The value of slavery?

"The US owes" them over 150 years ago. Not now.
I am sure that would violate all statutes of limitations on the planet.
That doesnt even make sense. Time doesnt nullify the debt.
If i die, are my kids forced to pay for my debts? Of course not. It comes out of my estate.
How many slave holding descendents still control the original estate? I wouldnt think it is many.
So why should this be different? Basically, you just want special rights.
The US didnt die dummy. Concentrate. This is a debt the US owed the enslaved and owes the descendants of the enslaved since it was never paid.
I don’t think descendents are owed anything, they were not the ones against whom the atrocity was committed. The idea of reparations for descendents of anything is a huge can of worms.

So the descendants of the Native Americans awarded 3.2 billion in Cobell v. Salazar a couple of years ago for what happened because of the Dawes Act didn't deserve reparations.

Let me make this short and sweet. White folks opinion is not the law. There is no statute of limitations oh human tights violations.. So what you whites here think, you can think it, but legally we can take a case to court for slavery reparations and as descendants of slaves we can receive reparations. However since you whites want to keep talking stupid, we can take a case to curt for human rights violations against blacks that covers the entirety of US history naming numerous violations whereby those like you cannot argue about how we aren't eligible for reparations. So as we keep beating this dead horse because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations, you might want to rethink your argument.
Cobel v Salazar os not reparations. It has to do with mismanagement of trust assets.
That doesnt even make sense. Time doesnt nullify the debt.
If i die, are my kids forced to pay for my debts? Of course not. It comes out of my estate.
How many slave holding descendents still control the original estate? I wouldnt think it is many.
So why should this be different? Basically, you just want special rights.
The US didnt die dummy. Concentrate. This is a debt the US owed the enslaved and owes the descendants of the enslaved since it was never paid.
I don’t think descendents are owed anything, they were not the ones against whom the atrocity was committed. The idea of reparations for descendents of anything is a huge can of worms.

So the descendants of the Native Americans awarded 3.2 billion in Cobell v. Salazar a couple of years ago for what happened because of the Dawes Act didn't deserve reparations.

Let me make this short and sweet. White folks opinion is not the law. There is no statute of limitations oh human tights violations.. So what you whites here think, you can think it, but legally we can take a case to court for slavery reparations and as descendants of slaves we can receive reparations. However since you whites want to keep talking stupid, we can take a case to curt for human rights violations against blacks that covers the entirety of US history naming numerous violations whereby those like you cannot argue about how we aren't eligible for reparations. So as we keep beating this dead horse because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations, you might want to rethink your argument.
i have not commited any crime inless you trying to claim that being white is a crime.

When you learn this is about the government and not abut you the conversation will get better.
Most whites aren't millionaires, either. So you have some point? Are you suggesting that the US taxpayer be dunned to make instant millionaires out of the previously identified group of blacks? Before blacks were brought to this country as slaves, Native Americans were used as slave labor. Any suggestions? (Blacks were considered superior slaves because Native Americans were more likely to let themselves die than be chattel labor or be denied their freedom.)
My point is what I wrote. If most Blacks are millionaires then the economic wealth gap whites enjoy goes away.
No. I am suggesting the US pay what is owed to the descendants of those enslaved due to the US allowing chattel slavery. Isnt that what we are talking about?
Not all Native Americans were Black so I dont understand the deflection?
What makes you think it would be reinvested into
Herein lies the crux of our dispute: Two specific problems I can see with your proposal to dun modern day taxpayers: Millions of people today who were not participants in nor responsible for the actions of thie government at a time when slavery was an acceptable practice worldwide. (Slavery is still rampant in some places on this planet, even to this day.) The same government that worked to criminalize and eliminate the practice of slavery, even to the point of destroying the nation through armed conflict, if necessary. Do you disregard the lives of whites sacrificed in the bid to eliminate slavery and negate their sacrifices?
The second is: you are not asking for fair and equitable payments made by the descendants of those who owned slaves to those descendants of slaves held in this country. What you are asking for is a big KaChing! payout funded by big government coffers filled by totally innocent persons in sums to be determined by anyone "qualified" for retribution for a condition that ceased to exist, legally, in this country well over 100 years ago. Even if it were equitable for the sons to pay for the sins of their fathers, where is there any justification to force payment for anyone's sins by the innocent?
I am sorry if your great- or great-great-grandparents suffered slavery. But I will offer no personal apology because my forebears played no part in holding or trading slaves.
But supposing such reparations were to be paid to qualified persons, please explain how you believe that money would serve to improve the economy of the black community?
Doesnt matter if modern day people are responsible or not. Again its the US's debt to pay and they pay that with tax dollars. Slavery existing or having existed elsewhere has absolutely nothing to do with this. The US didnt go to war to end slavery. It went to war to keep the south from leaving. We know this because the enslaved were not freed in the Union states until later.

