The un-celebrity president: Jimmy Carter shuns riches, lives modestly in his Georgia hometown

You said he didn’t-
“The hostage crisis was his downfall. Carters attempts to remain calm and avoid a military response was viewed as weakness.”

He did attempt a military response, and didn’t try again.


President Carter’s efforts to bring an end to the hostage crisis soon became one of his foremost priorities. In April 1980, frustrated with the slow pace of diplomacy (and over the objections of several of his advisers), Carter decided to launch a risky military rescue mission known as Operation Eagle Claw. The operation was supposed to send an elite rescue team into the embassy compound. However, a severe desert sandstorm on the day of the mission caused several helicopters to malfunction, including one that veered into a large transport plane during takeoff. Eight American servicemen were killed in the accident, and Operation Eagle Claw was aborted.
Jimmy Carter came into office at a bad time.

Inflation was rampant, we were in a recession and he chose to maintain fiscal conservatism to fight it. Reagan was willing to borrow and spend to buy his way out of it

Carter remained loyal to the Shah of Iran as a loyal US ally. When the Shah became deathly ill, he let him in to the country for medical treatment. This outraged the Iranians who stormed the US embassy

The hostage crisis was his downfall. Carters attempts to remain calm and avoid a military response was viewed as weakness. As it was, Carter’s patience resulted in all hostages being returned safely. A military strike could have killed them all
I remember it well

Carter listened to his military experts on how easy it would be
He paid a price
I was talking about a military response like conservatives urged....bombing and invasion
Bomb, bomb, bomb......Bomb, bomb Iran

Both would have resulted in dead hostages
Jimmy Carter came into office at a bad time.

Inflation was rampant, we were in a recession and he chose to maintain fiscal conservatism to fight it. Reagan was willing to borrow and spend to buy his way out of it

Carter remained loyal to the Shah of Iran as a loyal US ally. When the Shah became deathly ill, he let him in to the country for medical treatment. This outraged the Iranians who stormed the US embassy

The hostage crisis was his downfall. Carters attempts to remain calm and avoid a military response was viewed as weakness. As it was, Carter’s patience resulted in all hostages being returned safely. A military strike could have killed them all

Carter remained loyal to the Shah of Iran as a loyal US ally. When the Shah became deathly ill, he let him in to the country for medical treatment. This outraged the Iranians who stormed the US embassy

I think you better re-check your history. Carter turned his back on the Shah after severely criticizing him for inhumane methods of trying to drag Iran out of its 7th Century malaise. Failing to support the Shah during his illness allowed Kohmeni to return from exile and establish the Muslim government that has destroyed the wealth and people of Iran, as well as abetting and funding radical jihadism ever since.
It was Carter allowing the Shah to enter the US that provoked the hostage crisis
The interesting thing about the Carter years is that other than the unfortunate Iran Rescue mission, his administration was free of any foreign wars. It was probably the last time America was free of a conflict for a whole presidential term....He is a good and spiritual man. A complete antithesis of the man currently in the White House.
And largely he couldn't control the forces of the day. He just rolled with them differently. Yes, he & and Trump are like day & night.

But then again, Carter & Obama are opposites too. Obama is every bit as much as a self serving narcissisistic tyrant as a Trump. He just had a more smooth delivery. Trump delivers the same personality defect more like Bozo the clown/ a three year old having shameful serial tantrums.

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