The United States has regained respect.

Of course it went up.

Biden throws money left and right at other countries and let's their undesirables walk into our country, shuts down oil production here and buys more internationally, he reversed tough policies Trump out on other countries to level the playing field and stop our dependence on other nations, he apologizes to everyone, doesn't stand up to other countries, so of course they love him.

Biden is like a cuck husband and America is his wife, and other men are foriegn countries. The other men all like him because he lets the other men fuck his wife while he is in the kitchen making them a snack for when they are done fucking his wife.
Biden's domestic approval/disapproval levels have declined to near-trumpian levels for a multiplicity of reasons, but the focus of this thread is the restoration of respect for America internationally.

A few findings from Pew Research Center's international survey in 2017:

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump
Trump gets more negative ratings globally than Xi or Putin.
Global publics oppose some of Trump’s major policies.
Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous
Russians give Trump higher marks than they gave Obama or Bush.
It's not 2017 anymore. Trump is not president. Joe Biden is piloting the nation onto the rocks.
Not Trump. What a truly pathetic waste of skin you are.
Six months into Joe Biden's presidency, approval ratings of U.S. leadership around the world had largely rebounded from the record-low ratings observed during the Trump administration.

A new Gallup report shows that as of early August 2021, across 46 countries and territories, median approval of U.S. leadership stood at 49%. This rating is up from the 30% median approval at the end of Trump's presidency...

[T]he substantial gains across so many countries halfway through 2021 make it unlikely that the final rating for Biden's first year in office could retreat to his predecessor's levels...
In the first few hours of his presidency, Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Accord and halted Trump's decision to leave the World Health Organization. And, in his first foreign policy speech as president, Biden vowed to repair U.S. alliances through diplomacy and restore the image of the U.S.
These words and actions likely reassured many longtime U.S. allies and the international community at large and may have contributed to the surge in approval ratings across most of the 46 countries and territories surveyed through the first half of 2021.

A conspicuous exception is the Russian Federation where approval of the U.S. president plummeted to 13% - consistent with Putin's joining with China's Xi in long refusing to recognize the President's election. The KGB thug had been exposed as interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton.
Sure because Uncle Sam's purse strings are wide open again. The US can go back to providing the majority of funding for all the worlds bullshit. The US can take a back seat so all the old world empires can feel relevant again and China can lead the world.
Sure because Uncle Sam's purse strings are wide open again. The US can go back to providing the majority of funding for all the worlds bullshit. The US can take a back seat so all the old world empires can feel relevant again and China can lead the world.
Please document your fake claim by linking to a credible source that provides supportive empirical data - the Loser's reducing foreign aid and the President's restoring it.

October 2, 2018​
Trump, whose 2016 presidential campaign speeches regularly included the line “the world is laughing at us,” could not acknowledge that the world really did laugh at him during his cringeworthy speech at the United Nations last week. It’s bad enough that the American president is a joke; worse, the man who promised to make America great has made it less respected than ever. A new Pew Research Center poll finds.​
Not surprising, given Trump’s behavior, our closest allies are among the most turned off by America’s recent conduct...
The European countries most favorably disposed to the United States these days are the increasingly anti-democratic ones in the grip of their own right-wing nationalism (e.g., Poland, Hungary). (Outside Europe, Trump is wildly popular in Israel and South Korea.) It’s even worse in our own continent: “In North America, however, positive views of the U.S. are sharply down from the last reading in the Obama presidency in both Mexico (-34 percentage points) and Canada (-26 points).”

The reality is that it's a good thing for America to command respect, even if there are those who think being despised and laughed at is preferable.

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Biden assures allies at NATO summit after Trump mocked alliance as ‘obsolete’

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I hope the world can get along without the farting president, Joe "Look at me, ladies" Biden, as he would
swim naked in front of female Secret Service agents, despite their bitter protests, when Joe is
dumped from office. will the world go on?
I hope the world can get along without the farting president, Joe "Look at me, ladies" Biden, as he would
swim naked in front of female Secret Service agents, despite their bitter protests, when Joe is
dumped from office. will the world go on?
Despite the Cry Baby Sore Loser's weenies whining nonsense about the popularly-elected President, they appear impotent in presenting any surveys that contradict all those that concur in this consensus:

Nor is the dismal assessment of the Cry Baby Loser limited to the civilized world:

Screen Shot 2019-03-09 at 9.06.28 AM.png

Despite the Cry Baby Sore Loser's weenies whining nonsense about the popularly-elected President, they appear impotent in presenting any surveys that contradict all those that concur in this consensus:

Nor is the dismal assessment of the Cry Baby Loser limited to the civilized world:

There's nothing wrong with you exploring your mental illness in a forum setting. You may find some fellow patients crawling around in a thorazine fog....

But, we are going to laugh and point at you. It's a Darwin thing.
There's nothing wrong with you exploring your mental illness in a forum setting. You may find some fellow patients crawling around in a thorazine fog....

But, we are going to laugh and point at you. It's a Darwin thing.
Your inability to handle your Cry Baby Loser's dismal international regard is noted. The non-existence of any independent public surveys that conform to the dictates of your weird worship makes it a futile undertaking.
Hold on...your love fest seems to have hit a snag.