Its our right to go after direct descendants at a later date and time we determine. Whites dont dictate to us when and in what order we should sue for reparations.

The justification is that they are part of the US that benefited from and legalized chattel slavery.

You dont have to offer any apology. Any apology would be hollow and condescending in light of the economic gap that you dont want to address and refuse to believe in.

That money would instantly close the economic gap if paid. Not only that it could go to fund Black K-12 schools and bolster the HBCU's currently in existence. Basically it would be another Black Wall Street before jealous whites burned it to the ground. If you need to understand how money can change a community look at the history of Black Wall Street and other like Black communities before whites destroyed them.

So people should be forced to pay for the crimes of their forbears?

In your last paragraph why do you think reparations would go to any of that? Look at what happens with the typical lottery winner.
Yes they should if they profited from those crimes and others suffered because of those crimes. However, thats not what we are talking about. The US is paying the debt not those individuals. The US is responsible and complicit in those crimes due to the legalizing of chattel slavery.

Not sure what lotto winners have to do with my point? I think it would go that way because its been discussed in the Black community and the consensus is exactly what I stated.
Lottery is an example of what people do when the win large sums of money. Same with rhose who got tax rebates as stimulus. People think individually first, family second..and then tribe or community. I dont see why this would be any different.

And why are you so concerned with what blacks do with the money? Whites here need to stop thinking they are experts on blacks. Just because whites do things a certain way doesn't mean everybody else will. A is right about the fact reparations have been discussed extensively and for years in the black communiy. John Conyers bought it up in 1989 before congress and the idea had been discussed long before that. In fact King was talking abut this before he was killed when he made refence to the government having to do something economically for blacks.
I dont care what they do with the money. I am just disputing the claim that it will automatically go to improving black communitees.
Yes they should if they profited from those crimes and others suffered because of those crimes. However, thats not what we are talking about. The US is paying the debt not those individuals. The US is responsible and complicit in those crimes due to the legalizing of chattel slavery.

Not sure what lotto winners have to do with my point? I think it would go that way because its been discussed in the Black community and the consensus is exactly what I stated.
Lottery is an example of what people do when the win large sums of money. Same with rhose who got tax rebates as stimulus. People think individually first, family second..and then tribe or community. I dont see why this would be any different.

Alot of Blacks understand the fallacy of thinking individually in this country. If the Black population here in the US knew most Blacks were getting a large sum of money then they would agree to start working on the community. We know this because this is how we built successful communities in the past.
I think you severely underate human nature here. People are individuals first. That is why communism was such a flop, it ignored the "what is in it for me" aspect.
No. People (at least Black people) are by nature social animals. They go crazy without human companionship. Thats why solitary confinement is used as a punishment. Like I was saying. Its not like we are guessing about this. We have proof because we did it in the past.

Communism was massively successful. Its the basis of the first civilizations. Without it humans would not have survived.
I dont think black people are sny different then white people in that respect.
I dont know about that one. I can only go on what their actions are.
My point is what I wrote. If most Blacks are millionaires then the economic wealth gap whites enjoy goes away.
No. I am suggesting the US pay what is owed to the descendants of those enslaved due to the US allowing chattel slavery. Isnt that what we are talking about?
Not all Native Americans were Black so I dont understand the deflection?
What makes you think it would be reinvested into
Doesnt matter if modern day people are responsible or not. Again its the US's debt to pay and they pay that with tax dollars. Slavery existing or having existed elsewhere has absolutely nothing to do with this. The US didnt go to war to end slavery. It went to war to keep the south from leaving. We know this because the enslaved were not freed in the Union states until later.

Its our right to go after direct descendants at a later date and time we determine. Whites dont dictate to us when and in what order we should sue for reparations.

The justification is that they are part of the US that benefited from and legalized chattel slavery.

You dont have to offer any apology. Any apology would be hollow and condescending in light of the economic gap that you dont want to address and refuse to believe in.

