keep your lies alive

at least until you get Hillary elected

you got your Hillary bumper stickers yet

she is more of your fancy anyway being an a DC player

Healthcare Reform

By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.

Any reform effort must begin with Congress. Since Obamacare became law, conservative Republicans have been offering reforms that can be delivered individually or as part of more comprehensive reform efforts. In the remaining sections of this policy paper, several reforms will be offered that should be considered by Congress so that on the first day of the Trump Administration, we can start the process of restoring faith in government and economic liberty to the people.

Congress must act. Our elected representatives in the House and Senate must:

  1. Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.
  2. Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.
  3. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.
  4. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty. These plans should be particularly attractive to young people who are healthy and can afford high-deductible insurance plans. These funds can be used by any member of a family without penalty. The flexibility and security provided by HSAs will be of great benefit to all who participate.
  5. Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.
  6. Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead. States will have the incentives to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.
  7. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.

The reforms outlined above will lower healthcare costs for all Americans. They are simply a place to start. There are other reforms that might be considered if they serve to lower costs, remove uncertainty and provide financial security for all Americans. And we must also take actions in other policy areas to lower healthcare costs and burdens. Enforcing immigration laws, eliminating fraud and waste and energizing our economy will relieve the economic pressures felt by every American. It is the moral responsibility of a nation’s government to do what is best for the people and what is in the interest of securing the future of the nation.

Providing healthcare to illegal immigrants costs us some $11 billion annually. If we were to simply enforce the current immigration laws and restrict the unbridled granting of visas to this country, we could relieve healthcare cost pressures on state and local governments.

To reduce the number of individuals needing access to programs like Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program we will need to install programs that grow the economy and bring capital and jobs back to America. The best social program has always been a job – and taking care of our economy will go a long way towards reducing our dependence on public health programs.

Finally, we need to reform our mental health programs and institutions in this country. Families, without the ability to get the information needed to help those who are ailing, are too often not given the tools to help their loved ones. There are promising reforms being developed in Congress that should receive bi-partisan support.

To reform healthcare in America, we need a President who has the leadership skills, will and courage to engage the American people and convince Congress to do what is best for the country. These straightforward reforms, along with many others I have proposed throughout my campaign, will ensure that together we will Make America Great Again.

Same shit. Tax incentives and mandates are the same thing.
If we didnt need them they wouldn't be doing it. Capiche?
Is that why 48 million of our citizens are not in the workforce....because we need brown people to work?
Why arent our citizens picking crops in fields and building roads and doing landscaping work?
Change the welfare rules....tell Leroy to get on the tractor...
Unfortunately LeRoy lives about 500 miles from the nearest farm.
Guess again Sparky.
Leroy wants to eat...he moves. Our troops are thousands of miles away from home. You go where the need is. You go where the trouble is.

There is an idea...put the troops on the border, Obungles isn't using them properly where they are at anyway
Is that why 48 million of our citizens are not in the workforce....because we need brown people to work?
Why arent our citizens picking crops in fields and building roads and doing landscaping work?
Change the welfare rules....tell Leroy to get on the tractor...
Unfortunately LeRoy lives about 500 miles from the nearest farm.
Guess again Sparky.
Leroy wants to eat...he moves. Our troops are thousands of miles away from home. You go where the need is. You go where the trouble is.

There is an idea...put the troops on the border, Obungles isn't using them properly where they are at anyway
On the border? Hell, send them into cities to root out illegals. Door to door searches and "papers, please." Let's make America Great again!
So we should get rid of our military?
So you're OK with the US being a police state. Got it.

How will building a wall make the US a police state?
How will building a wall stop illegal immigration? A lot of illegals came here on valid visas and just overstayed.

Oh, I see what it is now. You just want to quit, to just give up.
So you want to spend lots of money on something that is ineffective. And this differs from Democrats, how?

the empirical evidence shows that it will be effective.
1) He will build the wall and save America as we know it. Liberals have invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and drive down our wages only because they block vote liberal and thus will turn the USA into California rendering Republicans never able to win anywhere again.

2) He is right on ISIS. He wants to kill them before they kill us with WMD's! And, he wants to rebuilt the military to get Russia, China and the ME under control again before WW3 starts.
Yep. Those are the two main reasons people support Trump. You nailed it.

1) Fear of Mexicans.

2) Fear of Muslims.

It doesn't matter to the tards that Trump is a raging liberal. At all. Pro-abortion, pro gun control, pro socialized medicine, close personal friend of the Clintons. It doesn't matter to these tards.

It's all about the Mexicans and Muslims.

What's really funny is that Trump backed the cut-and-run policy these tards claim led to the rise of ISIS!

Goddam, these people are beyond stupid. Someone is going to have to invent a new word for this.
So we should get rid of our military?
So you're OK with the US being a police state. Got it.

How will building a wall make the US a police state?
How will building a wall stop illegal immigration? A lot of illegals came here on valid visas and just overstayed.

It will stop 60% of illegal immigration. Only an open-borders traitor would claim that's not worth doing.
It will stop 0% of illegal immigration.
What will stopping 60%, accepting your figure, actually do? Please provide proof.

