The U.S. Need Not be divided forever-The Case for Blood and Iron

That's where we differ: You say "Without George Bush there would be no Afghanistan and Iraq" and I say "Without al Qaeda, the Taliban, and radical Islam there would be no Afghanistan and Iraq."

You say "Without Donald Trump there would be no coronavirus" and I say "Without China there would be no cvoronavirus."

See the difference? I'm glad we had this little discussion. It's always a good thing to set you youngsters straight about how things work in this world.

And Iraq had 'what?' to do with the Taliban and al Qaeda again?
Without the US propping up dictatorships like SA there might not be any al Qaeda

Funny, we can't make Afghanistan or Iraq turn out the way we want, with decade long occupations and support,

but, at the same time, every other dictatorship in the ME, is because we are supporting them?

Man, where did all those brilliant...masterminds go, when we really needed them? Is there a massive no talking WALL between the MASTERMINDS of Dictator Supporters, and the Military? LOL!!!
I already posted the total.

From 2008-2016, 2,499 U.S. soldiers were killed in Afghanistan and Iraq under President Obama.

—2,499 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq so far under President Obama, according to the independent Iraq Coalition Casualty Count.

—Of those, 1,906 have been killed in and around Afghanistan, and 593 in Iraq.

—Under Obama, the United States has been at war for 2,687 days. That’s longer than under George W. Bush — or any other U.S. president, for that matter.

—Obama has conducted airstrikes on seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria. (That’s three more countries than George W. Bush bombed.)

—U.S. combat forces are deployed on the ground in three countries: Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. That’s one more war than Obama inherited, and which his successor will likely have to contend with.

Obama Is Longest Wartime President In History

Meh. That's just politics. Without George Bush there would be no Afghanistan and Iraq. Wanna put up Bush's numbers in terms of deaths?
And for the past four years of Obama's presidency, he seriously downgraded the number of troops in both countries, thus the massive decline in deaths in those four years.

You see, this is why political discourse is so sour in the US. Total dishonesty - and yes, both parties do it. The link from your piece is from a self-affirming conservative site. They are more interested in the win (HEY! OBAMA HAS BEEN IN IRAQ LONGER THAN BUSH!!!). To which I say "So the fuck what? Give us the minutiae. Give use the bigger picture., not just a sound bite."

I equate it to something like this:
What I said: George Washington wanted to make sure all little boys and girls got a good education
How the right wing media would report it: George Washington is a pedo...

LOL. You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama escalated the war in Afghanistan and he started that filthy bombing war in Libya for nothing that threaten the US. He fought the war in Iraq for three years.

The inability of the Left to understand that they are assholes is a great example of why we have a division in this country.
Some have the capacity to communicate, collaborate, innovate and get America back on track.

Those who lack that capacity are best left out of the conversation. They are the problem.

That's exactly what Trump did: Communicate, innovate, and got America back on track again.

Unfortunately, your side refused to participate in it.
holy shit

Yeah, that non-stop shit storm of name-calling, personal insults, comical hyperbole and transparent lies really should have been appreciated more.

You started it. He is our answer to you. And the next answer will be worse.
Wow, you're really, really gone now.

Some have the capacity to communicate, collaborate, innovate and get America back on track.

Those who lack that capacity are best left out of the conversation. They are the problem.

Back on track becoming a vassal state of China
There may never be American patriotism again.
You can't win against an entire education system from kindergarten through college where it is taboo to teach American loyalty. In fact, they do the opposite.
As I have wrote a couple times about in the past, all over the United States, cities and small towns alike - monuments/statues plaques etc. that stood, untouched, for decades... some a century old, over the past 20 years have been removed due to constant vandalism. Why? It isn't "teens being teens"... thesa statues stood for 50 years and longer of teenagers - and they were never touched. And then all of a sudden, across the whole country, they are vandalized within a 10 - 15 year period. Why??
Instead our youth see America as a fundamentally bad country. And that belief is overwhelmingly based on lies and half truths.
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That's where we differ: You say "Without George Bush there would be no Afghanistan and Iraq" and I say "Without al Qaeda, the Taliban, and radical Islam there would be no Afghanistan and Iraq."

You say "Without Donald Trump there would be no coronavirus" and I say "Without China there would be no cvoronavirus."

See the difference? I'm glad we had this little discussion. It's always a good thing to set you youngsters straight about how things work in this world.

And Iraq had 'what?' to do with the Taliban and al Qaeda again?
Without the US propping up dictatorships like SA there might not be any al Qaeda

These Democrats like Clinton, Kerry, Pelosi, Biden, etc that supported the invasion of Iraq were reall dumbasse, weren't they?

