The U.S. government is set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year

The 2009 fiscal year began in October. The funding was largely set by the time Obama reached office. The CBO projected that deficit before Obama was even elected.

Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.

Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.


AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?

Holy shit a rational question. The answer is no, it does not matter. Idiot politicians have sunk us so far in debt there is only one solution. Spending cuts would be like shooting spit wads at the problem now. The only solution is to grow our way out of the mess, economic growth and not marginal growth like we had over the past 8 years while piling on another $13 trillion dollars but serious economic growth. The kind of growth Trump is pushing.

Here are a couple of sobering country or group of countries are wealthy enough to bail out the U.S. You can bail out a Greece size country, but there's not safety net for the U.S. Second, every major world power in all of human history has failed and gone belly up every last one of them so don't think it can't happen to the U.S.
Thank you for some honesty. Now we know where you realy stand! This is progress, I got a lot better information as to what you actually want for this country and how to get there instead of who fucked us! If we want to drain the swamp the real way is to not allow our parties to play the blame game! It is to send a message that vote the way we want you to or look for a new job regardless of party! If we as a voting populace say shrink the deficit or go home and then back that at the next election then they will start to act. This loyalty to party voting and the blame game must stop!
Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.

Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.


AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?

Holy shit a rational question. The answer is no, it does not matter. Idiot politicians have sunk us so far in debt there is only one solution. Spending cuts would be like shooting spit wads at the problem now. The only solution is to grow our way out of the mess, economic growth and not marginal growth like we had over the past 8 years while piling on another $13 trillion dollars but serious economic growth. The kind of growth Trump is pushing.

Here are a couple of sobering country or group of countries are wealthy enough to bail out the U.S. You can bail out a Greece size country, but there's not safety net for the U.S. Second, every major world power in all of human history has failed and gone belly up every last one of them so don't think it can't happen to the U.S.

That or cancel the Debt to The Fed which is entirely legal, since they are a Contractor, and Federal Reserve Notes are Private Bank Notes and Instruments of Debt and ARE NOT CONSTITUTIONAL CURRENCY.

Simply tell the fed they have made $100 Trillion on the US taxpayer for allowing us to use their bank notes, and they should be happy with that.

Game over.

Print Treasury Notes again, and fractionally back them with precious metals.
See I love this solutions instead of blame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Real answers to real fucking problems it almost gives me goose bumps! I feel as though I traveled back into time when people sat and thought about solutions instead of blame. People are spitting out possible solutions! I fucking love it! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what you don't know the GOP needs nine democrats to create a budget? are you truly that naive? oh yeah cause you didn't vote.

This has been going on for decades you moron, it is not a new thing.

and where did you ever get the idea I didn't vote? damn partisan lair.
a vote outside the demolosers or repubs, is a no vote, you know this right? LOL. and for over a decade it's taken the dems to create a budget. you know this right? dude, you are so fking stupid.
Obama was president in 2009 and Democrats controlled congress and spending from 2007 to 2010. Facts are not your friend. Push me further and we'll discuss Obama's Fed printing another $3 trillion dollars to prop up the Obama economy and what Obama blew $800 billion in so called stimulus money on.

The 2009 fiscal year began in October. The funding was largely set by the time Obama reached office. The CBO projected that deficit before Obama was even elected.

Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.

Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.


AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?
dude, that was the reason for Trump. And you all battle that. so you don't want it to end. you love a nonfunctioning government.
Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.

Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.


AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?

Holy shit a rational question. The answer is no, it does not matter. Idiot politicians have sunk us so far in debt there is only one solution. Spending cuts would be like shooting spit wads at the problem now. The only solution is to grow our way out of the mess, economic growth and not marginal growth like we had over the past 8 years while piling on another $13 trillion dollars but serious economic growth. The kind of growth Trump is pushing.