That money would instantly close the economic gap if paid. Not only that it could go to fund Black K-12 schools and bolster the HBCU's currently in existence. Basically it would be another Black Wall Street before jealous whites burned it to the ground. If you need to understand how money can change a community look at the history of Black Wall Street and other like Black communities before whites destroyed them.

So people should be forced to pay for the crimes of their forbears?

In your last paragraph why do you think reparations would go to any of that? Look at what happens with the typical lottery winner.
Yes they should if they profited from those crimes and others suffered because of those crimes. However, thats not what we are talking about. The US is paying the debt not those individuals. The US is responsible and complicit in those crimes due to the legalizing of chattel slavery.

Not sure what lotto winners have to do with my point? I think it would go that way because its been discussed in the Black community and the consensus is exactly what I stated.
Lottery is an example of what people do when the win large sums of money. Same with rhose who got tax rebates as stimulus. People think individually first, family second..and then tribe or community. I dont see why this would be any different.

And why are you so concerned with what blacks do with the money? Whites here need to stop thinking they are experts on blacks. Just because whites do things a certain way doesn't mean everybody else will. A is right about the fact reparations have been discussed extensively and for years in the black communiy. John Conyers bought it up in 1989 before congress and the idea had been discussed long before that. In fact King was talking abut this before he was killed when he made refence to the government having to do something economically for blacks.
I dont care what they do with the money. I am just disputing the claim that it will automatically go to improving black communitees.
What makes you think you know enough about the Black community to believe your dispute is valid? Like I mentioned before this has been discussed extensively and there are about a million examples of it.
That doesnt even make sense. Time doesnt nullify the debt.
If i die, are my kids forced to pay for my debts? Of course not. It comes out of my estate.
How many slave holding descendents still control the original estate? I wouldnt think it is many.
So why should this be different? Basically, you just want special rights.
The US didnt die dummy. Concentrate. This is a debt the US owed the enslaved and owes the descendants of the enslaved since it was never paid.
I don’t think descendents are owed anything, they were not the ones against whom the atrocity was committed. The idea of reparations for descendents of anything is a huge can of worms.

So the descendants of the Native Americans awarded 3.2 billion in Cobell v. Salazar a couple of years ago for what happened because of the Dawes Act didn't deserve reparations.

Let me make this short and sweet. White folks opinion is not the law. There is no statute of limitations oh human tights violations.. So what you whites here think, you can think it, but legally we can take a case to court for slavery reparations and as descendants of slaves we can receive reparations. However since you whites want to keep talking stupid, we can take a case to curt for human rights violations against blacks that covers the entirety of US history naming numerous violations whereby those like you cannot argue about how we aren't eligible for reparations. So as we keep beating this dead horse because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations, you might want to rethink your argument.
Cobel v Salazar os not reparations. It has to do with mismanagement of trust assets.

It was reparations.

Definition of reparation
1 a : a repairing or keeping in repair
b reparations plural : repairs
2 a : the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury
b : something done or given as amends or satisfaction
3 : the payment of damages : indemnification; specifically : compensation in money or materials payable by a defeated nation for damages to or expenditures sustained by another nation as a result of hostilities with the defeated nation —usually used in plural
If i die, are my kids forced to pay for my debts? Of course not. It comes out of my estate.
How many slave holding descendents still control the original estate? I wouldnt think it is many.
So why should this be different? Basically, you just want special rights.
The US didnt die dummy. Concentrate. This is a debt the US owed the enslaved and owes the descendants of the enslaved since it was never paid.
I don’t think descendents are owed anything, they were not the ones against whom the atrocity was committed. The idea of reparations for descendents of anything is a huge can of worms.

So the descendants of the Native Americans awarded 3.2 billion in Cobell v. Salazar a couple of years ago for what happened because of the Dawes Act didn't deserve reparations.

Let me make this short and sweet. White folks opinion is not the law. There is no statute of limitations oh human tights violations.. So what you whites here think, you can think it, but legally we can take a case to court for slavery reparations and as descendants of slaves we can receive reparations. However since you whites want to keep talking stupid, we can take a case to curt for human rights violations against blacks that covers the entirety of US history naming numerous violations whereby those like you cannot argue about how we aren't eligible for reparations. So as we keep beating this dead horse because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations, you might want to rethink your argument.
i have not commited any crime inless you trying to claim that being white is a crime.

