The Voices They Don't Want You To Hear

So now your argument is since other child molesters had sex with her its okay?

I wouldn't know. Did they prosecute the other guys who had sex with her before that, or did they just go after him because he was a celebrity who wouldn't go along with the shakedown?

And honestly, why do you care? Oh, that's right, because Polanski is a "Hollywood Librul" you guys hate so much.
The Voices They Don't Want You To Hear

I know one thing for sure.
I don't want to hear the voices inside of Fury's head.
My God, the shouting, the never ending SHOUTING!!
He was executing Obama's and Hillary’s plan. Remind everyone again why Clinton wanted wanted Gaddafi dead. He gave up his weapons program and was murdered as a result. Not exactly an incentive for other dictators and monarchs to cooperate.

Well, not quite.

He was killed because his own people had had enough of his nonsense.

So we didn't send half a billion in weapons and then bomb his country? He should have contributed to the Hillary slush fund. If he paid up like the rest of them, Hillary would never had attacked.
He was executing Obama's and Hillary’s plan. Remind everyone again why Clinton wanted wanted Gaddafi dead. He gave up his weapons program and was murdered as a result. Not exactly an incentive for other dictators and monarchs to cooperate.

Well, not quite.

He was killed because his own people had had enough of his nonsense.

So we didn't send half a billion in weapons and then bomb his country? He should have contributed to the Hillary slush fund. If he paid up like the rest of them, Hillary would never had attacked.
So true.

What are the consequences of Hillary's and Obama's actions in Libya? What is Libya like today? Is the government democratic and the people free to do as they wish?

Well some of us know that Libya is a disaster today, with ISIS and Al Qaeda controlling much of the nation. This is not known by most Americans, because the MSM is a division of the DNC.

Trump needs to hit Cankles hard on this to wake Americans up to the fucking disasters she has wrought.
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Liberals are attacking future first lady Trumps words in order to deflect and evade the other voices of America. They do that because to face them means facing their failure. They do that because they do not want you to hear the voice of truth.
NOT party truth but people truth. Allow her to be heard.

They DON'T want you to hear from a Negro, at least not one who is NOT radical and blaming the white man. They DON'T want you to hear from an American father. Allow him to be heard..

They DON'T want you to hear the words of a military mom. A mom whose son gave his life for the American way and whose life was so devalued by democrats Obama AND Clinton she no longer has him. Allow her to speak.

Democrats are attacking the voice of the one so you will ignore or miss the words of the many.


10 minute Ravi Shankar at Monterey standing ovation!!!
He was executing Obama's and Hillary’s plan. Remind everyone again why Clinton wanted wanted Gaddafi dead. He gave up his weapons program and was murdered as a result. Not exactly an incentive for other dictators and monarchs to cooperate.

Well, not quite.

He was killed because his own people had had enough of his nonsense.

So we didn't send half a billion in weapons and then bomb his country? He should have contributed to the Hillary slush fund. If he paid up like the rest of them, Hillary would never had attacked.
So true.

What are the consequences of Hillary's and Obama's actions in Libya? What is Libya like today? Is the government democratic and the people free to do as they wish?

Will some of us know that Libya is a disaster today, with ISIS and Al Qaeda controlling much of the nation. This is not known by most Americans, because the MSM is a division of the DNC.

Trump needs to hit Cankles hard on this to wake Americans up to the fucking disasters she has wrought.

He was executing Obama's and Hillary’s plan. Remind everyone again why Clinton wanted wanted Gaddafi dead. He gave up his weapons program and was murdered as a result. Not exactly an incentive for other dictators and monarchs to cooperate.

Well, not quite.

He was killed because his own people had had enough of his nonsense.

So we didn't send half a billion in weapons and then bomb his country? He should have contributed to the Hillary slush fund. If he paid up like the rest of them, Hillary would never had attacked.
So true.

What are the consequences of Hillary's and Obama's actions in Libya? What is Libya like today? Is the government democratic and the people free to do as they wish?

Will some of us know that Libya is a disaster today, with ISIS and Al Qaeda controlling much of the nation. This is not known by most Americans, because the MSM is a division of the DNC.

Trump needs to hit Cankles hard on this to wake Americans up to the fucking disasters she has wrought.

All Americans should be disgusted by that video. Could she be more appalling?
Wrong. Polanski was tried in a full blown trial and found guilty. He asked for some time before serving his sentence to wrap up his projects. That's when he fled, after conviction.

