The U.S. government is set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year

Analysis | The U.S. government is set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year

Recession in 2019? It only makes sense that the man who made his fortune with other people's money is still all about borrowing:

"It was another crazy news week, so it's understandable if you missed a small but important announcement from the Treasury Department: The federal government is on track to borrow nearly $1 trillion this fiscal year — Trump's first full year in charge of the budget.

That's almost double what the government borrowed in fiscal year 2017.

Here are the exact figures: The U.S. Treasury expects to borrow $955 billion this fiscal year, according to a documents released Wednesday. It's the highest amount of borrowing in six years, and a big jump from the $519 billion the federal government borrowed last year.

Treasury mainly attributed the increase to the “fiscal outlook.” The Congressional Budget Office was more blunt. In a report this week, the CBO said tax receipts are going to be lower because of the new tax law.
The uptick in borrowing is yet another complication in the heated debates in Congress over whether to spend more money on infrastructure, the military, disaster relief and other domestic programs. The deficit is already up significantly, even before Congress allots more money to any of these areas.

“We're addicted to debt,” says Marc Goldwein, senior policy director at Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. He blames both parties for the situation.

What's particularly jarring is this is the first time borrowing has jumped this much (as a share of GDP) in a non-recession time since Ronald Reagan was president, says Ernie Tedeschi, a former senior adviser to the U.S. Treasury who is now head of fiscal analysis at Evercore ISI. Under Reagan, borrowing spiked because of a buildup in the military, something Trump is advocating again."
But but but aren’t the republicans the party of fiscal sanity?
In another lifetime maybe.

LOL, both parties work for the same bankers.
He has added to it

Obama cut the deficit by over half

Obama increase the deficit by over half, then cut okay. :itsok:

Idiocy. When did Obama "increase the deficit by over half"

What was Bush highest deficit, what was Obama's, there you have it.

Bush's budget for 2009 - 1.3 Trillion defict.

...anything else?

Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend. Push me further and we'll discuss Obama's Fed printing another $3 trillion dollars to prop up the Obama economy and what Obama blew $800 billion in so called stimulus money on.

The 2009 fiscal year began in October. The funding was largely set by the time Obama reached office. The CBO projected that deficit before Obama was even elected.
He has added to it

Obama cut the deficit by over half

Obama increase the deficit by over half, then cut okay. :itsok:

Idiocy. When did Obama "increase the deficit by over half"

What was Bush highest deficit, what was Obama's, there you have it.

Bush's budget for 2009 - 1.3 Trillion defict.

...anything else?

Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend.

Ignoramus Fiscal Year 2009 was from October 1, 2008, through September 30, 2009.

2009 budget was proposed by Bush in 2008. Obama tagged on another ~150 billion spending for stimulus in that year when he got into office.
Obama increase the deficit by over half, then cut okay. :itsok:

Idiocy. When did Obama "increase the deficit by over half"

What was Bush highest deficit, what was Obama's, there you have it.

Bush's budget for 2009 - 1.3 Trillion defict.

...anything else?

Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend. Push me further and we'll discuss Obama's Fed printing another $3 trillion dollars to prop up the Obama economy and what Obama blew $800 billion in so called stimulus money on.

The 2009 fiscal year began in October. The funding was largely set by the time Obama reached office. The CBO projected that deficit before Obama was even elected.

Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.
rebuild the military is probably the most important thing . And then there is the Trump Border Wall , infrastructure and bridge repairs and other stuff and even Deportations cost money EEFleegle .
All in the why the borrowing now? Where did THAT money go? How do we account for lower anticipated revenues as we spend even more with less?
So we are going to sit here and play the blame game for eternity! I no longer give a shit who is responsible for yesterday, I am more concerned about today! Either we are for deficits or we are not! If we are not for them then we need to hold the people responsible for our government today to change it. Make the current reps aware of our feelings and if they do not change it we vote them out regardless of party, that is how this is supposed to work. So who are you? Not your party? Deficits or no which will it be?
Obama increase the deficit by over half, then cut okay. :itsok:

Idiocy. When did Obama "increase the deficit by over half"

What was Bush highest deficit, what was Obama's, there you have it.