Your claim that it will stop 0% is totally lacking any substantiation whatsoever. The empirical evidence shows that it will probably stop 99% of illegals coming in from that source.

Stopping 60% will stop 60%. That means 60% fewer illegals taking American jobs and sucking up American welfare benefits. Next you'll ask what stopping 99% will do.
, so what do you think will happen when the entire wall will be built?

same as israel it will stop millions of block voting liberals

Again why is it that You and Trump refuse to go after the employer?

Take away their source of income and they do not come here, right?

Indiana either has passed or is in the process of passing a bill where if employers knowingly hire illegals they will lose their business license. That should be a national law
The fascist state encroaches!

There's nothing fascist about controlling the border. If there was, that would mean every government on earth was fascist.
Oh, I see what it is now. You just want to quit, to just give up.
So you want to spend lots of money on something that is ineffective. And this differs from Democrats, how?

We get it, you're anti Trump and this has very little to do with a wall.
You dont get it.
A wall will not solve the immigration problem. The wall will contribute enormously to the deficit. We have spent increasing sums on border patrol and immigration over the last 30 years and the problem is worse, not better.
But you will go for the excuse for every failed program: We didnt do it enough.
The sad part is we could solve the problem very easily. But the fascist Trumptards are so convinced that hordes of brown people are rushing here to eat up all their cookies they will never go for it.

After Obama's spending spree the price of any wall is small potatoes. Trump will be the nominee and I will support him. Wall or no wall.
Wow. So throwing money at worthless projects is now a conservative value?
I will say this for Trump: his campaign has managed to expose the real conservatives and the faux fascists who merely hated Obama because he was a liberal. They're fine with government fascism and anti-freedom, as long as it's someone else who gets the short end.
Thanks, Donald.

Only dolts like you claim it's "worthless." All the empirical evidence shows that it will be highly effective.
2) He is right on ISIS. He wants to kill them before they kill us with WMD's!

I know, right?

That damned Obama cut and ran from Iraq, and that led to the rise of ISIS. Anyone who is that stupid should be impeached. They should not be President.


BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave. Because I'll tell you, this county is just going to get further bogged down. They're in a civil war over there, Wolf. There's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war. And it's gonna go to Iran, and its gonna go to other countries. They are in the midst of a major civil war. By the way, we're keeping the lid on a little bit, but the day we leave anyway, its all gonna blow up. And Saddam Hussein will be a nice person compared to the man (and it will be man, it will not be a woman. That we understand. People will say, "Oh gee, you didn't give the women a chance. It will be a man.) compared to the person who takes over for Saddam Hussein. He will be considered a nice person. This guy will be the meanest, the worst guy. And he will have one thing, one thing. He will hate America, and he will use it to flame.

We get it, you're anti Trump and this has very little to do with a wall.
You dont get it.
A wall will not solve the immigration problem. The wall will contribute enormously to the deficit. We have spent increasing sums on border patrol and immigration over the last 30 years and the problem is worse, not better.
But you will go for the excuse for every failed program: We didnt do it enough.
The sad part is we could solve the problem very easily. But the fascist Trumptards are so convinced that hordes of brown people are rushing here to eat up all their cookies they will never go for it.

so far we have not done enough
The excuse for every failed government program. Saul ALinsky is smiling.



just because a shitload of money has been spent

does not mean it has been spent wisely
So the same government that misspent money in the past is going to spend even more money wisely in the future?

So what's your solution, nimrod? You've pooh poohed everything that's been proposed. From your behavior, one might believe that you aren't interested in a solution. You're only interested in finding excuses for doing nothing.
Oh, I see what it is now. You just want to quit, to just give up.
So you want to spend lots of money on something that is ineffective. And this differs from Democrats, how?

We get it, you're anti Trump and this has very little to do with a wall.
You dont get it.
A wall will not solve the immigration problem. The wall will contribute enormously to the deficit. We have spent increasing sums on border patrol and immigration over the last 30 years and the problem is worse, not better.
But you will go for the excuse for every failed program: We didnt do it enough.
The sad part is we could solve the problem very easily. But the fascist Trumptards are so convinced that hordes of brown people are rushing here to eat up all their cookies they will never go for it.
why do we need hordes of brown people rushing here...or any other people for that matter?
If we didnt need them they wouldn't be doing it. Capiche?

We get it, you're anti Trump and this has very little to do with a wall.
You dont get it.
A wall will not solve the immigration problem. The wall will contribute enormously to the deficit. We have spent increasing sums on border patrol and immigration over the last 30 years and the problem is worse, not better.
But you will go for the excuse for every failed program: We didnt do it enough.
The sad part is we could solve the problem very easily. But the fascist Trumptards are so convinced that hordes of brown people are rushing here to eat up all their cookies they will never go for it.
why do we need hordes of brown people rushing here...or any other people for that matter?
If we didnt need them they wouldn't be doing it. Capiche?
Is that why 48 million of our citizens are not in the workforce....because we need brown people to work?
Why arent our citizens picking crops in fields and building roads and doing landscaping work?

Because employers don't want to pay American style wages. They'd rather pay the kind of wages they pay in Mexico, and illegal immigration makes that possible.

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