The US House’s Weekly Expansion of the Definition of Antisemitism

You are on record as wanting to get rid of me and two others for pur own exercise of free speech.
I couldn't care less about you. You're no pirate.

Anyway. Get back on topic or get outta the thread. This is a choice. For now...
And, when you add in the extreme portion of the right that uses intimidation to silence people, it is really quite chilling to witness.
There is not Hundreds of thousands of Pro Arab Pro Hamas / Anti Semitic Right wingers protesting and blocking Interstate highways
There is not Hundreds of thousands of Pro Arab Pro Hamas / Anti Semitic Right wingers protesting and blocking Interstate highways
This is true.

I did not day that antisemitism defined the right, only that it exists on the extremes.
This is true.

I did not day that antisemitism defined the right, only that it exists on the extremes.
The Right has not embraced good old Kluxer / JBS Antisemitism But The Far Left & Left have fully embraced the Pro Arab Pro Hamas cause
Between Soros' minions / NGOs and the special interest Jewish lobbyists operating who are taking full advantage of the psy-op to echo victimhood, it appears that there's quite a coup being manipulated and occuring against the fabric of our Republic from within.

Now it even appears that the Bible is illegal. Well...per the so-called “contemporary examples of antisemitism, including ''claims of Jews killing Jesus.''

Folks really need to wake up and pay attention to what's actually happening here.

None of these people are friends of America or Freedom.

They're working on your 1st Amendment now.

Once they've succeeded in running this whole problem, reaction, solution scam all the way through, to the extent that anything they don't like said is being made illegal, they'll be going after your second amendment next.

One so-called ''side'' of the astroturfing operation is being funded to start the circus act on our soil and from within the institutions and the other so-called ''sides'' part in the astroturfing operation appears to be to cry victim and calling for expansions of the federal government, restrictions on constitutionally protected rights as well as working in overdrive to serve as thought police all over the web, lobbying for whatever restrictions on American dialogue that they think they can get support for by the useful political football type of idiots among us.

Both ''sides'' of this imported exhibitionism seem to be operating in synergy as controlled opposition to each other, both with the common goal of creating the illusion that America itself is under siege.

Their shared target seems to be the Constitution.

And congress has thus far slobbered at it's chops to ensure that they donlt let a perfectly good crisis go to waste.

As usual, it's the people who function against your constitutional protections who hate you for your freedom the most. Remember that. Because it's true.



Relevant reading...
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Bringing Gaza Arab Refugees here is Suicidal

Ultimately they're all on the same team...

Former Mossad deputy director Ram Ben-Barak and Israel’s former UN representative Danny Danon insist that the West should take in all the Gaza refugees because it’s already let in millions of Third World migrants...

That op-ed was, to be clear, written by former Mossad deputy director Ram Ben-Barak and Israel’s former UN representative, Danny Danon.
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The canards of antisemitism have remained quite consistent since the term was invented.

Jews are cast as sneaky, greedy, having undue power, manipulative, loyal only to their own, rich, controlling and deceitful.

Modern antisemites like to attach these qualities to the entire state of Israel and substitute the word "Zionist" for Jew, but is all just the same old shit.
The truth about Jews is that they tend to be intelligence, successful, and prosperous.

lol rubbish.

Many Orthodox and all ultra-Orthodox tended to be anti-Zionist, historically; most of the 19th century and 20th century Zionist activists were secular, and many were labor activists. The Russian aliyahs, the first major movements, were instigated by poverty and Cossacks, same motivations as the flood of Jewish migration to the U.S. from the 1880's through 1910.

And, some quasi-Jewish cults are even more hardcore racists than Nazis and deserve to be criticized and deported same as their counterparts in other mobs of sociopaths. In Israel they make up nearly 15% or so of the population, which is not the case with American Jewish demographics. NYC has entire neighborhoods of the racist cultists as well, some 80,000 or so.

It isn't 'anti-semitic' to criticize those, but most people think they're all alike or something, and evangelicals have some bizarre fantasy they will get extra ice cream or something in Heaven if they mindlessly claim they support anything some idiot who claims to be 'Jewish' babbles.


This ass clown's death was mourned by hundreds of thousands, including Netanyahu, one of the reasons he needs to step down after the Rafah police actions are concluded. He wants to put these vermin like these on Court benches and make them officers in the IDF, a disaster waiting to happen.