Bush's budget for 2009 - 1.3 Trillion defict.

...anything else?

Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend.

Ignoramus Fiscal Year 2009 was from October 1, 2008, through September 30, 2009.

2009 budget was proposed by Bush in 2008. Obama tagged on another ~150 billion spending for stimulus in that year when he got into office.

No dummy spending was controlled by Democrats during this period, including Obama. :itsok: The so called stimulus spending was over $800 billion, another $53 billion doled out to GM Obama's BFF. $10 trillion added to the national debt and over another $3 trillion added to the Fed's books. That's a shit load for a single president.
Idiocy. When did Obama "increase the deficit by over half"

What was Bush highest deficit, what was Obama's, there you have it.

Bush's budget for 2009 - 1.3 Trillion defict.

...anything else?

Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend. Push me further and we'll discuss Obama's Fed printing another $3 trillion dollars to prop up the Obama economy and what Obama blew $800 billion in so called stimulus money on.

The 2009 fiscal year began in October. The funding was largely set by the time Obama reached office. The CBO projected that deficit before Obama was even elected.

Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.

Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.

rebuild the military is probably the most important thing . And then there is the Trump Border Wall , infrastructure and bridge repairs and other stuff and even Deportations cost money EEFleegle .
All in the why the borrowing now? Where did THAT money go? How do we account for lower anticipated revenues as we spend even more with less?
So we are going to sit here and play the blame game for eternity! I no longer give a shit who is responsible for yesterday, I am more concerned about today! Either we are for deficits or we are not! If we are not for them then we need to hold the people responsible for our government today to change it. Make the current reps aware of our feelings and if they do not change it we vote them out regardless of party, that is how this is supposed to work. So who are you? Not your party? Deficits or no which will it be?

That's not how it works. They do what they are told to do by the Bankers they work for. That's why we will be in a War soon.
What was Bush highest deficit, what was Obama's, there you have it.

Bush's budget for 2009 - 1.3 Trillion defict.

...anything else?

Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend. Push me further and we'll discuss Obama's Fed printing another $3 trillion dollars to prop up the Obama economy and what Obama blew $800 billion in so called stimulus money on.

The 2009 fiscal year began in October. The funding was largely set by the time Obama reached office. The CBO projected that deficit before Obama was even elected.

Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.

Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.


AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
Bush's budget for 2009 - 1.3 Trillion defict.

...anything else?

Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend. Push me further and we'll discuss Obama's Fed printing another $3 trillion dollars to prop up the Obama economy and what Obama blew $800 billion in so called stimulus money on.

The 2009 fiscal year began in October. The funding was largely set by the time Obama reached office. The CBO projected that deficit before Obama was even elected.

Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.

Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.


AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?
Idiocy. When did Obama "increase the deficit by over half"

What was Bush highest deficit, what was Obama's, there you have it.

Bush's budget for 2009 - 1.3 Trillion defict.

...anything else?

Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend.

Ignoramus Fiscal Year 2009 was from October 1, 2008, through September 30, 2009.

2009 budget was proposed by Bush in 2008. Obama tagged on another ~150 billion spending for stimulus in that year when he got into office.

No dummy spending was controlled by Democrats

No it wasn't you ignorant moron,

Half of the deficit was implosion of revenues during Great Recession.
The other half was government spending increase to address Great Recession (Bailouts directed by Bush administration and Stimulus by Obama's administration)
what you don't know the GOP needs nine democrats to create a budget? are you truly that naive? oh yeah cause you didn't vote.

This has been going on for decades you moron, it is not a new thing.

and where did you ever get the idea I didn't vote? damn partisan lair.
Cut domestic spending and make illegals and legal immigrants ineligible for public assistance. Problem solved.