Here are a couple of sobering country or group of countries are wealthy enough to bail out the U.S. You can bail out a Greece size country, but there's not safety net for the U.S. Second, every major world power in all of human history has failed and gone belly up every last one of them so don't think it can't happen to the U.S.
Thank you for some honesty. Now we know where you realy stand! This is progress, I got a lot better information as to what you actually want for this country and how to get there instead of who fucked us! If we want to drain the swamp the real way is to not allow our parties to play the blame game! It is to send a message that vote the way we want you to or look for a new job regardless of party! If we as a voting populace say shrink the deficit or go home and then back that at the next election then they will start to act. This loyalty to party voting and the blame game must stop!
it takes the media to get out being a pawn for the dems. no other way. as long as partisan lies are main stream headlines, the people will never do the right thing. I voted trump to drain the swamp. It's working to some degree. the corruption is quite highlighted today. spending is the issue when you can't match revenue with spending. you won't get more revenue to offset the spending ever. There is absolutely no way!!!!
what you don't know the GOP needs nine democrats to create a budget? are you truly that naive? oh yeah cause you didn't vote.

This has been going on for decades you moron, it is not a new thing.

and where did you ever get the idea I didn't vote? damn partisan lair.
a vote outside the demolosers or repubs, is a no vote, you know this right? LOL. and for over a decade it's taken the dems to create a budget. you know this right? dude, you are so fking stupid.

So, you have bought into that lie from the two parties. Why am I not surprised.

I vote for whom I think is the best candidate, period. I refuse to be a slave to one party or the other like you have chosen to be.

It is a waste of time to even talk to you, everything bad is the Dems and the Repubs are fucking perfect examples of life.

How can anyone be this stupid, but then again you are the guy that said 260,000,000 Americans are hoping the North Koreans beat the US athletes. So, I guess nothing would surprise me from you.
Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.


AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?

Holy shit a rational question. The answer is no, it does not matter. Idiot politicians have sunk us so far in debt there is only one solution. Spending cuts would be like shooting spit wads at the problem now. The only solution is to grow our way out of the mess, economic growth and not marginal growth like we had over the past 8 years while piling on another $13 trillion dollars but serious economic growth. The kind of growth Trump is pushing.

Here are a couple of sobering country or group of countries are wealthy enough to bail out the U.S. You can bail out a Greece size country, but there's not safety net for the U.S. Second, every major world power in all of human history has failed and gone belly up every last one of them so don't think it can't happen to the U.S.

That or cancel the Debt to The Fed which is entirely legal, since they are a Contractor, and Federal Reserve Notes are Private Bank Notes and Instruments of Debt and ARE NOT CONSTITUTIONAL CURRENCY.

Simply tell the fed they have made $100 Trillion on the US taxpayer for allowing us to use their bank notes, and they should be happy with that.

Game over.

Print Treasury Notes again, and fractionally back them with precious metals.
See I love this solutions instead of blame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Real answers to real fucking problems it almost gives me goose bumps! I feel as though I traveled back into time when people sat and thought about solutions instead of blame. People are spitting out possible solutions! I fucking love it! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1% cut across the board. I've said that many times in here. solutions have been given until I get laughter from the left who want their illegals.
what you don't know the GOP needs nine democrats to create a budget? are you truly that naive? oh yeah cause you didn't vote.

This has been going on for decades you moron, it is not a new thing.

and where did you ever get the idea I didn't vote? damn partisan lair.
a vote outside the demolosers or repubs, is a no vote, you know this right? LOL. and for over a decade it's taken the dems to create a budget. you know this right? dude, you are so fking stupid.

So, you have bought into that lie from the two parties. Why am I not surprised.

I vote for whom I think is the best candidate, period. I refuse to be a slave to one party or the other like you have chosen to be.

It is a waste of time to even talk to you, everything bad is the Dems and the Repubs are fucking perfect examples of life.