When you learn this is about the government and not abut you the conversation will get better.
when you talk about "you whites" you take it out of the realm of government and into personal.

When you state "because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations" you make it anout anyone white.

So what human rights violations jave I committed?
The US didnt die dummy. Concentrate. This is a debt the US owed the enslaved and owes the descendants of the enslaved since it was never paid.
I don’t think descendents are owed anything, they were not the ones against whom the atrocity was committed. The idea of reparations for descendents of anything is a huge can of worms.

So the descendants of the Native Americans awarded 3.2 billion in Cobell v. Salazar a couple of years ago for what happened because of the Dawes Act didn't deserve reparations.

Let me make this short and sweet. White folks opinion is not the law. There is no statute of limitations oh human tights violations.. So what you whites here think, you can think it, but legally we can take a case to court for slavery reparations and as descendants of slaves we can receive reparations. However since you whites want to keep talking stupid, we can take a case to curt for human rights violations against blacks that covers the entirety of US history naming numerous violations whereby those like you cannot argue about how we aren't eligible for reparations. So as we keep beating this dead horse because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations, you might want to rethink your argument.
i have not commited any crime inless you trying to claim that being white is a crime.

When you learn this is about the government and not abut you the conversation will get better.
when you talk about "you whites" you take it out of the realm of government and into personal.

When you state "because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations" you make it anout anyone white.

So what human rights violations jave I committed?
I disagree. Whites own the government hence why reparations have not been paid. Its valid to refer to whites as a group when discussing the government.

No its about the whites that are against reparations. The ones in control of the government. Not all whites are against reparations.

As far as I know you havent committed any.
What makes you think it would be reinvested into
So people should be forced to pay for the crimes of their forbears?

In your last paragraph why do you think reparations would go to any of that? Look at what happens with the typical lottery winner.
Yes they should if they profited from those crimes and others suffered because of those crimes. However, thats not what we are talking about. The US is paying the debt not those individuals. The US is responsible and complicit in those crimes due to the legalizing of chattel slavery.

Not sure what lotto winners have to do with my point? I think it would go that way because its been discussed in the Black community and the consensus is exactly what I stated.
Lottery is an example of what people do when the win large sums of money. Same with rhose who got tax rebates as stimulus. People think individually first, family second..and then tribe or community. I dont see why this would be any different.

And why are you so concerned with what blacks do with the money? Whites here need to stop thinking they are experts on blacks. Just because whites do things a certain way doesn't mean everybody else will. A is right about the fact reparations have been discussed extensively and for years in the black communiy. John Conyers bought it up in 1989 before congress and the idea had been discussed long before that. In fact King was talking abut this before he was killed when he made refence to the government having to do something economically for blacks.
I dont care what they do with the money. I am just disputing the claim that it will automatically go to improving black communitees.
What makes you think you know enough about the Black community to believe your dispute is valid? Like I mentioned before this has been discussed extensively and there are about a million examples of it.
I am not speaking on the black community but on human nature.

Isnt it a pretty big assumption to assume all blacks will think and act the same solely based on skin color?

It is one thing to say you will do something and another to carry it out money in hand. People have individual and family priorities. I dont see whites as a monocultural group with race as their most important concern , are blacks that different?
I don’t think descendents are owed anything, they were not the ones against whom the atrocity was committed. The idea of reparations for descendents of anything is a huge can of worms.

So the descendants of the Native Americans awarded 3.2 billion in Cobell v. Salazar a couple of years ago for what happened because of the Dawes Act didn't deserve reparations.

Let me make this short and sweet. White folks opinion is not the law. There is no statute of limitations oh human tights violations.. So what you whites here think, you can think it, but legally we can take a case to court for slavery reparations and as descendants of slaves we can receive reparations. However since you whites want to keep talking stupid, we can take a case to curt for human rights violations against blacks that covers the entirety of US history naming numerous violations whereby those like you cannot argue about how we aren't eligible for reparations. So as we keep beating this dead horse because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations, you might want to rethink your argument.
i have not commited any crime inless you trying to claim that being white is a crime.

When you learn this is about the government and not abut you the conversation will get better.
when you talk about "you whites" you take it out of the realm of government and into personal.

When you state "because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations" you make it anout anyone white.

So what human rights violations jave I committed?
I disagree. Whites own the government hence why reparations have not been paid. Its valid to refer to whites as a group when discussing the government.