Suddenly Lefty has an issue with deficits? Why weren't they screaming at the $11 Trllion flushed down the drain by Obama?

Also I take issue with this article. It is very suspect. So Lefty is Lying Again, especially when THE CBO contradicts him.

"The staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation determined that provisions in the Chairman’s amendment would increase deficits over the 2018-2027 period by $1.4 trillion (not including the macroeconomic effects of enacting the legislation). By CBO’s estimate, additional debt service would boost the 10-year increase in deficits to $1.7 trillion. CBO’s June 2017 baseline projects that debt held by the public in 2027 will be 91.2 percent of gross domestic product. As a result of those higher deficits, debt held by the public in that year, under H.R. 1, would be about 6 percent greater, reaching 97.1 percent of gross domestic product."

Estimated deficits and debt under the Chairman’s amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Deficit spending is actually going down. It's the first time in 8 years that the debt is actually LESS than the GDP, and the Deficit without adjusting for Growth in the economy is $1.7 Trillion over 10 years, not like Obama's $11 Trillion in 8 years.

If you cannot come in here with an honest argument, please go play in the traffic or simply stop exhaling C02.
What was Bush highest deficit, what was Obama's, there you have it.

Bush's budget for 2009 - 1.3 Trillion defict.

...anything else?

Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend.

Ignoramus Fiscal Year 2009 was from October 1, 2008, through September 30, 2009.

2009 budget was proposed by Bush in 2008. Obama tagged on another ~150 billion spending for stimulus in that year when he got into office.

No dummy spending was controlled by Democrats

No it wasn't you ignorant moron,

Half of the deficit was implosion of revenues during Great Recession.
The other half was government spending increase to address Great Recession (Bailouts directed by Bush administration and Stimulus by Obama's administration)

Ahahaha denial the final step in liberal surrender.
Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend. Push me further and we'll discuss Obama's Fed printing another $3 trillion dollars to prop up the Obama economy and what Obama blew $800 billion in so called stimulus money on.

The 2009 fiscal year began in October. The funding was largely set by the time Obama reached office. The CBO projected that deficit before Obama was even elected.

Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.

Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.


AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?

Holy shit a rational question. The answer is no, it does not matter. Idiot politicians have sunk us so far in debt there is only one solution. Spending cuts would be like shooting spit wads at the problem now. The only solution is to grow our way out of the mess, economic growth and not marginal growth like we had over the past 8 years while piling on another $13 trillion dollars but serious economic growth. The kind of growth Trump is pushing.

Here are a couple of sobering country or group of countries are wealthy enough to bail out the U.S. You can bail out a Greece size country, but there's not safety net for the U.S. Second, every major world power in all of human history has failed and gone belly up every last one of them so don't think it can't happen to the U.S.
Analysis | The U.S. government is set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year

Recession in 2019? It only makes sense that the man who made his fortune with other people's money is still all about borrowing:

"It was another crazy news week, so it's understandable if you missed a small but important announcement from the Treasury Department: The federal government is on track to borrow nearly $1 trillion this fiscal year — Trump's first full year in charge of the budget.

That's almost double what the government borrowed in fiscal year 2017.

Here are the exact figures: The U.S. Treasury expects to borrow $955 billion this fiscal year, according to a documents released Wednesday. It's the highest amount of borrowing in six years, and a big jump from the $519 billion the federal government borrowed last year.

Treasury mainly attributed the increase to the “fiscal outlook.” The Congressional Budget Office was more blunt. In a report this week, the CBO said tax receipts are going to be lower because of the new tax law.
The uptick in borrowing is yet another complication in the heated debates in Congress over whether to spend more money on infrastructure, the military, disaster relief and other domestic programs. The deficit is already up significantly, even before Congress allots more money to any of these areas.

“We're addicted to debt,” says Marc Goldwein, senior policy director at Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. He blames both parties for the situation.

