The Upcoming State Of The Union.This Should Be Very Entertaining Considering The"Document Debacle",Millions Having To Borrow To Pay For Food,Ect. Ect.

Why use condoms when abortion is available? Again, one of the pro arguments for the Universal Prostitution Act.
if i was a lawmaker in the audience, at some point i would of yelled out,,,very loud....'MR PRESIDENT!! I Fart In Your general Direction" !!!!!
if i was a lawmaker in the audience, at some point i would of yelled out,,,very loud....'MR PRESIDENT!! I Fart In Your general Direction" !!!!!
And then he would digress into a story about how he was the one who found Excalibur and turned Aurthur onto its location after they got high and he passed out then Aurthur snook off and got the sword first.
I am guessing that not many people will watch this year's SOTU, I know I won't. The lies and bullshit will be just too much to pay attention to.
And then he would digress into a story about how he was the one who found Excalibur and turned Aurthur onto its location after they got high and he passed out then Aurthur snook off and got the sword first.
and then a cute white bunny comes out of nowhere and flies into his neck...and he's hungry!
I won’t watch his State of the Union address. It will be too uncomfortable to listen to a US President stutter, stumble and mumble for an hour plus.
I'm not going to watch it.

There's much more entertaining scripted fiction on almost every other channel.
Maybe the lefty media should gather up all of the bullshit and grow an urban garden to feed the homeless made that way by the Biden Administration.
It will be the same partisan pep rally it always is no matter which party the President is from. One side will look like they have been sucking on a lemon for the past two years the other will act like out of control jack in the boxes bouncing out of their seat every thirty seconds to applaud something. It will be interesting to see if McCarthy pulls a Pelosi and rips up Biden’s speech at the end of it.
if he had any honor he would say i am sorry, fire Harris, then resign so MxCarthy can be president
I stopped watching the fed's appointed cheerleaders many administrations ago when i realized they were all the same


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