How can anyone be this stupid, but then again you are the guy that said 260,000,000 Americans are hoping the North Koreans beat the US athletes. So, I guess nothing would surprise me from you.
no, reality from all previous elections, it's either a democrat or republican. the third party merely gives one or the other the win. so it becomes a non vote.
Last edited:
The 2009 fiscal year began in October. The funding was largely set by the time Obama reached office. The CBO projected that deficit before Obama was even elected.

Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.

Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.


AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?
dude, that was the reason for Trump. And you all battle that. so you don't want it to end. you love a nonfunctioning government.
No I do not that is why I am steering away from R and D and blame and focusing on the issue! I am against deficits and will watch how my reps vote! They vote my way or it is the high way regardless of the R or D in front. This is my contract to all of you. I am against asset forfeture vote my way or bye bye. I am against extedning of the patriot act. Line with me on these issues or you do not get my vote regardless of party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me correct you, the funding was largely set BY DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED CONGRESS AND OBAMA by the time Obama reached office.

Even the CATO institute, a flagrantly right wing Libertarian think tank contradicts you. The CBO was projecting those deficits before Obama was even elected. The 2009 fiscal year didn't begin until October 2009.


AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?
dude, that was the reason for Trump. And you all battle that. so you don't want it to end. you love a nonfunctioning government.
No I do not that is why I am steering away from R and D and blame and focusing on the issue! I am against deficits and will watch how my reps vote! They vote my way or it is the high way regardless of the R or D in front. This is my contract to all of you. I am against asset forfeture vote my way or bye bye. I am against extedning of the patriot act. Line with me on these issues or you do not get my vote regardless of party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm exactly the same way. again, I'm republican and all my senators are left and ain't going anywhere cause illinois is the most corrupt state in the union outside California. When flat out liars win election after election and I never ever voted for them, doesn't help my cause. I have to seek another avenue. Trump.
AND...wait for it...Democrats controlled spending since 2007. I'm going to keep reminding you dishonest hacks.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?

Holy shit a rational question. The answer is no, it does not matter. Idiot politicians have sunk us so far in debt there is only one solution. Spending cuts would be like shooting spit wads at the problem now. The only solution is to grow our way out of the mess, economic growth and not marginal growth like we had over the past 8 years while piling on another $13 trillion dollars but serious economic growth. The kind of growth Trump is pushing.

Here are a couple of sobering country or group of countries are wealthy enough to bail out the U.S. You can bail out a Greece size country, but there's not safety net for the U.S. Second, every major world power in all of human history has failed and gone belly up every last one of them so don't think it can't happen to the U.S.

That or cancel the Debt to The Fed which is entirely legal, since they are a Contractor, and Federal Reserve Notes are Private Bank Notes and Instruments of Debt and ARE NOT CONSTITUTIONAL CURRENCY.

Simply tell the fed they have made $100 Trillion on the US taxpayer for allowing us to use their bank notes, and they should be happy with that.

Game over.

Print Treasury Notes again, and fractionally back them with precious metals.
See I love this solutions instead of blame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Real answers to real fucking problems it almost gives me goose bumps! I feel as though I traveled back into time when people sat and thought about solutions instead of blame. People are spitting out possible solutions! I fucking love it! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1% cut across the board. I've said that many times in here. solutions have been given until I get laughter from the left who want their illegals.
Leave the left out of it and explain your 1% acoss the board more please!
no, reality from all previous elections, it's either a democrat of republican. the third party merely gives one or the other the win. so it becomes a non vote.

it is what is known as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

A third party cannot win because nobody will vote for them, and nobody will vote for them because they cannot win.

Besides using your "logic", a vote for a Dem in Utah becomes a non-vote because a Dem does not win in Utah. This can get pretty stupid, pretty fast.
Analysis | The U.S. government is set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year

Recession in 2019? It only makes sense that the man who made his fortune with other people's money is still all about borrowing:

"It was another crazy news week, so it's understandable if you missed a small but important announcement from the Treasury Department: The federal government is on track to borrow nearly $1 trillion this fiscal year — Trump's first full year in charge of the budget.