It is also not true that prosecutors didn't feel the charges were serious. That's how come they got a conviction. Polanski drugged a 13 year old girl. He raped and sodomized her so badly she needed reconstructive surgery. I suspect he created a fistula by ripping the membrane between the vagina and rectum.

Actually, the prosecutors decided that he merited no jail time, because it just wasn't that big of a deal. They recommended probation because, hey, it wasn't like she was a virgin or anything.
A judge decided he done had him a celebrity and was going to hang him out to dry, even though the victim, her mother and the prosecutors all thought that was excessive.
So you support child molesters do you?

well what can one expect
even years ago Hillary was all happy about how she helped a rapist get away
with raping a 12 year old girl

This guy was accused of raping a 12-year-old. ‘Course he claimed that he didn’t, and all this stuff,” says a cavalier Clinton on the recording, referencing her client, Thomas Alfred Taylor, who was charged with the 1975 rape.

“I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” a chuckling Clinton is heard saying — a seemingly obvious clue that she felt her client was guilty.

she really is evil

well what can one expect
even years ago Hillary was all happy about how she helped a rapist get away
with raping a 12 year old girl

This guy was accused of raping a 12-year-old. ‘Course he claimed that he didn’t, and all this stuff,” says a cavalier Clinton on the recording, referencing her client, Thomas Alfred Taylor, who was charged with the 1975 rape.

“I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” a chuckling Clinton is heard saying — a seemingly obvious clue that she felt her client was guilty.

Okay. Yup. She thought her client was guilty and he plead guilty to what he was accused of.

You guys leave that part out- that she didn't get a rapist off on a technicality. She provided him the representation the constitution guarantees him. Oh, yeah, and he didn't "get away with it."

But other than those pesky facts... do go on. Facts. Pfft.. Right wingers don't need them no facts.
it's not the defense
it's her evil sadistic and rather cavalier enjoyment of
helping a rapist of a 12 year girl

She is laughing about it and proud
most decent people would not be
yeah, she is a POS

While that might score some points in the world of Democrats
most people find it disturbing, to say the least

sorry . Yeah she is pretty evil

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Completely ignoring what occurred and twisting it into something else.

This is the one thing you are good at Joey.

Guy, you've had EIGHT congressional investigations trying to prove YOUR version of "what happened", and kept coming to the same conclusion. Benghazi was sad and shit, but probably not preventable.

Again, can't get worked up that a couple of Mercenaries got killed during a riot in a country that they shouldn't have been in to start with.
Who put them there? Oh, Obama and Clinton.

Don't mercenaries volunteer? They can refuse to go, or go home any time they want.
it's not the defense
it's her evil sadistic and rather cavalier enjoyment of
helping a rapist of a 12 year girl

She is laughing about it and proud
most decent people would not be
yeah, she is a POS

While that might score some points in the world of Democrats
most people find it disturbing, to say the least

I think you are reading something that isn't there, guy.

The only thing I hear there is that she thinks polygraphs are bullshit... which they are.

Now, if she went into court saying, "This Polygraph proves my client didn't do it!!!" knowing full well that he did, you MIGHT have a point here.

Instead she told her client, 'This is the evidence they have against you, they have you dead to rights, this is the best sentence you are going to get."

In short, she did her job.

We have jails full of innocent guys because lawyers didn't do their jobs. sometimes we get damned close to executing them.
Leftist blinders
you still think Polanski did nothing wrong

I'm just glad she is your sick bitch

Never said he did 'nothing wrong'. I think he did nothing that merited prison time, and neither did the prosecutors at the time.

But the thing is, you never bother with the facts. You know, like the fact that her client plead guilty to the charges.

I had him take a polygraph, which he passed – which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,”
she added with a laugh.

She is also laughing at several points when discussing the crime lab’s accidental destruction of DNA evidence that tied Taylor to the crime.

Facing 30 years for raping a 12 yr old
was sentenced to one year in prison, with two months reduced for time served.

Well at least it was good practice for the following decades of defense she
would use against Bill's victims- destroying the victim

yeah she is one sick bitch
and she is yours

it's not the defense
it's her evil sadistic and rather cavalier enjoyment of
helping a rapist of a 12 year girl

She is laughing about it and proud
most decent people would not be
yeah, she is a POS

While that might score some points in the world of Democrats
most people find it disturbing, to say the least

Uh, I expect lawyers to do tehir jobs. not be swayed by their emotions.