What's particularly jarring is this is the first time borrowing has jumped this much (as a share of GDP) in a non-recession time since Ronald Reagan was president, says Ernie Tedeschi, a former senior adviser to the U.S. Treasury who is now head of fiscal analysis at Evercore ISI. Under Reagan, borrowing spiked because of a buildup in the military, something Trump is advocating again."
/----/ After Obozo decimated the military, Trump has to rebuild it. Same thing happened to Reagan and GWB.
This is why the debt has jumped?? But..we have done nothing yet to rebuild..that is still in the future!

Blaming this on your favorite whipping boy is not going to work here. BTW...Obama did not 'Decimate' the military. His administration did spend less..they also did less. There was a draw-down from post-9/11 levels--not quite the same thing at all.

You just wish to ignore that reduced revenues are going to result in even more borrowing....and the result may well be a recession.
while you ignore obama printing money like it was going out of style?

funny you get onto people for the blame game but obama blamed bush for at least his first 4 years.
What does any of that have to do with the topic at hand? Obama is the past...although I will point out that he had to deal with a recession so bad, history calls it "The Great Recession". What and who Obama "blamed" has no relevance here.
My point..and the point of the article, is that Decreased Revenue, coupled with increased spending, will result in a higher deficit and an increased dependence on borrowing. The pie in the sky assertion that the ramped- up economy will make up for the shortfall is ludicrous.

If you have something that shows me that I'm wrong..please post it.
i find it ironically funny when the left screams out OBAMA IS IN THE PAST, HUSH! when said obama bitched at bush for 4+ years and blamed him. i didn't see you tell obama "hey, bush is in the past..." did i just miss it? asking because i'm sure you're consistent.
Bush's budget for 2009 - 1.3 Trillion defict.

...anything else?

Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend.

Ignoramus Fiscal Year 2009 was from October 1, 2008, through September 30, 2009.

2009 budget was proposed by Bush in 2008. Obama tagged on another ~150 billion spending for stimulus in that year when he got into office.

No dummy spending was controlled by Democrats

No it wasn't you ignorant moron,

Half of the deficit was implosion of revenues during Great Recession.
The other half was government spending increase to address Great Recession (Bailouts directed by Bush administration and Stimulus by Obama's administration)

Ahahaha denial the final step in liberal surrender.
You fucks are not interested in our counrty all you wanna do is mud sling! Lefty bad, righty bad is all you can do. Take a fucking real stand you peices of shit! Are you for dficits or not and if you are against them are willing to vote out your rep for not acting regardless of party. Or if you ar4e for them are you willing to vote out those who do not act regardless of party? If not you might as well kiss your democrocy good by, no one gets held accountable!
The 2009 fiscal year began in October. The funding was largely set by the time Obama reached office. The CBO projected that deficit before Obama was even elected.

Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.

Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.


AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?

Holy shit a rational question. The answer is no, it does not matter. Idiot politicians have sunk us so far in debt there is only one solution. Spending cuts would be like shooting spit wads at the problem now. The only solution is to grow our way out of the mess, economic growth and not marginal growth like we had over the past 8 years while piling on another $13 trillion dollars but serious economic growth. The kind of growth Trump is pushing.

Here are a couple of sobering country or group of countries are wealthy enough to bail out the U.S. You can bail out a Greece size country, but there's not safety net for the U.S. Second, every major world power in all of human history has failed and gone belly up every last one of them so don't think it can't happen to the U.S.

That or cancel the Debt to The Fed which is entirely legal, since they are a Contractor, and Federal Reserve Notes are Private Bank Notes and Instruments of Debt and ARE NOT CONSTITUTIONAL CURRENCY.

Simply tell the fed they have made $100 Trillion on the US taxpayer for allowing us to use their bank notes, and they should be happy with that.

Game over.

Print Treasury Notes again, and fractionally back them with precious metals.

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