You didn't vote for any of those dumbasses for President, did you?
That's where we differ: You say "Without George Bush there would be no Afghanistan and Iraq" and I say "Without al Qaeda, the Taliban, and radical Islam there would be no Afghanistan and Iraq."

You say "Without Donald Trump there would be no coronavirus" and I say "Without China there would be no cvoronavirus."

See the difference? I'm glad we had this little discussion. It's always a good thing to set you youngsters straight about how things work in this world.

And Iraq had 'what?' to do with the Taliban and al Qaeda again?
Without the US propping up dictatorships like SA there might not be any al Qaeda

These Democrats like Clinton, Kerry, Pelosi, Biden, etc that supported the invasion of Iraq were reall dumbasse, weren't they?

You didn't vote for any of those dumbasses for President, did you?

He can't vote for anyone, as he's not even a citizen of the US. Grump is what you call "foreign interference" in our elections.
We were unified on 911
Considered a 2nd Pearl Harbor, wished for by Neocons-

But we were unified for awhile, right? Why didn't the same thing happen during the pandemic?
I honestly believe that had the Chinese attacked the US with Trump in power they would have fought for them
Their parts of the nation will be like France in WW 2 if the Chinese invaded. .

Why would the Chinese try to invade?
Blood and Iron (speech) - Wikipedia

The term coined by Bismarck often used to refer to the militarism and nationalism that helped create modern Germany. There are few things better to unite a people and a nation than a (perceived) external threat or a crusade to eliminate that threat and consolidate the power of a nation.

Personally, I've very tired of hearing about how divided the United States is and some repeatedly suggesting the U.S. needs to break up.

Wouldn't it be worth it to unite our country and give us renewed national purpose for at least a couple of decades or more?
Wouldn't it be worth it to save our nation?
I think the Orange Turd tried that with Me-heeko
Some have the capacity to communicate, collaborate, innovate and get America back on track.

Those who lack that capacity are best left out of the conversation. They are the problem.

That's exactly what Trump did: Communicate, innovate, and got America back on track again.

Unfortunately, your side refused to participate in it.

You call more than 300,000 American deaths being 'Back on Track"?!?!?!?

Yes, we liberals refused to participate in that!
Some have the capacity to communicate, collaborate, innovate and get America back on track.

Those who lack that capacity are best left out of the conversation. They are the problem.

That's exactly what Trump did: Communicate, innovate, and got America back on track again.

Unfortunately, your side refused to participate in it.

You call more than 300,000 American deaths being 'Back on Track"?!?!?!?

Yes, we liberals refused to participate in that!

You participated completely
You Bubblecultists are truly the stupidest of the stupid
Fuck diplomacy; hasn't worked since post WWI.
Your knowledge of current events amongst nations sucks.

You're never read about NK firing nukes towards Japan?

You're so ignorant of anything outside of your Liberal bubble, you're not worth my time.

It works all the time. There have been regional and minor conflicts since WWII but there has also been plenty of times when we have come back from the brink. Cuban Missile Crisis, anyone? So diplomacy has worked many times. I guess warmongers like you just love conflict.

They fired missiles, not Nukes. Christ, I even spelt it out for you.

I'd put my knowledge of current world affairs above yours any day of the week.
CNN...The biggest Ass Kissers when it comes to learning how important it is to bribe nations into loving you.
Isn't that what one of the things this President has accomplished? Not to mention peace in the ME, energy independence, the strongest military in the world, no more American soldiers dying, and the destruction of ISIS and al Qaeda?

No, no, no, no, no and no.....he is responsible for very little or none of it.
Peace in the ME? With UAE??? Are you serious.

ISIS and al Qaeda were well on their way to being dismantled before he came along. Well under way.
Strongest military in the world? Interesting point. However, has there been a time since WWII when the US hasn't been the strongest military in the world under any president? Christ, you have so many nukes you don't even need a regular military. Just threaten to unlock the codes and that tends to shut the like of N Korea up pretty quickly.

Dunno about energy independence.

From 2012 to 2016, 34 US service men and women died in Iraq (not sure of the cause)
From 2017-2020, 59 US service men and women died in Iraq (not sure of the cause)
you have so many nukes you don't even need a regular military. Just threaten to unlock the codes and that tends to shut the like of N Korea up pretty quickly.
Which is exactly what Trump did.
But since Trump did it, it's not good.
If a D does it, it will be good..
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Has NK bothered anyone since?
Some have the capacity to communicate, collaborate, innovate and get America back on track.

Those who lack that capacity are best left out of the conversation. They are the problem.

That's exactly what Trump did: Communicate, innovate, and got America back on track again.

Unfortunately, your side refused to participate in it.

You call more than 300,000 American deaths being 'Back on Track"?!?!?!?

Yes, we liberals refused to participate in that!
I’m waiting for you to cry about Chicago.

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