The BBC reports Europe soured on Fartin' Joe, long before his smelly faux pas horrified the Duchess
of Cornwall or he took a snooze in Glasgow while others worked earnstly on existential global problems.
Ahh, he'll hopefully be gone before long. Why should he care?

Suck on that, Skinflap.
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Do you have any actual evidence to prop up your hyper-partisan, biased fantasy?

The United States re-asserting its position of global leadership is averse to both Xi's and Putin's agendas. The Cry Baby Loser's vapid bluster served them far better than advanced democracies uniting forces to contain them.

Really? You think the world fears supports or respect shit for brains and shit in his diaper Biden? Or that Trump saying nice things about XI handling of covid as somehow that Trump supported XI? Think most people know your comment are partisan and stupid---and go well past some average idiot supporting the dems....
The United States re-asserting its position of global leadership is averse to both Xi's and Putin's agendas.

You are correct. Both Xi and Putin want their country’s to be successful. Biden and some our our allies are just spoiled and naive enough to believe that we can spend our way into oblivion and save the planet while China and Russia make all the money. Even if you buy into AGW and that we can fix it, all our spending won’t help if China and Russia won’t go along. They are betting that we will price ourselves out of the international market place with our green energy push and they are correct.
Six months into Joe Biden's presidency, approval ratings of U.S. leadership around the world had largely rebounded from the record-low ratings observed during the Trump administration.

A new Gallup report shows that as of early August 2021, across 46 countries and territories, median approval of U.S. leadership stood at 49%. This rating is up from the 30% median approval at the end of Trump's presidency...

[T]he substantial gains across so many countries halfway through 2021 make it unlikely that the final rating for Biden's first year in office could retreat to his predecessor's levels...
In the first few hours of his presidency, Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Accord and halted Trump's decision to leave the World Health Organization. And, in his first foreign policy speech as president, Biden vowed to repair U.S. alliances through diplomacy and restore the image of the U.S.
These words and actions likely reassured many longtime U.S. allies and the international community at large and may have contributed to the surge in approval ratings across most of the 46 countries and territories surveyed through the first half of 2021.

A conspicuous exception is the Russian Federation where approval of the U.S. president plummeted to 13% - consistent with Putin's joining with China's Xi in long refusing to recognize the President's election. The KGB thug had been exposed as interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton.

Biden totally alienated our oldest Ally: the French
Yeah sure.

People respect weakness, failure, and a complete inability to lead!!!!

No they don't but they don't respect corrupt lying presidents who get impeached twice. Nor their toe rags who went to jail etc.

dumbest fucking thread of the week.

It would be if you were a brain dead republican.

someone FINALLY starts a thread about something other than Trump and its complete and utter horse shit. Whoda thunk it.

The rest of the world don't think it's horseshit. Only American republicans and they don't think as a rule.
Really? You think the world fears supports or respect shit for brains and shit in his diaper Biden? Or that Trump saying nice things about XI handling of covid as somehow that Trump supported XI? Think most people know your comment are partisan and stupid---and go well past some average idiot supporting the dems....
Rather than your whining your own biases, post any international surveys that don't confirm a restoration of respect for America after the 2020 presidential election.
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A conspicuous exception is the Russian Federation where approval of the U.S. president plummeted to 13% - consistent with Putin's joining with China's Xi in long refusing to recognize the President's election. The KGB thug had been exposed as interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton.

In general, by and large, this is nonsense. Maybe Trump was left in the shoes of the right, and then it could be. In Russia, there is no right-wing politics at all, especially since the age of 14, everything was taken over by the left. In addition to the left, which is in power there, the ultra-left "opposition" there are no more forces there.
The most hysterical rhetoric of the authorities is aimed at the times of real-right politics under the influence of Reagan
I understand correctly that Americans are fooled by the tale that Russia is the right country?
Is this the case?
The second place in Russia is firmly held by the communists. But the ruling party supports communism, moreover, in its most openly leftist totalitarian form, in the form of Stalinism. This support is not only at the level of official propaganda, but even partly at the legal level. And this is one of the stumbling blocks in Russian-Ukrainian relations. Ukraine is trying to ban communism and is investigating the crimes of Stalinism.

What kind of right-wing Kremlin politics can we talk about?
This can only be assumed by a downright cretin
How can you have supply issues and not have an increase in prices?

Perfect example would be the new Ford Bronco. Seriously low on supply compared to the demand so dealers are doubling the prices on the vehicle. Raw material shortages, cargo ships back up, shortage of drivers and other disruptions due to COVID have created high prices. Prove that wrong.
Once again, get price increases because of a lack of supply...but you ALSO get price increases when you have more money chasing fewer things! If you pump trillions of dollars into the economy then you have more money competing for goods and the prices WILL go up! This isn't rocket's something that every first year college student learns in Macro Economics...yet we've got the Biden Administration telling us right now that if we pass a 3 trillion dollar stimulus that it will help bring down inflation and that is either them being utterly clueless or deliberately lying to the American people about what will happen if they get their way!

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