No its about the whites that are against reparations. The ones in control of the government. Not all whites are against reparations.

As far as I know you havent committed any.
You want to know why it’s more difficult for a Black professional to get hired as opposed to any other race?
Because business owners know your attitude.
They don’t want to get sued by you.
There are people on this forum who read your posts and they wouldn’t even want you as a customer.
I don’t think descendents are owed anything, they were not the ones against whom the atrocity was committed. The idea of reparations for descendents of anything is a huge can of worms.

So the descendants of the Native Americans awarded 3.2 billion in Cobell v. Salazar a couple of years ago for what happened because of the Dawes Act didn't deserve reparations.

Let me make this short and sweet. White folks opinion is not the law. There is no statute of limitations oh human tights violations.. So what you whites here think, you can think it, but legally we can take a case to court for slavery reparations and as descendants of slaves we can receive reparations. However since you whites want to keep talking stupid, we can take a case to curt for human rights violations against blacks that covers the entirety of US history naming numerous violations whereby those like you cannot argue about how we aren't eligible for reparations. So as we keep beating this dead horse because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations, you might want to rethink your argument.
i have not commited any crime inless you trying to claim that being white is a crime.

When you learn this is about the government and not abut you the conversation will get better.
when you talk about "you whites" you take it out of the realm of government and into personal.

When you state "because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations" you make it anout anyone white.

So what human rights violations jave I committed?
I disagree. Whites own the government hence why reparations have not been paid. Its valid to refer to whites as a group when discussing the government.

No its about the whites that are against reparations. The ones in control of the government. Not all whites are against reparations.

As far as I know you havent committed any.
I am against reparations to anyone not directly a victim of government policy. Reparations were made to surviving interned Japanese Americans for example. Not their descendents.
So the descendants of the Native Americans awarded 3.2 billion in Cobell v. Salazar a couple of years ago for what happened because of the Dawes Act didn't deserve reparations.

Let me make this short and sweet. White folks opinion is not the law. There is no statute of limitations oh human tights violations.. So what you whites here think, you can think it, but legally we can take a case to court for slavery reparations and as descendants of slaves we can receive reparations. However since you whites want to keep talking stupid, we can take a case to curt for human rights violations against blacks that covers the entirety of US history naming numerous violations whereby those like you cannot argue about how we aren't eligible for reparations. So as we keep beating this dead horse because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations, you might want to rethink your argument.
i have not commited any crime inless you trying to claim that being white is a crime.

When you learn this is about the government and not abut you the conversation will get better.
when you talk about "you whites" you take it out of the realm of government and into personal.

When you state "because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations" you make it anout anyone white.

So what human rights violations jave I committed?
I disagree. Whites own the government hence why reparations have not been paid. Its valid to refer to whites as a group when discussing the government.

No its about the whites that are against reparations. The ones in control of the government. Not all whites are against reparations.

As far as I know you havent committed any.
You want to know why it’s more difficult for a Black professional to get hired as opposed to any other race?
Because business owners know your attitude.
They don’t want to get sued by you.
There are people on this forum who read your posts and they wouldn’t even want you as a customer.
I think his posts are well thought out, he makes good points. I just dont agree.

Not sure what your post has to do with the topic seem intent on provocation.
My point is what I wrote. If most Blacks are millionaires then the economic wealth gap whites enjoy goes away.
No. I am suggesting the US pay what is owed to the descendants of those enslaved due to the US allowing chattel slavery. Isnt that what we are talking about?
Not all Native Americans were Black so I dont understand the deflection?
What makes you think it would be reinvested into
Doesnt matter if modern day people are responsible or not. Again its the US's debt to pay and they pay that with tax dollars. Slavery existing or having existed elsewhere has absolutely nothing to do with this. The US didnt go to war to end slavery. It went to war to keep the south from leaving. We know this because the enslaved were not freed in the Union states until later.

Its our right to go after direct descendants at a later date and time we determine. Whites dont dictate to us when and in what order we should sue for reparations.

The justification is that they are part of the US that benefited from and legalized chattel slavery.

You dont have to offer any apology. Any apology would be hollow and condescending in light of the economic gap that you dont want to address and refuse to believe in.

That money would instantly close the economic gap if paid. Not only that it could go to fund Black K-12 schools and bolster the HBCU's currently in existence. Basically it would be another Black Wall Street before jealous whites burned it to the ground. If you need to understand how money can change a community look at the history of Black Wall Street and other like Black communities before whites destroyed them.