That's almost double what the government borrowed in fiscal year 2017.

Here are the exact figures: The U.S. Treasury expects to borrow $955 billion this fiscal year, according to a documents released Wednesday. It's the highest amount of borrowing in six years, and a big jump from the $519 billion the federal government borrowed last year.

Treasury mainly attributed the increase to the “fiscal outlook.” The Congressional Budget Office was more blunt. In a report this week, the CBO said tax receipts are going to be lower because of the new tax law.
The uptick in borrowing is yet another complication in the heated debates in Congress over whether to spend more money on infrastructure, the military, disaster relief and other domestic programs. The deficit is already up significantly, even before Congress allots more money to any of these areas.

“We're addicted to debt,” says Marc Goldwein, senior policy director at Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. He blames both parties for the situation.

What's particularly jarring is this is the first time borrowing has jumped this much (as a share of GDP) in a non-recession time since Ronald Reagan was president, says Ernie Tedeschi, a former senior adviser to the U.S. Treasury who is now head of fiscal analysis at Evercore ISI. Under Reagan, borrowing spiked because of a buildup in the military, something Trump is advocating again."
/----/ After Obozo decimated the military, Trump has to rebuild it. Same thing happened to Reagan and GWB.
Still pushing those Zombie lies about the military being decimated I see. We do however need more fighter jets to combat the Taliban’s fighter jets.
Oh wait. They don’t have any.
Let’s spend about $100 billion on what we don’t need anyway.
/----/ The Taliban has no tanks, submarines, satellites or ICBMs either so lets get rid of ours. Your simplistic thought process is why we can never trust our national security to Liberals.
You see my question is, does it matter? We are in the spot we are in period, keep shuffling blame and it continues. The real question is when will we as americans quit allowing this and hold the current reps responible for what they do! I ask you again are you against deficits? If so are you willing to vote out your rep if they do not act regardless of thier political party?

Holy shit a rational question. The answer is no, it does not matter. Idiot politicians have sunk us so far in debt there is only one solution. Spending cuts would be like shooting spit wads at the problem now. The only solution is to grow our way out of the mess, economic growth and not marginal growth like we had over the past 8 years while piling on another $13 trillion dollars but serious economic growth. The kind of growth Trump is pushing.

Here are a couple of sobering country or group of countries are wealthy enough to bail out the U.S. You can bail out a Greece size country, but there's not safety net for the U.S. Second, every major world power in all of human history has failed and gone belly up every last one of them so don't think it can't happen to the U.S.

That or cancel the Debt to The Fed which is entirely legal, since they are a Contractor, and Federal Reserve Notes are Private Bank Notes and Instruments of Debt and ARE NOT CONSTITUTIONAL CURRENCY.

Simply tell the fed they have made $100 Trillion on the US taxpayer for allowing us to use their bank notes, and they should be happy with that.

Game over.

Print Treasury Notes again, and fractionally back them with precious metals.
See I love this solutions instead of blame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Real answers to real fucking problems it almost gives me goose bumps! I feel as though I traveled back into time when people sat and thought about solutions instead of blame. People are spitting out possible solutions! I fucking love it! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1% cut across the board. I've said that many times in here. solutions have been given until I get laughter from the left who want their illegals.
Leave the left out of it and explain your 1% acoss the board more please!
cut spending on every program 1%. That is a huge decrease in spending.
no, reality from all previous elections, it's either a democrat or republican. the third party merely gives one or the other the win. so it becomes a non vote.

it is what is known as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

A third party cannot win because nobody will vote for them, and nobody will vote for them because they cannot win.

Besides using your "logic", a vote for a Dem in Utah becomes a non-vote because a Dem does not win in Utah. This can get pretty stupid, pretty fast.
well I have history.
/----/ After Obozo decimated the military, Trump has to rebuild it. Same thing happened to Reagan and GWB.
This is why the debt has jumped?? But..we have done nothing yet to rebuild..that is still in the future!