And, Zionism is now a past tense word; Israel is a done deal the term no longer applies.
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This is a very good overview of this screed that the House just passed. Short and to the point. I'm rather confident that none of these critical terms of controversy touched on herein will be discussed anywhere around the board in mainstream dialogue, so I share it here as a courtesy for those who just want to understand the conundrum that the traditional, pro-America demograph has with it, but without all of the low-value, back and forth political football type of pablum which really only serves to distract from the critical nature of what just happened. Plus it saves me a bunch of keystrokes and time that it would take to equally explain it...

Skip to 3:30 if you don't want to listen to the two foreign agents who were peddling this unconstitutional screed. But it was necessary to add that at the beginning for backdrop and for understanding of what precisely is being referenced and discussed here.
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The safety and well being of Jews is more important than a Jew hater's interpretation of the First Amendment. Hate speech and hate crimes against God's Chosen People are terrible crimes that merit horrible punishment. :mad:
The safety and well being of Jews is more important than a Jew hater's interpretation of the First Amendment.

Yeah, well, this thread is about the Framers' interpretation rather than that of a foreign, non-legislative body of the US government in the form of some ''International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.'' The organizaton has no business whatsoever dictating American legislation or defining the terms in our laws or the enforcement thereof.

So you can probably express your personal feelings in one of the normie threads around here where they're running that particular operation (There are several for your convenience) and perhaps someone will address them, if you feel that they are in need of address. I think those threads are where all of the clicks are anyway, predictably.

Respectfully speaking, your sense of self-importance based o your religion and just all of that personal stuff is just none of my business, and I'll certainly never be willing to sacrifice and relinquish my rights to speak on the matter in order to placate any sense of entitlement that you may have.

I make my case as a traditonal American whose interest is to protect and defend the fabric of our Republic and the traditional philosophy of governance as outlined in our constitution and more thoroughly in the Federalist, which is effectively its blueprint. The role of government is not to placate group claims. Particularly those which, to repeat, are the product of a foreign organizaton which no business whatsoever dictating American legislation or defining the terms in our laws or the enforcement thereof. The proper role of government is to protect and defend Individual liberty. It is not to usurp it in the name of placting foreign interests

Unfortunately, Congress doesn't seem to care who it is supposed to be working for any more. And they've become rather brazen about demonstrating it...

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There is no reason I would have cheered it. There is no reason the Israelis would have done it intentionally. Your hatred of the Jews clouds your reasoning ability.
That is not an accurate statement on your part. It's really a sort of appeal to emotion.

The attack on the Liberty was not an accident, it was deliberate. Read the book by Phillip Tourney, a man who was on the boat that day. "Erasing The Liberty" is the title.
The canards of antisemitism have remained quite consistent since the term was invented.

Jews are cast as sneaky, greedy, having undue power, manipulative, loyal only to their own, rich, controlling and deceitful.

Modern antisemites like to attach these qualities to the entire state of Israel and substitute the word "Zionist" for Jew, but is all just the same old shit.

The trouble with the term today is that it has been misused and over used to the point it has lost all meaning. Like the word 'terrorist', it has lost all meaning. About all it means now is somebody the state doesn't like. Henry Thoreau would have been considered a 'terrorist' because he criticized the government.
The trouble with the term today is that it has been misused and over used to the point it has lost all meaning. Like the word 'terrorist', it has lost all meaning. About all it means now is somebody the state doesn't like. Henry Thoreau would have been considered a 'terrorist' because he criticized the government.
It has not lost all meaning.

You simply do not like people using the term to describe your quite obvious hatred.
That is not an accurate statement on your part. It's really a sort of appeal to emotion.

The attack on the Liberty was not an accident, it was deliberate. Read the book by Phillip Tourney, a man who was on the boat that day. "Erasing The Liberty" is the title.
The attack on the Liberty was friendly fire. Israel had no motive to attack the only country that was helping it to defeat an effort to destroy Israel and all the Jews there.
The attack on the Liberty was friendly fire. Israel had no motive to attack the only country that was helping it to defeat an effort to destroy Israel and all the Jews there.
You've never heard of false flag attacks?

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