So people should be forced to pay for the crimes of their forbears?

In your last paragraph why do you think reparations would go to any of that? Look at what happens with the typical lottery winner.
Yes they should if they profited from those crimes and others suffered because of those crimes. However, thats not what we are talking about. The US is paying the debt not those individuals. The US is responsible and complicit in those crimes due to the legalizing of chattel slavery.

Not sure what lotto winners have to do with my point? I think it would go that way because its been discussed in the Black community and the consensus is exactly what I stated.
Lottery is an example of what people do when the win large sums of money. Same with rhose who got tax rebates as stimulus. People think individually first, family second..and then tribe or community. I dont see why this would be any different.

And why are you so concerned with what blacks do with the money? Whites here need to stop thinking they are experts on blacks. Just because whites do things a certain way doesn't mean everybody else will. A is right about the fact reparations have been discussed extensively and for years in the black communiy. John Conyers bought it up in 1989 before congress and the idea had been discussed long before that. In fact King was talking abut this before he was killed when he made refence to the government having to do something economically for blacks.
I dont care what they do with the money. I am just disputing the claim that it will automatically go to improving black communitees.

Yeah and how many black community, national or international meetings have you sat in discussing reparations and community development? I've sat in hundreds. I'm sure A has done the same. So for you to dispute what you appear to have no idea of makes little sense.
Yes they should if they profited from those crimes and others suffered because of those crimes. However, thats not what we are talking about. The US is paying the debt not those individuals. The US is responsible and complicit in those crimes due to the legalizing of chattel slavery.

Not sure what lotto winners have to do with my point? I think it would go that way because its been discussed in the Black community and the consensus is exactly what I stated.
Lottery is an example of what people do when the win large sums of money. Same with rhose who got tax rebates as stimulus. People think individually first, family second..and then tribe or community. I dont see why this would be any different.

And why are you so concerned with what blacks do with the money? Whites here need to stop thinking they are experts on blacks. Just because whites do things a certain way doesn't mean everybody else will. A is right about the fact reparations have been discussed extensively and for years in the black communiy. John Conyers bought it up in 1989 before congress and the idea had been discussed long before that. In fact King was talking abut this before he was killed when he made refence to the government having to do something economically for blacks.
I dont care what they do with the money. I am just disputing the claim that it will automatically go to improving black communitees.
What makes you think you know enough about the Black community to believe your dispute is valid? Like I mentioned before this has been discussed extensively and there are about a million examples of it.
I am not speaking on the black community but on human nature.

Isnt it a pretty big assumption to assume all blacks will think and act the same solely based on skin color?

It is one thing to say you will do something and another to carry it out money in hand. People have individual and family priorities. I dont see whites as a monocultural group with race as their most important concern , are blacks that different?
I disagree. Youre obviously speaking about the Black community. That was your question. Your rationale for the question was human nature.

Yes its a pretty big assumption and one of the reasons I never said all Black people would be on board with it. I dont think for a minute any sell outs or race traitors will be down for it. I do know the vast majority of Blacks are in agreement about bettering our communities.

Well like I said...we have examples of us doing just that. We form organizations to help each other. We donate money to help each other. We organize holidays to celebrate together with the theme being Black unity. Yes I think Blacks are that different. Especially when they are not poisoned by current white philosophy and they have a firm understanding of what makes us Black people who we are and why we are so strong.
i have not commited any crime inless you trying to claim that being white is a crime.

When you learn this is about the government and not abut you the conversation will get better.
when you talk about "you whites" you take it out of the realm of government and into personal.

When you state "because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations" you make it anout anyone white.

So what human rights violations jave I committed?
I disagree. Whites own the government hence why reparations have not been paid. Its valid to refer to whites as a group when discussing the government.

No its about the whites that are against reparations. The ones in control of the government. Not all whites are against reparations.

As far as I know you havent committed any.
You want to know why it’s more difficult for a Black professional to get hired as opposed to any other race?
Because business owners know your attitude.
They don’t want to get sued by you.
There are people on this forum who read your posts and they wouldn’t even want you as a customer.
I think his posts are well thought out, he makes good points. I just dont agree.

