The Walking Dead Season 6

I just watched the part where Michone and Carl have their touching moment. It was touching too but right after it was over, I was thinking how funny it was. "I couldn't kill her. I don't love her. I would kill you though. I love you so much, I would cut your head off and kill you! :smiliehug:"

Lol. :lol:
The episode was alright:
(1) Carl is still the most annoying character on the show (next to father Gabriel)
(2) Rick and Michonne Finally got together. I like that dynamic.
(3) Jesus seems like a pretty cool character.
(4) Did I mention Carl sucks!

Why does Carl suck?
He seems to never grow out of the naive child that gets into unnecessary trouble. It is rather stupid to venture off into the woods and read. There are more than Walkers lurking in the woods.

I have never really like his character and every scene he is in seems to strengthen his unlike-ability.
I just watched the part where Michone and Carl have their touching moment. It was touching too but right after it was over, I was thinking how funny it was. "I couldn't kill her. I don't love her. I would kill you though. I love you so much, I would cut your head off and kill you! :smiliehug:"

Lol. :lol:
I thought the same think. It was touching in a strange way cause he viewed Michonne as family or as his surrogate mother.
How on earth did that Jesus guy get on top of the truck??? They left him tied up and then suddenly he's on the truck?? :eusa_think: How does that happen?
Quite unbelievable. I don't care how quick he slid out of the ropes, he still had to jump on the back of the truck and some how climb to the roof while it was moving.

The whole scene was garbage. First why did Daryl get out and run after him. How was the truck backed up against the lake. Made zero sense.

It wasn't the worst episode but t was far from the best.
Last weeks was awesome.
Last nights was slow. And the ending made me mad. They cant do that!!!
Last weeks was awesome.
Last nights was slow. And the ending made me mad. They cant do that!!!
I thought the premier was horrible, although it was nice to see dumb Ron get iced. It was one of the weakest episodes in a long time, maybe of the series!

I believe there is going to be 1 main characters killed off 1 minor character gets killed.

Main Character: Abe. I hate to see him go, but it seems like it's his time.

Minor Character: Spencer. I think he takes the baseball bashing.
How on earth did that Jesus guy get on top of the truck??? They left him tied up and then suddenly he's on the truck?? :eusa_think: How does that happen?

Hippie ninja skills, duh! :D

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It's impossible for me to imagine both Rick and Daryl being that fucking stupid in continually letting this guy get the chance to screw them. They gave him 3 chances and he burned them everytime and escaped. Why are they so hell bent on trying to include someone like him in the community, let alone letting someone shady like him even know where they're at to begin with considering how that's bitten them in the ass badly before. Some people just need to die.
Anyone rick hooks up with, gets killed. I'm thinking Michonne. Now that she is hooked up with rick, I don't care if she gets off'd. Watching those two get it on was like seeing a brother and sister do it. Just yuck. They are completely wrong as a couple.

I hope Abraham sticks around longer.
Anyone rick hooks up with, gets killed. I'm thinking Michonne. Now that she is hooked up with rick, I don't care if she gets off'd. Watching those two get it on was like seeing a brother and sister do it. Just yuck. They are completely wrong as a couple.

I hope Abraham sticks around longer.
In 6 seasons he hooked up with really 1 woman. His wife. She got knocked up by Shane. He never really hooked up with Jessie.

I have to agree something did seem off between the two. Lack of chemistry.
How on earth did that Jesus guy get on top of the truck??? They left him tied up and then suddenly he's on the truck?? :eusa_think: How does that happen?

Hippie ninja skills, duh! :D

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The episode was alright:
(1) Carl is still the most annoying character on the show (next to father Gabriel)
(2) Rick and Michonne Finally got together. I like that dynamic.
(3) Jesus seems like a pretty cool character.
(4) Did I mention Carl sucks!

Why does Carl suck?
He seems to never grow out of the naive child that gets into unnecessary trouble. It is rather stupid to venture off into the woods and read. There are more than Walkers lurking in the woods.

I have never really like his character and every scene he is in seems to strengthen his unlike-ability.

He is a child! :lol: He is a teenager. That's why he's "unlikable." Lol. J/K. I like Carl's character. He's a good kid, considering all he's been through, IMO.
How on earth did that Jesus guy get on top of the truck??? They left him tied up and then suddenly he's on the truck?? :eusa_think: How does that happen?

Hippie ninja skills, duh! :D

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Cartman is the best character on that show! Respect my authoritay!

Authoritah!! Thank you very much! :D



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