She is also laughing at several points when discussing the crime lab’s accidental destruction of DNA evidence that tied Taylor to the crime.

Dude, they didn't have "DNA evidence" back in the 1970's... but okay.

Facing 30 years for raping a 12 yr old was sentenced to one year in prison, with two months reduced for time served.

Um, yeah, that's what happens when prosecutors fuck up.

You know, better to let 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison.
it's not the defense
it's her evil sadistic and rather cavalier enjoyment of
helping a rapist of a 12 year girl

She is laughing about it and proud
most decent people would not be
yeah, she is a POS

While that might score some points in the world of Democrats
most people find it disturbing, to say the least

Uh, I expect lawyers to do tehir jobs. not be swayed by their emotions.

She is also laughig at several points when discussing the crime lab’s accidental destruction of DNA evidence that tied Taylor to the crime.

Dude, they didn't have "DNA evidence" back in the 1970's... but okay.

True, it was blood evidence, my mistake

Facing 30 years for raping a 12 yr old was sentenced to one year in prison, with two months reduced for time served.

Um, yeah, that's what happens when prosecutors fuck up.

You know, better to let 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison.

sure, but she had them test with the intention of arguing then arguing that the evidence was comp

correct, it was blood evidence not DNA
it's not the defense
it's her evil sadistic and rather cavalier enjoyment of
helping a rapist of a 12 year girl

She is laughing about it and proud
most decent people would not be
yeah, she is a POS

While that might score some points in the world of Democrats
most people find it disturbing, to say the least

Uh, I expect lawyers to do tehir jobs. not be swayed by their emotions.

She is also laughing at several points when discussing the crime lab’s accidental destruction of DNA evidence that tied Taylor to the crime.

Dude, they didn't have "DNA evidence" back in the 1970's... but okay.

Facing 30 years for raping a 12 yr old was sentenced to one year in prison, with two months reduced for time served.

Um, yeah, that's what happens when prosecutors fuck up.

You know, better to let 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison.

Thanks, misspoke, meant blood not DNA

Fuck up-not really- she insisted on testing for blood type with intent to argue
later that the evidence was compromised

"You know, better to let 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison
Sure, but she could have gotten a fair trial for him without the legal maneuvering
to get him off or turn down the case
but she wanted to win
- you do know that if a lawyer knows their client is guilty there are some constraints on
the defense they can put forward

and yet now Hillary wants to take the mantle of women and college rape with their
low standards and the always believe the victim

sound more like she is opportunistic shrill who will speak out of both sides of her
mouth for empowerment of herself

she helped to get a rapist of a 12 yr girl
callously laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.

attack-the-victim legal strategy on a 12 yr old?
suggesting experts say they have older men fantasies
sure- the girl was raped by two men - please
using that fact that she was poor and from a broken home

She is one evil bitch and she is yours

No doubt it is a story she will share on college campuses
when she is talking about women issues

From the Huff/Puff
Open Letter to Hillary Rodham Clinton: Skeletons From Our Past
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sure, but she had them test with the intention of arguing then arguing that the evidence was comp

correct, it was blood evidence not DNA

Thanks, misspoke, meant blood not DNA

Fuck up-not really- she insisted on testing for blood type with intent to argue
later that the evidence was compromised

and surprise, surprise, Cleetus and Billy Bob down at the Redneck Sheriff's department didn't collect it properly.

"You know, better to let 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison
Sure, but she could have gotten a fair trial for him without the legal maneuvering
to get him off or turn down the case
but she wanted to win
- you do know that if a lawyer knows their client is guilty there are some constraints on
the defense they can put forward

Yes. And frankly, she didn't go outside those constraints. So I'm not sure what you are complaining about, exactly.

she helped to get a rapist of a 12 yr girl
callously laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.

attack-the-victim legal strategy on a 12 yr old?
suggesting experts say they have older men fantasies
sure- the girl was raped by two men - please
using that fact that she was poor and from a broken home

First, back then, that was considered a perfectly valid legal tactic, to actually question the victim. As opposed to today, where you could be selling yourself on Craig's List and still claim rape.

But- um- she still had the guy take a guilty plea, so he didn't "get off". That's the point you don't seem to want to get.

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