Not sure what your post has to do with the topic seem intent on provocation.
I worked on Wall Street when Reagan become president.
Patrick Moynahan, at the behest of Reagan, eliminated the NYC Race Quota requiring businesses to hire based on Race within a certain proximity of NYC.
It was akin to Affirmative Action.
Reagan wanted to expand Business Visas from Japan and China and thus told Moynahan to reduce Blacks and Hispanics from the workforce.
They both knew that eventually minorities would be marching in the streets over being fired en masse and there wad no Internet to spread the word.
So the descendants of the Native Americans awarded 3.2 billion in Cobell v. Salazar a couple of years ago for what happened because of the Dawes Act didn't deserve reparations.

Let me make this short and sweet. White folks opinion is not the law. There is no statute of limitations oh human tights violations.. So what you whites here think, you can think it, but legally we can take a case to court for slavery reparations and as descendants of slaves we can receive reparations. However since you whites want to keep talking stupid, we can take a case to curt for human rights violations against blacks that covers the entirety of US history naming numerous violations whereby those like you cannot argue about how we aren't eligible for reparations. So as we keep beating this dead horse because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations, you might want to rethink your argument.
i have not commited any crime inless you trying to claim that being white is a crime.

When you learn this is about the government and not abut you the conversation will get better.
when you talk about "you whites" you take it out of the realm of government and into personal.

When you state "because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations" you make it anout anyone white.

So what human rights violations jave I committed?
I disagree. Whites own the government hence why reparations have not been paid. Its valid to refer to whites as a group when discussing the government.

No its about the whites that are against reparations. The ones in control of the government. Not all whites are against reparations.

As far as I know you havent committed any.
I am against reparations to anyone not directly a victim of government policy. Reparations were made to surviving interned Japanese Americans for example. Not their descendents.
Not true. Some Japanese descendants did get reparations. I know 1 personally.
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So the descendants of the Native Americans awarded 3.2 billion in Cobell v. Salazar a couple of years ago for what happened because of the Dawes Act didn't deserve reparations.

Let me make this short and sweet. White folks opinion is not the law. There is no statute of limitations oh human tights violations.. So what you whites here think, you can think it, but legally we can take a case to court for slavery reparations and as descendants of slaves we can receive reparations. However since you whites want to keep talking stupid, we can take a case to curt for human rights violations against blacks that covers the entirety of US history naming numerous violations whereby those like you cannot argue about how we aren't eligible for reparations. So as we keep beating this dead horse because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations, you might want to rethink your argument.
i have not commited any crime inless you trying to claim that being white is a crime.

When you learn this is about the government and not abut you the conversation will get better.
when you talk about "you whites" you take it out of the realm of government and into personal.

When you state "because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations" you make it anout anyone white.

So what human rights violations jave I committed?
I disagree. Whites own the government hence why reparations have not been paid. Its valid to refer to whites as a group when discussing the government.

No its about the whites that are against reparations. The ones in control of the government. Not all whites are against reparations.

As far as I know you havent committed any.
You want to know why it’s more difficult for a Black professional to get hired as opposed to any other race?
Because business owners know your attitude.
They don’t want to get sued by you.
There are people on this forum who read your posts and they wouldn’t even want you as a customer.
I have no problems getting hired. People hunt me down for my skills.
I dont care about white people not wanting me as a customer. I prefer to spend my money with Black businesses. Sorry
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i have not commited any crime inless you trying to claim that being white is a crime.

When you learn this is about the government and not abut you the conversation will get better.
when you talk about "you whites" you take it out of the realm of government and into personal.

When you state "because whites do not want to be penalized for committing continuing human rights violations" you make it anout anyone white.

So what human rights violations jave I committed?
I disagree. Whites own the government hence why reparations have not been paid. Its valid to refer to whites as a group when discussing the government.

No its about the whites that are against reparations. The ones in control of the government. Not all whites are against reparations.

As far as I know you havent committed any.
You want to know why it’s more difficult for a Black professional to get hired as opposed to any other race?
Because business owners know your attitude.
They don’t want to get sued by you.
There are people on this forum who read your posts and they wouldn’t even want you as a customer.
I have no problems getting hired. People hunt me down for my skills.
I dont care about white people not wanting me as a customer. I prefer to spend my money with Black businesses. Sorry
Do you support a police presence to ensure a safe community for schools and businesses?
Because without a police presence many areas are not very appealing.
One question on my mind is how life would have been for African Americans if their families did not sell them to Dutch traders?
Would they still be in Africa begging American and European investors for money?
Because Africa sure isn’t developing from internal resources.

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