Blaming this on your favorite whipping boy is not going to work here. BTW...Obama did not 'Decimate' the military. His administration did spend less..they also did less. There was a draw-down from post-9/11 levels--not quite the same thing at all.

You just wish to ignore that reduced revenues are going to result in even more borrowing....and the result may well be a recession.
while you ignore obama printing money like it was going out of style?

funny you get onto people for the blame game but obama blamed bush for at least his first 4 years.
What does any of that have to do with the topic at hand? Obama is the past...although I will point out that he had to deal with a recession so bad, history calls it "The Great Recession". What and who Obama "blamed" has no relevance here.
My point..and the point of the article, is that Decreased Revenue, coupled with increased spending, will result in a higher deficit and an increased dependence on borrowing. The pie in the sky assertion that the ramped- up economy will make up for the shortfall is ludicrous.

If you have something that shows me that I'm wrong..please post it.
/----/ " history calls it The Great Recession". " History calls it? Well I called HISTORY and he had no idea what you're talking about.
View attachment 175042

Did you? Are you sure you didn't smoke dope and called your uncle instead?

The Great Recession | Federal Reserve History
/----/ Written by Robert Rich -- how is that "HISTORY?" Just his opinion. You idiot. BTW Obozo declared the recession over in 2010. Not so great, eh? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA
what you don't know the GOP needs nine democrats to create a budget? are you truly that naive? oh yeah cause you didn't vote.

This has been going on for decades you moron, it is not a new thing.

and where did you ever get the idea I didn't vote? damn partisan lair.
a vote outside the demolosers or repubs, is a no vote, you know this right? LOL. and for over a decade it's taken the dems to create a budget. you know this right? dude, you are so fking stupid.

So, you have bought into that lie from the two parties. Why am I not surprised.

I vote for whom I think is the best candidate, period. I refuse to be a slave to one party or the other like you have chosen to be.

It is a waste of time to even talk to you, everything bad is the Dems and the Repubs are fucking perfect examples of life.

How can anyone be this stupid, but then again you are the guy that said 260,000,000 Americans are hoping the North Koreans beat the US athletes. So, I guess nothing would surprise me from you.

Cute. You can't even see that YOU have bought into the very same lie.
A) Neither "Party" wants to change ANYTHING
B) Neither Party CAN fix anything.

You still think that the Gov has control of monetary policy. Until Americans figure out that they DON'T have control of monetary policy NOTHING can be done.
/----/ After Obozo decimated the military, Trump has to rebuild it. Same thing happened to Reagan and GWB.
This is why the debt has jumped?? But..we have done nothing yet to rebuild..that is still in the future!

Blaming this on your favorite whipping boy is not going to work here. BTW...Obama did not 'Decimate' the military. His administration did spend less..they also did less. There was a draw-down from post-9/11 levels--not quite the same thing at all.

You just wish to ignore that reduced revenues are going to result in even more borrowing....and the result may well be a recession.
while you ignore obama printing money like it was going out of style?

funny you get onto people for the blame game but obama blamed bush for at least his first 4 years.
What does any of that have to do with the topic at hand? Obama is the past...although I will point out that he had to deal with a recession so bad, history calls it "The Great Recession". What and who Obama "blamed" has no relevance here.
My point..and the point of the article, is that Decreased Revenue, coupled with increased spending, will result in a higher deficit and an increased dependence on borrowing. The pie in the sky assertion that the ramped- up economy will make up for the shortfall is ludicrous.

If you have something that shows me that I'm wrong..please post it.
/----/ " history calls it The Great Recession". " History calls it? Well I called HISTORY and he had no idea what you're talking about.
View attachment 175042

It is correctly known as the Great Bush Recession of 2018
/-----/ "It is correctly known as the Great Bush Recession of 2018" 2018????? We're in a Bush recession after 8 years of Obozo? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA

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